

1 夫旣服役爲奴、則務敬厥主、免上帝名與教見譏於人、

2 有宗教爲爾主者、勿以同教兄弟而生藐視、必服事維勤、以其宗教可愛、宜獲爾益、此當勸誨焉、

3 有人傳異教、背吾主耶穌基督正理、棄敬虔之至道、

4 無知而自衒、辯論是務、言啓爭端、媢嫉爭競、訕謗惡意、由此而生、

5 其人壞心術、滅眞理、惟尚虛談、謂敬虔足以邀利、如此者、爾當遠之、

6 然敬虔知足、則利莫大焉、

7 我出世無所制攜來、逝世無所攜去、此理昭然、

8 衣食足、當知止、

9 苟圖富有、陷誘惑、罹羅網、溺於無理有害之欲、終必沉淪、

10 好利爲萬惡根、有人慕之、則背於道、以多苦自刺、

11 惟爾事上帝之人、在所必戒、而從義、虔、信、仁、柔、忍、

12 爲主道竭力者、善也、爾當務之、俾克受永生、特此故爾奉召、當衆證者前、自明其志、

13 生萬有者上帝也、善自訴於本丟彼拉多前者、基督耶穌也、於上帝曁基督前、余命爾、

14 當守此誡、無玷缺、無可責、迨吾主耶穌基督昭著、

15 屆期、將示基督昭著者、獨一有福有權、諸君之君、諸主之主、

16 惟彼永生、處於光明、衆不能至、人所未見、亦不得見、願以尊榮權力稱之、永世靡曁、

17 當諭此世之富者、心勿傲、無定之財勿恃、惟賴永生上帝、洪賜我衆、百物以享之、

18 故命富者爲善、累積美事、喜以賙濟、

19 樂與衆共、夫如是、厚築善基、預備厥後、克受永生、

20 提摩太乎、當守所托之命、棄妄論浮詞、偽爲智慧之辯、

21 若以小智爲智、是背信主之道、惟願爾得恩焉。

1 Timothy

Chapter 6

1 LET all of those who are under the yoke of slavery honor and respect their masters in every way, so that the name of God and his doctrines may not be blasphemed.

2 Those who have masters who are believers, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather serve them more zealously, because they are believers and beloved in whose service they find rest; These things teach and exhort.

3 If there is any man who teaches a different doctrine, and does not offer the wholesome words of our LORD Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of reverence to God;

4 He is proud, knowing nothing, and dotes on an argument and quarrels on the use of a word and this is the cause of envy and controversy and blasphemy and evil premeditation,

5 And strife among men whose minds are corrupt and who are cut off from the truth and who think worshipping God is for worldly gain; you keep away from such things.

6 But our gain is greater contentment, for it is the worship of God.

7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

8 Therefore, let us be satisfied with food and clothing;

9 For those who desire to be rich, fall into temptations, and snares, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in degeneration and destruction.

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: and there are some men who have coveted it and have thereby erred from the faith, they have brought to themselves many sorrows.

11 But you, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, piety, faith, love, patience, and meekness.

12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life to which you are called, having professed a true profession before many witnesses.

13 I charge you in the presence of God, the giver of life to all, and before Jesus Christ who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate;

14 That you obey this charge without spot and without stain, until the appearing of our LORD Jesus Christ:

15 Who is to be revealed in his due time, blessed and all mighty God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords,

16 Who alone has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach, and whom no man has seen, nor can see: to him be honor and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

17 Charge those who are rich in this world, that they be not proud, nor trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God who gives us all things so abundantly for our comfort;

18 That they do good works, and become rich in good deeds, and be ready to give and willing to share,

19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the true life.

20 O Timothy, be careful of that which is entrusted to you, flee from empty echoes and from the perversion of science:

21 For those professing this, have strayed from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.



1 Timothy

Chapter 6

1 夫旣服役爲奴、則務敬厥主、免上帝名與教見譏於人、

1 LET all of those who are under the yoke of slavery honor and respect their masters in every way, so that the name of God and his doctrines may not be blasphemed.

2 有宗教爲爾主者、勿以同教兄弟而生藐視、必服事維勤、以其宗教可愛、宜獲爾益、此當勸誨焉、

2 Those who have masters who are believers, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather serve them more zealously, because they are believers and beloved in whose service they find rest; These things teach and exhort.

3 有人傳異教、背吾主耶穌基督正理、棄敬虔之至道、

3 If there is any man who teaches a different doctrine, and does not offer the wholesome words of our LORD Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of reverence to God;

4 無知而自衒、辯論是務、言啓爭端、媢嫉爭競、訕謗惡意、由此而生、

4 He is proud, knowing nothing, and dotes on an argument and quarrels on the use of a word and this is the cause of envy and controversy and blasphemy and evil premeditation,

5 其人壞心術、滅眞理、惟尚虛談、謂敬虔足以邀利、如此者、爾當遠之、

5 And strife among men whose minds are corrupt and who are cut off from the truth and who think worshipping God is for worldly gain; you keep away from such things.

6 然敬虔知足、則利莫大焉、

6 But our gain is greater contentment, for it is the worship of God.

7 我出世無所制攜來、逝世無所攜去、此理昭然、

7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

8 衣食足、當知止、

8 Therefore, let us be satisfied with food and clothing;

9 苟圖富有、陷誘惑、罹羅網、溺於無理有害之欲、終必沉淪、

9 For those who desire to be rich, fall into temptations, and snares, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in degeneration and destruction.

10 好利爲萬惡根、有人慕之、則背於道、以多苦自刺、

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: and there are some men who have coveted it and have thereby erred from the faith, they have brought to themselves many sorrows.

11 惟爾事上帝之人、在所必戒、而從義、虔、信、仁、柔、忍、

11 But you, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, piety, faith, love, patience, and meekness.

12 爲主道竭力者、善也、爾當務之、俾克受永生、特此故爾奉召、當衆證者前、自明其志、

12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life to which you are called, having professed a true profession before many witnesses.

13 生萬有者上帝也、善自訴於本丟彼拉多前者、基督耶穌也、於上帝曁基督前、余命爾、

13 I charge you in the presence of God, the giver of life to all, and before Jesus Christ who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate;

14 當守此誡、無玷缺、無可責、迨吾主耶穌基督昭著、

14 That you obey this charge without spot and without stain, until the appearing of our LORD Jesus Christ:

15 屆期、將示基督昭著者、獨一有福有權、諸君之君、諸主之主、

15 Who is to be revealed in his due time, blessed and all mighty God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords,

16 惟彼永生、處於光明、衆不能至、人所未見、亦不得見、願以尊榮權力稱之、永世靡曁、

16 Who alone has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach, and whom no man has seen, nor can see: to him be honor and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

17 當諭此世之富者、心勿傲、無定之財勿恃、惟賴永生上帝、洪賜我衆、百物以享之、

17 Charge those who are rich in this world, that they be not proud, nor trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God who gives us all things so abundantly for our comfort;

18 故命富者爲善、累積美事、喜以賙濟、

18 That they do good works, and become rich in good deeds, and be ready to give and willing to share,

19 樂與衆共、夫如是、厚築善基、預備厥後、克受永生、

19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the true life.

20 提摩太乎、當守所托之命、棄妄論浮詞、偽爲智慧之辯、

20 O Timothy, be careful of that which is entrusted to you, flee from empty echoes and from the perversion of science:

21 若以小智爲智、是背信主之道、惟願爾得恩焉。

21 For those professing this, have strayed from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.
