

1 耶穌看見這許多的人,就上了山;他既頓下[when he was set]他的[his]門徒到他跟前來;

2 他就開口教訓他們,說:

3 靈貧[poor in spirit]的人有福了。因為天國是他們的。

4 哀慟的人有福了。因為他們必得安慰。

5 溫柔的人有福了。因為他們必承受地土。

6 飢渴慕義的人有福了。因為他們必得飽足。

7 憐恤人的人有福了。因為他們必蒙憐恤。

8 心中純淨[pure in heart]的人有福了。因為他們必得見神。

9 使人和睦的人有福了。因為他們必稱為神的兒女[children]

10 為義受逼迫的人有福了。因為天國是他們的。

11 「人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們,你們就有福了。

12 應當歡喜快樂。因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。在你們以前的先知,人也是這樣逼迫他們。

13 「你們是世上的鹽;鹽若失了味,怎能叫它再鹹呢?以後無用,不過丟在外面,被人踐踏了。

14 你們是世上的光。城[set]在山上是不能隱藏的。

15 人點[candle],不放在斗底下,是放在燭臺[candlestick]上,就照亮凡在家裏的人[all that are in the house]

16 你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。

17 「莫想我來要廢掉律法[or]先知;我來不是要廢掉,乃是要成全。

18 我實在告訴你們,就是到天地都廢去了,律法的一點一畫[in no wise]不能廢去,直等一切都成全[till all be fulfilled]

19 所以,無論何人廢掉誡命中最小的一條,又教訓人這樣作,他在天國要稱為最小的;但無論何人遵行這些[them],又教訓人遵行,他在天國要稱為大的。

20 我告訴你們:『你們的義若不勝於文士和法利賽人的義,斷不能進天國。』

21 「你們聽見古人有話,說[it was said by them of old time]:『你不可[Thou shalt not]殺人』;並且凡殺人的難免受審判。

22 只是我告訴你們:『凡無緣無故[without a cause]他兄弟[his brother]動怒的,難免受審判;凡罵他兄弟說[say to his brother]拉加[Raca],難免公會的審斷;但是凡罵人說[but whosoever shall say]你是愚昧的[Thou fool],難免地獄的火。』

23 所以,你在祭壇上獻禮物的時候,若想起你兄弟[thy brother]向你懷怨;

24 就把你的[thy]禮物留在壇前,先去同你兄弟[thy brother]和好,然後來獻禮物。

25 你同告你的對頭還在路上,就趕緊與他和息;恐怕在甚麼時候[at any time]對頭[adversary]把你送給審判官,審判官把[thee]交付差役[officer],你就下在監裏了。

26 我實在告訴你:『若有一文錢沒有還清,你斷不能從那裏出來。』

27 「你們聽見古人[by them of old time]有話說:『你不可[Thou shalt not]姦淫;』

28 只是我告訴你們:『凡看見婦女就動淫念的,這人心裏已經與她犯姦淫了。

29 若是你的右眼叫你犯罪[offend],就剜出來丟掉;寧可失去百體中的一體,不叫全身丟在地獄裏。

30 若是你的[thy]右手叫你犯罪[offend],就砍下來丟掉;寧可失去百體中的一體,不叫全身丟在地獄裏[should be cast into hell]。』

31 曾有話說[It hath been said]:『人若休妻,就當給她休書;』

32 只是我告訴你們:『凡休妻的,若不是為淫亂的緣故,就是叫她犯姦淫[commit adultery]了;凡要[whosoever shall]娶這被休婦人的,也是犯姦淫了。』

33 你們又聽見古人曾有話,說[it hath been said by them of old time]:『你不可[Thou shalt not]背誓,所起的誓總要向主謹守。』

34 只是我告訴你們:『甚麼誓都不可起;不可指著天起誓;因為天是神的座位。

35 不可指著地起誓;因為地是他的腳凳。也不可指著耶路撒冷起誓;因為耶路撒冷是大君的京城。

36 [thou]又不可指著你的頭起誓,因為你不能使一根頭髮變[white][black]

