

1 保羅西拉周遊暗妃波里、亞波羅泥亞至帖撒羅尼迦、有猶太人會堂、

2 保羅依然入堂、歷三安息日、與人辯論經書、

3 說書、明陳基督當受害、死而復生、又云、我所傳之耶穌、卽基督也、

4 猶太數人、及敬虔之希利尼人甚多、貴婦亦不少、信其道、納交保羅西拉、〇

5 不信之猶太人妒焉、招納市井匪類、在城羣集爲亂、突至耶孫室、欲取保羅西拉出以示民、

6 不遇、則曳耶孫與數兄弟送於邑宰、呼曰、有亂天下者至此、

7 耶孫納之、此衆所行、違該撒命、言有他王耶穌也、

8 猶太人言此、悚邑宰與衆之聽、

9 邑宰乃取耶孫與其黨之保而釋之〇

10 是夜、兄弟急令保羅、西拉往庇哩亞、至、則入猶太人會堂、

11 其人賢於帖撒羅尼迦人、以其願安受道、惟日玩索經文、果有此語否、

12 故信之者衆、又有希利尼貴女、男子亦不少、

13 帖撒羅尼迦之猶太人、知保羅傳上帝道於庇哩亞、則至其邑、亂衆、

14 兄弟卽令保羅適於海、惟西拉、提摩太尚留庇哩亞焉、

15 人引保羅至雅典、保羅命之召西拉、提摩太速至、引者受命而返、〇

16 保羅在雅典待之、見邑人專崇偶像、憂心戚戚、

17 乃入會堂、與猶太人及敬虔者辯論、日在市、有所遇、亦如之、

18 時、以彼古羅、士多亞智者與之爭、有曰、此嘐啁者奚爲、有曰、其傳他邦之鬼神歟、蓋保羅傳福音必稱耶穌及復生也、

19 衆援之、引至亞略巴古、曰、爾所言新道、可知之乎、

20 爾有異聞入我耳、我儕欲知其意、

21 衆雅典人及外邦旅人、不遑他務、惟新事是言是聽而已、〇

22 保羅立亞略巴古中、曰、雅典人、我觀爾曹、畏鬼神甚哉、

23 我方行遊、見爾所拜、遇一壇、書曰、未識之上帝、爾所未識而崇奉者、我爲爾告之、

24 夫造宇宙萬物之上帝、乃天地主、不居手造之殿、

25 不爲人手所事、亦不需一物、乃以生命呼吸萬物予衆、

26 主造萬國本於一脈、地以居之、時以定之、界以限之、

27 欲人求主、庶揣摩得之、而主離我不遠、

28 蓋我儕賴之而生、而動、而存、如爾作詩者有云、我儕爲其赤子焉、

29 旣爲上帝亦子、則上帝之體、不可以若金、若銀、若石、人工機巧琢之、

30 往者冒昧以行、上帝不咎、今乃隨在、命衆悔改、

31 定一日欲以所立之人、義判天下、而復生之、俾衆黴信焉、〇

32 衆聞復生之言、有笑之者、或曰、我儕願再聞其說、

33 於是保羅離衆、親之而信道者數人、中有亞略巴古人丟尼修、及婦名大馬哩、又有數人偕之、

34 親之而信道者數人、中有亞略巴古人丟尼修、及婦名大馬哩、又有數人偕之、


Chapter 17

1 They passed by the cities of Am-phip'olis and Ap-ol-lo'ni-a, and came to Thessa- lo-ni'ca, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.

2 And Paul, as was his custom, went in to join them, and for three sabbaths, he spoke to them from the scriptures,

3 Interpreting and proving that Christ had to suffer, and rise again from the dead; and that he is the same Jesus Christ whom I preach to you.

4 And some of them believed and joined Paul and Silas; and many of them were Greeks who feared God, and many of them were well known women, a goodly number.

5 But the Jews, being jealous, secured a band of bad men from the streets of the city and formed a great mob, who caused disturbances in the city, and who came and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out from it and deliver them to the mob.

6 And when they failed to find them there, they dragged forth Jason and the brethren who were there and brought them before the authorities of the city, crying, These are the men who have created disturbances throughout the world, and behold, they have come here also,

7 And Jason has welcomed them: and all of them are against the decrees of Cµ'sar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.

8 The authorities of the city and all the people were alarmed when they heard these things.

9 So they took bail from Jason and some of the brethren and then let them go.

10 Then the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night to the city of Be-re'a: and when they arrived there, they entered into the synagogue of the Jews.

11 For the Jews there were more liberal than the Jews who were in Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca, in that they gladly heard the word daily, and searched the scriptures to find out if these things were so.

12 And many of them believed; and of the Greeks were many men and notable women.

13 But when the Jews of Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca found out that the word of God was preached by Paul in the city of Be-re'a, they came there also; and ceased not to stir up and alarm the people.

