

1 大衛王對會眾說:「我兒子所羅門是神特選的,還年幼嬌嫩;這工程甚大,因這殿不是為人,乃是為耶和華神建造的。

2 我為我神的殿已經盡力,預備金子作金器,銀子作銀器,銅作銅器,鐵作鐵器,木作木器;還有紅瑪瑙,可鑲嵌的[glistering]石,彩石和一切的寶石,並許多白玉石[marble stones]

3 且因我心中愛慕我神的殿,就在預備建造聖殿的材料之外,又將我自己積蓄的金銀獻上,建造我神的殿,

4 就是俄斐金三千他連得、精煉的銀子七千他連得,以貼殿牆。

5 金子作金器,銀子作銀器,並藉匠人的手製造一切。今日有誰樂意將自己獻給耶和華呢?」

6 於是,眾族長和以色列各支派的首領、千夫長、百夫長,並監管王工的官長,都樂意獻上。

7 他們為神殿的使用獻上金子五千他連得零一萬打蘭,銀子一萬他連得,銅一萬八千他連得,鐵十萬他連得。

8 凡有寶石的都交給革順人耶歇,送入耶和華殿的府庫。

9 因這些人誠心奉獻[offered]以完全的心[with perfect heart]樂意[willingly]獻給耶和華,百姓就歡喜;大衛王也大大歡喜。

10 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說:「耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌,直到永永遠遠的。

11 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的。凡天上地下的都是你的;國度也是你的,耶和華啊[O LORD],並且你被尊崇[art exalted],為一切[all]之首。

12 豐富尊榮都從你而來,你也統管一切[reignest over all];在你手裏有大能大力;使人尊大強盛都出於你。

13 我們的神啊,現在我們稱謝你,讚美你榮耀之名。

14 「我算甚麼,我的民算甚麼,竟能如此樂意奉獻?因為一切[all things]都從你而來,我們把從你而得的獻給你。

15 我們在你面前是客旅,是寄居的,與我們列祖一樣。我們在世的日子如影兒,不能長存[there is none abiding]

16 耶和華─我們的神啊,我們預備這許多材料,要為你的聖名建造殿宇,都是從你而來,都是屬你的。

17 我的神啊,我[also]知道你察驗人心,喜悅正直。至於我[As for me],我以正直的心樂意獻上這一切物;現在我喜歡見你的民在這裏都樂意奉獻與你。

18 耶和華─我們列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、以色列的神啊,求你使你的民常存這樣的心思意念,堅定他們的心歸向你,

19 又求你賜我兒子所羅門完全[perfect]的心,遵守你的命令、法度、律例,成就這一切的事,用我所預備的建造殿宇。」

20 大衛對全會眾說:「你們應當稱頌耶和華─你們的神。」於是會眾稱頌耶和華─他們列祖的神,低頭敬拜[worshipped]耶和華與王。

21 次日,他們向耶和華獻別的祭[sacrificed sacrifices]又獻[and offered]燔祭,就是獻公牛一千隻,公綿羊一千隻,綿羊羔[lambs]一千隻,並同獻與耶和華[unto the LORD]的奠祭;又為以色列眾人獻許多的祭[and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel]

22 那日,他們在耶和華面前吃喝,大大歡樂[And did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness]。他們奉耶和華的命再膏大衛的兒子所羅門作總管[chief governor],又膏撒督作祭司。

23 於是所羅門坐在耶和華所賜的位上,接續他父親大衛作王,大享亨通[and prospered];以色列眾人也都聽從他。

24 眾首領和勇士,並大衛王的眾子,都順服所羅門王。

25 耶和華使所羅門在以色列眾人眼前甚為尊大,極其威嚴,勝過在他以前的以色列王。

26 耶西的兒子大衛作以色列眾人的王,

27 作王共四十年:在希伯崙作王七年,在耶路撒冷作王三十三年。

28 他年紀老邁,日子滿足,享受豐富、尊榮,就死了。他兒子所羅門接續他作王。

29 大衛王始終的事都[behold]寫在先見撒母耳的書上和先知拿單並先見迦得的書上。

30 他的管治[reign]和他的勇力,以及他和以色列並列國所經過的事都寫在這書上。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 29

1 Furthermore David1732 the king4428 said559 to all3605 the congregation,6951 Solomon8010 my son,1121 whom alone259 God430 has chosen,977 is yet young5288 and tender,7390 and the work4399 is great:1419 for the palace1002 is not for man,120 but for the LORD3068 God.430

