

1 耶和華敷陳言詞﹑凡爾岡巒﹑咸聽其語﹑

2 耶和華將斥責其民以色列族﹑舉凡山巖岡嶺﹑地之四維﹑尚其聽之哉。

3 耶和華曰﹑我民歟﹑我與爾何爲﹑我未嘗有苛政﹑爾試言之﹑

4 昔我導爾出埃及﹑脫爾於賤役﹑遣摩西﹑亞倫﹑米哩暗﹑訓迪爾曹﹑

5 我民當憶古昔摩押王巴勒謀害爾曹﹑庇耳子巴蘭與之黨同﹑自失亭至吉甲﹑耶和華之恩澤﹑爾其念之勿忘。

6 民曰我欲崇拜至上之上帝耶和華﹑當獻何物﹑豈可以燔祭盈歲之犢﹑臚陳於前哉﹑

7 抑耶和華將以牡綿羊數千爲悅﹑或以萬溪流油爲悅﹑我當以初產之嬰孩﹑贖我愆尤﹑抑以親生之骨肉﹑贖我邪念乎。

8 曰人所當爲者﹑言之已彰彰矣﹑耶和華願爾無他﹑惟秉公義﹑矜憫爲懷﹑退抑以事上帝。

9 耶和華降命於邑中﹑樸責斯民﹑苟有智慧者﹑無不遵從焉﹑

10 命曰﹑維彼惡人﹑斗筲甚小﹑以弋貨財﹑藏於其室﹑我深痛疾﹑

11 權衡之法﹑不秉其公﹑偽作秤錘﹑陰藏囊橐﹑烏得無罪﹑

12 富者專行強據﹑邑中庶民﹑互相欺誑﹑鼓舌妄言﹑

13 我必撲爾﹑俾爾傷殘﹑不可醫痊﹑邑民有罪﹑必至荒蕪﹑

14 爾雖欲食﹑不得果腹﹑蓋此饑饉﹑必在邑中﹑爾雖欲遷﹑不能免難﹑蓋卽遁逃﹑必蹈鋒刃﹑

15 爾雖播種﹑不能有秋﹑雖踐橄欖﹑不得以油沐體﹑雖釀新酒﹑不得自飲醇醪﹑

16 暗利王之法度﹑爾乃恪守焉﹑亞哈家之愆尤﹑爾反則傚﹑與之同謀焉﹑故我必使爾邑荒蕪﹑人作怨恨之聲﹑昔爾爲我民﹑後必爲衆戮辱焉。


Chapter 6

1 HEAR now what the LORD says: Arise and judge upon the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.

2 Hear, O you mountains, the judgment of the LORD, listen, O you deep foundations of the earth; for the LORD will contend with his people, and he will judge Israel;

3 O my people, what have I done to you? Or in what have I grieved you? Testify against me.

4 Have not I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and delivered you from the house of bondage? And I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam?

5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab purposed against you, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim to Gilgal; for he knew the righteousness of the LORD.

6 With what shall I come before the LORD, and how shall I be pleasing before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, or with calves of a year old?

7 The LORD will not be pleased with thousands of rams, nor with ten thousands of heifers; if I should offer my first-born, it is an iniquity to myself, and the fruit of my body, it is a sin against my soul.

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good and what the LORD requires of you, that you shall do justice and love mercy and be ready to walk after the LORD your God.

9 The voice of the LORD cries upon the city, preaching doctrine to those who revere his name; hear, O tribe, him who testifies against you.

10 For there is still fire in the house of the wicked and in the storehouses of iniquity and in the short measure of deceit.

11 How can they justify themselves with the wicked scales and with the bag of deceitful weights?

12 For the rich men of the land are full of deceit, and its inhabitants speak lies, and their tongue is treacherous in their mouth.

13 Therefore I will begin to smite you, and will make you desolate because of your sins.

14 You shall eat, but not be satisfied; and dysentery shall be in the midst of you; and you shall thresh wheat, but shall not keep it, and that which you retain, I will give up to the sword.

15 You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall tread the olives, but you shall not anoint yourselves with oil; you shall tread grapes but you shall not drink wine.

16 For you have kept the statutes of Omri and all the works of the house of Ahab, and you have walked in their counsels; therefore I have made the land a desolation, and its inhabitants a hissing; thus you shall bear the reproach of my people.




