

1 是以爾責人、無可推諉、蓋爾責人、適以罪己、誠爾所責者、躬自蹈之也、

2 夫人而行此、我知上帝必循眞理鞫之、

3 然則行此而責人者、豈自以爲能免上帝鞫乎、

4 抑藐視其鴻慈、寬容、恆忍、不知上帝之仁愛、導爾悔改乎、

5 乃爾剛愎、罔有悛心、積愆干怒、待上帝震怒、義鞫顯日、

6 視各人所行而報之、

7 凡恆於爲善、求尊榮無壞者、報以永生、

8 爭闖不順眞理、而爲不義者、報以赫怒、

9 患難窘苦、罰諸作惡之人、先猶太、次希利尼、

10 而尊榮平康、賞諸爲善之人、先猶太、次希利尼、

11 蓋上帝不偏視人也、

12 法未立而獲罪者、不以法沉淪之、法已立而獲罪者、將以法審判之、

13 在上帝前、非聽法者稱義、乃遵法者稱、

14 義蓋異邦人無法、而自然遵法、是雖無法而自爲法、

15 法銘於心、以行彰之、內自爲證、而其思慮、時寓褒貶、

16 迨上帝以耶穌基督鞫人隱微之日、如我福音所言、

17 也爾稱爲猶太人、以律法是依、以識上帝爲榮、

18 旣習於法、則知其旨可辨異同、

19 自信爲瞽者之相、暗者之光、

20 愚者之師、蒙者之傅、其於律法、有一眞知之儀範、

21 且爾欲正人、而不正己乎、爾言勿竊、而自竊乎、

22 爾言勿淫、而自淫乎、爾惡偶像、而自于聖乎、

23 爾誇律法、而自犯法、辱上帝乎、

24 上帝名、緣爾謗讟於異邦中、如經所云矣、

25 爾遵法、則割禮有益、爾犯法、雖已割若未割然、

26 若未割而守法誡、則雖末割、豈不謂之已割乎、

27 其素無割禮而守法者、豈不罪爾、謂奉詔受割、而仍犯之耶、

28 其明爲猶太人者、非猶太人、其身明受割禮者、非受割、

29 隱爲猶太人、則誠猶太人、心受割禮、則誠受割、蓋在內心、不在虛文、其令聞非由人、乃由上帝、〇


Chapter 2

1 THEREFORE you are inexcusable, O man, to judge your neighbor: for in judging your neighbor, you condemn yourself; for even you who judge practice the same things yourself.

2 But we know that the judgment of God is rightly against those who commit such things.

3 What do you think, O man? Do you think that you who judge those who practice such things, while you commit them yourself, will escape the judgment of God?

4 Do you stand against the riches of his goodness and forbearance, and the opportunity which he has given you, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

5 Because of the hardness and impenitence of your heart you are laying up for yourself a treasure of wrath for the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God;

6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

7 To those who continue patiently in good works seeking glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

8 But to those who are stubborn and do not obey the truth, but obey iniquity, to them he will render indignation and wrath,

9 Suffering and affliction, for every man who does evil, for the Jews first, and also for the Syrians.

10 But glory, honor and peace for every one who does good, to the Jews first, and also to the Syrians.

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

12 For those who have sinned without law, shall also perish without law: and those who have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law,

13 For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but it is the doers of the law who shall be justified.

14 For if the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves.

15 And they show the work of the law written on their hearts; and their conscience also bears them witness, when their thoughts either rebuke or defend one another,

16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men according to my gospel by Jesus Christ.

17 Now if you who are called a Jew, trust on the law and are proud of God,

18 And because you know his will, and know the things which must be observed, which you have learned from the law,

19 And you have confidence in yourself that you are a guide of the blind and a light to them who are in darkness,

20 An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, you are the semblance of knowledge and of truth as embodied in the law.

21 Now, therefore, you teach others but fail to teach yourself. You preach that men should not steal, yet you steal.

22 You say, Men must not commit adultery, yet you commit adultery. You despise idols, yet you rob the sanctuary.

23 You are proud of the law but you dishonor God by breaking the law.

24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

25 For circumcision is profitable only if you keep the law: but if you break the law, then circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

26 Therefore, if the uncircumcision keep the statutes of the law, behold would not the uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

27 And the uncircumcision which fulfills the law naturally, will condemn you, who, while in possession of the scripture and circumcision, transgress the law.

28 For it is not the one who is outwardly a Jew, who is the real Jew; neither is circumcision that which is seen in the flesh.

29 But a real Jew is one who is inwardly so, and circumcision is of the heart, spiritually and not literally; whose praise is not from men but from God.