2 Now I have prepared3559 with all3605 my might3581 for the house1004 of my God430 the gold2091 for things to be made of gold,2091 and the silver3701 for things of silver,3701 and the brass5178 for things of brass,5178 the iron1270 for things of iron,1270 and wood6086 for things of wood;6086 onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set,4394 glistering6320 stones,68 and of divers7553 colors,7553 and all3605 manner of precious3368 stones,68 and marble7893 stones68 in abundance.7230

3 Moreover,5750 because I have set my affection7521 to the house1004 of my God,430 I have3426 of my own proper5459 good, of gold2091 and silver,3701 which I have given5414 to the house1004 of my God,430 over5921 and above4605 all3605 that I have prepared3559 for the holy6944 house.1004

4 Even three7969 thousand505 talents3603 of gold,2091 of the gold2091 of Ophir,211 and seven7651 thousand505 talents3603 of refined2212 silver,3701 to overlay2902 the walls7023 of the houses1004 with:

5 The gold2091 for things of gold,2091 and the silver3701 for things of silver,3701 and for all3605 manner of work4399 to be made by the hands3027 of artificers.2796 And who4310 then is willing5068 to consecrate4390 3027 his service3027 this day3117 to the LORD?3068

6 Then the chief8269 of the fathers1 and princes8269 of the tribes7626 of Israel 3478and the captains8269 of thousands505 and of hundreds,3967 with the rulers8269 of the king's4428 work,4399 offered willingly,5068

7 And gave5414 for the service5656 of the house1004 of God430 of gold2091 five2568 thousand505 talents3603 and ten7239 thousand7239 drams,150 and of silver3701 ten6235 thousand505 talents,3603 and of brass5178 eighteen7239 8083 thousand7239 505 talents,3603 and one hundred3967 thousand7239 505 talents3603 of iron.1270

8 And they with whom834 precious stones68 were found4672 gave5414 them to the treasure214 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 by the hand3027 of Jehiel3171 the Gershonite.1649

9 Then the people5971 rejoiced,8055 for that they offered willingly,5068 because3588 with perfect8003 heart3820 they offered willingly5068 to the LORD:3068 and David1732 the king4428 also1571 rejoiced8055 with great1419 joy.8057

10 Why David1732 blessed1288 the LORD3068 before5869 all3605 the congregation:6951 and David1732 said,559 Blessed1288 be you, LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 our father,25 for ever5769 and ever.5769

11 Yours, O LORD 3068is the greatness,1420 and the power,1369 and the glory,8597 and the victory,5331 and the majesty:1935 for all3605 that is in the heaven8064 and in the earth776 is yours; your is the kingdom,4467 O LORD,3068 and you are exalted5375 as head7218 above all.3605

12 Both riches6239 and honor3519 come of you, and you reign4910 over4605 all;3605 and in your hand3027 is power3581 and might;1369 and in your hand3027 it is to make great,1431 and to give strength2388 to all.3605

13 Now6258 therefore, our God,430 we thank3034 you, and praise1984 your glorious8597 name.8034

14 But who4310 am I, and what4310 is my people,5971 that we should be able6113 3581 to offer so willingly5068 after this2063 sort? for all3605 things come of you, and of your own have we given5414 you.

15 For we are strangers1616 before6440 you, and sojourners,8453 as were all3605 our fathers:1 our days3117 on5921 the earth776 are as a shadow,6738 and there is none369 abiding.4723

16 O LORD3068 our God,430 all3605 this2088 store1995 that we have prepared3559 to build1129 you an house1004 for your holy6944 name8034 comes of your hand,3027 and is all3605 your own.

17 I know3045 also, my God,430 that you try974 the heart,3824 and have pleasure7521 in uprightness.3476 As for me, in the uprightness4339 of my heart3824 I have willingly5068 offered all3605 these428 things: and now6258 have I seen7200 with joy8057 your people,5971 which are present4672 here,6311 to offer willingly5068 to you.

18 O LORD3068 God430 of Abraham,85 Isaac,3327 and of Israel,3478 our fathers,1 keep8104 this2063 for ever5769 in the imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of the heart3824 of your people,5971 and prepare3559 their heart3824 to you:

19 And give5414 to Solomon8010 my son1121 a perfect8003 heart,3824 to keep8104 your commandments,4687 your testimonies,5715 and your statutes,2706 and to do6213 all3605 these things, and to build1129 the palace,1002 for the which834 I have made provision.3559

20 And David1732 said559 to all3605 the congregation,6951 Now4994 bless1288 the LORD3068 your God.430 And all3605 the congregation6951 blessed1288 the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers,1 and bowed6915 down6915 their heads,7218 and worshipped7812 the LORD,3068 and the king.4428

