
Chapter 18

1 THEN Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth;

2 And there he found a Jew named A'qui-la, from the region of Pontus, who had just arrived from Italy with his wife Pris-cil'la, because Clau'di-us Cµs'ar had commanded all Jews to leave Rome: and Paul went to them.

3 And because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked with them: for they were saddle makers by trade.

4 And he spoke in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the pagans.

5 And when Silas and Ti-mo'the-us came from Mac-e-do'ni-a, Paul felt he was not free to speak, because the Jews opposed him and blasphemed as he testified that Jesus is the Christ.

6 So he shook his garments and said to them, From henceforth I am not to be blamed for what I am about to do; I am going to the Gentiles.

7 And he departed thence, and entered into the house of a certain man named Titus, a devout man whose household had joined the synagogue.

8 And Crispus, the chief of the synagogue, believed in our LORD, together with all his household; and many of the Corinthians hearing him believed in God and were baptized.

9 Then the LORD spoke to Paul in a vision, Be not afraid, but speak and be not silent.

10 For I am with you, and no man can harm you: and I have many people in this city.

11 For he had already been in Corinth a year and six months and had taught the word of God among them.

12 And when Gal'li-o was proconsul of Acha'ia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul; and they brought him to the judgment seat,

13 Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.

14 And as Paul was desirous to open his mouth and speak, Gal'li-o said to the Jews, If your accusations were based on something criminal, fraudulent, or vicious, I would welcome you properly, O Jews:

15 But if they are a mere question of words and names and concerning your law, you can settle it better among yourselves; for I do not wish to be a judge of such matters.

16 And he drove them from his judgment seat.

17 Then the pagans seized Sos'the-nes, the priest of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gal'li-o disregarded these things.

18 And after Paul had remained there many days, he bade the brethen farewell and sailed for Syria, and with him Pris-cil'la and A'quila; having shorn his head in Cen'chre-a: because he had vowed a vow.

19 And they came to Eph'e-sus, and Paul entered into the synagogue and spoke to the Jews.

20 When they wanted him to tarry a longer time with them, he consented not;

21 Saying, I must by all means celebrate the coming feast as is my custom at Jerusalem; but I will return to you again, God willing.

22 And he left A'qui-la and Pris-cil'la at Eph'e-sus and sailed and when he landed at Cµs-a-re'a, he went up and saluted the members of the church, and went on to An'ti-och.

23 And after he had spent some special days there he departed and traveled all through the country of Phryg'i-a and Ga-la'tia, increasing disciples in all of them.

24 And a certain Jew named A-pol'los, a native of Al-ex-an'dri-a, an eloquent man and well versed in the scriptures, came to Eph'esus.

25 He had been converted to the way of the LORD, and was fervent in the spirit; he spoke and taught very fully concerning Jesus, but he knew only the baptism of John.

26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: and when A'qui-la and Pris-cil'la heard him, they took him to their home, and fully showed him the way of the LORD.

27 And when he was disposed to go to Acha'ia, the brethren gave him a warm reception and wrote to the disciples to welcome him, and when he had come, he greatly helped all believers by means of grace.

28 For he forcefully and publicly argued against the Jews, proving by the scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.



1 厥後、保羅去雅典、至哥林多、

2 亞居拉、猶太人也、生於本都、革老丟詔猶太人出羅馬京、以故亞居拉、與妻百基拉、始來自以大利、保羅遇而投之、

3 爲其業幕同藝、遂與合作、

4 每逢安息日、保羅在會堂辯論、勸猶太、希利尼人、

5 西拉、提摩太、自馬其頓來、保羅心甚迫切、證耶穌爲基督、以告猶太人、

6 猶太人敵而誚之、保羅拂衣、曰、爾而沉淪、罪在爾、我無尤焉、是後、我適異邦人矣、

7 遂離之、有拜上帝者、名猶士都、保羅入其室、室鄰會堂、

8 宰會堂者革哩士布、舉家信主、哥林多人聞道、信而受洗者衆、

9 夜、主以異象示保羅、曰、勿懼、宜傳道、勿緘默、

10 我祐爾、無人擊爾困爾、我有多民在此邑、

11 保羅居彼、一載有半、以上帝道誨之、

12 迦流爲亞該亞方伯時、猶太人一心攻保羅、曳至方伯署、

13 曰、此人勸衆拜上帝、不如我法、

14 保羅未及啓口、迦流謂猶太人曰、猶太人、苟爲不義奸惡之事、宜聽爾、

15 惟是辯論言語名字、及爾律法、爾曹自理之、我不判此也、

16 遂逐之出、

17 衆希利尼人執宰會堂者所提尼、於署前扑之、迦流不以爲意、

18 保羅尚居數日、乃別諸兄弟、航海、往叙利亞、百基拉、亞居拉從之、在堅革哩翦髮、有誓願故也、

19 至以弗所、留二人居之、自入會堂、與猶太人辯論、

20 衆請久居、不許、

21 乃別之曰、節宴伊邇、我當在耶路撒冷守之、若上帝許我、將反見爾、遂舟行、離以弗所、

22 至該撒利亞、上耶路撒冷、問安教會、後往安提阿、

23 久之又往、以次行遊加拉太、弗呂家地、堅諸門徒心、

24 有猶太人、名亞波羅、生於亞力山大、有口才而明經、至以弗所、

25 此人學主道、以主之事、銳志訓人、備極精詳、惟知約翰施洗而已、

26 其在會堂、侃侃而言、亞居拉、百基拉、問而延之、爲亞波羅述上帝道尤詳、

27 亞波羅欲往亞該亞、諸兄弟遺書、勸門徒接之、旣至、大有造於沾恩信主之人、

28 其于衆前特折猶太人、引經指明耶穌誠基督也、


Chapter 18



1 THEN Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth;

1 厥後、保羅去雅典、至哥林多、

2 And there he found a Jew named A'qui-la, from the region of Pontus, who had just arrived from Italy with his wife Pris-cil'la, because Clau'di-us Cµs'ar had commanded all Jews to leave Rome: and Paul went to them.

