
Psalm 47

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 O clap8628 your hands,3709 all3605 ye people;5971 shout7321 unto God430 with the voice6963 of triumph.7440

2 For3588 the LORD3068 most high5945 is terrible;3372 he is a great1419 King4428 over5921 all3605 the earth.776

3 He shall subdue1696 the people5971 under8478 us, and the nations3816 under8478 our feet.7272

4 He shall choose977 853 our inheritance5159 for us,853 the excellency1347 of Jacob3290 whom834 he loved.157 Selah.5542

5 God430 is gone up5927 with a shout,8643 the LORD3068 with the sound6963 of a trumpet.7782

6 Sing praises2167 to God,430 sing praises:2167 sing praises2167 unto our King,4428 sing praises.2167

7 For3588 God430 is the King4428 of all3605 the earth:776 sing ye praises2167 with understanding.7919

8 God430 reigneth4427 over5921 the heathen:1471 God430 sitteth3427 upon5921 the throne3678 of his holiness.6944

9 The princes5081 of the people5971 are gathered together,622 even the people5971 of the God430 of Abraham:85 for3588 the shields4043 of the earth776 belong unto God:430 he is greatly3966 exalted.5927



1 (此詩訓迪哥喇子孫使伶長歌之)維彼億兆、當鼓掌凱歌、頌美上帝兮、

2 至高之上帝耶和華、有威可畏、爲宇內之大君兮。

3 彼使異邦之民、咸來歸附、伏予足下兮。

4 彼愛雅各、簡此豐腴地、錫我爲榮兮。

5 耶和華上帝上昇、我歡呼而吹角兮、

6 上帝兮、爲我之王、當謳歌而頌美之兮。

7 上帝爲寰宇之君、民當作歌、以揄揚之兮。

8 上帝坐聖位、治異邦之民兮、

9 亞伯拉罕之上帝有民人焉、民牧和會、元戎歸主、稱爲至尊兮。


Psalm 47



1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 O clap8628 your hands,3709 all3605 ye people;5971 shout7321 unto God430 with the voice6963 of triumph.7440

1 (此詩訓迪哥喇子孫使伶長歌之)維彼億兆、當鼓掌凱歌、頌美上帝兮、

2 For3588 the LORD3068 most high5945 is terrible;3372 he is a great1419 King4428 over5921 all3605 the earth.776

2 至高之上帝耶和華、有威可畏、爲宇內之大君兮。

3 He shall subdue1696 the people5971 under8478 us, and the nations3816 under8478 our feet.7272

3 彼使異邦之民、咸來歸附、伏予足下兮。

4 He shall choose977 853 our inheritance5159 for us,853 the excellency1347 of Jacob3290 whom834 he loved.157 Selah.5542

4 彼愛雅各、簡此豐腴地、錫我爲榮兮。

5 God430 is gone up5927 with a shout,8643 the LORD3068 with the sound6963 of a trumpet.7782

5 耶和華上帝上昇、我歡呼而吹角兮、

6 Sing praises2167 to God,430 sing praises:2167 sing praises2167 unto our King,4428 sing praises.2167

6 上帝兮、爲我之王、當謳歌而頌美之兮。

7 For3588 God430 is the King4428 of all3605 the earth:776 sing ye praises2167 with understanding.7919

7 上帝爲寰宇之君、民當作歌、以揄揚之兮。

8 God430 reigneth4427 over5921 the heathen:1471 God430 sitteth3427 upon5921 the throne3678 of his holiness.6944

8 上帝坐聖位、治異邦之民兮、

9 The princes5081 of the people5971 are gathered together,622 even the people5971 of the God430 of Abraham:85 for3588 the shields4043 of the earth776 belong unto God:430 he is greatly3966 exalted.5927

9 亞伯拉罕之上帝有民人焉、民牧和會、元戎歸主、稱爲至尊兮。