37 你們的話,是,就說是;不是,就說不是;若再多說,就是從惡裏出來的[cometh of evil]。』

38 「你們[have]聽見有話說:『以眼還眼,以牙還牙;』

39 只是我告訴你們:『你們[ye]不要與惡人作對;有人[shall]打你的右臉,連左臉也轉過來由他打。

40 有人想要告你,要拿你的裏衣,連外衣也由他拿去。

41 有人強逼你走一里路,你就同他走二里。

42 有求你的,就給他;有向你借貸的,你不可轉身而去[turn not thou away]。』

43 「你們[have]聽見有話說:『[Thou]當愛你的鄰居,恨你的仇敵。』

44 只是我告訴你們:『要愛你們的仇敵,咒詛你們的,要為他們祝福[bless them that curse you]恨你們的,要待他們好[do good to them that hate you]凌辱你們[despitefully use you]、逼迫你們的,要為他們[for them]禱告;

45 這樣就可以作你們在天上之父[Father which is in heaven]兒女[children]。』因為他叫日頭照歹人[evil],也照好人[good];降雨給義人,也給不義的人。

46 你們若單愛那些[them which]愛你們的人,有甚麼賞賜呢?就是稅吏不也是這樣行嗎?

47 你們若單請你們[your]弟兄的安,比人有甚麼長處呢?就是稅吏[publicans]不也是這樣行麼?

48 所以,你們要完全,像你們在天上的父[Father which is in heaven]完全一樣。


Chapter 5

1 And1161 seeing1492 the3793 multitudes,3793 he went up305 into1519 a mountain:3735 and2532 when he846 was set,2523 his846 disciples3101 came4334 unto him: 846

2 And2532 he opened455 his848 mouth,4750 and taught1321 them,846 saying,3004

3 Blessed3107 are the3588 poor4434 in spirit: 4151 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

4 Blessed3107 are they that mourn: 3996 for3754 they846 shall be comforted.3870

5 Blessed3107 are the meek: 4239 for3754 they846 shall inherit2816 the3588 earth.1093

6 Blessed3107 are they which do hunger3983 and2532 thirst1372 after righteousness: 1343 for3754 they846 shall be filled.5526

7 Blessed3107 are the3588 merciful: 1655 for3754 they846 shall obtain mercy.1653

8 Blessed3107 are the3588 pure2513 in heart: 2588 for3754 they846 shall see3700 God.2316

9 Blessed3107 are the3588 peacemakers: 1518 for3754 they846 shall be called2564 the children5207 of God.2316

10 Blessed3107 are they which are persecuted1377 for righteousness' sake: 1752 1343 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

11 Blessed3107 are2075 ye, when3752 men shall revile3679 you,5209 and2532 persecute1377 you, and2532 shall say2036 all manner of evil3956 4190 4487 against2596 you5216 falsely,5574 for my sake.1752 1700

12 Rejoice,5463 and2532 be exceeding glad: 21 for3754 great4183 is your5216 reward3408 in1722 heaven: 3772 for1063 so3779 persecuted1377 they the3588 prophets4396 which3588 were before4253 you.5216

13 Ye5210 are2075 the3588 salt217 of the3588 earth: 1093 but1161 if1437 the3588 salt217 have lost his savor,3471 wherewith1722 5101 shall it be salted?233 it is thenceforth2089 good2480 for1519 nothing,3762 but1508 to be cast906 out,1854 and2532 to be trodden under foot2662 of5259 men.444

14 Ye5210 are2075 the3588 light5457 of the3588 world.2889 A city4172 that is set2749 on1883 a hill3735 cannot1410 3756 be hid.2928

15 Neither3761 do men light2545 a candle,3088 and2532 put5087 it846 under5259 a bushel,3426 but235 on1909 a candlestick;3087 and2532 it giveth light2989 unto all3956 that3588 are in1722 the3588 house.3614

16 Let your5216 light5457 so3779 shine2989 before1715 men,444 that3704 they may see1492 your5216 good2570 works,2041 and2532 glorify1392 your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven.3772

17 Think3543 not3361 that3754 I am come2064 to destroy2647 the3588 law,3551 or2228 the3588 prophets: 4396 I am not3756 come2064 to destroy,2647 but235 to fulfill.4137

18 For1063 verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Till2193 heaven3772 and2532 earth1093 pass,3928 one1520 jot2503 or2228 one3391 tittle2762 shall in no wise3364 pass3928 from575 the3588 law,3551 till2193 all3956 be fulfilled.1096

