
Psalm 87

1 A Psalm4210 or Song7892 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 His foundation3248 is in the holy6944 mountains.2042

2 The LORD3068 loveth157 the gates8179 of Zion6726 more than all4480 3605 the dwellings4908 of Jacob.3290

3 Glorious things3513 are spoken1696 of thee, O city5892 of God.430 Selah.5542

4 I will make mention2142 of Rahab7294 and Babylon894 to them that know3045 me: behold2009 Philistia,6429 and Tyre,6865 with5973 Ethiopia;3568 this2088 man was born3205 there.8033

5 And of Zion6726 it shall be said,559 This376 and that man376 was born3205 in her: and the highest5945 himself1931 shall establish3559 her.

6 The LORD3068 shall count,5608 when he writeth up3789 the people,5971 that this2088 man was born3205 there.8033 Selah.5542

7 As well the singers7891 as the players on instruments2490 shall be there: all3605 my springs4599 are in thee.



1 (可拉後裔的詩歌。)耶和華所立的根基在聖山上。

2 耶和華[LORD]愛錫安的門,甚於[more than]愛雅各一切的住處。

3 神的城啊,有榮耀的事乃指著你說的。細拉。

4 我要提起拉哈伯和巴比倫人,是在認識我之中的。看哪,非利士和推羅並埃塞俄比亞[Ethiopia]這人[this man]個生在那裏。

5 論到錫安,必說:這一個、那一個都生在其中,而且至高者必親自堅立這城。

6 當耶和華記錄眾民的時候,他要點出這一個生在那裏。細拉。

7 歌唱的,作樂的[players on instruments],都要說:我的泉源都在你裏面。


Psalm 87



1 A Psalm4210 or Song7892 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 His foundation3248 is in the holy6944 mountains.2042

1 (可拉後裔的詩歌。)耶和華所立的根基在聖山上。

2 The LORD3068 loveth157 the gates8179 of Zion6726 more than all4480 3605 the dwellings4908 of Jacob.3290

2 耶和華[LORD]愛錫安的門,甚於[more than]愛雅各一切的住處。

3 Glorious things3513 are spoken1696 of thee, O city5892 of God.430 Selah.5542

3 神的城啊,有榮耀的事乃指著你說的。細拉。

4 I will make mention2142 of Rahab7294 and Babylon894 to them that know3045 me: behold2009 Philistia,6429 and Tyre,6865 with5973 Ethiopia;3568 this2088 man was born3205 there.8033

4 我要提起拉哈伯和巴比倫人,是在認識我之中的。看哪,非利士和推羅並埃塞俄比亞[Ethiopia]這人[this man]個生在那裏。

5 And of Zion6726 it shall be said,559 This376 and that man376 was born3205 in her: and the highest5945 himself1931 shall establish3559 her.

5 論到錫安,必說:這一個、那一個都生在其中,而且至高者必親自堅立這城。

6 The LORD3068 shall count,5608 when he writeth up3789 the people,5971 that this2088 man was born3205 there.8033 Selah.5542

6 當耶和華記錄眾民的時候,他要點出這一個生在那裏。細拉。

7 As well the singers7891 as the players on instruments2490 shall be there: all3605 my springs4599 are in thee.

7 歌唱的,作樂的[players on instruments],都要說:我的泉源都在你裏面。