21 And they sacrificed2076 sacrifices2077 to the LORD,3068 and offered5927 burnt5930 offerings to the LORD,3068 on the morrow4283 after that day,3117 even a thousand505 bullocks,6499 a thousand505 rams,352 and a thousand505 lambs,3532 with their drink5262 offerings, and sacrifices2077 in abundance7230 for all3605 Israel:3478

22 And did eat398 and drink8354 before6440 the LORD3068 on that day3117 with great1419 gladness.8057 And they made Solomon8010 the son1121 of David1732 king4428 the second8145 time, and anointed4886 him to the LORD3068 to be the chief5057 governor,5057 and Zadok6659 to be priest.3548

23 Then Solomon8010 sat3427 on5921 the throne3678 of the LORD3068 as king4428 instead8478 of David1732 his father,25 and prospered;6743 and all3605 Israel3478 obeyed8085 him.

24 And all3605 the princes,8269 and the mighty1368 men, and all3605 the sons1121 likewise1571 of king4428 David,1732 submitted5414 3027 themselves to Solomon8010 the king.4428

25 And the LORD3068 magnified1431 Solomon8010 exceedingly4605 in the sight5869 of all3605 Israel,3478 and bestowed5414 on him such royal4438 majesty1935 as had1961 not been1961 on5921 any3605 king4428 before6440 him in Israel.3478

26 Thus David1732 the son1121 of Jesse3448 reigned4427 over5921 all3605 Israel.3478

27 And the time3117 that he reigned4427 over5921 Israel3478 was forty705 years;8141 seven7651 years8141 reigned4427 he in Hebron,2275 and thirty7970 and three7969 years8141 reigned4427 he in Jerusalem.3389

28 And he died4191 in a good2896 old7872 age,7872 full7646 of days,3117 riches,6239 and honor:3519 and Solomon8010 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

29 Now the acts1697 of David1732 the king,4428 first7223 and last,314 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book1697 of Samuel8050 the seer,7200 and in the book1697 of Nathan5416 the prophet,5030 and in the book1697 of Gad1410 the seer,2374

30 With all3605 his reign4438 and his might,1369 and the times that went5674 over5674 him, and over5921 Israel,3478 and over5921 all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the countries.776



1 Chronicles

Chapter 29

1 大衛王對會眾說:「我兒子所羅門是神特選的,還年幼嬌嫩;這工程甚大,因這殿不是為人,乃是為耶和華神建造的。

1 Furthermore David1732 the king4428 said559 to all3605 the congregation,6951 Solomon8010 my son,1121 whom alone259 God430 has chosen,977 is yet young5288 and tender,7390 and the work4399 is great:1419 for the palace1002 is not for man,120 but for the LORD3068 God.430

2 我為我神的殿已經盡力,預備金子作金器,銀子作銀器,銅作銅器,鐵作鐵器,木作木器;還有紅瑪瑙,可鑲嵌的[glistering]石,彩石和一切的寶石,並許多白玉石[marble stones]

2 Now I have prepared3559 with all3605 my might3581 for the house1004 of my God430 the gold2091 for things to be made of gold,2091 and the silver3701 for things of silver,3701 and the brass5178 for things of brass,5178 the iron1270 for things of iron,1270 and wood6086 for things of wood;6086 onyx7718 stones,68 and stones68 to be set,4394 glistering6320 stones,68 and of divers7553 colors,7553 and all3605 manner of precious3368 stones,68 and marble7893 stones68 in abundance.7230

3 且因我心中愛慕我神的殿,就在預備建造聖殿的材料之外,又將我自己積蓄的金銀獻上,建造我神的殿,

3 Moreover,5750 because I have set my affection7521 to the house1004 of my God,430 I have3426 of my own proper5459 good, of gold2091 and silver,3701 which I have given5414 to the house1004 of my God,430 over5921 and above4605 all3605 that I have prepared3559 for the holy6944 house.1004

4 就是俄斐金三千他連得、精煉的銀子七千他連得,以貼殿牆。

4 Even three7969 thousand505 talents3603 of gold,2091 of the gold2091 of Ophir,211 and seven7651 thousand505 talents3603 of refined2212 silver,3701 to overlay2902 the walls7023 of the houses1004 with:

5 金子作金器,銀子作銀器,並藉匠人的手製造一切。今日有誰樂意將自己獻給耶和華呢?」

5 The gold2091 for things of gold,2091 and the silver3701 for things of silver,3701 and for all3605 manner of work4399 to be made by the hands3027 of artificers.2796 And who4310 then is willing5068 to consecrate4390 3027 his service3027 this day3117 to the LORD?3068