19 Whosoever3739 1437 therefore3767 shall break3089 one3391 of these5130 least1646 commandments,1785 and2532 shall teach1321 men444 so,3779 he shall be called2564 the least1646 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven: 3772 but1161 whosoever3739 302 shall do4160 and2532 teach1321 them, the same3778 shall be called2564 great3173 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

20 For1063 I say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 except3362 your5216 righteousness1343 shall exceed4052 4119 the righteousness of the3588 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 ye shall in no case3364 enter1525 into1519 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

21 Ye have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 kill;5407 and1161 whosoever3739 302 shall kill5407 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 judgment: 2920

22 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3956 is angry3710 with his848 brother80 without a cause1500 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 judgment: 2920 and1161 whosoever3739 302 shall say2036 to his848 brother,80 Raca,4469 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 council: 4892 but1161 whosoever3739 302 shall say,2036 Thou fool,3474 shall be2071 in danger1777 of1519 hell1067 fire.4442

23 Therefore3767 if1437 thou bring4374 thy4675 gift1435 to1909 the3588 altar,2379 and there2546 rememberest3415 that3754 thy4675 brother80 hath2192 aught5100 against2596 thee;4675

24 Leave863 there1563 thy4675 gift1435 before1715 the3588 altar,2379 and2532 go thy way;5217 first4412 be reconciled1259 to thy4675 brother,80 and2532 then5119 come2064 and offer4374 thy4675 gift.1435

25 Agree2468 2132 with thine4675 adversary476 quickly,5035 while2193 3755 thou art1488 in1722 the3588 way3598 with3326 him;846 lest at any time3379 the3588 adversary476 deliver3860 thee4571 to the3588 judge,2923 and2532 the3588 judge2923 deliver3860 thee4571 to the3588 officer,5257 and2532 thou be cast906 into1519 prison.5438

26 Verily281 I say3004 unto thee,4671 Thou shalt by no means3364 come out1831 thence,1564 till2193 302 thou hast paid591 the3588 uttermost2078 farthing.2835

27 Ye have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 commit adultery: 3431

28 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3956 looketh991 on a woman1135 to lust1937 after her846 hath committed adultery3431 with her846 already2235 in1722 his848 heart.2588

29 And1161 if1487 thy4675 right1188 eye3788 offend4624 thee,4571 pluck it out,1807 846 and2532 cast906 it from575 thee: 4675 for1063 it is profitable4851 for thee4671 that2443 one1520 of thy4675 members3196 should perish,622 and2532 not3361 that thy4675 whole3650 body4983 should be cast906 into1519 hell.1067

30 And2532 if1487 thy4675 right1188 hand5495 offend4624 thee,4571 cut it off,1581 846 and2532 cast906 it from575 thee: 4675 for1063 it is profitable4851 for thee4671 that2443 one1520 of thy4675 members3196 should perish,622 and2532 not3361 that thy4675 whole3650 body4983 should be cast906 into1519 hell.1067

31 It1161 hath been said,4483 Whosoever3739 302 shall put away630 his848 wife,1135 let him give1325 her846 a writing of divorcement: 647

32 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3739 302 shall put away630 his848 wife,1135 saving for3924 the cause3056 of fornication,4202 causeth4160 her846 to commit adultery: 3429 and2532 whosoever3739 1437 shall marry1060 her that is divorced630 committeth adultery.3429

33 Again,3825 ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 forswear1964 thyself, but1161 shalt perform591 unto the3588 Lord2962 thine4675 oaths: 3727

34 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 Swear3660 not3361 at all;3654 neither3383 by1722 heaven;3772 for3754 it is2076 God's2316 throne: 2362

35 Nor3383 by1722 the3588 earth;1093 for3754 it is2076 his846 footstool: 5286 4228 neither3383 by1519 Jerusalem;2414 for3754 it is2076 the city4172 of the3588 great3173 King.935

36 Neither3383 shalt thou swear3660 by1722 thy4675 head,2776 because3754 thou canst1410 not3756 make4160 one3391 hair2359 white3022 or2228 black.3189

