
Psalm 8

1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776 who834 hast set5414 thy glory1935 above5921 the heavens.8064

2 Out of the mouth4480 6310 of babes5768 and sucklings3243 hast thou ordained3245 strength5797 because of4616 thine enemies,6887 that thou mightest still7673 the enemy341 and the avenger.5358

3 When3588 I consider7200 thy heavens,8064 the work4639 of thy fingers,676 the moon3394 and the stars,3556 which834 thou hast ordained;3559

4 What4100 is man,582 that3588 thou art mindful2142 of him? and the son1121 of man,120 that3588 thou visitest6485 him?

5 For thou hast made him a little lower2637 4592 than the angels,4480 430 and hast crowned5849 him with glory3519 and honor.1926

6 Thou madest him to have dominion4910 over the works4639 of thy hands;3027 thou hast put7896 all3605 things under8478 his feet: 7272

7 All3605 sheep6792 and oxen,504 yea,1571 and the beasts929 of the field;7704

8 The fowl6833 of the air,8064 and the fish1709 of the sea,3220 and whatsoever passeth through5674 the paths734 of the seas.3220

9 O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776



1 (此大闢所作使伶長鼓瑟而歌)耶和華兮、吾之主、赫赫於天兮、巍巍於地、

2 爾以赤子乳哺者之口、極力以頌揚、使仇敵緘口而不張。

3 我觀爾所造之穹蒼、又星月之輝光、

4 世人爲誰兮、爾垂念之、人子爲誰兮、爾眷顧之、

5 爾使人子、少遜於天使兮、後加以尊榮。

6 任以督所造之物、服萬物於其下、

7 六畜百獸、

8 飛鳥潛鱗、海中百物、無不歸其統轄。

9 巍巍乎、我主耶和華之在寰宇乎。


Psalm 8



1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776 who834 hast set5414 thy glory1935 above5921 the heavens.8064

1 (此大闢所作使伶長鼓瑟而歌)耶和華兮、吾之主、赫赫於天兮、巍巍於地、

2 Out of the mouth4480 6310 of babes5768 and sucklings3243 hast thou ordained3245 strength5797 because of4616 thine enemies,6887 that thou mightest still7673 the enemy341 and the avenger.5358

2 爾以赤子乳哺者之口、極力以頌揚、使仇敵緘口而不張。

3 When3588 I consider7200 thy heavens,8064 the work4639 of thy fingers,676 the moon3394 and the stars,3556 which834 thou hast ordained;3559

3 我觀爾所造之穹蒼、又星月之輝光、

4 What4100 is man,582 that3588 thou art mindful2142 of him? and the son1121 of man,120 that3588 thou visitest6485 him?

4 世人爲誰兮、爾垂念之、人子爲誰兮、爾眷顧之、

5 For thou hast made him a little lower2637 4592 than the angels,4480 430 and hast crowned5849 him with glory3519 and honor.1926

5 爾使人子、少遜於天使兮、後加以尊榮。

6 Thou madest him to have dominion4910 over the works4639 of thy hands;3027 thou hast put7896 all3605 things under8478 his feet: 7272

6 任以督所造之物、服萬物於其下、

7 All3605 sheep6792 and oxen,504 yea,1571 and the beasts929 of the field;7704

7 六畜百獸、

8 The fowl6833 of the air,8064 and the fish1709 of the sea,3220 and whatsoever passeth through5674 the paths734 of the seas.3220

8 飛鳥潛鱗、海中百物、無不歸其統轄。

9 O LORD3068 our Lord,113 how4100 excellent117 is thy name8034 in all3605 the earth!776

9 巍巍乎、我主耶和華之在寰宇乎。