
Psalm 2

1 WHY do the Gentiles rage and the peoples imagine vain things?

2 The kings of the earth and the rulers have conspired and have taken counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and let us cast away their yoke from us.

4 He that dwells in heaven shall laugh, and the LORD shall mock at them.

5 Then shall he speak to them in his anger, and terrify them in his wrath and say,

6 I have appointed my king over Zion, my holy mountain,

7 To declare my promise; the LORD has said to me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you.

8 Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your dominion.

9 You shall shepherd them with a rod of iron; you shall break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

10 Be wise now, therefore, O kings; be instructed, O judges of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with reverence, and uphold him with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from his way while his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.



1 異邦奮怒、諸民徒謀、奚爲哉。

2 列王立、羣伯集、耶和華是違、受膏者是逆、曰、

3 不如斷其縶維、解其縲絏。

4 上天之主始哂笑兮、繼震怒、加以譴責、使之戰栗。

5 併於上節

6 曰我沐以膏、立之爲王、治理郇山、卽我聖岡。

7 受膏者曰、耶和華有命、吾述其詞、曰、爾乃我子、今日生爾、

8 爾惟求我、我以異邦賜爾、曁地四極爲爾所得。

9 叩以鐵杖、毀如陶器。

10 列王宜有慧思、士師順受譴責、

11 宗事耶和華、寅畏虔共、一則以喜、一則以懼。

12 上帝之子、爾當接吻以為禮、恐俄頃之間、赫然震怒、而爾死於途中、恃之者有福兮。


Psalm 2



1 WHY do the Gentiles rage and the peoples imagine vain things?

1 異邦奮怒、諸民徒謀、奚爲哉。

2 The kings of the earth and the rulers have conspired and have taken counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying,

2 列王立、羣伯集、耶和華是違、受膏者是逆、曰、

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and let us cast away their yoke from us.

3 不如斷其縶維、解其縲絏。

4 He that dwells in heaven shall laugh, and the LORD shall mock at them.

4 上天之主始哂笑兮、繼震怒、加以譴責、使之戰栗。

5 Then shall he speak to them in his anger, and terrify them in his wrath and say,

5 併於上節

6 I have appointed my king over Zion, my holy mountain,

6 曰我沐以膏、立之爲王、治理郇山、卽我聖岡。

7 To declare my promise; the LORD has said to me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you.

7 受膏者曰、耶和華有命、吾述其詞、曰、爾乃我子、今日生爾、

8 Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your dominion.

8 爾惟求我、我以異邦賜爾、曁地四極爲爾所得。

9 You shall shepherd them with a rod of iron; you shall break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

9 叩以鐵杖、毀如陶器。

10 Be wise now, therefore, O kings; be instructed, O judges of the earth.

10 列王宜有慧思、士師順受譴責、

11 Serve the LORD with reverence, and uphold him with trembling.

11 宗事耶和華、寅畏虔共、一則以喜、一則以懼。

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from his way while his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

12 上帝之子、爾當接吻以為禮、恐俄頃之間、赫然震怒、而爾死於途中、恃之者有福兮。