37 But1161 let your5216 communication3056 be,2077 Yea,3483 yea;3483 Nay,3756 nay: 3756 for1161 whatsoever is more4053 than these5130 cometh2076 of1537 evil.4190

38 Ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said,4483 An eye3788 for473 an eye,3788 and2532 a tooth3599 for473 a tooth: 3599

39 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That ye resist436 not3361 evil: 4190 but235 whosoever3748 shall smite4474 thee4571 on1909 thy4675 right1188 cheek,4600 turn4762 to him846 the3588 other243 also.2532

40 And2532 if any man will2309 sue thee at the law,2919 4671 and2532 take away2983 thy4675 coat,5509 let him846 have863 thy cloak2440 also.2532

41 And2532 whosoever3748 shall compel thee to go29 4571 a1520 mile,3400 go5217 with3326 him846 twain.1417

42 Give1325 to him that asketh154 thee,4571 and2532 from him that would2309 borrow1155 of575 thee4675 turn not thou away.654 3361

43 Ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said,4483 Thou shalt love25 thy4675 neighbor,4139 and2532 hate3404 thine4675 enemy.2190

44 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 Love25 your5216 enemies,2190 bless2127 them that curse2672 you,5209 do4160 good2573 to them that hate3404 you,5209 and2532 pray4336 for5228 them which despitefully use1908 you,5209 and2532 persecute1377 you;5209

45 That3704 ye may be1096 the children5207 of your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven: 3772 for3754 he maketh his848 sun2246 to rise393 on1909 the evil4190 and2532 on the good,18 and2532 sendeth rain1026 on1909 the just1342 and2532 on the unjust.94

46 For1063 if1437 ye love25 them which love25 you,5209 what5101 reward3408 have2192 ye? do4160 not3780 even2532 the3588 publicans5057 the3588 same?846

47 And2532 if1437 ye salute782 your5216 brethren80 only,3440 what5101 do4160 ye more4053 than others? do4160 not3780 even2532 the3588 publicans5057 so?3779

48 Be2071 ye5210 therefore3767 perfect,5046 even as5618 your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven3772 is2076 perfect.5046




Chapter 5

1 耶穌看見這許多的人,就上了山;他既頓下[when he was set]他的[his]門徒到他跟前來;

1 And1161 seeing1492 the3793 multitudes,3793 he went up305 into1519 a mountain:3735 and2532 when he846 was set,2523 his846 disciples3101 came4334 unto him: 846

2 他就開口教訓他們,說:

2 And2532 he opened455 his848 mouth,4750 and taught1321 them,846 saying,3004

3 靈貧[poor in spirit]的人有福了。因為天國是他們的。

3 Blessed3107 are the3588 poor4434 in spirit: 4151 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

4 哀慟的人有福了。因為他們必得安慰。

4 Blessed3107 are they that mourn: 3996 for3754 they846 shall be comforted.3870

5 溫柔的人有福了。因為他們必承受地土。

5 Blessed3107 are the meek: 4239 for3754 they846 shall inherit2816 the3588 earth.1093

6 飢渴慕義的人有福了。因為他們必得飽足。

6 Blessed3107 are they which do hunger3983 and2532 thirst1372 after righteousness: 1343 for3754 they846 shall be filled.5526

7 憐恤人的人有福了。因為他們必蒙憐恤。

7 Blessed3107 are the3588 merciful: 1655 for3754 they846 shall obtain mercy.1653

8 心中純淨[pure in heart]的人有福了。因為他們必得見神。

8 Blessed3107 are the3588 pure2513 in heart: 2588 for3754 they846 shall see3700 God.2316

9 使人和睦的人有福了。因為他們必稱為神的兒女[children]

9 Blessed3107 are the3588 peacemakers: 1518 for3754 they846 shall be called2564 the children5207 of God.2316

10 為義受逼迫的人有福了。因為天國是他們的。

10 Blessed3107 are they which are persecuted1377 for righteousness' sake: 1752 1343 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

11 「人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們,你們就有福了。

11 Blessed3107 are2075 ye, when3752 men shall revile3679 you,5209 and2532 persecute1377 you, and2532 shall say2036 all manner of evil3956 4190 4487 against2596 you5216 falsely,5574 for my sake.1752 1700

12 應當歡喜快樂。因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。在你們以前的先知,人也是這樣逼迫他們。

