

1 耶和華曰、天乃我坐位、地乃我足凳、爾曹何殿以容我、何地以安我乎。

2 我耶和華手造萬物、使之咸備、凡謙卑遜順、敬畏我命者、我垂顧之。

3 彼縱私心、以何惡之事爲悅、故宰牛刲羊、與殺人斬犬無異、獻禮焚香、與塗豕血、祈偶像無異。

4 我有命、彼不應、我有言、彼不從、在我前行惡事、我所不悅者、彼故爲之、故我必降災、以彼所懼、加其身。

5 畏耶和華命者、當聽我言、爾兄弟憾爾、緣我名而棄爾、自以此爲尊敬予、我必顯現、使爾欣喜、使敵愧怍。

6 邑內喧譁、殿中鼓譟、我耶和華有聲、降災於敵。

7 郇邑若婦、不坼副而分娩、未劬勞而生子、

8 地出土產、豈能一日而成、國有民人、豈能頃刻而生、若此之事、孰見聞之、然郇邑人始覺劬勞、遂產其子。

9 爾之上帝耶和華曰、我旣使坼副、豈不使之產乎、我使萬物生育、何況選民乎。

10 爾曹與耶路撒冷人友、憂患與共、今可欣喜懽忭、踴躍不勝。

11 耶路撒冷人得榮光、受慰藉、爾可同樂、若子得乳。

12 耶和華又曰、我必使彼平康、若江河之浩渺、使得諸國之貨財、若巨川之汎濫、爾曹可享厥福、若子得乳、爲母提抱、擁諸懷、加諸膝、

13 我必慰爾、若母慰子、使爾復歸耶路撒冷。

14 爾曹見我耶和華眷顧臣僕、震怒仇敵、必心神怡暢、筋骸堅固、若草萌芽。

15 我耶和華必涖臨、若烈焰之騰、乘大輅、若颺風之疾、發震怒、加譴責、火燎於前、以焚仇敵。

16 蓋我耶和華降罰億兆、使蹈鋒刃、罹火災、殺戮者不可勝數、

17 凡在園囿之人、自言已潔、一唱衆和、食豕與鼠、及可惡之物、我耶和華滅之務盡。

18 其所思所爲、我鑒察之、必使諸國異邦和會、覩我輝煌。

19 我將大施異蹟、使免難之選民、散布列國、俾至大失、卜、路得張弓之族、及土八雅番、無遠弗屆、布告我榮於列邦、使未見聞者、得見聞焉。

20 耶和華又曰、異邦人將攜爾兄弟、乘馬騾駱駝、載於輿、承於筐、來自四方、詣耶路撒冷聖山、以獻於我、若以色列族獻禮物、盛於潔器、進我聖殿。

21 我自其中、簡人爲祭司、爲利未人。

22 耶和華又曰、我造天地、煥然一新、常在我前、爾之苗裔、聲名永著亦若是。

23 耶和華又曰、迨至後日、値月朔安息日、兆民必詣我前、崇拜我、違逆我者戮之、以其尸徇衆、其蟲不死、其火不滅、爲萬人所惡。

24 併於上節


Chapter 66

1 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 The heaven8064 is my throne,3678 and the earth776 is my footstool:1916 7272 where335 is the house1004 that834 ye build1129 unto me? and where335 is the2088 place4725 of my rest?4496

2 For all3605 those428 things hath mine hand3027 made,6213 and all3605 those428 things have been,1961 saith5002 the LORD:3068 but to413 this2088 man will I look,5027 even to413 him that is poor6041 and of a contrite5223 spirit,7307 and trembleth2730 at5921 my word.1697

3 He that killeth7819 an ox7794 is as if he slew5221 a man;376 he that sacrificeth2076 a lamb,7716 as if he cut off a dog's neck;6202 3611 he that offereth5927 an oblation,4503 as if he offered swine's2386 blood;1818 he that burneth2142 incense,3828 as if he blessed1288 an idol.205 Yea,1571 they1992 have chosen977 their own ways,1870 and their soul5315 delighteth2654 in their abominations.8251

4 I589 also1571 will choose977 their delusions,8586 and will bring935 their fears4035 upon them; because3282 when I called,7121 none369 did answer;6030 when I spoke,1696 they did not3808 hear:8085 but they did6213 evil7451 before mine eyes,5869 and chose977 that in which834 I delighted2654 not.3808

5 Hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 ye that tremble2730 at413 his word;1697 Your brethren251 that hated8130 you, that cast you out5077 for my name's sake,4616 8034 said,559 Let the LORD3068 be glorified:3513 but he shall appear7200 to your joy,8057 and they1992 shall be ashamed.954

