

1 但在[But in]末後的日子,耶和華殿的山必立在諸山之巔[established in the top of the mountains],高舉過於諸嶺[hills]人民[people]都要流歸這山。

2 必有許多國的民前來[come],說:來吧,我們登耶和華的山,奔雅各神的殿;[he]必將他的道教訓我們,我們也要行他的路。因為訓誨必出於錫安,耶和華的言語必出於耶路撒冷。

3 他必在許多民中間[among many people]施行審判,又斥責遠方強盛的國[and rebuke strong nations afar off];他們要將刀打成犁頭,把槍打成鐮刀。這國不舉刀攻擊那國,他們也不再學習戰事。

4 人人都要坐在自己葡萄樹下和無花果樹下,無人驚嚇。這是大軍之耶和華親口說的。

5 眾民各奉己神的名而行;我們卻永永遠遠奉耶和華─我們神的名而行。

6 耶和華說:到那日,我必聚集瘸腿的,招聚被趕出的和我所懲治的。

7 我必使瘸腿的為餘剩之民,使趕到遠方的為強盛之民。耶和華要在錫安山作王治理她們,從今直到永遠。

8 你這羊群的高臺、女子錫安的保障[strong hold of the daughter of Zion]哪,起初[first]的權柄─就是女子耶路撒冷[daughter of Jerusalem]的國權─必歸與你。

9 現在你為何大聲哭號呢?是因你中間沒有君王嗎?你的謀士滅亡了嗎?因疼痛抓住你,彷彿抓住陣痛的婦人[is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail]

10 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,妳分娩[bring forth]要疼痛勞苦[labour],彷彿陣痛[travail]的婦人。因為你必從城裏出來,住在田野,到巴比倫去;在那裏要蒙解救;在那裏耶和華必救贖你脫離仇敵的手。

11 現在有許多國的民聚集攻擊你,說:願錫安被玷污。願我們親眼見她遭報。

12 他們卻不知道耶和華的意念,也不明白他的籌劃;他聚集他們,好像把禾捆聚到場中[into the floor]一樣。

13 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,起來踹穀吧。我必使你的角成為鐵,使你的蹄成為銅。你必打碎多國的民;我又[and I]將他們的財獻與耶和華,將他們的貨獻與全地[whole earth]的主。


Chapter 4

1 But in the last319 days3117 it shall come1961 to pass, that the mountain2022 of the house1004 of the LORD3068 shall be established3559 in the top7218 of the mountains,2022 and it shall be exalted5375 above the hills;1389 and people5971 shall flow5102 to it.

2 And many7227 nations1471 shall come,1980 and say,559 Come,3212 and let us go5927 up to the mountain2022 of the LORD,3068 and to the house1004 of the God430 of Jacob;3290 and he will teach3384 us of his ways,1870 and we will walk3212 in his paths:734 for the law8451 shall go3318 forth3318 of Zion,6726 and the word1697 of the LORD3068 from Jerusalem.3389

3 And he shall judge8199 among996 many7227 people,5971 and rebuke3198 strong6099 nations1471 afar7350 off; and they shall beat3807 their swords2719 into plowshares,855 and their spears2595 into pruning hooks:4211 nation1471 shall not lift5375 up a sword2719 against413 nation,1471 neither3808 shall they learn3925 war4421 any more.5750

4 But they shall sit3427 every man376 under8478 his vine1612 and under8478 his fig8384 tree; and none369 shall make them afraid:2729 for the mouth6310 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has spoken1696 it.

5 For all3605 people5971 will walk3212 every376 one376 in the name8034 of his god,430 and we will walk3212 in the name8034 of the LORD3068 our God430 for ever5769 and ever.5703

6 In that day,3117 said5002 the LORD,3068 will I assemble622 her that halts,6761 and I will gather6908 her that is driven5080 out, and her that I have afflicted;7489

7 And I will make7760 her that halted6761 a remnant,7611 and her that was cast1972 far off a strong6099 nation:1471 and the LORD3068 shall reign4427 over5921 them in mount2022 Zion6726 from now on,6258 even for ever.5769

8 And you, O tower4026 of the flock,5739 the strong6076 hold6076 of the daughter1323 of Zion,6726 to you shall it come,857 even the first7223 dominion;4475 the kingdom4467 shall come935 to the daughter1323 of Jerusalem.3389

9 Now6258 why4100 do you cry7321 out aloud?7452 is there no369 king4428 in you? is your counselor3289 perished?6 for pangs2427 have taken2388 you as a woman in travail.3205

10 Be in pain,2342 and labor1518 to bring1518 forth,1518 O daughter1323 of Zion,6726 like a woman in travail:3205 for now6258 shall you go3318 forth3318 out of the city,7151 and you shall dwell7931 in the field,7704 and you shall go935 even to Babylon;894 there shall you be delivered;5337 there8033 the LORD3068 shall redeem1350 you from the hand3709 of your enemies.341

11 Now6258 also many7227 nations1471 are gathered622 against5921 you, that say,559 Let her be defiled,2610 and let our eye5869 look2372 on Zion.6726

12 But they know3045 not the thoughts4284 of the LORD,3068 neither3808 understand995 they his counsel:6098 for he shall gather6908 them as the sheaves5995 into the floor.1637

13 Arise6965 and thresh,1758 O daughter1323 of Zion:6726 for I will make7760 your horn7161 iron,1270 and I will make7760 your hoofs6541 brass:5154 and you shall beat1854 in pieces many7227 people:5971 and I will consecrate2763 their gain1214 to the LORD,3068 and their substance2428 to the Lord113 of the whole3605 earth.776




Chapter 4

1 但在[But in]末後的日子,耶和華殿的山必立在諸山之巔[established in the top of the mountains],高舉過於諸嶺[hills]人民[people]都要流歸這山。

1 But in the last319 days3117 it shall come1961 to pass, that the mountain2022 of the house1004 of the LORD3068 shall be established3559 in the top7218 of the mountains,2022 and it shall be exalted5375 above the hills;1389 and people5971 shall flow5102 to it.