14 Then the brethren sent Paul away to go to the sea; but Silas and Ti-mo'the-us remained in that city.

15 And those who escorted Paul went with him as far as the city of Athens: and when they were leaving him, they received from him an epistle to Silas and Ti-mo'the-us requesting them to come to him in haste.

16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, he saw the whole city full of idols, and he murmured thereat in his spirit.

17 And he spoke in the synagogue to the Jews and to those who feared God, and in the market place daily with them who were there.

18 Philosophers, also, who were of the teaching of Ep'i-cu-rus, and others, who were called Sto'ics, argued with him. And some of them said, What does this babbler want? And others said, He preaches foreign gods: because he preached to them Jesus and his resurrection.

19 So they arrested him and brought him to the court house which is called Ar-e-op'agus, and said to him, May we know what is this new doctrine which you preach?

20 For you proclaim strange words to our ears and we want to know what these things mean.

21 (For all the Athenians and the strangers who were there, were uninterested in anything except something new to tell or to hear.)

22 When Paul stood in the court at Ar-eop'a- gus, he said, Men of Athens, I see that above all things you are extravagant in the worship of idols.

23 For as I walked about, and viewed the house of your idols, I found an altar with this inscription, THIS IS THE ALTAR OF THE UNKNOWN GOD, whom therefore, while you know him not but yet worship, is the very one I am preaching to you.

24 For the God, who made the world and all things therein, and who is the LORD of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is he ministered to by human hands, nor is he in need of anything, for it is he who gave life and breath to all men.

26 And he has made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and he has appointed seasons by his command, and has set limits to the age of men;

27 So that they should seek and search after God, and find him by means of his creations, because he is not far from any one of us:

28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as some of your own wise men have said, For we are his kindred.

29 Now therefore, man, being of the family of God, is not bounden to worship resemblances made of gold or silver or stone shapen by the skill and knowledge of man into resemblances of the Deity.

30 For the times of ignorance God has made to pass, and at this time he has commanded all men, everywhere, to repent.

31 For he has appointed a day in which he will judge all the earth with righteousness by the man whom he has chosen; he who has turned every man towards his faith; for that, he has raised him from the dead.

32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear you again on this matter.

33 So Paul left them.

34 Some of them, however, followed him and were converted; one of them was Di-onys'ius, one of the judges of Ar-e-op'a-gus, and a woman named Dam'a-ris, and others with them.




Chapter 17

1 保羅西拉周遊暗妃波里、亞波羅泥亞至帖撒羅尼迦、有猶太人會堂、

1 They passed by the cities of Am-phip'olis and Ap-ol-lo'ni-a, and came to Thessa- lo-ni'ca, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.

2 保羅依然入堂、歷三安息日、與人辯論經書、

2 And Paul, as was his custom, went in to join them, and for three sabbaths, he spoke to them from the scriptures,

3 說書、明陳基督當受害、死而復生、又云、我所傳之耶穌、卽基督也、

3 Interpreting and proving that Christ had to suffer, and rise again from the dead; and that he is the same Jesus Christ whom I preach to you.

4 猶太數人、及敬虔之希利尼人甚多、貴婦亦不少、信其道、納交保羅西拉、〇

4 And some of them believed and joined Paul and Silas; and many of them were Greeks who feared God, and many of them were well known women, a goodly number.

5 不信之猶太人妒焉、招納市井匪類、在城羣集爲亂、突至耶孫室、欲取保羅西拉出以示民、

5 But the Jews, being jealous, secured a band of bad men from the streets of the city and formed a great mob, who caused disturbances in the city, and who came and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out from it and deliver them to the mob.

6 不遇、則曳耶孫與數兄弟送於邑宰、呼曰、有亂天下者至此、

6 And when they failed to find them there, they dragged forth Jason and the brethren who were there and brought them before the authorities of the city, crying, These are the men who have created disturbances throughout the world, and behold, they have come here also,

7 耶孫納之、此衆所行、違該撒命、言有他王耶穌也、

7 And Jason has welcomed them: and all of them are against the decrees of Cµ'sar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.

8 猶太人言此、悚邑宰與衆之聽、

8 The authorities of the city and all the people were alarmed when they heard these things.

9 邑宰乃取耶孫與其黨之保而釋之〇

9 So they took bail from Jason and some of the brethren and then let them go.

10 是夜、兄弟急令保羅、西拉往庇哩亞、至、則入猶太人會堂、

10 Then the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night to the city of Be-re'a: and when they arrived there, they entered into the synagogue of the Jews.

11 其人賢於帖撒羅尼迦人、以其願安受道、惟日玩索經文、果有此語否、

11 For the Jews there were more liberal than the Jews who were in Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca, in that they gladly heard the word daily, and searched the scriptures to find out if these things were so.

