

1 底破喇與亞庇娜暗子巴勒謳歌曰、

2 以色列族之巨魁、率其衆旅、民樂從焉、故頌美耶和華。

3 列王其俯聞、諸伯其傾聽、我必謳歌、頌耶和華、讚以色列族之上帝。

4 耶和華自西耳地出、由以東田來、斯時也、地震天漏、密雲零雨。

5 於以色列族上帝耶和華前、山嶽震撼、西乃其頹。

6 當亞拿子山甲及雅億時、人不敢由通衢、乃由曲徑。

7 以色列中無長者、迨我底破喇生、爲以色列族之母。

8 在昔斯民、特簡素所未識之上帝、於是戰鬬及於門內、當此之時以色列族四萬人中、欲求一干戈而不得。

9 以色列族之牧、與樂從之民、我心愛之、而頌美耶和華。

10 凡乘白驢、坐氍毺、行通衢者、咸應謳歌。

11 其聲如人於引水之處、分其所得而懽呼。耶和華民復入邑門、故頌耶和華之邑、以色列諸長之義。

12 底破喇其興歟、寤而謳歌、巴勒其起歟、亞庇娜暗子其虜爾敵。

13 維彼有能之士、所遺之衆宜至焉。我在英武之中、耶和華民應歸焉。

14 以法蓮族乎、爾來自亞馬力山、其次則便雅憫族、雜於爾民中、牧伯由馬吉以至、元戎自西布倫而來。

15 以薩迦長者左右底破喇、以薩迦族從巴勒、徒行於谷、流便族深自圖維、居於溪濱。

16 爾何處於藩間、豈欲聽牧羊者吹笛乎、流便族深自圖維、居於溪濱。

17 基列處約但東、但族駕舟、亞設族住海濱、仍居於澳。

18 惟西布倫族冒死而不顧、納大利族適彼高岡。

19 迦南王咸至、戰於大納及米吉多水、貨財之屬、毫無所得。

20 以天垂象、攻西西喇、

21 基順之河、自昔著名河中之水、盡漂其衆、彼雖有能、我履其上。

22 有能者行甚迅速、馬蹄蹴於途間。

23 米羅斯民不從有能者、以助耶和華、故耶和華之使者曰、必詛米羅斯、詈以厲詞。

24 基尼人希百妻雅億、最爲寵幸、冠於諸女、婦女之居幕者、惟彼見寵。

25 西西喇求水、彼給以乳、以酥予之、盛於長老之盂。

26 左手持釘、右取巨椎、以釘其首、深入鬢際、擣而碎之、

27 在其足前、卷曲不起、旣不起於足前、卷曲而死。

28 西西喇之母、倚牕而望、由櫺而呼、何其車轍之遲至、何其車聲之未聞。

29 侍女之賢者慰之、西西喇母自言曰、

30 豈非有虜而羣收所獲、各得一二女乎、西西喇得彩衣文繡、以飾其項乎。

31 願耶和華諸敵如此危亡、願愛爾者愈顯其榮、如日方升。○嗣是以後其地悉平、歷四十年。


Chapter 5

1 THEN sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying,

2 With requital has Israel been avenged; praise the LORD with a song for avenging Israel.

3 Hear, O kings; give ear, O princes; I will sing to the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel.

4 LORD, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst in the fields of Edom, the earth trembled and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water.

5 The mountains melted from before the LORD, even this Sinai from the presence of the LORD the Holy One of Israel.

6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Anael, the highways were cut off, and the travellers who once walked on main roads, had to go through the crooked byways.

7 The little villages ceased in Israel; they ceased, until I Deborah arose, I arose as a mother in Israel.

8 The LORD will choose new things; then the barley bread, and a sword or a spear shall not be seen among forty thousand in Israel.

9 My heart said to the lawgiver of Israel, They that are chosen among the people bless the LORD.

10 O you who ride on white asses, you who dwell in houses, and you who travel on the highways,

11 Meditate on the words of the inquirers, who are among the teachers; they shall execute the righteousness of the LORD, even his righteousness which he has multiplied in Israel; then shall the people of the LORD march to the gates.