6 A voice6963 of noise7588 from the city,4480 5892 a voice6963 from the temple,4480 1964 a voice6963 of the LORD3068 that rendereth7999 recompense1576 to his enemies.341

7 Before2962 she travailed,2342 she brought forth;3205 before2962 her pain2256 came,935 she was delivered4422 of a man child.2145

8 Who4310 hath heard8085 such a thing?2063 who4310 hath seen7200 such things?428 Shall the earth776 be made to bring forth2342 in one259 day?3117 or shall a nation1471 be born3205 at once?259 6471 for3588 as soon1571 as Zion6726 travailed,2342 she brought forth3205 853 her children.1121

9 Shall I589 bring to the birth,7665 and not3808 cause to bring forth?3205 saith559 the LORD:3068 shall I589 cause to bring forth,3205 and shut6113 the womb? saith559 thy God.430

10 Rejoice8055 ye with854 Jerusalem,3389 and be glad1523 with her, all3605 ye that love157 her: rejoice7797 for joy4885 with854 her, all3605 ye that mourn56 for5921 her:

11 That4616 ye may suck,3243 and be satisfied7646 with the breasts4480 7699 of her consolations;8575 that4616 ye may milk out,4711 and be delighted6026 with the abundance4480 2123 of her glory.3519

12 For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 Behold,2009 I will extend5186 peace7965 to413 her like a river,5104 and the glory3519 of the Gentiles1471 like a flowing7857 stream:5158 then shall ye suck,3243 ye shall be borne5375 upon5921 her sides,6654 and be dandled8173 upon5921 her knees.1290

13 As one376 whom834 his mother517 comforteth,5162 so3651 will I595 comfort5162 you; and ye shall be comforted5162 in Jerusalem.3389

14 And when ye see7200 this, your heart3820 shall rejoice,7797 and your bones6106 shall flourish6524 like an herb:1877 and the hand3027 of the LORD3068 shall be known3045 toward854 his servants,5650 and his indignation2194 toward854 his enemies.341

15 For,3588 behold,2009 the LORD3068 will come935 with fire,784 and with his chariots4818 like a whirlwind,5492 to render7725 his anger639 with fury,2534 and his rebuke1606 with flames3851 of fire.784

16 For3588 by fire784 and by his sword2719 will the LORD3068 plead8199 with854 all3605 flesh:1320 and the slain2491 of the LORD3068 shall be many.7231

17 They that sanctify themselves,6942 and purify themselves2891 in413 the gardens1593 behind310 one259 tree in the midst,8432 eating398 swine's2386 flesh,1320 and the abomination,8263 and the mouse,5909 shall be consumed5486 together,3162 saith5002 the LORD.3068

18 For I595 know their works4639 and their thoughts:4284 it shall come,935 that I will gather6908 853 all3605 nations1471 and tongues;3956 and they shall come,935 and see7200 853 my glory.3519

19 And I will set7760 a sign226 among them, and I will send7971 those that escape6412 of them4480 unto413 the nations,1471 to Tarshish,8659 Pul,6322 and Lud,3865 that draw4900 the bow,7198 to Tubal,8422 and Javan,3120 to the isles339 afar off,7350 that834 have not3808 heard8085 853 my fame,8088 neither3808 have seen7200 853 my glory;3519 and they shall declare5046 853 my glory3519 among the Gentiles.1471

20 And they shall bring935 853 all3605 your brethren251 for an offering4503 unto the LORD3068 out of all4480 3605 nations1471 upon horses,5483 and in chariots,7393 and in litters,6632 and upon mules,6505 and upon swift beasts,3753 to5921 my holy6944 mountain2022 Jerusalem,3389 saith559 the LORD,3068 as834 the children1121 of Israel3478 bring935 853 an offering4503 in a clean2889 vessel3627 into the house1004 of the LORD.3068

21 And I will also1571 take3947 of4480 them for priests3548 and for Levites,3881 saith559 the LORD.3068

22 For3588 as834 the new2319 heavens8064 and the new2319 earth,776 which834 I589 will make,6213 shall remain5975 before6440 me, saith5002 the LORD,3068 so3651 shall your seed2233 and your name8034 remain.5975

23 And it shall come to pass,1961 that from4480 1767 one new moon2320 to another,2320 and from4480 1767 one sabbath7676 to another,7676 shall all3605 flesh1320 come935 to worship7812 before6440 me, saith559 the LORD.3068

24 And they shall go forth,3318 and look7200 upon the carcasses6297 of the men376 that have transgressed6586 against me: for3588 their worm8438 shall not3808 die,4191 neither3808 shall their fire784 be quenched;3518 and they shall be1961 an abhorring1860 unto all3605 flesh.1320