12 Rejoice,5463 and2532 be exceeding glad: 21 for3754 great4183 is your5216 reward3408 in1722 heaven: 3772 for1063 so3779 persecuted1377 they the3588 prophets4396 which3588 were before4253 you.5216

13 「你們是世上的鹽;鹽若失了味,怎能叫它再鹹呢?以後無用,不過丟在外面,被人踐踏了。

13 Ye5210 are2075 the3588 salt217 of the3588 earth: 1093 but1161 if1437 the3588 salt217 have lost his savor,3471 wherewith1722 5101 shall it be salted?233 it is thenceforth2089 good2480 for1519 nothing,3762 but1508 to be cast906 out,1854 and2532 to be trodden under foot2662 of5259 men.444

14 你們是世上的光。城[set]在山上是不能隱藏的。

14 Ye5210 are2075 the3588 light5457 of the3588 world.2889 A city4172 that is set2749 on1883 a hill3735 cannot1410 3756 be hid.2928

15 人點[candle],不放在斗底下,是放在燭臺[candlestick]上,就照亮凡在家裏的人[all that are in the house]

15 Neither3761 do men light2545 a candle,3088 and2532 put5087 it846 under5259 a bushel,3426 but235 on1909 a candlestick;3087 and2532 it giveth light2989 unto all3956 that3588 are in1722 the3588 house.3614

16 你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。

16 Let your5216 light5457 so3779 shine2989 before1715 men,444 that3704 they may see1492 your5216 good2570 works,2041 and2532 glorify1392 your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven.3772

17 「莫想我來要廢掉律法[or]先知;我來不是要廢掉,乃是要成全。

17 Think3543 not3361 that3754 I am come2064 to destroy2647 the3588 law,3551 or2228 the3588 prophets: 4396 I am not3756 come2064 to destroy,2647 but235 to fulfill.4137

18 我實在告訴你們,就是到天地都廢去了,律法的一點一畫[in no wise]不能廢去,直等一切都成全[till all be fulfilled]

18 For1063 verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Till2193 heaven3772 and2532 earth1093 pass,3928 one1520 jot2503 or2228 one3391 tittle2762 shall in no wise3364 pass3928 from575 the3588 law,3551 till2193 all3956 be fulfilled.1096

19 所以,無論何人廢掉誡命中最小的一條,又教訓人這樣作,他在天國要稱為最小的;但無論何人遵行這些[them],又教訓人遵行,他在天國要稱為大的。

19 Whosoever3739 1437 therefore3767 shall break3089 one3391 of these5130 least1646 commandments,1785 and2532 shall teach1321 men444 so,3779 he shall be called2564 the least1646 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven: 3772 but1161 whosoever3739 302 shall do4160 and2532 teach1321 them, the same3778 shall be called2564 great3173 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

20 我告訴你們:『你們的義若不勝於文士和法利賽人的義,斷不能進天國。』

20 For1063 I say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 except3362 your5216 righteousness1343 shall exceed4052 4119 the righteousness of the3588 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 ye shall in no case3364 enter1525 into1519 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

21 「你們聽見古人有話,說[it was said by them of old time]:『你不可[Thou shalt not]殺人』;並且凡殺人的難免受審判。

21 Ye have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 kill;5407 and1161 whosoever3739 302 shall kill5407 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 judgment: 2920

22 只是我告訴你們:『凡無緣無故[without a cause]他兄弟[his brother]動怒的,難免受審判;凡罵他兄弟說[say to his brother]拉加[Raca],難免公會的審斷;但是凡罵人說[but whosoever shall say]你是愚昧的[Thou fool],難免地獄的火。』

22 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3956 is angry3710 with his848 brother80 without a cause1500 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 judgment: 2920 and1161 whosoever3739 302 shall say2036 to his848 brother,80 Raca,4469 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 council: 4892 but1161 whosoever3739 302 shall say,2036 Thou fool,3474 shall be2071 in danger1777 of1519 hell1067 fire.4442

23 所以,你在祭壇上獻禮物的時候,若想起你兄弟[thy brother]向你懷怨;