12 故信之者衆、又有希利尼貴女、男子亦不少、

12 And many of them believed; and of the Greeks were many men and notable women.

13 帖撒羅尼迦之猶太人、知保羅傳上帝道於庇哩亞、則至其邑、亂衆、

13 But when the Jews of Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca found out that the word of God was preached by Paul in the city of Be-re'a, they came there also; and ceased not to stir up and alarm the people.

14 兄弟卽令保羅適於海、惟西拉、提摩太尚留庇哩亞焉、

14 Then the brethren sent Paul away to go to the sea; but Silas and Ti-mo'the-us remained in that city.

15 人引保羅至雅典、保羅命之召西拉、提摩太速至、引者受命而返、〇

15 And those who escorted Paul went with him as far as the city of Athens: and when they were leaving him, they received from him an epistle to Silas and Ti-mo'the-us requesting them to come to him in haste.

16 保羅在雅典待之、見邑人專崇偶像、憂心戚戚、

16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, he saw the whole city full of idols, and he murmured thereat in his spirit.

17 乃入會堂、與猶太人及敬虔者辯論、日在市、有所遇、亦如之、

17 And he spoke in the synagogue to the Jews and to those who feared God, and in the market place daily with them who were there.

18 時、以彼古羅、士多亞智者與之爭、有曰、此嘐啁者奚爲、有曰、其傳他邦之鬼神歟、蓋保羅傳福音必稱耶穌及復生也、

18 Philosophers, also, who were of the teaching of Ep'i-cu-rus, and others, who were called Sto'ics, argued with him. And some of them said, What does this babbler want? And others said, He preaches foreign gods: because he preached to them Jesus and his resurrection.

19 衆援之、引至亞略巴古、曰、爾所言新道、可知之乎、

19 So they arrested him and brought him to the court house which is called Ar-e-op'agus, and said to him, May we know what is this new doctrine which you preach?

20 爾有異聞入我耳、我儕欲知其意、

20 For you proclaim strange words to our ears and we want to know what these things mean.

21 衆雅典人及外邦旅人、不遑他務、惟新事是言是聽而已、〇

21 (For all the Athenians and the strangers who were there, were uninterested in anything except something new to tell or to hear.)

22 保羅立亞略巴古中、曰、雅典人、我觀爾曹、畏鬼神甚哉、

22 When Paul stood in the court at Ar-eop'a- gus, he said, Men of Athens, I see that above all things you are extravagant in the worship of idols.

23 我方行遊、見爾所拜、遇一壇、書曰、未識之上帝、爾所未識而崇奉者、我爲爾告之、

23 For as I walked about, and viewed the house of your idols, I found an altar with this inscription, THIS IS THE ALTAR OF THE UNKNOWN GOD, whom therefore, while you know him not but yet worship, is the very one I am preaching to you.

24 夫造宇宙萬物之上帝、乃天地主、不居手造之殿、

24 For the God, who made the world and all things therein, and who is the LORD of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;

25 不爲人手所事、亦不需一物、乃以生命呼吸萬物予衆、

25 Neither is he ministered to by human hands, nor is he in need of anything, for it is he who gave life and breath to all men.

26 主造萬國本於一脈、地以居之、時以定之、界以限之、

26 And he has made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and he has appointed seasons by his command, and has set limits to the age of men;

27 欲人求主、庶揣摩得之、而主離我不遠、

27 So that they should seek and search after God, and find him by means of his creations, because he is not far from any one of us:

28 蓋我儕賴之而生、而動、而存、如爾作詩者有云、我儕爲其赤子焉、

28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as some of your own wise men have said, For we are his kindred.

29 旣爲上帝亦子、則上帝之體、不可以若金、若銀、若石、人工機巧琢之、

29 Now therefore, man, being of the family of God, is not bounden to worship resemblances made of gold or silver or stone shapen by the skill and knowledge of man into resemblances of the Deity.

30 往者冒昧以行、上帝不咎、今乃隨在、命衆悔改、

30 For the times of ignorance God has made to pass, and at this time he has commanded all men, everywhere, to repent.

31 定一日欲以所立之人、義判天下、而復生之、俾衆黴信焉、〇

31 For he has appointed a day in which he will judge all the earth with righteousness by the man whom he has chosen; he who has turned every man towards his faith; for that, he has raised him from the dead.

32 衆聞復生之言、有笑之者、或曰、我儕願再聞其說、

32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear you again on this matter.

33 於是保羅離衆、親之而信道者數人、中有亞略巴古人丟尼修、及婦名大馬哩、又有數人偕之、

33 So Paul left them.

34 親之而信道者數人、中有亞略巴古人丟尼修、及婦名大馬哩、又有數人偕之、

34 Some of them, however, followed him and were converted; one of them was Di-onys'ius, one of the judges of Ar-e-op'a-gus, and a woman named Dam'a-ris, and others with them.
