

1 我所愛慕之兄弟、我所欣詡之良朋、我視爾若冕旒、宜宗主堅立、

2 我勸友阿爹循都基二婦、同心宗主、

3 爾眞我侶、有諸婦與我恊力傳福音、求爾相助、亦助革利免、及我同勞、其名錄在生命書者、

4 宜恒以主爲悅、我復言在所當悅、

5 爾惟温良、以表於衆、主臨伊邇、

6 毋殷憂、萬事當自陳、祈禱謝恩、籲告上帝、

7 則上帝錫爾平康、人意所不及、因基督耶穌守爾心志、

8 要之兄弟凡眞實善良、公義廉潔、可愛可稱、有德有譽者、皆當念茲、

9 所學所受、所見所聞於我者、皆當行之、願賜平康之上帝祐爾、

10 余不勝悅主、因爾慮我之意復萌、蓋爾素慮我、無機可乘、

11 我言此非不足故也、以我之學、不論所遇、莫不自得、

12 我知所以處貧賤、亦知所以處富厚、隨事隨在、諳練久矣、可飽可饑、可豐可歉、

13 基督助我力、無所不能、

14 雖然、爾供我於患難時誠善、

15 腓立比人乎、爾知始吾傳福音、後去馬其頓、與我授受者惟爾、他會無之、

16 我在帖撒羅尼迦時、爾一而再、遣人資我所急、

17 我不求贈於人、第求爾結實益繁、

18 我得諸物有餘、以巴弗提以爾馨香可納之胙、上帝所悅者惠我、我受之甚饒、

19 吾之上帝、因耶穌基督、將以其富有、暢爾所欲、

20 榮歸吾父上帝、永世靡曁、心所願焉、

21 問諸宗基督耶穌之聖徒安、偕我諸兄弟問爾安、

22 諸聖徒亦問爾安、該撒之眷聚、尤爲致意、

23 願吾主耶穌基督、恩祐爾衆、


Chapter 4

1 HENCEFORTH, my dearly beloved brethren, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in our LORD, my beloved.

2 I beseech Euodias and I beseech Syntyche to be of one accord in our LORD.

3 I beseech you also, my true yokefellow, help those women who laboured with me in the gospel, together with Clement, and with the rest of my fellowlabourers, whose names are written in the book of life.

4 Rejoice in our LORD alway; and again I say, Rejoice.

5 Let your humility be known to all men. Our LORD is at hand.

6 Do not worry over things; but always by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.

8 Finally, my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which you have learned and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

10 But I rejoiced in our LORD greatly, that you have continued to care for me, just as you have always cared, even though you yourselves have not had sufficient.

11 Nor am I saying this simply because I am in want; for I have learned to make what I have meet my needs.

12 I know what it is to be poor, and I know what it is to be rich: I have gone through many things and experienced many things, both to be full and to be hungry, both to have plenty and to be in want.

13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

14 But you have done well to share my difficulties.

15 Now you Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Mac-e-do'ni-a, no church shared with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but you only.

16 For even at Thessalonica you sent more than once to meet my needs.

17 I do not say this because I want a gift, but because I want to see the fruits of the gospel increased to you.

18 I have received everything I need, and it is more than enough: I am satisfied, having received everything you sent me by Epaphroditus, and it was welcome as a fragrant perfume and a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God.

19 But my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in the glory of Jesus Christ.

20 Now unto God our Father be glory and honour, for ever and ever. Amen.

21 Salute every saint in Jesus Christ. The brethren who are with me greet you.

22 All the saints salute you, especially those who are of Cµsar's household.

23 The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.




Chapter 4

1 我所愛慕之兄弟、我所欣詡之良朋、我視爾若冕旒、宜宗主堅立、

1 HENCEFORTH, my dearly beloved brethren, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in our LORD, my beloved.

2 我勸友阿爹循都基二婦、同心宗主、

2 I beseech Euodias and I beseech Syntyche to be of one accord in our LORD.

3 爾眞我侶、有諸婦與我恊力傳福音、求爾相助、亦助革利免、及我同勞、其名錄在生命書者、

3 I beseech you also, my true yokefellow, help those women who laboured with me in the gospel, together with Clement, and with the rest of my fellowlabourers, whose names are written in the book of life.

4 宜恒以主爲悅、我復言在所當悅、

4 Rejoice in our LORD alway; and again I say, Rejoice.

5 爾惟温良、以表於衆、主臨伊邇、

5 Let your humility be known to all men. Our LORD is at hand.

6 毋殷憂、萬事當自陳、祈禱謝恩、籲告上帝、

6 Do not worry over things; but always by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7 則上帝錫爾平康、人意所不及、因基督耶穌守爾心志、

7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.

8 要之兄弟凡眞實善良、公義廉潔、可愛可稱、有德有譽者、皆當念茲、

8 Finally, my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 所學所受、所見所聞於我者、皆當行之、願賜平康之上帝祐爾、

9 Those things, which you have learned and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

10 余不勝悅主、因爾慮我之意復萌、蓋爾素慮我、無機可乘、

10 But I rejoiced in our LORD greatly, that you have continued to care for me, just as you have always cared, even though you yourselves have not had sufficient.

11 我言此非不足故也、以我之學、不論所遇、莫不自得、

11 Nor am I saying this simply because I am in want; for I have learned to make what I have meet my needs.

12 我知所以處貧賤、亦知所以處富厚、隨事隨在、諳練久矣、可飽可饑、可豐可歉、

12 I know what it is to be poor, and I know what it is to be rich: I have gone through many things and experienced many things, both to be full and to be hungry, both to have plenty and to be in want.

13 基督助我力、無所不能、

13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

14 雖然、爾供我於患難時誠善、

14 But you have done well to share my difficulties.

15 腓立比人乎、爾知始吾傳福音、後去馬其頓、與我授受者惟爾、他會無之、

15 Now you Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Mac-e-do'ni-a, no church shared with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but you only.

16 我在帖撒羅尼迦時、爾一而再、遣人資我所急、

16 For even at Thessalonica you sent more than once to meet my needs.

17 我不求贈於人、第求爾結實益繁、

17 I do not say this because I want a gift, but because I want to see the fruits of the gospel increased to you.

18 我得諸物有餘、以巴弗提以爾馨香可納之胙、上帝所悅者惠我、我受之甚饒、

18 I have received everything I need, and it is more than enough: I am satisfied, having received everything you sent me by Epaphroditus, and it was welcome as a fragrant perfume and a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God.

19 吾之上帝、因耶穌基督、將以其富有、暢爾所欲、

19 But my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in the glory of Jesus Christ.

20 榮歸吾父上帝、永世靡曁、心所願焉、

20 Now unto God our Father be glory and honour, for ever and ever. Amen.

21 問諸宗基督耶穌之聖徒安、偕我諸兄弟問爾安、

21 Salute every saint in Jesus Christ. The brethren who are with me greet you.

22 諸聖徒亦問爾安、該撒之眷聚、尤爲致意、

22 All the saints salute you, especially those who are of Cµsar's household.

23 願吾主耶穌基督、恩祐爾衆、

23 The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.