
Chapter 11

1 And2532 there was given1325 me3427 a reed2563 like unto3664 a rod:4464 and2532 the3588 angel32 stood,2476 saying,3004 Rise,1453 and2532 measure3354 the3588 temple3485 of God,2316 and2532 the3588 altar,2379 and2532 them that worship4352 therein.1722 846

2 But2532 the3588 court833 which is without1855 the3588 temple3485 leave1544 out,1854 and2532 measure3354 it846 not;3361 for3754 it is given1325 unto the3588 Gentiles:1484 and2532 the3588 holy40 city4172 shall they tread under foot3961 forty and two5062 1417 months.3376

3 And2532 I will give1325 power unto my3450 two1417 witnesses,3144 and2532 they shall prophesy4395 a thousand two hundred and threescore5507 1250 1835 days,2250 clothed4016 in sackcloth.4526

4 These3778 are1526 the3588 two1417 olive trees,1636 and2532 the3588 two1417 candlesticks3087 standing2476 before1799 the3588 God2316 of the3588 earth.1093

5 And2532 if any man1536 will2309 hurt91 them,846 fire4442 proceedeth1607 out of1537 their848 mouth,4750 and2532 devoureth2719 their848 enemies:2190 and2532 if any man1536 will2309 hurt91 them,846 he846 must1163 in this manner3779 be killed.615

6 These3778 have2192 power1849 to shut2808 heaven,3772 that2443 it rain not1026 3361 5205 in1722 the days2250 of their848 prophecy:4394 and2532 have2192 power1849 over1909 waters5204 to turn4762 them846 to1519 blood,129 and2532 to smite3960 the3588 earth1093 with all3956 plagues,4127 as often as3740 they will.2309 1437

7 And2532 when3752 they shall have finished5055 their848 testimony,3141 the3588 beast2342 that ascendeth305 out of1537 the3588 bottomless pit12 shall make4160 war4171 against3326 them,846 and2532 shall overcome3528 them,846 and2532 kill615 them.846

8 And2532 their848 dead bodies4430 shall lie in1909 the3588 street4113 of the3588 great3173 city,4172 which3748 spiritually4153 is called2564 Sodom4670 and2532 Egypt,125 where3699 also2532 our2257 Lord2962 was crucified.4717

9 And2532 they of1537 the3588 people2992 and2532 kindreds5443 and2532 tongues1100 and2532 nations1484 shall see991 their848 dead bodies4430 three5140 days2250 and2532 a half,2255 and2532 shall not3756 suffer863 their848 dead bodies4430 to be put5087 in1519 graves.3418

10 And2532 they that dwell2730 upon1909 the3588 earth1093 shall rejoice5463 over1909 them,846 and2532 make merry,2165 and2532 shall send3992 gifts1435 one to another;240 because3754 these3778 two1417 prophets4396 tormented928 them that dwelt2730 on1909 the3588 earth.1093

11 And2532 after3326 three5140 days2250 and2532 a half2255 the Spirit4151 of life2222 from1537 God2316 entered1525 into1909 them,846 and2532 they stood2476 upon1909 their848 feet;4228 and2532 great3173 fear5401 fell4098 upon1909 them which saw2334 them.846

12 And2532 they heard191 a great3173 voice5456 from1537 heaven3772 saying3004 unto them,846 Come up305 hither.5602 And2532 they ascended up305 to1519 heaven3772 in1722 a cloud;3507 and2532 their848 enemies2190 beheld2334 them.846

13 And2532 the same1565 hour5610 was1096 there a great3173 earthquake,4578 and2532 the3588 tenth part1182 of the3588 city4172 fell,4098 and2532 in1722 the3588 earthquake4578 were slain615 of3686 men444 seven2033 thousand:5505 and2532 the3588 remnant3062 were1096 affrighted,1719 and2532 gave1325 glory1391 to the3588 God2316 of heaven.3772

14 The3588 second1208 woe3759 is past;565 and, behold,2400 the3588 third5154 woe3759 cometh2064 quickly.5035

15 And2532 the3588 seventh1442 angel32 sounded;4537 and2532 there were1096 great3173 voices5456 in1722 heaven,3772 saying,3004 The3588 kingdoms932 of this world2889 are become1096 the kingdoms of our2257 Lord,2962 and2532 of his848 Christ;5547 and2532 he shall reign936 forever and ever.1519 165 165

