

1 以利戶又曰、

2 爾於上帝前、自稱爲義、

3 爾又言、雖不犯罪、亦無所裨、斯言也、豈合乎理。

4 我將答爾、與爾同儕焉。

5 試觀乎天、蒼蒼在上、

6 如爾作惡貫盈、於彼無所損。

7 如爾爲善不倦、於彼無所加、

8 其遭爾之害、而受爾之益者、惟爾同儔而已、

9 人受困苦則歎息、遭橫逆則呼號。

10 然造化之主上帝、使人於患難中謳歌逸樂、俾其明理、

11 靈於禽獸、何以龥呼求救者、世無一人、

12 卽有其人、因其驕侈、雖呼莫應。

13 全能上帝、不聽虛誕之辭、惟秉公義、

14 爾雖未嘗目覩、時至自能見也。

15 今上帝猶未震怒、薄加譴責。

16 爾乃啟口徒勞、語複詞重、多見其不知量也。


Chapter 35

1 AGAIN Elihu spoke, and said,

2 Do you think you were justified in saying, I have been found blameless by God?

3 If you have said it, what advantage will it be to you? And what should I gain if I should condemn you?

4 I will answer you with words, you and your friends with you.

5 Look to the heavens, and observe the clouds which are higher than you.

6 If you sin, what difference does it make to him? And if your iniquities be multiplied, what does it matter to him?

7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him? Or what does he receive from your hand?

8 Your wickedness is to yourself; and your righteousness is to yourself.

9 Because of the multitude of oppressions men howl; and many cry out because of iniquity.

10 And none says, Where is God my Maker, who gives counsel in the night,

11 Who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth, and makes us wiser than the fowls of the air?

12 They cry, but he does not answer them,

13 Because God does not hear the empty pride of evildoers, nor does he praise it.

14 Although you have said, I will not praise him, plead before him and supplicate before him.

15 For now he does not punish with his anger; and he does not harm any soul.

16 Therefore Job has spoken in vain; he multiplies words without knowledge.




Chapter 35

1 以利戶又曰、

1 AGAIN Elihu spoke, and said,

2 爾於上帝前、自稱爲義、

2 Do you think you were justified in saying, I have been found blameless by God?

3 爾又言、雖不犯罪、亦無所裨、斯言也、豈合乎理。

3 If you have said it, what advantage will it be to you? And what should I gain if I should condemn you?

4 我將答爾、與爾同儕焉。

4 I will answer you with words, you and your friends with you.

5 試觀乎天、蒼蒼在上、

5 Look to the heavens, and observe the clouds which are higher than you.

6 如爾作惡貫盈、於彼無所損。

6 If you sin, what difference does it make to him? And if your iniquities be multiplied, what does it matter to him?

7 如爾爲善不倦、於彼無所加、

7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him? Or what does he receive from your hand?

8 其遭爾之害、而受爾之益者、惟爾同儔而已、

8 Your wickedness is to yourself; and your righteousness is to yourself.

9 人受困苦則歎息、遭橫逆則呼號。

9 Because of the multitude of oppressions men howl; and many cry out because of iniquity.

10 然造化之主上帝、使人於患難中謳歌逸樂、俾其明理、

10 And none says, Where is God my Maker, who gives counsel in the night,

11 靈於禽獸、何以龥呼求救者、世無一人、

11 Who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth, and makes us wiser than the fowls of the air?

12 卽有其人、因其驕侈、雖呼莫應。

12 They cry, but he does not answer them,

13 全能上帝、不聽虛誕之辭、惟秉公義、

13 Because God does not hear the empty pride of evildoers, nor does he praise it.

14 爾雖未嘗目覩、時至自能見也。

14 Although you have said, I will not praise him, plead before him and supplicate before him.

15 今上帝猶未震怒、薄加譴責。

15 For now he does not punish with his anger; and he does not harm any soul.

16 爾乃啟口徒勞、語複詞重、多見其不知量也。

16 Therefore Job has spoken in vain; he multiplies words without knowledge.