Chapter 66

1 耶和華曰、天乃我坐位、地乃我足凳、爾曹何殿以容我、何地以安我乎。

1 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 The heaven8064 is my throne,3678 and the earth776 is my footstool:1916 7272 where335 is the house1004 that834 ye build1129 unto me? and where335 is the2088 place4725 of my rest?4496

2 我耶和華手造萬物、使之咸備、凡謙卑遜順、敬畏我命者、我垂顧之。

2 For all3605 those428 things hath mine hand3027 made,6213 and all3605 those428 things have been,1961 saith5002 the LORD:3068 but to413 this2088 man will I look,5027 even to413 him that is poor6041 and of a contrite5223 spirit,7307 and trembleth2730 at5921 my word.1697

3 彼縱私心、以何惡之事爲悅、故宰牛刲羊、與殺人斬犬無異、獻禮焚香、與塗豕血、祈偶像無異。

3 He that killeth7819 an ox7794 is as if he slew5221 a man;376 he that sacrificeth2076 a lamb,7716 as if he cut off a dog's neck;6202 3611 he that offereth5927 an oblation,4503 as if he offered swine's2386 blood;1818 he that burneth2142 incense,3828 as if he blessed1288 an idol.205 Yea,1571 they1992 have chosen977 their own ways,1870 and their soul5315 delighteth2654 in their abominations.8251

4 我有命、彼不應、我有言、彼不從、在我前行惡事、我所不悅者、彼故爲之、故我必降災、以彼所懼、加其身。

4 I589 also1571 will choose977 their delusions,8586 and will bring935 their fears4035 upon them; because3282 when I called,7121 none369 did answer;6030 when I spoke,1696 they did not3808 hear:8085 but they did6213 evil7451 before mine eyes,5869 and chose977 that in which834 I delighted2654 not.3808

5 畏耶和華命者、當聽我言、爾兄弟憾爾、緣我名而棄爾、自以此爲尊敬予、我必顯現、使爾欣喜、使敵愧怍。

5 Hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 ye that tremble2730 at413 his word;1697 Your brethren251 that hated8130 you, that cast you out5077 for my name's sake,4616 8034 said,559 Let the LORD3068 be glorified:3513 but he shall appear7200 to your joy,8057 and they1992 shall be ashamed.954

6 邑內喧譁、殿中鼓譟、我耶和華有聲、降災於敵。

6 A voice6963 of noise7588 from the city,4480 5892 a voice6963 from the temple,4480 1964 a voice6963 of the LORD3068 that rendereth7999 recompense1576 to his enemies.341

7 郇邑若婦、不坼副而分娩、未劬勞而生子、

7 Before2962 she travailed,2342 she brought forth;3205 before2962 her pain2256 came,935 she was delivered4422 of a man child.2145

8 地出土產、豈能一日而成、國有民人、豈能頃刻而生、若此之事、孰見聞之、然郇邑人始覺劬勞、遂產其子。

8 Who4310 hath heard8085 such a thing?2063 who4310 hath seen7200 such things?428 Shall the earth776 be made to bring forth2342 in one259 day?3117 or shall a nation1471 be born3205 at once?259 6471 for3588 as soon1571 as Zion6726 travailed,2342 she brought forth3205 853 her children.1121

9 爾之上帝耶和華曰、我旣使坼副、豈不使之產乎、我使萬物生育、何況選民乎。

9 Shall I589 bring to the birth,7665 and not3808 cause to bring forth?3205 saith559 the LORD:3068 shall I589 cause to bring forth,3205 and shut6113 the womb? saith559 thy God.430

10 爾曹與耶路撒冷人友、憂患與共、今可欣喜懽忭、踴躍不勝。

10 Rejoice8055 ye with854 Jerusalem,3389 and be glad1523 with her, all3605 ye that love157 her: rejoice7797 for joy4885 with854 her, all3605 ye that mourn56 for5921 her:

11 耶路撒冷人得榮光、受慰藉、爾可同樂、若子得乳。

11 That4616 ye may suck,3243 and be satisfied7646 with the breasts4480 7699 of her consolations;8575 that4616 ye may milk out,4711 and be delighted6026 with the abundance4480 2123 of her glory.3519

12 耶和華又曰、我必使彼平康、若江河之浩渺、使得諸國之貨財、若巨川之汎濫、爾曹可享厥福、若子得乳、爲母提抱、擁諸懷、加諸膝、

12 For3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 Behold,2009 I will extend5186 peace7965 to413 her like a river,5104 and the glory3519 of the Gentiles1471 like a flowing7857 stream:5158 then shall ye suck,3243 ye shall be borne5375 upon5921 her sides,6654 and be dandled8173 upon5921 her knees.1290