16 And2532 the3588 four and twenty5064 2532 1501 elders,4245 which sat2521 before1799 God2316 on1909 their848 seats,2362 fell4098 upon1909 their848 faces,4383 and2532 worshiped4352 God,2316

17 saying,3004 We give thee thanks,2168 4671 O Lord2962 God2316 Almighty,3841 which art, and wast, and art to come;3801 because3754 thou hast taken2983 to thee thy4675 great3173 power,1411 and2532 hast reigned.936

18 And2532 the3588 nations1484 were angry,3710 and2532 thy4675 wrath3709 is come,2064 and2532 the3588 time2540 of the3588 dead,3498 that they should be judged,2919 and2532 that thou shouldest give1325 reward3408 unto thy4675 servants1401 the3588 prophets,4396 and2532 to the3588 saints,40 and2532 them that fear5399 thy4675 name,3686 small3398 and2532 great;3173 and2532 shouldest destroy1311 them which destroy1311 the3588 earth.1093

19 And2532 the3588 temple3485 of God2316 was opened455 in1722 heaven,3772 and2532 there was seen3700 in1722 his848 temple3485 the3588 ark2787 of his848 testament:1242 and2532 there were1096 lightnings,796 and2532 voices,5456 and2532 thunderings,1027 and2532 an earthquake,4578 and2532 great3173 hail.5464



1 有一根葦子賜給我,當作量度的杖,且有天使站著[angel stood]說:「起來,將神的殿和祭壇,並在殿中敬拜[worship]的人,都量一量。

2 只是殿外的院子要留下不用量,因為這是給了外邦人的;他們要踐踏聖城四十二個月。

3 我要賜權柄給[give power unto]我那兩個見證人,穿著麻衣[sackcloth]發預言[prophesy]一千二百六十天。」

4 他們就是那兩棵橄欖樹,兩個燭臺[candlesticks],立在世界之[God]面前的。

5 若有人[will]害他們,就有火從他們口中出來,吞滅[devoureth]仇敵。凡[will]害他們的都必這樣被殺。

6 這二人有權柄,在他們發預言[prophecy]的日子叫天閉塞不下雨;又有權柄叫水變為血,並且能隨時隨意用一切[all]的災殃攻擊世界。

7 他們作完見證的時候,那從無底坑裏上來的獸必與他們交戰,且必[and shall]得勝,把他們殺了。

8 他們的屍首就[shall]倒在大城裏的街上;這城按著靈意叫所多瑪,又叫埃及,[also]我們的[our]主釘十字架之處。

9 從各民、各族、各方、各國的人[of the people][shall]觀看他們的屍首三天半,又不許把屍首放在墳墓裏。

10 住在地上的人就[shall]為他們歡喜快樂,互相餽送禮物,因這兩位先知曾叫住在地上的人受痛苦。

11 過了這三天半,有賜生命的靈[Spirit of life]從神那裏進入他們裏面,他們就站起來;看見他們的人甚是害怕。

12 兩位先知聽見有大聲音從天上來,對他們說:「上到這裏來。」他們就駕著一朵雲彩[a cloud]上了天,他們的仇敵也看見了。

13 正在那時候,地大震動,城就倒塌了十分之一,因地震被殺[slain]的有七千人;其餘的都恐懼,歸榮耀給天上的神。

14 第二樣災禍過去;不料[and behold],第三樣災禍快到了。

15 第七個天使吹號,天上就有大聲音說:「[this]世上的眾國[kingdoms],成了我們[our]主和[his]基督的眾國[kingdoms];他要作王,直到永永遠遠。」

16 在神面前,坐在自己位上的二十四個長老,就面伏於地,敬拜神,

17 說:「昔在、今在、以後要來[art to come]的主神─全能者啊,我們感謝你,因你執掌大權歸你自己[to thee],作王了。

18 外邦發怒,你的忿怒也要臨到[is come]死人[dead]受審判[should be judged]的時候也到了。你的僕人眾先知和眾聖徒,凡敬畏你名的人,連大帶小得賞賜的時候也到了。你[shouldest]敗壞那些敗壞全地[earth]之人的時候也就到了。」

