
Psalm 33

1 Rejoice7442 in the LORD,3068 O ye righteous:6662 for praise8416 is comely5000 for the upright.3477

2 Praise3034 the LORD3068 with harp:3658 sing2167 unto him with the psaltery5035 and an instrument of ten strings.6218

3 Sing7891 unto him a new2319 song;7892 play5059 skilfully3190 with a loud noise.8643

4 For3588 the word1697 of the LORD3068 is right;3477 and all3605 his works4639 are done in truth.530

5 He loveth157 righteousness6666 and judgment:4941 the earth776 is full4390 of the goodness2617 of the LORD.3068

6 By the word1697 of the LORD3068 were the heavens8064 made;6213 and all3605 the host6635 of them by the breath7307 of his mouth.6310

7 He gathereth3664 the waters4325 of the sea3220 together as a heap:5067 he layeth up5414 the depth8415 in storehouses.214

8 Let all3605 the earth776 fear3372 the LORD:4480 3068 let all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the world8398 stand in awe1481 of4480 him.

9 For3588 he1931 spoke,559 and it was1961 done; he1931 commanded,6680 and it stood fast.5975

10 The LORD3068 bringeth the counsel6098 of the heathen1471 to naught:6331 he maketh the devices4284 of the people5971 of none effect.5106

11 The counsel6098 of the LORD3068 standeth5975 forever,5769 the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 to all1755 generations.1755

12 Blessed835 is the nation1471 whose834 God430 is the LORD;3068 and the people5971 whom he hath chosen977 for his own inheritance.5159

13 The LORD3068 looketh5027 from heaven;4480 8064 he beholdeth7200 853 all3605 the sons1121 of men.120

14 From the place4480 4349 of his habitation3427 he looketh7688 upon413 all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the earth.776

15 He fashioneth3335 their hearts3820 alike;3162 he considereth995 413 all3605 their works.4639

16 There is no369 king4428 saved3467 by the multitude7230 of a host:2428 a mighty man1368 is not3808 delivered5337 by much7230 strength.3581

17 A horse5483 is a vain thing8267 for safety:8668 neither3808 shall he deliver4422 any by his great7230 strength.2428

18 Behold,2009 the eye5869 of the LORD3068 is upon413 them that fear3373 him, upon them that hope3176 in his mercy;2617

19 To deliver5337 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 and to keep them alive2421 in famine.7458

20 Our soul5315 waiteth2442 for the LORD:3068 he1931 is our help5828 and our shield.4043

21 For3588 our heart3820 shall rejoice8055 in him, because3588 we have trusted982 in his holy6944 name.8034

22 Let thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 be1961 upon5921 us, according as834 we hope3176 in thee.



1 義人哪,你們應當靠耶和華歡樂;正直人的讚美是合宜的。

2 你們應當彈琴歌頌[Praise]耶和華,用[psaltery]並十弦的樂器[and an instrument of ten strings]歌頌他。

3 應當向他唱新歌,彈得巧妙,聲音洪亮。

4 因為耶和華的言語正確[right];凡他所作的盡都誠實。

5 他喜愛公義[righteousness]公平;遍地滿了耶和華的恩惠[goodness]

6 諸天藉耶和華的[word]而造;一切天象[all the host of them]藉他口中的氣而成。

7 他聚集海水如壘,收藏深洋在庫房。

8 願全地都敬畏耶和華。願世上的居民都懼怕他。

9 因為他說有,就有,命立,就立。

10 耶和華使異教之民[heathen]的籌算歸於無有,使眾民的計謀[devices]無有功效。

11 耶和華的籌算永遠立定;他心中的思念世代[all generations]常存。

12 以耶和華為神的,那國是有福的。他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的。

13 耶和華從天上觀看;他看見一切的世人。

14 從他的居所往外察看地上一切的居民─

15 他是那造成他們眾人心的,留意他們一切作為的。

16 沒有君王因兵多存留[There is no king saved by the multitude of an host];勇士並不[is not]因力大得救。

