
Psalm 25

1 A Psalm of David.1732 Unto413 thee, O LORD,3068 do I lift up5375 my soul.5315

2 O my God,430 I trust982 in thee: let me not408 be ashamed,954 let not408 mine enemies341 triumph5970 over me.

3 Yea,1571 let none3605 3808 that wait6960 on thee be ashamed:954 let them be ashamed954 which transgress898 without cause.7387

4 Show3045 me thy ways,1870 O LORD;3068 teach3925 me thy paths.734

5 Lead1869 me in thy truth,571 and teach3925 me: for3588 thou859 art the God430 of my salvation;3468 on thee do I wait6960 all3605 the day.3117

6 Remember,2142 O LORD,3068 thy tender mercies7356 and thy lovingkindnesses;2617 for3588 they1992 have been ever of old.4480 5769

7 Remember2142 not408 the sins2403 of my youth,5271 nor my transgressions:6588 according to thy mercy2617 remember2142 thou859 me for thy goodness' sake,4616 2898 O LORD.3068

8 Good2896 and upright3477 is the LORD:3068 therefore5921 3651 will he teach3384 sinners2400 in the way.1870

9 The meek6035 will he guide1869 in judgment:4941 and the meek6035 will he teach3925 his way.1870

10 All3605 the paths734 of the LORD3068 are mercy2617 and truth571 unto such as keep5341 his covenant1285 and his testimonies.5713

11 For thy name's sake,4616 8034 O LORD,3068 pardon5545 mine iniquity;5771 for3588 it1931 is great.7227

12 What4310 man376 is he that2088 feareth3373 the LORD?3068 him shall he teach3384 in the way1870 that he shall choose.977

13 His soul5315 shall dwell3885 at ease;2896 and his seed2233 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

14 The secret5475 of the LORD3068 is with them that fear3373 him; and he will show3045 them his covenant.1285

15 Mine eyes5869 are ever8548 toward413 the LORD;3068 for3588 he1931 shall pluck my feet out3318 7272 of the net.4480 7568

16 Turn6437 thee unto413 me, and have mercy2603 upon me; for3588 I589 am desolate3173 and afflicted.6041

17 The troubles6869 of my heart3824 are enlarged:7337 O bring thou me out3318 of my distresses.4480 4691

18 Look upon7200 mine affliction6040 and my pain;5999 and forgive5375 all3605 my sins.2403

19 Consider7200 mine enemies;341 for3588 they are many;7231 and they hate8130 me with cruel2555 hatred.8135

20 O keep8104 my soul,5315 and deliver5337 me: let me not408 be ashamed;954 for3588 I put my trust2620 in thee.

21 Let integrity8537 and uprightness3476 preserve5341 me; for3588 I wait on6960 thee.

22 Redeem6299 853 Israel,3478 O God,430 out of all4480 3605 his troubles.6869



1 (大衛的詩。)耶和華啊,我的心仰望你。

2 我的神啊,我素來倚靠你;求你不要叫我羞愧,不要叫我的仇敵向我誇勝。

3 凡等候你的必不羞愧;唯有那無故行奸詐的必要羞愧。

4 耶和華啊,求你將你的道指示我,將你的路教訓我。

5 求你以你的真理引導我,教訓我,因為你是救我的神。我終日等候你。

6 耶和華啊,求你記念你的憐憫和慈愛,因為這是亙古以來所常有的。

7 求你不要記念我幼年的罪愆和我的過犯;耶和華啊,求你因你的恩惠,按你的慈愛記念我。

8 耶和華是良善正直的,所以他必指教[teach]罪人走正路。

9 他必按公平引領謙卑人,將他的道教訓他們。

10 凡遵守他的約和他法度的人,耶和華都以慈愛誠實待他。

11 耶和華啊,求你因你的名赦免我的罪,因為我的罪重大。

12 誰敬畏耶和華,耶和華必指教[teach]他當選擇的道路。

13 他必安然居住;他的後裔必承受地土。

14 耶和華的奧秘[secret]與敬畏他的人同在[with];他必將自己的約指示他們。

15 我的眼目時常仰望耶和華,因為他必將我的腳從網裏拉出來。

16 求你轉向我,憐恤我,因為我是孤獨困苦。

17 我心裏的愁苦甚多,求你救我脫離我的禍患[O]

18 求你看顧我的困苦,我的艱難,饒恕[forgive]我一切的罪。

19 求你察看我的仇敵,因為他們人多,並且痛痛地恨我。

20 求你保護我的性命,搭救我,使我不致羞愧,因為我投靠你[O]