2 必有許多國的民前來[come],說:來吧,我們登耶和華的山,奔雅各神的殿;[he]必將他的道教訓我們,我們也要行他的路。因為訓誨必出於錫安,耶和華的言語必出於耶路撒冷。

2 And many7227 nations1471 shall come,1980 and say,559 Come,3212 and let us go5927 up to the mountain2022 of the LORD,3068 and to the house1004 of the God430 of Jacob;3290 and he will teach3384 us of his ways,1870 and we will walk3212 in his paths:734 for the law8451 shall go3318 forth3318 of Zion,6726 and the word1697 of the LORD3068 from Jerusalem.3389

3 他必在許多民中間[among many people]施行審判,又斥責遠方強盛的國[and rebuke strong nations afar off];他們要將刀打成犁頭,把槍打成鐮刀。這國不舉刀攻擊那國,他們也不再學習戰事。

3 And he shall judge8199 among996 many7227 people,5971 and rebuke3198 strong6099 nations1471 afar7350 off; and they shall beat3807 their swords2719 into plowshares,855 and their spears2595 into pruning hooks:4211 nation1471 shall not lift5375 up a sword2719 against413 nation,1471 neither3808 shall they learn3925 war4421 any more.5750

4 人人都要坐在自己葡萄樹下和無花果樹下,無人驚嚇。這是大軍之耶和華親口說的。

4 But they shall sit3427 every man376 under8478 his vine1612 and under8478 his fig8384 tree; and none369 shall make them afraid:2729 for the mouth6310 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has spoken1696 it.

5 眾民各奉己神的名而行;我們卻永永遠遠奉耶和華─我們神的名而行。

5 For all3605 people5971 will walk3212 every376 one376 in the name8034 of his god,430 and we will walk3212 in the name8034 of the LORD3068 our God430 for ever5769 and ever.5703

6 耶和華說:到那日,我必聚集瘸腿的,招聚被趕出的和我所懲治的。

6 In that day,3117 said5002 the LORD,3068 will I assemble622 her that halts,6761 and I will gather6908 her that is driven5080 out, and her that I have afflicted;7489

7 我必使瘸腿的為餘剩之民,使趕到遠方的為強盛之民。耶和華要在錫安山作王治理她們,從今直到永遠。

7 And I will make7760 her that halted6761 a remnant,7611 and her that was cast1972 far off a strong6099 nation:1471 and the LORD3068 shall reign4427 over5921 them in mount2022 Zion6726 from now on,6258 even for ever.5769

8 你這羊群的高臺、女子錫安的保障[strong hold of the daughter of Zion]哪,起初[first]的權柄─就是女子耶路撒冷[daughter of Jerusalem]的國權─必歸與你。

8 And you, O tower4026 of the flock,5739 the strong6076 hold6076 of the daughter1323 of Zion,6726 to you shall it come,857 even the first7223 dominion;4475 the kingdom4467 shall come935 to the daughter1323 of Jerusalem.3389

9 現在你為何大聲哭號呢?是因你中間沒有君王嗎?你的謀士滅亡了嗎?因疼痛抓住你,彷彿抓住陣痛的婦人[is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail]

9 Now6258 why4100 do you cry7321 out aloud?7452 is there no369 king4428 in you? is your counselor3289 perished?6 for pangs2427 have taken2388 you as a woman in travail.3205

10 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,妳分娩[bring forth]要疼痛勞苦[labour],彷彿陣痛[travail]的婦人。因為你必從城裏出來,住在田野,到巴比倫去;在那裏要蒙解救;在那裏耶和華必救贖你脫離仇敵的手。

10 Be in pain,2342 and labor1518 to bring1518 forth,1518 O daughter1323 of Zion,6726 like a woman in travail:3205 for now6258 shall you go3318 forth3318 out of the city,7151 and you shall dwell7931 in the field,7704 and you shall go935 even to Babylon;894 there shall you be delivered;5337 there8033 the LORD3068 shall redeem1350 you from the hand3709 of your enemies.341

11 現在有許多國的民聚集攻擊你,說:願錫安被玷污。願我們親眼見她遭報。

11 Now6258 also many7227 nations1471 are gathered622 against5921 you, that say,559 Let her be defiled,2610 and let our eye5869 look2372 on Zion.6726

12 他們卻不知道耶和華的意念,也不明白他的籌劃;他聚集他們,好像把禾捆聚到場中[into the floor]一樣。

12 But they know3045 not the thoughts4284 of the LORD,3068 neither3808 understand995 they his counsel:6098 for he shall gather6908 them as the sheaves5995 into the floor.1637

13 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,起來踹穀吧。我必使你的角成為鐵,使你的蹄成為銅。你必打碎多國的民;我又[and I]將他們的財獻與耶和華,將他們的貨獻與全地[whole earth]的主。

13 Arise6965 and thresh,1758 O daughter1323 of Zion:6726 for I will make7760 your horn7161 iron,1270 and I will make7760 your hoofs6541 brass:5154 and you shall beat1854 in pieces many7227 people:5971 and I will consecrate2763 their gain1214 to the LORD,3068 and their substance2428 to the Lord113 of the whole3605 earth.776