2 亞居拉、猶太人也、生於本都、革老丟詔猶太人出羅馬京、以故亞居拉、與妻百基拉、始來自以大利、保羅遇而投之、

3 And because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked with them: for they were saddle makers by trade.

3 爲其業幕同藝、遂與合作、

4 And he spoke in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the pagans.

4 每逢安息日、保羅在會堂辯論、勸猶太、希利尼人、

5 And when Silas and Ti-mo'the-us came from Mac-e-do'ni-a, Paul felt he was not free to speak, because the Jews opposed him and blasphemed as he testified that Jesus is the Christ.

5 西拉、提摩太、自馬其頓來、保羅心甚迫切、證耶穌爲基督、以告猶太人、

6 So he shook his garments and said to them, From henceforth I am not to be blamed for what I am about to do; I am going to the Gentiles.

6 猶太人敵而誚之、保羅拂衣、曰、爾而沉淪、罪在爾、我無尤焉、是後、我適異邦人矣、

7 And he departed thence, and entered into the house of a certain man named Titus, a devout man whose household had joined the synagogue.

7 遂離之、有拜上帝者、名猶士都、保羅入其室、室鄰會堂、

8 And Crispus, the chief of the synagogue, believed in our LORD, together with all his household; and many of the Corinthians hearing him believed in God and were baptized.

8 宰會堂者革哩士布、舉家信主、哥林多人聞道、信而受洗者衆、

9 Then the LORD spoke to Paul in a vision, Be not afraid, but speak and be not silent.

9 夜、主以異象示保羅、曰、勿懼、宜傳道、勿緘默、

10 For I am with you, and no man can harm you: and I have many people in this city.

10 我祐爾、無人擊爾困爾、我有多民在此邑、

11 For he had already been in Corinth a year and six months and had taught the word of God among them.

11 保羅居彼、一載有半、以上帝道誨之、

12 And when Gal'li-o was proconsul of Acha'ia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul; and they brought him to the judgment seat,

12 迦流爲亞該亞方伯時、猶太人一心攻保羅、曳至方伯署、

13 Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.

13 曰、此人勸衆拜上帝、不如我法、

14 And as Paul was desirous to open his mouth and speak, Gal'li-o said to the Jews, If your accusations were based on something criminal, fraudulent, or vicious, I would welcome you properly, O Jews:

14 保羅未及啓口、迦流謂猶太人曰、猶太人、苟爲不義奸惡之事、宜聽爾、

15 But if they are a mere question of words and names and concerning your law, you can settle it better among yourselves; for I do not wish to be a judge of such matters.

15 惟是辯論言語名字、及爾律法、爾曹自理之、我不判此也、

16 And he drove them from his judgment seat.

16 遂逐之出、

17 Then the pagans seized Sos'the-nes, the priest of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gal'li-o disregarded these things.

17 衆希利尼人執宰會堂者所提尼、於署前扑之、迦流不以爲意、

18 And after Paul had remained there many days, he bade the brethen farewell and sailed for Syria, and with him Pris-cil'la and A'quila; having shorn his head in Cen'chre-a: because he had vowed a vow.

18 保羅尚居數日、乃別諸兄弟、航海、往叙利亞、百基拉、亞居拉從之、在堅革哩翦髮、有誓願故也、

19 And they came to Eph'e-sus, and Paul entered into the synagogue and spoke to the Jews.

19 至以弗所、留二人居之、自入會堂、與猶太人辯論、

20 When they wanted him to tarry a longer time with them, he consented not;

20 衆請久居、不許、

21 Saying, I must by all means celebrate the coming feast as is my custom at Jerusalem; but I will return to you again, God willing.

21 乃別之曰、節宴伊邇、我當在耶路撒冷守之、若上帝許我、將反見爾、遂舟行、離以弗所、

22 And he left A'qui-la and Pris-cil'la at Eph'e-sus and sailed and when he landed at Cµs-a-re'a, he went up and saluted the members of the church, and went on to An'ti-och.

22 至該撒利亞、上耶路撒冷、問安教會、後往安提阿、

23 And after he had spent some special days there he departed and traveled all through the country of Phryg'i-a and Ga-la'tia, increasing disciples in all of them.

23 久之又往、以次行遊加拉太、弗呂家地、堅諸門徒心、

24 And a certain Jew named A-pol'los, a native of Al-ex-an'dri-a, an eloquent man and well versed in the scriptures, came to Eph'esus.

24 有猶太人、名亞波羅、生於亞力山大、有口才而明經、至以弗所、

25 He had been converted to the way of the LORD, and was fervent in the spirit; he spoke and taught very fully concerning Jesus, but he knew only the baptism of John.

25 此人學主道、以主之事、銳志訓人、備極精詳、惟知約翰施洗而已、

26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: and when A'qui-la and Pris-cil'la heard him, they took him to their home, and fully showed him the way of the LORD.

26 其在會堂、侃侃而言、亞居拉、百基拉、問而延之、爲亞波羅述上帝道尤詳、

27 And when he was disposed to go to Acha'ia, the brethren gave him a warm reception and wrote to the disciples to welcome him, and when he had come, he greatly helped all believers by means of grace.

27 亞波羅欲往亞該亞、諸兄弟遺書、勸門徒接之、旣至、大有造於沾恩信主之人、

28 For he forcefully and publicly argued against the Jews, proving by the scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.

28 其于衆前特折猶太人、引經指明耶穌誠基督也、