21 願純全、正直保守我,因為我等候你。

22 神啊,求你救贖以色列脫離他一切的愁苦。


Psalm 25



1 A Psalm of David.1732 Unto413 thee, O LORD,3068 do I lift up5375 my soul.5315

1 (大衛的詩。)耶和華啊,我的心仰望你。

2 O my God,430 I trust982 in thee: let me not408 be ashamed,954 let not408 mine enemies341 triumph5970 over me.

2 我的神啊,我素來倚靠你;求你不要叫我羞愧,不要叫我的仇敵向我誇勝。

3 Yea,1571 let none3605 3808 that wait6960 on thee be ashamed:954 let them be ashamed954 which transgress898 without cause.7387

3 凡等候你的必不羞愧;唯有那無故行奸詐的必要羞愧。

4 Show3045 me thy ways,1870 O LORD;3068 teach3925 me thy paths.734

4 耶和華啊,求你將你的道指示我,將你的路教訓我。

5 Lead1869 me in thy truth,571 and teach3925 me: for3588 thou859 art the God430 of my salvation;3468 on thee do I wait6960 all3605 the day.3117

5 求你以你的真理引導我,教訓我,因為你是救我的神。我終日等候你。

6 Remember,2142 O LORD,3068 thy tender mercies7356 and thy lovingkindnesses;2617 for3588 they1992 have been ever of old.4480 5769

6 耶和華啊,求你記念你的憐憫和慈愛,因為這是亙古以來所常有的。

7 Remember2142 not408 the sins2403 of my youth,5271 nor my transgressions:6588 according to thy mercy2617 remember2142 thou859 me for thy goodness' sake,4616 2898 O LORD.3068

7 求你不要記念我幼年的罪愆和我的過犯;耶和華啊,求你因你的恩惠,按你的慈愛記念我。

8 Good2896 and upright3477 is the LORD:3068 therefore5921 3651 will he teach3384 sinners2400 in the way.1870

8 耶和華是良善正直的,所以他必指教[teach]罪人走正路。

9 The meek6035 will he guide1869 in judgment:4941 and the meek6035 will he teach3925 his way.1870

9 他必按公平引領謙卑人,將他的道教訓他們。

10 All3605 the paths734 of the LORD3068 are mercy2617 and truth571 unto such as keep5341 his covenant1285 and his testimonies.5713

10 凡遵守他的約和他法度的人,耶和華都以慈愛誠實待他。

11 For thy name's sake,4616 8034 O LORD,3068 pardon5545 mine iniquity;5771 for3588 it1931 is great.7227

11 耶和華啊,求你因你的名赦免我的罪,因為我的罪重大。

12 What4310 man376 is he that2088 feareth3373 the LORD?3068 him shall he teach3384 in the way1870 that he shall choose.977

12 誰敬畏耶和華,耶和華必指教[teach]他當選擇的道路。

13 His soul5315 shall dwell3885 at ease;2896 and his seed2233 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

13 他必安然居住;他的後裔必承受地土。

14 The secret5475 of the LORD3068 is with them that fear3373 him; and he will show3045 them his covenant.1285

14 耶和華的奧秘[secret]與敬畏他的人同在[with];他必將自己的約指示他們。

15 Mine eyes5869 are ever8548 toward413 the LORD;3068 for3588 he1931 shall pluck my feet out3318 7272 of the net.4480 7568

15 我的眼目時常仰望耶和華,因為他必將我的腳從網裏拉出來。

16 Turn6437 thee unto413 me, and have mercy2603 upon me; for3588 I589 am desolate3173 and afflicted.6041

16 求你轉向我,憐恤我,因為我是孤獨困苦。

17 The troubles6869 of my heart3824 are enlarged:7337 O bring thou me out3318 of my distresses.4480 4691

17 我心裏的愁苦甚多,求你救我脫離我的禍患[O]

18 Look upon7200 mine affliction6040 and my pain;5999 and forgive5375 all3605 my sins.2403

18 求你看顧我的困苦,我的艱難,饒恕[forgive]我一切的罪。

19 Consider7200 mine enemies;341 for3588 they are many;7231 and they hate8130 me with cruel2555 hatred.8135

19 求你察看我的仇敵,因為他們人多,並且痛痛地恨我。

20 O keep8104 my soul,5315 and deliver5337 me: let me not408 be ashamed;954 for3588 I put my trust2620 in thee.

20 求你保護我的性命,搭救我,使我不致羞愧,因為我投靠你[O]

21 Let integrity8537 and uprightness3476 preserve5341 me; for3588 I wait on6960 thee.

21 願純全、正直保守我,因為我等候你。

22 Redeem6299 853 Israel,3478 O God,430 out of all4480 3605 his troubles.6869

22 神啊,求你救贖以色列脫離他一切的愁苦。