17 靠馬穩妥[safety]是枉然的;[he]也不能因力大救人。

18 看哪[Behold],耶和華的眼目看顧敬畏他的人和仰望他慈愛的人,

19 要救他們的命脫離死亡,並使他們在饑荒中存活。

20 我們的心向來等候耶和華;他是我們的幫助,我們的盾牌。

21 我們的心必靠他歡喜,因為我們向來倚靠他的聖名。

22 耶和華啊,求你照著我們所仰望你的,向我們施行慈愛。


Psalm 33



1 Rejoice7442 in the LORD,3068 O ye righteous:6662 for praise8416 is comely5000 for the upright.3477

1 義人哪,你們應當靠耶和華歡樂;正直人的讚美是合宜的。

2 Praise3034 the LORD3068 with harp:3658 sing2167 unto him with the psaltery5035 and an instrument of ten strings.6218

2 你們應當彈琴歌頌[Praise]耶和華,用[psaltery]並十弦的樂器[and an instrument of ten strings]歌頌他。

3 Sing7891 unto him a new2319 song;7892 play5059 skilfully3190 with a loud noise.8643

3 應當向他唱新歌,彈得巧妙,聲音洪亮。

4 For3588 the word1697 of the LORD3068 is right;3477 and all3605 his works4639 are done in truth.530

4 因為耶和華的言語正確[right];凡他所作的盡都誠實。

5 He loveth157 righteousness6666 and judgment:4941 the earth776 is full4390 of the goodness2617 of the LORD.3068

5 他喜愛公義[righteousness]公平;遍地滿了耶和華的恩惠[goodness]

6 By the word1697 of the LORD3068 were the heavens8064 made;6213 and all3605 the host6635 of them by the breath7307 of his mouth.6310

6 諸天藉耶和華的[word]而造;一切天象[all the host of them]藉他口中的氣而成。

7 He gathereth3664 the waters4325 of the sea3220 together as a heap:5067 he layeth up5414 the depth8415 in storehouses.214

7 他聚集海水如壘,收藏深洋在庫房。

8 Let all3605 the earth776 fear3372 the LORD:4480 3068 let all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the world8398 stand in awe1481 of4480 him.

8 願全地都敬畏耶和華。願世上的居民都懼怕他。

9 For3588 he1931 spoke,559 and it was1961 done; he1931 commanded,6680 and it stood fast.5975

9 因為他說有,就有,命立,就立。

10 The LORD3068 bringeth the counsel6098 of the heathen1471 to naught:6331 he maketh the devices4284 of the people5971 of none effect.5106

10 耶和華使異教之民[heathen]的籌算歸於無有,使眾民的計謀[devices]無有功效。

11 The counsel6098 of the LORD3068 standeth5975 forever,5769 the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 to all1755 generations.1755

11 耶和華的籌算永遠立定;他心中的思念世代[all generations]常存。

12 Blessed835 is the nation1471 whose834 God430 is the LORD;3068 and the people5971 whom he hath chosen977 for his own inheritance.5159

12 以耶和華為神的,那國是有福的。他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的。

13 The LORD3068 looketh5027 from heaven;4480 8064 he beholdeth7200 853 all3605 the sons1121 of men.120

13 耶和華從天上觀看;他看見一切的世人。

14 From the place4480 4349 of his habitation3427 he looketh7688 upon413 all3605 the inhabitants3427 of the earth.776

14 從他的居所往外察看地上一切的居民─

15 He fashioneth3335 their hearts3820 alike;3162 he considereth995 413 all3605 their works.4639

15 他是那造成他們眾人心的,留意他們一切作為的。

16 There is no369 king4428 saved3467 by the multitude7230 of a host:2428 a mighty man1368 is not3808 delivered5337 by much7230 strength.3581

16 沒有君王因兵多存留[There is no king saved by the multitude of an host];勇士並不[is not]因力大得救。

17 A horse5483 is a vain thing8267 for safety:8668 neither3808 shall he deliver4422 any by his great7230 strength.2428

17 靠馬穩妥[safety]是枉然的;[he]也不能因力大救人。

18 Behold,2009 the eye5869 of the LORD3068 is upon413 them that fear3373 him, upon them that hope3176 in his mercy;2617

18 看哪[Behold],耶和華的眼目看顧敬畏他的人和仰望他慈愛的人,

19 To deliver5337 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 and to keep them alive2421 in famine.7458

19 要救他們的命脫離死亡,並使他們在饑荒中存活。

20 Our soul5315 waiteth2442 for the LORD:3068 he1931 is our help5828 and our shield.4043

20 我們的心向來等候耶和華;他是我們的幫助,我們的盾牌。

21 For3588 our heart3820 shall rejoice8055 in him, because3588 we have trusted982 in his holy6944 name.8034

21 我們的心必靠他歡喜,因為我們向來倚靠他的聖名。

22 Let thy mercy,2617 O LORD,3068 be1961 upon5921 us, according as834 we hope3176 in thee.

22 耶和華啊,求你照著我們所仰望你的,向我們施行慈愛。