19 當時,神的殿在天上開了[temple of God was opened in heaven],在他殿中現出他的約櫃。隨後有閃電、聲音、雷轟、地震、大雹。


Chapter 11



1 And2532 there was given1325 me3427 a reed2563 like unto3664 a rod:4464 and2532 the3588 angel32 stood,2476 saying,3004 Rise,1453 and2532 measure3354 the3588 temple3485 of God,2316 and2532 the3588 altar,2379 and2532 them that worship4352 therein.1722 846

1 有一根葦子賜給我,當作量度的杖,且有天使站著[angel stood]說:「起來,將神的殿和祭壇,並在殿中敬拜[worship]的人,都量一量。

2 But2532 the3588 court833 which is without1855 the3588 temple3485 leave1544 out,1854 and2532 measure3354 it846 not;3361 for3754 it is given1325 unto the3588 Gentiles:1484 and2532 the3588 holy40 city4172 shall they tread under foot3961 forty and two5062 1417 months.3376

2 只是殿外的院子要留下不用量,因為這是給了外邦人的;他們要踐踏聖城四十二個月。

3 And2532 I will give1325 power unto my3450 two1417 witnesses,3144 and2532 they shall prophesy4395 a thousand two hundred and threescore5507 1250 1835 days,2250 clothed4016 in sackcloth.4526

3 我要賜權柄給[give power unto]我那兩個見證人,穿著麻衣[sackcloth]發預言[prophesy]一千二百六十天。」

4 These3778 are1526 the3588 two1417 olive trees,1636 and2532 the3588 two1417 candlesticks3087 standing2476 before1799 the3588 God2316 of the3588 earth.1093

4 他們就是那兩棵橄欖樹,兩個燭臺[candlesticks],立在世界之[God]面前的。

5 And2532 if any man1536 will2309 hurt91 them,846 fire4442 proceedeth1607 out of1537 their848 mouth,4750 and2532 devoureth2719 their848 enemies:2190 and2532 if any man1536 will2309 hurt91 them,846 he846 must1163 in this manner3779 be killed.615

5 若有人[will]害他們,就有火從他們口中出來,吞滅[devoureth]仇敵。凡[will]害他們的都必這樣被殺。

6 These3778 have2192 power1849 to shut2808 heaven,3772 that2443 it rain not1026 3361 5205 in1722 the days2250 of their848 prophecy:4394 and2532 have2192 power1849 over1909 waters5204 to turn4762 them846 to1519 blood,129 and2532 to smite3960 the3588 earth1093 with all3956 plagues,4127 as often as3740 they will.2309 1437

6 這二人有權柄,在他們發預言[prophecy]的日子叫天閉塞不下雨;又有權柄叫水變為血,並且能隨時隨意用一切[all]的災殃攻擊世界。

7 And2532 when3752 they shall have finished5055 their848 testimony,3141 the3588 beast2342 that ascendeth305 out of1537 the3588 bottomless pit12 shall make4160 war4171 against3326 them,846 and2532 shall overcome3528 them,846 and2532 kill615 them.846

7 他們作完見證的時候,那從無底坑裏上來的獸必與他們交戰,且必[and shall]得勝,把他們殺了。

8 And2532 their848 dead bodies4430 shall lie in1909 the3588 street4113 of the3588 great3173 city,4172 which3748 spiritually4153 is called2564 Sodom4670 and2532 Egypt,125 where3699 also2532 our2257 Lord2962 was crucified.4717

8 他們的屍首就[shall]倒在大城裏的街上;這城按著靈意叫所多瑪,又叫埃及,[also]我們的[our]主釘十字架之處。

9 And2532 they of1537 the3588 people2992 and2532 kindreds5443 and2532 tongues1100 and2532 nations1484 shall see991 their848 dead bodies4430 three5140 days2250 and2532 a half,2255 and2532 shall not3756 suffer863 their848 dead bodies4430 to be put5087 in1519 graves.3418

9 從各民、各族、各方、各國的人[of the people][shall]觀看他們的屍首三天半,又不許把屍首放在墳墓裏。

10 And2532 they that dwell2730 upon1909 the3588 earth1093 shall rejoice5463 over1909 them,846 and2532 make merry,2165 and2532 shall send3992 gifts1435 one to another;240 because3754 these3778 two1417 prophets4396 tormented928 them that dwelt2730 on1909 the3588 earth.1093