13 我必慰爾、若母慰子、使爾復歸耶路撒冷。

13 As one376 whom834 his mother517 comforteth,5162 so3651 will I595 comfort5162 you; and ye shall be comforted5162 in Jerusalem.3389

14 爾曹見我耶和華眷顧臣僕、震怒仇敵、必心神怡暢、筋骸堅固、若草萌芽。

14 And when ye see7200 this, your heart3820 shall rejoice,7797 and your bones6106 shall flourish6524 like an herb:1877 and the hand3027 of the LORD3068 shall be known3045 toward854 his servants,5650 and his indignation2194 toward854 his enemies.341

15 我耶和華必涖臨、若烈焰之騰、乘大輅、若颺風之疾、發震怒、加譴責、火燎於前、以焚仇敵。

15 For,3588 behold,2009 the LORD3068 will come935 with fire,784 and with his chariots4818 like a whirlwind,5492 to render7725 his anger639 with fury,2534 and his rebuke1606 with flames3851 of fire.784

16 蓋我耶和華降罰億兆、使蹈鋒刃、罹火災、殺戮者不可勝數、

16 For3588 by fire784 and by his sword2719 will the LORD3068 plead8199 with854 all3605 flesh:1320 and the slain2491 of the LORD3068 shall be many.7231

17 凡在園囿之人、自言已潔、一唱衆和、食豕與鼠、及可惡之物、我耶和華滅之務盡。

17 They that sanctify themselves,6942 and purify themselves2891 in413 the gardens1593 behind310 one259 tree in the midst,8432 eating398 swine's2386 flesh,1320 and the abomination,8263 and the mouse,5909 shall be consumed5486 together,3162 saith5002 the LORD.3068

18 其所思所爲、我鑒察之、必使諸國異邦和會、覩我輝煌。

18 For I595 know their works4639 and their thoughts:4284 it shall come,935 that I will gather6908 853 all3605 nations1471 and tongues;3956 and they shall come,935 and see7200 853 my glory.3519

19 我將大施異蹟、使免難之選民、散布列國、俾至大失、卜、路得張弓之族、及土八雅番、無遠弗屆、布告我榮於列邦、使未見聞者、得見聞焉。

19 And I will set7760 a sign226 among them, and I will send7971 those that escape6412 of them4480 unto413 the nations,1471 to Tarshish,8659 Pul,6322 and Lud,3865 that draw4900 the bow,7198 to Tubal,8422 and Javan,3120 to the isles339 afar off,7350 that834 have not3808 heard8085 853 my fame,8088 neither3808 have seen7200 853 my glory;3519 and they shall declare5046 853 my glory3519 among the Gentiles.1471

20 耶和華又曰、異邦人將攜爾兄弟、乘馬騾駱駝、載於輿、承於筐、來自四方、詣耶路撒冷聖山、以獻於我、若以色列族獻禮物、盛於潔器、進我聖殿。

20 And they shall bring935 853 all3605 your brethren251 for an offering4503 unto the LORD3068 out of all4480 3605 nations1471 upon horses,5483 and in chariots,7393 and in litters,6632 and upon mules,6505 and upon swift beasts,3753 to5921 my holy6944 mountain2022 Jerusalem,3389 saith559 the LORD,3068 as834 the children1121 of Israel3478 bring935 853 an offering4503 in a clean2889 vessel3627 into the house1004 of the LORD.3068

21 我自其中、簡人爲祭司、爲利未人。

21 And I will also1571 take3947 of4480 them for priests3548 and for Levites,3881 saith559 the LORD.3068

22 耶和華又曰、我造天地、煥然一新、常在我前、爾之苗裔、聲名永著亦若是。

22 For3588 as834 the new2319 heavens8064 and the new2319 earth,776 which834 I589 will make,6213 shall remain5975 before6440 me, saith5002 the LORD,3068 so3651 shall your seed2233 and your name8034 remain.5975

23 耶和華又曰、迨至後日、値月朔安息日、兆民必詣我前、崇拜我、違逆我者戮之、以其尸徇衆、其蟲不死、其火不滅、爲萬人所惡。

23 And it shall come to pass,1961 that from4480 1767 one new moon2320 to another,2320 and from4480 1767 one sabbath7676 to another,7676 shall all3605 flesh1320 come935 to worship7812 before6440 me, saith559 the LORD.3068

24 併於上節

24 And they shall go forth,3318 and look7200 upon the carcasses6297 of the men376 that have transgressed6586 against me: for3588 their worm8438 shall not3808 die,4191 neither3808 shall their fire784 be quenched;3518 and they shall be1961 an abhorring1860 unto all3605 flesh.1320