23 Therefore3767 if1437 thou bring4374 thy4675 gift1435 to1909 the3588 altar,2379 and there2546 rememberest3415 that3754 thy4675 brother80 hath2192 aught5100 against2596 thee;4675

24 就把你的[thy]禮物留在壇前,先去同你兄弟[thy brother]和好,然後來獻禮物。

24 Leave863 there1563 thy4675 gift1435 before1715 the3588 altar,2379 and2532 go thy way;5217 first4412 be reconciled1259 to thy4675 brother,80 and2532 then5119 come2064 and offer4374 thy4675 gift.1435

25 你同告你的對頭還在路上,就趕緊與他和息;恐怕在甚麼時候[at any time]對頭[adversary]把你送給審判官,審判官把[thee]交付差役[officer],你就下在監裏了。

25 Agree2468 2132 with thine4675 adversary476 quickly,5035 while2193 3755 thou art1488 in1722 the3588 way3598 with3326 him;846 lest at any time3379 the3588 adversary476 deliver3860 thee4571 to the3588 judge,2923 and2532 the3588 judge2923 deliver3860 thee4571 to the3588 officer,5257 and2532 thou be cast906 into1519 prison.5438

26 我實在告訴你:『若有一文錢沒有還清,你斷不能從那裏出來。』

26 Verily281 I say3004 unto thee,4671 Thou shalt by no means3364 come out1831 thence,1564 till2193 302 thou hast paid591 the3588 uttermost2078 farthing.2835

27 「你們聽見古人[by them of old time]有話說:『你不可[Thou shalt not]姦淫;』

27 Ye have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 commit adultery: 3431

28 只是我告訴你們:『凡看見婦女就動淫念的,這人心裏已經與她犯姦淫了。

28 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3956 looketh991 on a woman1135 to lust1937 after her846 hath committed adultery3431 with her846 already2235 in1722 his848 heart.2588

29 若是你的右眼叫你犯罪[offend],就剜出來丟掉;寧可失去百體中的一體,不叫全身丟在地獄裏。

29 And1161 if1487 thy4675 right1188 eye3788 offend4624 thee,4571 pluck it out,1807 846 and2532 cast906 it from575 thee: 4675 for1063 it is profitable4851 for thee4671 that2443 one1520 of thy4675 members3196 should perish,622 and2532 not3361 that thy4675 whole3650 body4983 should be cast906 into1519 hell.1067

30 若是你的[thy]右手叫你犯罪[offend],就砍下來丟掉;寧可失去百體中的一體,不叫全身丟在地獄裏[should be cast into hell]。』

30 And2532 if1487 thy4675 right1188 hand5495 offend4624 thee,4571 cut it off,1581 846 and2532 cast906 it from575 thee: 4675 for1063 it is profitable4851 for thee4671 that2443 one1520 of thy4675 members3196 should perish,622 and2532 not3361 that thy4675 whole3650 body4983 should be cast906 into1519 hell.1067

31 曾有話說[It hath been said]:『人若休妻,就當給她休書;』

31 It1161 hath been said,4483 Whosoever3739 302 shall put away630 his848 wife,1135 let him give1325 her846 a writing of divorcement: 647

32 只是我告訴你們:『凡休妻的,若不是為淫亂的緣故,就是叫她犯姦淫[commit adultery]了;凡要[whosoever shall]娶這被休婦人的,也是犯姦淫了。』

32 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3739 302 shall put away630 his848 wife,1135 saving for3924 the cause3056 of fornication,4202 causeth4160 her846 to commit adultery: 3429 and2532 whosoever3739 1437 shall marry1060 her that is divorced630 committeth adultery.3429

33 你們又聽見古人曾有話,說[it hath been said by them of old time]:『你不可[Thou shalt not]背誓,所起的誓總要向主謹守。』

33 Again,3825 ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said4483 by them of old time,744 Thou shalt not3756 forswear1964 thyself, but1161 shalt perform591 unto the3588 Lord2962 thine4675 oaths: 3727

34 只是我告訴你們:『甚麼誓都不可起;不可指著天起誓;因為天是神的座位。

34 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 Swear3660 not3361 at all;3654 neither3383 by1722 heaven;3772 for3754 it is2076 God's2316 throne: 2362