6 於是,眾族長和以色列各支派的首領、千夫長、百夫長,並監管王工的官長,都樂意獻上。

6 Then the chief8269 of the fathers1 and princes8269 of the tribes7626 of Israel 3478and the captains8269 of thousands505 and of hundreds,3967 with the rulers8269 of the king's4428 work,4399 offered willingly,5068

7 他們為神殿的使用獻上金子五千他連得零一萬打蘭,銀子一萬他連得,銅一萬八千他連得,鐵十萬他連得。

7 And gave5414 for the service5656 of the house1004 of God430 of gold2091 five2568 thousand505 talents3603 and ten7239 thousand7239 drams,150 and of silver3701 ten6235 thousand505 talents,3603 and of brass5178 eighteen7239 8083 thousand7239 505 talents,3603 and one hundred3967 thousand7239 505 talents3603 of iron.1270

8 凡有寶石的都交給革順人耶歇,送入耶和華殿的府庫。

8 And they with whom834 precious stones68 were found4672 gave5414 them to the treasure214 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 by the hand3027 of Jehiel3171 the Gershonite.1649

9 因這些人誠心奉獻[offered]以完全的心[with perfect heart]樂意[willingly]獻給耶和華,百姓就歡喜;大衛王也大大歡喜。

9 Then the people5971 rejoiced,8055 for that they offered willingly,5068 because3588 with perfect8003 heart3820 they offered willingly5068 to the LORD:3068 and David1732 the king4428 also1571 rejoiced8055 with great1419 joy.8057

10 所以,大衛在會眾面前稱頌耶和華說:「耶和華─我們的父,以色列的神是應當稱頌,直到永永遠遠的。

10 Why David1732 blessed1288 the LORD3068 before5869 all3605 the congregation:6951 and David1732 said,559 Blessed1288 be you, LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 our father,25 for ever5769 and ever.5769

11 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的。凡天上地下的都是你的;國度也是你的,耶和華啊[O LORD],並且你被尊崇[art exalted],為一切[all]之首。

11 Yours, O LORD 3068is the greatness,1420 and the power,1369 and the glory,8597 and the victory,5331 and the majesty:1935 for all3605 that is in the heaven8064 and in the earth776 is yours; your is the kingdom,4467 O LORD,3068 and you are exalted5375 as head7218 above all.3605

12 豐富尊榮都從你而來,你也統管一切[reignest over all];在你手裏有大能大力;使人尊大強盛都出於你。

12 Both riches6239 and honor3519 come of you, and you reign4910 over4605 all;3605 and in your hand3027 is power3581 and might;1369 and in your hand3027 it is to make great,1431 and to give strength2388 to all.3605

13 我們的神啊,現在我們稱謝你,讚美你榮耀之名。

13 Now6258 therefore, our God,430 we thank3034 you, and praise1984 your glorious8597 name.8034

14 「我算甚麼,我的民算甚麼,竟能如此樂意奉獻?因為一切[all things]都從你而來,我們把從你而得的獻給你。

14 But who4310 am I, and what4310 is my people,5971 that we should be able6113 3581 to offer so willingly5068 after this2063 sort? for all3605 things come of you, and of your own have we given5414 you.

15 我們在你面前是客旅,是寄居的,與我們列祖一樣。我們在世的日子如影兒,不能長存[there is none abiding]

15 For we are strangers1616 before6440 you, and sojourners,8453 as were all3605 our fathers:1 our days3117 on5921 the earth776 are as a shadow,6738 and there is none369 abiding.4723

16 耶和華─我們的神啊,我們預備這許多材料,要為你的聖名建造殿宇,都是從你而來,都是屬你的。

16 O LORD3068 our God,430 all3605 this2088 store1995 that we have prepared3559 to build1129 you an house1004 for your holy6944 name8034 comes of your hand,3027 and is all3605 your own.

17 我的神啊,我[also]知道你察驗人心,喜悅正直。至於我[As for me],我以正直的心樂意獻上這一切物;現在我喜歡見你的民在這裏都樂意奉獻與你。

17 I know3045 also, my God,430 that you try974 the heart,3824 and have pleasure7521 in uprightness.3476 As for me, in the uprightness4339 of my heart3824 I have willingly5068 offered all3605 these428 things: and now6258 have I seen7200 with joy8057 your people,5971 which are present4672 here,6311 to offer willingly5068 to you.