Chapter 6

1 耶和華敷陳言詞﹑凡爾岡巒﹑咸聽其語﹑

1 HEAR now what the LORD says: Arise and judge upon the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.

2 耶和華將斥責其民以色列族﹑舉凡山巖岡嶺﹑地之四維﹑尚其聽之哉。

2 Hear, O you mountains, the judgment of the LORD, listen, O you deep foundations of the earth; for the LORD will contend with his people, and he will judge Israel;

3 耶和華曰﹑我民歟﹑我與爾何爲﹑我未嘗有苛政﹑爾試言之﹑

3 O my people, what have I done to you? Or in what have I grieved you? Testify against me.

4 昔我導爾出埃及﹑脫爾於賤役﹑遣摩西﹑亞倫﹑米哩暗﹑訓迪爾曹﹑

4 Have not I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and delivered you from the house of bondage? And I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam?

5 我民當憶古昔摩押王巴勒謀害爾曹﹑庇耳子巴蘭與之黨同﹑自失亭至吉甲﹑耶和華之恩澤﹑爾其念之勿忘。

5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab purposed against you, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim to Gilgal; for he knew the righteousness of the LORD.

6 民曰我欲崇拜至上之上帝耶和華﹑當獻何物﹑豈可以燔祭盈歲之犢﹑臚陳於前哉﹑

6 With what shall I come before the LORD, and how shall I be pleasing before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, or with calves of a year old?

7 抑耶和華將以牡綿羊數千爲悅﹑或以萬溪流油爲悅﹑我當以初產之嬰孩﹑贖我愆尤﹑抑以親生之骨肉﹑贖我邪念乎。

7 The LORD will not be pleased with thousands of rams, nor with ten thousands of heifers; if I should offer my first-born, it is an iniquity to myself, and the fruit of my body, it is a sin against my soul.

8 曰人所當爲者﹑言之已彰彰矣﹑耶和華願爾無他﹑惟秉公義﹑矜憫爲懷﹑退抑以事上帝。

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good and what the LORD requires of you, that you shall do justice and love mercy and be ready to walk after the LORD your God.

9 耶和華降命於邑中﹑樸責斯民﹑苟有智慧者﹑無不遵從焉﹑

9 The voice of the LORD cries upon the city, preaching doctrine to those who revere his name; hear, O tribe, him who testifies against you.

10 命曰﹑維彼惡人﹑斗筲甚小﹑以弋貨財﹑藏於其室﹑我深痛疾﹑

10 For there is still fire in the house of the wicked and in the storehouses of iniquity and in the short measure of deceit.

11 權衡之法﹑不秉其公﹑偽作秤錘﹑陰藏囊橐﹑烏得無罪﹑

11 How can they justify themselves with the wicked scales and with the bag of deceitful weights?

12 富者專行強據﹑邑中庶民﹑互相欺誑﹑鼓舌妄言﹑

12 For the rich men of the land are full of deceit, and its inhabitants speak lies, and their tongue is treacherous in their mouth.

13 我必撲爾﹑俾爾傷殘﹑不可醫痊﹑邑民有罪﹑必至荒蕪﹑

13 Therefore I will begin to smite you, and will make you desolate because of your sins.

14 爾雖欲食﹑不得果腹﹑蓋此饑饉﹑必在邑中﹑爾雖欲遷﹑不能免難﹑蓋卽遁逃﹑必蹈鋒刃﹑

14 You shall eat, but not be satisfied; and dysentery shall be in the midst of you; and you shall thresh wheat, but shall not keep it, and that which you retain, I will give up to the sword.

15 爾雖播種﹑不能有秋﹑雖踐橄欖﹑不得以油沐體﹑雖釀新酒﹑不得自飲醇醪﹑

15 You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall tread the olives, but you shall not anoint yourselves with oil; you shall tread grapes but you shall not drink wine.

16 暗利王之法度﹑爾乃恪守焉﹑亞哈家之愆尤﹑爾反則傚﹑與之同謀焉﹑故我必使爾邑荒蕪﹑人作怨恨之聲﹑昔爾爲我民﹑後必爲衆戮辱焉。

16 For you have kept the statutes of Omri and all the works of the house of Ahab, and you have walked in their counsels; therefore I have made the land a desolation, and its inhabitants a hissing; thus you shall bear the reproach of my people.