12 Awake, awake, Deborah; awake, utter a song; arise, Barak, and lead away your captives, O son of Abinoam.

13 Then the deliverer went down to sing praise before the LORD; thou hast given me victory by the hand of a man out of Ephraim.

14 And Barak's works are known in Amalek; after you marched Benjamin with affection for you; out of Machir came forth a seer, and out of Zebulun those who write with the pen of a scribe.

15 And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar is like Barak among the peoples; he was sent on foot to a portion of Reuben; great are those who give oracles to comfort the heart.

16 Why abodest thou on the highways to hear the bleatings of the wild asses? For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart.

17 Gad abode beyond the Jordan; and Dan brought ships to the harbor; Asher dwelt on the sea shore, and remained in its harbors.

18 Zebulun and Naphtali were peoples who jeopardized their lives on the high places of his field.

19 The kings came and fought; then fought the kings of Canaan; they fought in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no goods nor money.

20 The stars fought from their courses; they fought from heaven against Sisera by the river Kishon.

21 The river Kishon and the river Karmin swept them away. O my soul, you have defeated an army!

22 Then the hoofs of his horses fell down, were broken because of the prancing of his mighty ones.

23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse it, and curse the inhabitants thereof, because they came not with men to the help of the LORD.

24 Blessed above women shall Anael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.

25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a giant bowl.

26 She put her hand to the peg and her right hand to the carpenter's hammer, and with the hammer she struck Sisera and crushed his head, when she had struck and pierced his temples.

27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down; at the place where he bowed, there he fell down dead, the plunderer.

28 The mother of Sisera looked out of the window and cried through the lattice, Why are the chariots of my son so long in coming? Why tarries the clatter of his chariots?

29 Her wise ladies answered her, saying,

30 Perhaps he went and found great spoil, dividing the prey, giving to every man a mule and great booty, and to Sisera a prey of diverse colors of needlework and divers colors of embroidered work, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil.

31 So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD; but let them that love thee be like the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest for forty years.




Chapter 5

1 底破喇與亞庇娜暗子巴勒謳歌曰、

1 THEN sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying,

2 以色列族之巨魁、率其衆旅、民樂從焉、故頌美耶和華。

2 With requital has Israel been avenged; praise the LORD with a song for avenging Israel.

3 列王其俯聞、諸伯其傾聽、我必謳歌、頌耶和華、讚以色列族之上帝。

3 Hear, O kings; give ear, O princes; I will sing to the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel.

4 耶和華自西耳地出、由以東田來、斯時也、地震天漏、密雲零雨。

4 LORD, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst in the fields of Edom, the earth trembled and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water.

5 於以色列族上帝耶和華前、山嶽震撼、西乃其頹。

5 The mountains melted from before the LORD, even this Sinai from the presence of the LORD the Holy One of Israel.

6 當亞拿子山甲及雅億時、人不敢由通衢、乃由曲徑。

6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Anael, the highways were cut off, and the travellers who once walked on main roads, had to go through the crooked byways.

7 以色列中無長者、迨我底破喇生、爲以色列族之母。

7 The little villages ceased in Israel; they ceased, until I Deborah arose, I arose as a mother in Israel.

8 在昔斯民、特簡素所未識之上帝、於是戰鬬及於門內、當此之時以色列族四萬人中、欲求一干戈而不得。

8 The LORD will choose new things; then the barley bread, and a sword or a spear shall not be seen among forty thousand in Israel.

9 以色列族之牧、與樂從之民、我心愛之、而頌美耶和華。

9 My heart said to the lawgiver of Israel, They that are chosen among the people bless the LORD.

10 凡乘白驢、坐氍毺、行通衢者、咸應謳歌。

10 O you who ride on white asses, you who dwell in houses, and you who travel on the highways,

11 其聲如人於引水之處、分其所得而懽呼。耶和華民復入邑門、故頌耶和華之邑、以色列諸長之義。

11 Meditate on the words of the inquirers, who are among the teachers; they shall execute the righteousness of the LORD, even his righteousness which he has multiplied in Israel; then shall the people of the LORD march to the gates.

