
Chapter 22

1 GOOD name is better than great riches, and loving favor than silver and gold.

2 The rich and the poor meet together; the LORD is the maker of them both.

3 A prudent man sees an evil man scourged and is greatly instructed by it; but fools pass by and suffer loss.

4 The result of humility is reverence for the LORD, and riches and honor and life.

5 Snares and traps are found on a crooked way; he who keeps his soul shall be far from them.

6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.

7 The rich shall be ruled by the poor, and the servant shall loan to his former lender.

8 He who sows iniquity shall reap deceit; and the staff of his anger shall be broken.

9 He who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he gives of his bread to the poor.

10 Destroy evil, cast out strife, do away with contention and reproach, lest they sit in the assembly and reproach all who are present.

11 The LORD loves him who is pure in heart and is gracious to the lips of the king's friends.

12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge and destroy the words of deceit.

13 When he is sent on an errand, the sluggard says, There is a lion on the road! and, Behold, there is murder in the streets!

14 The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit; he with whom the LORD is angry shall fall into it.

15 Foolishness moves the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

16 He who oppresses the poor adds to his evil; and he who gives to the rich, shall suffer a loss.

17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge.

18 For both of them are pleasant, keep them within you; let them together be made ready on your lips.

19 That your trust may be in the LORD, I have made these things known to you this day, even to you.

20 Behold, this is the third time that I have written them to you,

21 That I might make you know counsel and knowledge and peace and the words of truth; so that you could answer words of truth to him who might send to you.

22 Do not oppress the poor because he is poor; neither afflict the needy in the gate.

23 For the LORD will plead their cause and avenge the injustice which is done to them.

24 Make no friendship with wrathful man; and with a man given to anger you shall not go,

25 Lest you learn his ways and find a stumbling block to your soul.

26 Do not become a surety for a debt simply because you are ashamed to turn down those who ask you,

27 For if you have nothing to pay, they will take your bed from under you.

28 Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set.

29 When you see that a man is diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before obscure men.



1 貨財不如令聞、金銀孰若恩寵。

2 耶和華造兆民、貧富錯處。

3 智者先機以避害、愚者前往而遭刑。

4 寅畏耶和華、中懷謙遜、必得富貴、必享遐齡。

5 頑者若困於蒺藜、操守之士、保身遠害。

6 教子以道、至老不背。

7 富者治貧人、貸金者事債主。

8 播種惡者、所獲必虛、上帝震怒、使之覆亡。

9 矜恤貧乏、食之以餅、必蒙福祉。

10 擯斥侮慢之人、則爭競必弭、凌辱不加。

11 清其心、善其詞、王必眷祐。

12 耶和華守道者祐之、妄言者敗之。

13 怠者諉詞、言出門必遇獅、行於衢、必見殺。

14 淫婦之口、譬彼深坑、耶和華所痛疾者、必陷其中。

15 子心愚昧、扑以明之。

16 虐貧者適以富之、祐富人適以貧之。

17 傾耳以聽良言、專心以學智慧。

18 守之於心、述之以口、斯爲美。

19 我今日誨爾、當惟耶和華是恃、

20 我素錄於冊者、嘉猷大道、

21 使爾知真理、若人詰爾、以斯答之。

22 坐於公庭、毋凌貧乏、毋虐煢獨。

23 蓋耶和華必伸其寃、使虐之者反取其戾。

24 怒不中節者、勿與締交、

25 恐效其尤、自陷於罪。

26 有人負金、毋爲中保。

27 恐爾負金、人剝爾牀以償。

28 鄰里之界址、前人所定、毋行遷徙。

29 人勤庶事、當在王所、必不久居賤役。


Chapter 22



1 GOOD name is better than great riches, and loving favor than silver and gold.

1 貨財不如令聞、金銀孰若恩寵。

2 The rich and the poor meet together; the LORD is the maker of them both.

2 耶和華造兆民、貧富錯處。

3 A prudent man sees an evil man scourged and is greatly instructed by it; but fools pass by and suffer loss.

3 智者先機以避害、愚者前往而遭刑。

4 The result of humility is reverence for the LORD, and riches and honor and life.

4 寅畏耶和華、中懷謙遜、必得富貴、必享遐齡。

5 Snares and traps are found on a crooked way; he who keeps his soul shall be far from them.

5 頑者若困於蒺藜、操守之士、保身遠害。

6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.

6 教子以道、至老不背。

7 The rich shall be ruled by the poor, and the servant shall loan to his former lender.

7 富者治貧人、貸金者事債主。

8 He who sows iniquity shall reap deceit; and the staff of his anger shall be broken.

8 播種惡者、所獲必虛、上帝震怒、使之覆亡。

9 He who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he gives of his bread to the poor.

9 矜恤貧乏、食之以餅、必蒙福祉。

10 Destroy evil, cast out strife, do away with contention and reproach, lest they sit in the assembly and reproach all who are present.

10 擯斥侮慢之人、則爭競必弭、凌辱不加。

11 The LORD loves him who is pure in heart and is gracious to the lips of the king's friends.

11 清其心、善其詞、王必眷祐。

12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge and destroy the words of deceit.

12 耶和華守道者祐之、妄言者敗之。

13 When he is sent on an errand, the sluggard says, There is a lion on the road! and, Behold, there is murder in the streets!

13 怠者諉詞、言出門必遇獅、行於衢、必見殺。

14 The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit; he with whom the LORD is angry shall fall into it.

14 淫婦之口、譬彼深坑、耶和華所痛疾者、必陷其中。

15 Foolishness moves the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

15 子心愚昧、扑以明之。

16 He who oppresses the poor adds to his evil; and he who gives to the rich, shall suffer a loss.

16 虐貧者適以富之、祐富人適以貧之。

17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge.

17 傾耳以聽良言、專心以學智慧。

18 For both of them are pleasant, keep them within you; let them together be made ready on your lips.

18 守之於心、述之以口、斯爲美。

19 That your trust may be in the LORD, I have made these things known to you this day, even to you.

19 我今日誨爾、當惟耶和華是恃、

20 Behold, this is the third time that I have written them to you,

20 我素錄於冊者、嘉猷大道、

21 That I might make you know counsel and knowledge and peace and the words of truth; so that you could answer words of truth to him who might send to you.

21 使爾知真理、若人詰爾、以斯答之。

22 Do not oppress the poor because he is poor; neither afflict the needy in the gate.

22 坐於公庭、毋凌貧乏、毋虐煢獨。

23 For the LORD will plead their cause and avenge the injustice which is done to them.

23 蓋耶和華必伸其寃、使虐之者反取其戾。

24 Make no friendship with wrathful man; and with a man given to anger you shall not go,

24 怒不中節者、勿與締交、

25 Lest you learn his ways and find a stumbling block to your soul.

25 恐效其尤、自陷於罪。

26 Do not become a surety for a debt simply because you are ashamed to turn down those who ask you,

26 有人負金、毋爲中保。

27 For if you have nothing to pay, they will take your bed from under you.

27 恐爾負金、人剝爾牀以償。

28 Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set.

28 鄰里之界址、前人所定、毋行遷徙。

29 When you see that a man is diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before obscure men.

29 人勤庶事、當在王所、必不久居賤役。