18 耶和華─我們列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、以色列的神啊,求你使你的民常存這樣的心思意念,堅定他們的心歸向你,

18 O LORD3068 God430 of Abraham,85 Isaac,3327 and of Israel,3478 our fathers,1 keep8104 this2063 for ever5769 in the imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of the heart3824 of your people,5971 and prepare3559 their heart3824 to you:

19 又求你賜我兒子所羅門完全[perfect]的心,遵守你的命令、法度、律例,成就這一切的事,用我所預備的建造殿宇。」

19 And give5414 to Solomon8010 my son1121 a perfect8003 heart,3824 to keep8104 your commandments,4687 your testimonies,5715 and your statutes,2706 and to do6213 all3605 these things, and to build1129 the palace,1002 for the which834 I have made provision.3559

20 大衛對全會眾說:「你們應當稱頌耶和華─你們的神。」於是會眾稱頌耶和華─他們列祖的神,低頭敬拜[worshipped]耶和華與王。

20 And David1732 said559 to all3605 the congregation,6951 Now4994 bless1288 the LORD3068 your God.430 And all3605 the congregation6951 blessed1288 the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers,1 and bowed6915 down6915 their heads,7218 and worshipped7812 the LORD,3068 and the king.4428

21 次日,他們向耶和華獻別的祭[sacrificed sacrifices]又獻[and offered]燔祭,就是獻公牛一千隻,公綿羊一千隻,綿羊羔[lambs]一千隻,並同獻與耶和華[unto the LORD]的奠祭;又為以色列眾人獻許多的祭[and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel]

21 And they sacrificed2076 sacrifices2077 to the LORD,3068 and offered5927 burnt5930 offerings to the LORD,3068 on the morrow4283 after that day,3117 even a thousand505 bullocks,6499 a thousand505 rams,352 and a thousand505 lambs,3532 with their drink5262 offerings, and sacrifices2077 in abundance7230 for all3605 Israel:3478

22 那日,他們在耶和華面前吃喝,大大歡樂[And did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness]。他們奉耶和華的命再膏大衛的兒子所羅門作總管[chief governor],又膏撒督作祭司。

22 And did eat398 and drink8354 before6440 the LORD3068 on that day3117 with great1419 gladness.8057 And they made Solomon8010 the son1121 of David1732 king4428 the second8145 time, and anointed4886 him to the LORD3068 to be the chief5057 governor,5057 and Zadok6659 to be priest.3548

23 於是所羅門坐在耶和華所賜的位上,接續他父親大衛作王,大享亨通[and prospered];以色列眾人也都聽從他。

23 Then Solomon8010 sat3427 on5921 the throne3678 of the LORD3068 as king4428 instead8478 of David1732 his father,25 and prospered;6743 and all3605 Israel3478 obeyed8085 him.

24 眾首領和勇士,並大衛王的眾子,都順服所羅門王。

24 And all3605 the princes,8269 and the mighty1368 men, and all3605 the sons1121 likewise1571 of king4428 David,1732 submitted5414 3027 themselves to Solomon8010 the king.4428

25 耶和華使所羅門在以色列眾人眼前甚為尊大,極其威嚴,勝過在他以前的以色列王。

25 And the LORD3068 magnified1431 Solomon8010 exceedingly4605 in the sight5869 of all3605 Israel,3478 and bestowed5414 on him such royal4438 majesty1935 as had1961 not been1961 on5921 any3605 king4428 before6440 him in Israel.3478

26 耶西的兒子大衛作以色列眾人的王,

26 Thus David1732 the son1121 of Jesse3448 reigned4427 over5921 all3605 Israel.3478

27 作王共四十年:在希伯崙作王七年,在耶路撒冷作王三十三年。

27 And the time3117 that he reigned4427 over5921 Israel3478 was forty705 years;8141 seven7651 years8141 reigned4427 he in Hebron,2275 and thirty7970 and three7969 years8141 reigned4427 he in Jerusalem.3389

28 他年紀老邁,日子滿足,享受豐富、尊榮,就死了。他兒子所羅門接續他作王。

28 And he died4191 in a good2896 old7872 age,7872 full7646 of days,3117 riches,6239 and honor:3519 and Solomon8010 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

29 大衛王始終的事都[behold]寫在先見撒母耳的書上和先知拿單並先見迦得的書上。

29 Now the acts1697 of David1732 the king,4428 first7223 and last,314 behold,2009 they are written3789 in the book1697 of Samuel8050 the seer,7200 and in the book1697 of Nathan5416 the prophet,5030 and in the book1697 of Gad1410 the seer,2374

30 他的管治[reign]和他的勇力,以及他和以色列並列國所經過的事都寫在這書上。

30 With all3605 his reign4438 and his might,1369 and the times that went5674 over5674 him, and over5921 Israel,3478 and over5921 all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the countries.776