10 住在地上的人就[shall]為他們歡喜快樂,互相餽送禮物,因這兩位先知曾叫住在地上的人受痛苦。

11 And2532 after3326 three5140 days2250 and2532 a half2255 the Spirit4151 of life2222 from1537 God2316 entered1525 into1909 them,846 and2532 they stood2476 upon1909 their848 feet;4228 and2532 great3173 fear5401 fell4098 upon1909 them which saw2334 them.846

11 過了這三天半,有賜生命的靈[Spirit of life]從神那裏進入他們裏面,他們就站起來;看見他們的人甚是害怕。

12 And2532 they heard191 a great3173 voice5456 from1537 heaven3772 saying3004 unto them,846 Come up305 hither.5602 And2532 they ascended up305 to1519 heaven3772 in1722 a cloud;3507 and2532 their848 enemies2190 beheld2334 them.846

12 兩位先知聽見有大聲音從天上來,對他們說:「上到這裏來。」他們就駕著一朵雲彩[a cloud]上了天,他們的仇敵也看見了。

13 And2532 the same1565 hour5610 was1096 there a great3173 earthquake,4578 and2532 the3588 tenth part1182 of the3588 city4172 fell,4098 and2532 in1722 the3588 earthquake4578 were slain615 of3686 men444 seven2033 thousand:5505 and2532 the3588 remnant3062 were1096 affrighted,1719 and2532 gave1325 glory1391 to the3588 God2316 of heaven.3772

13 正在那時候,地大震動,城就倒塌了十分之一,因地震被殺[slain]的有七千人;其餘的都恐懼,歸榮耀給天上的神。

14 The3588 second1208 woe3759 is past;565 and, behold,2400 the3588 third5154 woe3759 cometh2064 quickly.5035

14 第二樣災禍過去;不料[and behold],第三樣災禍快到了。

15 And2532 the3588 seventh1442 angel32 sounded;4537 and2532 there were1096 great3173 voices5456 in1722 heaven,3772 saying,3004 The3588 kingdoms932 of this world2889 are become1096 the kingdoms of our2257 Lord,2962 and2532 of his848 Christ;5547 and2532 he shall reign936 forever and ever.1519 165 165

15 第七個天使吹號,天上就有大聲音說:「[this]世上的眾國[kingdoms],成了我們[our]主和[his]基督的眾國[kingdoms];他要作王,直到永永遠遠。」

16 And2532 the3588 four and twenty5064 2532 1501 elders,4245 which sat2521 before1799 God2316 on1909 their848 seats,2362 fell4098 upon1909 their848 faces,4383 and2532 worshiped4352 God,2316

16 在神面前,坐在自己位上的二十四個長老,就面伏於地,敬拜神,

17 saying,3004 We give thee thanks,2168 4671 O Lord2962 God2316 Almighty,3841 which art, and wast, and art to come;3801 because3754 thou hast taken2983 to thee thy4675 great3173 power,1411 and2532 hast reigned.936

17 說:「昔在、今在、以後要來[art to come]的主神─全能者啊,我們感謝你,因你執掌大權歸你自己[to thee],作王了。

18 And2532 the3588 nations1484 were angry,3710 and2532 thy4675 wrath3709 is come,2064 and2532 the3588 time2540 of the3588 dead,3498 that they should be judged,2919 and2532 that thou shouldest give1325 reward3408 unto thy4675 servants1401 the3588 prophets,4396 and2532 to the3588 saints,40 and2532 them that fear5399 thy4675 name,3686 small3398 and2532 great;3173 and2532 shouldest destroy1311 them which destroy1311 the3588 earth.1093

18 外邦發怒,你的忿怒也要臨到[is come]死人[dead]受審判[should be judged]的時候也到了。你的僕人眾先知和眾聖徒,凡敬畏你名的人,連大帶小得賞賜的時候也到了。你[shouldest]敗壞那些敗壞全地[earth]之人的時候也就到了。」

19 And2532 the3588 temple3485 of God2316 was opened455 in1722 heaven,3772 and2532 there was seen3700 in1722 his848 temple3485 the3588 ark2787 of his848 testament:1242 and2532 there were1096 lightnings,796 and2532 voices,5456 and2532 thunderings,1027 and2532 an earthquake,4578 and2532 great3173 hail.5464

19 當時,神的殿在天上開了[temple of God was opened in heaven],在他殿中現出他的約櫃。隨後有閃電、聲音、雷轟、地震、大雹。