

1 人生苦境終其年、猶工勞瘁畢其生。

2 如僕之冀暮、如傭之望値、

3 乃我旣遭患害於累月、復遇顛連於竟夜。

4 我寢則曰、興何時、而夜偏長、輾轉反側、迄於昧爽。

5 我肉生蛆、蒙以塵埃、膚雖痊、膿復出。

6 日月如梭、終身無希望矣。

7 命在呼吸、不復獲福、爾其垂念。

8 今日覿面、明日不能復見、甚恐轉瞬間、卽歸烏有。

9 如浮雲散盡、入土者無復返之期。

10 不再歸其室、鄰里不復見其人。

11 夫如是、我安能默默已哉、焦思苦慮、曷禁對上帝而大放厥詞。

12 我豈海濤、豈鱷魚、防禦我曷故。

13 我如曰、登斯榻可得慰、寢於牀可解憂、

14 則爾又托噩夢以恐我、垂異象以懼我。

15 願棄此微軀而就死地。

16 已無樂生之心、不作永存之想、畢生遘難、毋寧舍子爲幸。

17 且人在世、亦甚渺耳、何爲加意眷顧之、

18 責之無間日、試之無已時。

19 爾而舍我、將至何時、曷不假我以嚥津之頃。

20 爾爲上主、鑒察人心。卽我犯罪、何虧於爾、曷擊我、使我不樂其生。

21 盍赦我罪、宥我惡、俾我安然入土、迄於明日、欲追予而不相遇。


Chapter 7

1 BEHOLD there is an appointed time for man upon earth, and his days are like the days of a hireling.

2 As a servant who eagerly longs for eventide, and as a hireling who looks to complete his job;

3 So have I inherited months of vanity, and wearisome nights are meted out to me.

4 When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise? and the night seems long; when I go to rest, I toss about till the dawning of the day.

5 My flesh is covered with worms, and my body with dust; my skin is shrunk, and falls apart.

6 My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.

7 O remember that the spirit is still alive; even yet my eye shall again see good.

8 The eye of him who has seen me shall rejoice no more; thine eyes are upon me, and vet I am gone.

9 As the cloud fades away and disappears, so he who descends to Sheol shall not ascend any more.

10 He shall return no more to his house, neither shall he recognize his place any more.

11 Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.

12 Am I a sea, or a sea monster, that thou settest a watch over me?

13 For I said that thou shalt comfort me, and I will be relieved of the pain of my sickbed.

14 And, behold, thou dost scare me with dreams, and terrify me through visions;

15 Thou hast drawn my life out of destruction, and my bones out of death.

16 I am despondent; I would not live for ever; leave me alone, for my days are vanity.

17 What is man, that thou shouldst destroy him? And that thou shouldst think of him;

18 And that thou shouldst visit him every morning, and try him every moment?

19 How long wilt thou not depart from me, nor let me alone till I swallow my spittle?

20 If I have sinned; what have I done to thee, O thou Creator of men? Why hast thou caused me to encounter thee? Thou hast become a burden to me.

21 Until when wilt thou not forgive my transgressions and remove my iniquity? For now I shall lie in the dust; and thou shalt seek me, but I shall be no more.




Chapter 7

1 人生苦境終其年、猶工勞瘁畢其生。

1 BEHOLD there is an appointed time for man upon earth, and his days are like the days of a hireling.

2 如僕之冀暮、如傭之望値、

2 As a servant who eagerly longs for eventide, and as a hireling who looks to complete his job;

3 乃我旣遭患害於累月、復遇顛連於竟夜。

3 So have I inherited months of vanity, and wearisome nights are meted out to me.

4 我寢則曰、興何時、而夜偏長、輾轉反側、迄於昧爽。

4 When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise? and the night seems long; when I go to rest, I toss about till the dawning of the day.

5 我肉生蛆、蒙以塵埃、膚雖痊、膿復出。

5 My flesh is covered with worms, and my body with dust; my skin is shrunk, and falls apart.

6 日月如梭、終身無希望矣。

6 My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.

7 命在呼吸、不復獲福、爾其垂念。

7 O remember that the spirit is still alive; even yet my eye shall again see good.

8 今日覿面、明日不能復見、甚恐轉瞬間、卽歸烏有。

8 The eye of him who has seen me shall rejoice no more; thine eyes are upon me, and vet I am gone.

9 如浮雲散盡、入土者無復返之期。

9 As the cloud fades away and disappears, so he who descends to Sheol shall not ascend any more.

10 不再歸其室、鄰里不復見其人。

10 He shall return no more to his house, neither shall he recognize his place any more.

11 夫如是、我安能默默已哉、焦思苦慮、曷禁對上帝而大放厥詞。

11 Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.

12 我豈海濤、豈鱷魚、防禦我曷故。

12 Am I a sea, or a sea monster, that thou settest a watch over me?

13 我如曰、登斯榻可得慰、寢於牀可解憂、

13 For I said that thou shalt comfort me, and I will be relieved of the pain of my sickbed.

14 則爾又托噩夢以恐我、垂異象以懼我。

14 And, behold, thou dost scare me with dreams, and terrify me through visions;

15 願棄此微軀而就死地。

15 Thou hast drawn my life out of destruction, and my bones out of death.

16 已無樂生之心、不作永存之想、畢生遘難、毋寧舍子爲幸。

16 I am despondent; I would not live for ever; leave me alone, for my days are vanity.

17 且人在世、亦甚渺耳、何爲加意眷顧之、

17 What is man, that thou shouldst destroy him? And that thou shouldst think of him;

18 責之無間日、試之無已時。

18 And that thou shouldst visit him every morning, and try him every moment?

19 爾而舍我、將至何時、曷不假我以嚥津之頃。

19 How long wilt thou not depart from me, nor let me alone till I swallow my spittle?

20 爾爲上主、鑒察人心。卽我犯罪、何虧於爾、曷擊我、使我不樂其生。

20 If I have sinned; what have I done to thee, O thou Creator of men? Why hast thou caused me to encounter thee? Thou hast become a burden to me.

21 盍赦我罪、宥我惡、俾我安然入土、迄於明日、欲追予而不相遇。

21 Until when wilt thou not forgive my transgressions and remove my iniquity? For now I shall lie in the dust; and thou shalt seek me, but I shall be no more.