35 不可指著地起誓;因為地是他的腳凳。也不可指著耶路撒冷起誓;因為耶路撒冷是大君的京城。

35 Nor3383 by1722 the3588 earth;1093 for3754 it is2076 his846 footstool: 5286 4228 neither3383 by1519 Jerusalem;2414 for3754 it is2076 the city4172 of the3588 great3173 King.935

36 [thou]又不可指著你的頭起誓,因為你不能使一根頭髮變[white][black]

36 Neither3383 shalt thou swear3660 by1722 thy4675 head,2776 because3754 thou canst1410 not3756 make4160 one3391 hair2359 white3022 or2228 black.3189

37 你們的話,是,就說是;不是,就說不是;若再多說,就是從惡裏出來的[cometh of evil]。』

37 But1161 let your5216 communication3056 be,2077 Yea,3483 yea;3483 Nay,3756 nay: 3756 for1161 whatsoever is more4053 than these5130 cometh2076 of1537 evil.4190

38 「你們[have]聽見有話說:『以眼還眼,以牙還牙;』

38 Ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said,4483 An eye3788 for473 an eye,3788 and2532 a tooth3599 for473 a tooth: 3599

39 只是我告訴你們:『你們[ye]不要與惡人作對;有人[shall]打你的右臉,連左臉也轉過來由他打。

39 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That ye resist436 not3361 evil: 4190 but235 whosoever3748 shall smite4474 thee4571 on1909 thy4675 right1188 cheek,4600 turn4762 to him846 the3588 other243 also.2532

40 有人想要告你,要拿你的裏衣,連外衣也由他拿去。

40 And2532 if any man will2309 sue thee at the law,2919 4671 and2532 take away2983 thy4675 coat,5509 let him846 have863 thy cloak2440 also.2532

41 有人強逼你走一里路,你就同他走二里。

41 And2532 whosoever3748 shall compel thee to go29 4571 a1520 mile,3400 go5217 with3326 him846 twain.1417

42 有求你的,就給他;有向你借貸的,你不可轉身而去[turn not thou away]。』

42 Give1325 to him that asketh154 thee,4571 and2532 from him that would2309 borrow1155 of575 thee4675 turn not thou away.654 3361

43 「你們[have]聽見有話說:『[Thou]當愛你的鄰居,恨你的仇敵。』

43 Ye have heard191 that3754 it hath been said,4483 Thou shalt love25 thy4675 neighbor,4139 and2532 hate3404 thine4675 enemy.2190

44 只是我告訴你們:『要愛你們的仇敵,咒詛你們的,要為他們祝福[bless them that curse you]恨你們的,要待他們好[do good to them that hate you]凌辱你們[despitefully use you]、逼迫你們的,要為他們[for them]禱告;

44 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 Love25 your5216 enemies,2190 bless2127 them that curse2672 you,5209 do4160 good2573 to them that hate3404 you,5209 and2532 pray4336 for5228 them which despitefully use1908 you,5209 and2532 persecute1377 you;5209

45 這樣就可以作你們在天上之父[Father which is in heaven]兒女[children]。』因為他叫日頭照歹人[evil],也照好人[good];降雨給義人,也給不義的人。

45 That3704 ye may be1096 the children5207 of your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven: 3772 for3754 he maketh his848 sun2246 to rise393 on1909 the evil4190 and2532 on the good,18 and2532 sendeth rain1026 on1909 the just1342 and2532 on the unjust.94

46 你們若單愛那些[them which]愛你們的人,有甚麼賞賜呢?就是稅吏不也是這樣行嗎?

46 For1063 if1437 ye love25 them which love25 you,5209 what5101 reward3408 have2192 ye? do4160 not3780 even2532 the3588 publicans5057 the3588 same?846

47 你們若單請你們[your]弟兄的安,比人有甚麼長處呢?就是稅吏[publicans]不也是這樣行麼?

47 And2532 if1437 ye salute782 your5216 brethren80 only,3440 what5101 do4160 ye more4053 than others? do4160 not3780 even2532 the3588 publicans5057 so?3779

48 所以,你們要完全,像你們在天上的父[Father which is in heaven]完全一樣。

48 Be2071 ye5210 therefore3767 perfect,5046 even as5618 your5216 Father3962 which3588 is in1722 heaven3772 is2076 perfect.5046