Chapter 2

1 是以爾責人、無可推諉、蓋爾責人、適以罪己、誠爾所責者、躬自蹈之也、

1 THEREFORE you are inexcusable, O man, to judge your neighbor: for in judging your neighbor, you condemn yourself; for even you who judge practice the same things yourself.

2 夫人而行此、我知上帝必循眞理鞫之、

2 But we know that the judgment of God is rightly against those who commit such things.

3 然則行此而責人者、豈自以爲能免上帝鞫乎、

3 What do you think, O man? Do you think that you who judge those who practice such things, while you commit them yourself, will escape the judgment of God?

4 抑藐視其鴻慈、寬容、恆忍、不知上帝之仁愛、導爾悔改乎、

4 Do you stand against the riches of his goodness and forbearance, and the opportunity which he has given you, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

5 乃爾剛愎、罔有悛心、積愆干怒、待上帝震怒、義鞫顯日、

5 Because of the hardness and impenitence of your heart you are laying up for yourself a treasure of wrath for the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God;

6 視各人所行而報之、

6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

7 凡恆於爲善、求尊榮無壞者、報以永生、

7 To those who continue patiently in good works seeking glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

8 爭闖不順眞理、而爲不義者、報以赫怒、

8 But to those who are stubborn and do not obey the truth, but obey iniquity, to them he will render indignation and wrath,

9 患難窘苦、罰諸作惡之人、先猶太、次希利尼、

9 Suffering and affliction, for every man who does evil, for the Jews first, and also for the Syrians.

10 而尊榮平康、賞諸爲善之人、先猶太、次希利尼、

10 But glory, honor and peace for every one who does good, to the Jews first, and also to the Syrians.

11 蓋上帝不偏視人也、

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

12 法未立而獲罪者、不以法沉淪之、法已立而獲罪者、將以法審判之、

12 For those who have sinned without law, shall also perish without law: and those who have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law,

13 在上帝前、非聽法者稱義、乃遵法者稱、

13 For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but it is the doers of the law who shall be justified.

14 義蓋異邦人無法、而自然遵法、是雖無法而自爲法、

14 For if the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves.

15 法銘於心、以行彰之、內自爲證、而其思慮、時寓褒貶、

15 And they show the work of the law written on their hearts; and their conscience also bears them witness, when their thoughts either rebuke or defend one another,

16 迨上帝以耶穌基督鞫人隱微之日、如我福音所言、

16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men according to my gospel by Jesus Christ.

17 也爾稱爲猶太人、以律法是依、以識上帝爲榮、

17 Now if you who are called a Jew, trust on the law and are proud of God,

18 旣習於法、則知其旨可辨異同、

18 And because you know his will, and know the things which must be observed, which you have learned from the law,

19 自信爲瞽者之相、暗者之光、

19 And you have confidence in yourself that you are a guide of the blind and a light to them who are in darkness,

20 愚者之師、蒙者之傅、其於律法、有一眞知之儀範、

20 An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, you are the semblance of knowledge and of truth as embodied in the law.

21 且爾欲正人、而不正己乎、爾言勿竊、而自竊乎、

21 Now, therefore, you teach others but fail to teach yourself. You preach that men should not steal, yet you steal.

22 爾言勿淫、而自淫乎、爾惡偶像、而自于聖乎、

22 You say, Men must not commit adultery, yet you commit adultery. You despise idols, yet you rob the sanctuary.

23 爾誇律法、而自犯法、辱上帝乎、

23 You are proud of the law but you dishonor God by breaking the law.

24 上帝名、緣爾謗讟於異邦中、如經所云矣、

24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

25 爾遵法、則割禮有益、爾犯法、雖已割若未割然、

25 For circumcision is profitable only if you keep the law: but if you break the law, then circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

26 若未割而守法誡、則雖末割、豈不謂之已割乎、

26 Therefore, if the uncircumcision keep the statutes of the law, behold would not the uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

27 其素無割禮而守法者、豈不罪爾、謂奉詔受割、而仍犯之耶、

27 And the uncircumcision which fulfills the law naturally, will condemn you, who, while in possession of the scripture and circumcision, transgress the law.

28 其明爲猶太人者、非猶太人、其身明受割禮者、非受割、

28 For it is not the one who is outwardly a Jew, who is the real Jew; neither is circumcision that which is seen in the flesh.

29 隱爲猶太人、則誠猶太人、心受割禮、則誠受割、蓋在內心、不在虛文、其令聞非由人、乃由上帝、〇

29 But a real Jew is one who is inwardly so, and circumcision is of the heart, spiritually and not literally; whose praise is not from men but from God.
