
Chapter 19

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 How long will you grieve my soul, and make me sick with words?

3 For behold, these ten times you have rebuked me; and yet you are not ashamed that you make me sad.

4 If indeed I have erred, my error remains with myself.

5 If you have justly magnified yourselves against me, rebuked me, and reproached me,

6 Know then that God has condemned me, and spread his net over me.

7 If I howl, no one answers me; and if I complain, there is no one to avenge me.

8 He has fenced up my ways so that I cannot pass, and he has set darkness in my paths.

9 He has stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head.

10 He has destroyed me on every side, and I am no more; and my hope has he removed like a piece of tree.

11 He has also kindled his wrath against me, and he counts me as his enemy.

12 His messengers have come together against me; they debated their ways against me, and encamped round about my tent.

13 My brothers are far off from me, and my acquaintances have deserted me.

14 My kinsfolk have failed me, and my familiar friends have forsaken me.

15 They that dwell in my house, and my maids, consider me as a stranger; I am an alien in their sight.

16 I called my servant, and he gave me no answer; I entreated him with my mouth and implored him.

17 I have become a stranger to my wife, and have implored the children of my own body.

18 Yea, even the wicked despise me; when I rise, they speak against me.

19 All my counselors abhor me; even my friends have turned against me.

20 My skin and my flesh cleave to my bones, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.

21 Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O you my friends; for the hand of God has been against me.

22 Why do you also persecute me like God, and you are not satisfied with the hurt of my flesh?

23 Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were inscribed in a scroll!

24 That they were engraved with an iron pen on lead or in the rock for ever!

25 For I know that my Saviour lives, and at the end he will reveal himself upon the earth;

26 Although devouring worms have covered my skin and my flesh,

27 Yet, if my eyes shall see God, then my heart also will see the light; but now my body is consumed.

28 For you will say, Why did we persecute him? For a good report will follow me and vindicate me.

29 Spare yourselves from the sword; for the wrath of sinners is a sword; for you shall yet know that there is judgment.



1 約百曰、

2 爾言實刺我心、令人殷憂、伊於何底。

3 爾煩數責我、聒噪不已、何不自媿乎。

4 我卽有過、我自當之。

5 顧爾妄自誇大、凌辱乎我、不知轉福爲禍、圍我以網羅者、乃上帝也。

6 併於上節

7 我雖赴訴、不蒙聽察、我雖呼籲、不得昭雪。

8 由曲徑則阻於藩籬、履周行則迷於昏黑、

9 奪我榮、去我冕。

10 禍害切身、使我式微絕望、如樹之拔其根株、

11 逢彼震怒、視若寇讎、

12 集軍旅、修甬道、列營壘、環攻我室。

13 眷屬愛弛、親戚情疎、是皆主所使也。

14 見棄於鄰里、不念於友朋。

15 傭人侍女、視如陌路。

16 我呼奴僕、下氣恬色、不見其應。

17 妻子厭棄我、兄弟侮慢我、

18 孺子藐視我、我方屹立、遭其譏訕。

19 同心之友、厭棄我躬、眷愛之人、反來攻我。

20 我形瘦骨立、膚革僅存、齒齦獨留。

21 上帝譴我、望友矜憫。

22 上帝旣責我、爾又從而附和之、爾啖我肉、猶不以爲饜足乎。

23 願筆我言、刻之於簡、

24 以錐劃之、以鉛鑄之、勒之於石、歷久不刊。

25 我知救主恆在、終必降臨、

26 迨至膚敗肉消、克覲上帝、

27 我目覩之、實我救主、而非仇敵、我心之大願如此。

28 然爾曰、我儕將何以得其致罪之由、而加詰責。

29 豈不知憾人者必亡於刃、旣有是刑、宜悚懼焉。


Chapter 19



1 THEN Job answered and said,

1 約百曰、

2 How long will you grieve my soul, and make me sick with words?

2 爾言實刺我心、令人殷憂、伊於何底。

3 For behold, these ten times you have rebuked me; and yet you are not ashamed that you make me sad.

3 爾煩數責我、聒噪不已、何不自媿乎。

4 If indeed I have erred, my error remains with myself.

4 我卽有過、我自當之。

5 If you have justly magnified yourselves against me, rebuked me, and reproached me,

5 顧爾妄自誇大、凌辱乎我、不知轉福爲禍、圍我以網羅者、乃上帝也。

6 Know then that God has condemned me, and spread his net over me.

6 併於上節

7 If I howl, no one answers me; and if I complain, there is no one to avenge me.

7 我雖赴訴、不蒙聽察、我雖呼籲、不得昭雪。

8 He has fenced up my ways so that I cannot pass, and he has set darkness in my paths.

8 由曲徑則阻於藩籬、履周行則迷於昏黑、

9 He has stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head.

9 奪我榮、去我冕。

10 He has destroyed me on every side, and I am no more; and my hope has he removed like a piece of tree.

10 禍害切身、使我式微絕望、如樹之拔其根株、

11 He has also kindled his wrath against me, and he counts me as his enemy.

11 逢彼震怒、視若寇讎、

12 His messengers have come together against me; they debated their ways against me, and encamped round about my tent.

12 集軍旅、修甬道、列營壘、環攻我室。

13 My brothers are far off from me, and my acquaintances have deserted me.

13 眷屬愛弛、親戚情疎、是皆主所使也。

14 My kinsfolk have failed me, and my familiar friends have forsaken me.

14 見棄於鄰里、不念於友朋。

15 They that dwell in my house, and my maids, consider me as a stranger; I am an alien in their sight.

15 傭人侍女、視如陌路。

16 I called my servant, and he gave me no answer; I entreated him with my mouth and implored him.

16 我呼奴僕、下氣恬色、不見其應。

17 I have become a stranger to my wife, and have implored the children of my own body.

17 妻子厭棄我、兄弟侮慢我、

18 Yea, even the wicked despise me; when I rise, they speak against me.

18 孺子藐視我、我方屹立、遭其譏訕。

19 All my counselors abhor me; even my friends have turned against me.

19 同心之友、厭棄我躬、眷愛之人、反來攻我。

20 My skin and my flesh cleave to my bones, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.

20 我形瘦骨立、膚革僅存、齒齦獨留。

21 Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O you my friends; for the hand of God has been against me.

21 上帝譴我、望友矜憫。

22 Why do you also persecute me like God, and you are not satisfied with the hurt of my flesh?

22 上帝旣責我、爾又從而附和之、爾啖我肉、猶不以爲饜足乎。

23 Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were inscribed in a scroll!

23 願筆我言、刻之於簡、

24 That they were engraved with an iron pen on lead or in the rock for ever!

24 以錐劃之、以鉛鑄之、勒之於石、歷久不刊。

25 For I know that my Saviour lives, and at the end he will reveal himself upon the earth;

25 我知救主恆在、終必降臨、

26 Although devouring worms have covered my skin and my flesh,

26 迨至膚敗肉消、克覲上帝、

27 Yet, if my eyes shall see God, then my heart also will see the light; but now my body is consumed.

27 我目覩之、實我救主、而非仇敵、我心之大願如此。

28 For you will say, Why did we persecute him? For a good report will follow me and vindicate me.

28 然爾曰、我儕將何以得其致罪之由、而加詰責。

29 Spare yourselves from the sword; for the wrath of sinners is a sword; for you shall yet know that there is judgment.

29 豈不知憾人者必亡於刃、旣有是刑、宜悚懼焉。