12 底破喇其興歟、寤而謳歌、巴勒其起歟、亞庇娜暗子其虜爾敵。

12 Awake, awake, Deborah; awake, utter a song; arise, Barak, and lead away your captives, O son of Abinoam.

13 維彼有能之士、所遺之衆宜至焉。我在英武之中、耶和華民應歸焉。

13 Then the deliverer went down to sing praise before the LORD; thou hast given me victory by the hand of a man out of Ephraim.

14 以法蓮族乎、爾來自亞馬力山、其次則便雅憫族、雜於爾民中、牧伯由馬吉以至、元戎自西布倫而來。

14 And Barak's works are known in Amalek; after you marched Benjamin with affection for you; out of Machir came forth a seer, and out of Zebulun those who write with the pen of a scribe.

15 以薩迦長者左右底破喇、以薩迦族從巴勒、徒行於谷、流便族深自圖維、居於溪濱。

15 And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar is like Barak among the peoples; he was sent on foot to a portion of Reuben; great are those who give oracles to comfort the heart.

16 爾何處於藩間、豈欲聽牧羊者吹笛乎、流便族深自圖維、居於溪濱。

16 Why abodest thou on the highways to hear the bleatings of the wild asses? For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart.

17 基列處約但東、但族駕舟、亞設族住海濱、仍居於澳。

17 Gad abode beyond the Jordan; and Dan brought ships to the harbor; Asher dwelt on the sea shore, and remained in its harbors.

18 惟西布倫族冒死而不顧、納大利族適彼高岡。

18 Zebulun and Naphtali were peoples who jeopardized their lives on the high places of his field.

19 迦南王咸至、戰於大納及米吉多水、貨財之屬、毫無所得。

19 The kings came and fought; then fought the kings of Canaan; they fought in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no goods nor money.

20 以天垂象、攻西西喇、

20 The stars fought from their courses; they fought from heaven against Sisera by the river Kishon.

21 基順之河、自昔著名河中之水、盡漂其衆、彼雖有能、我履其上。

21 The river Kishon and the river Karmin swept them away. O my soul, you have defeated an army!

22 有能者行甚迅速、馬蹄蹴於途間。

22 Then the hoofs of his horses fell down, were broken because of the prancing of his mighty ones.

23 米羅斯民不從有能者、以助耶和華、故耶和華之使者曰、必詛米羅斯、詈以厲詞。

23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse it, and curse the inhabitants thereof, because they came not with men to the help of the LORD.

24 基尼人希百妻雅億、最爲寵幸、冠於諸女、婦女之居幕者、惟彼見寵。

24 Blessed above women shall Anael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.

25 西西喇求水、彼給以乳、以酥予之、盛於長老之盂。

25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a giant bowl.

26 左手持釘、右取巨椎、以釘其首、深入鬢際、擣而碎之、

26 She put her hand to the peg and her right hand to the carpenter's hammer, and with the hammer she struck Sisera and crushed his head, when she had struck and pierced his temples.

27 在其足前、卷曲不起、旣不起於足前、卷曲而死。

27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down; at the place where he bowed, there he fell down dead, the plunderer.

28 西西喇之母、倚牕而望、由櫺而呼、何其車轍之遲至、何其車聲之未聞。

28 The mother of Sisera looked out of the window and cried through the lattice, Why are the chariots of my son so long in coming? Why tarries the clatter of his chariots?

29 侍女之賢者慰之、西西喇母自言曰、

29 Her wise ladies answered her, saying,

30 豈非有虜而羣收所獲、各得一二女乎、西西喇得彩衣文繡、以飾其項乎。

30 Perhaps he went and found great spoil, dividing the prey, giving to every man a mule and great booty, and to Sisera a prey of diverse colors of needlework and divers colors of embroidered work, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil.

31 願耶和華諸敵如此危亡、願愛爾者愈顯其榮、如日方升。○嗣是以後其地悉平、歷四十年。

31 So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD; but let them that love thee be like the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest for forty years.
