

1 以色列國雄長列邦,其中有名之人,爲民所歸,然在郇邑,耽於逸樂,在撒馬利亞山,宴然居處,其禍必不遠矣,

2 可往甲尼至哈末大邑,又至菲利士人迦特,加徧巡察,豈有他國,較此國尤尊榮,豈有他境,較爾境尤延袤,

3 居位之人,所行暴虐,以爲報應之理,甚屬茫昧,

4 寢於象牙之榻,臥於棲息之床,羔則取之於羣,犢則執之於牢,供其饜飫,

5 彈琴作歌,製樂器,一如大闢,

6 以最巨之盂盛酒醴,以至貴之油,膏肌膚,於約瑟之難,毫不矜憫,其禍必不遠矣。

7 寢於牀第者,不聞懽呼之聲,必先他人,徙於遠方。

8 耶和華指己誓曰,我耶和華爲萬有之主,維彼雅各,我深疾其顯榮,不悅其殿宇,將遐棄斯邑,以及居民,

9 如一宅之中,猶留十人,亦必死亡,

10 親戚取其尸骸,而焚以火,問室中之人,尚有人與爾共處否,若曰否,必曰爾當緘口,勿稱耶和華名,

11 蓋耶和華曾言必毀其室家,巨細不分,

12 磐巖之上,豈可使馬馳驟,使牛耕耘乎,聽訟之所,當秉公義,惟爾使人茹荼飲酖,

13 爾以虛浮之事,妄自誇詡,自謂力猛,足以勝人,

14 我萬有之主耶和華,必使他國勃然興起,爲爾以色列族之敵,自哈末之道,至曠野之河,使爾困苦難堪焉。


Chapter 6

1 WOE to them who despise Zion and trust in the mountain of Samaria, who are chosen by the chiefs of the nations that have captivated the house of Israel!

2 Pass over to Caliah and see; and from thence go to Hamath the great; then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are they better than these kingdoms? Or is their territory greater than your territory?

3 O you who wait for the evil day, and cause the sabbath of violence to come near;

4 Who lie upon beds of ivory, and give themselves to pleasures upon their couches, and eat the fatlings from the flock and calves from the midst of the herd;

5 Who chant to the sound of the harp, and consider themselves skilled in the musical instruments like David;

6 Who drink pure wine, and anoint themselves with the finest perfumes; but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.

7 Therefore now they shall be carried captive with the first who go captive, and the joy shall be taken away from their rulers.

8 The LORD God has sworn by himself, says the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob and hate his palaces; therefore I will deliver up the city with all that is in it.

9 And it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men in one house that they shall die.

10 And a man's uncle or one who is near to him shall carry the dead body out of the house; and he shall say to him who is in the house, Is there any one else in the house with you? And he shall say, There is no one, because they have perished; for they did not mention the name of the LORD.

11 For, behold, the LORD will go forth and he will smite the great house and cause it to quiver, and the little house will he make desolate.

12 Do horses run upon rocks? Or does one plough with horses? For you have turned justice into bitterness, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood;

13 You who rejoice over nothing, who say, Have we not taken a city by our own strength?

14 Therefore, behold, I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel, says the LORD the God of hosts; and they shall drive you away from the entrance of Hamath to the valley of Arabah.




Chapter 6

1 以色列國雄長列邦,其中有名之人,爲民所歸,然在郇邑,耽於逸樂,在撒馬利亞山,宴然居處,其禍必不遠矣,

1 WOE to them who despise Zion and trust in the mountain of Samaria, who are chosen by the chiefs of the nations that have captivated the house of Israel!

2 可往甲尼至哈末大邑,又至菲利士人迦特,加徧巡察,豈有他國,較此國尤尊榮,豈有他境,較爾境尤延袤,

2 Pass over to Caliah and see; and from thence go to Hamath the great; then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are they better than these kingdoms? Or is their territory greater than your territory?

3 居位之人,所行暴虐,以爲報應之理,甚屬茫昧,

3 O you who wait for the evil day, and cause the sabbath of violence to come near;

4 寢於象牙之榻,臥於棲息之床,羔則取之於羣,犢則執之於牢,供其饜飫,

4 Who lie upon beds of ivory, and give themselves to pleasures upon their couches, and eat the fatlings from the flock and calves from the midst of the herd;

5 彈琴作歌,製樂器,一如大闢,

5 Who chant to the sound of the harp, and consider themselves skilled in the musical instruments like David;

6 以最巨之盂盛酒醴,以至貴之油,膏肌膚,於約瑟之難,毫不矜憫,其禍必不遠矣。

6 Who drink pure wine, and anoint themselves with the finest perfumes; but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.

7 寢於牀第者,不聞懽呼之聲,必先他人,徙於遠方。

7 Therefore now they shall be carried captive with the first who go captive, and the joy shall be taken away from their rulers.

8 耶和華指己誓曰,我耶和華爲萬有之主,維彼雅各,我深疾其顯榮,不悅其殿宇,將遐棄斯邑,以及居民,

8 The LORD God has sworn by himself, says the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob and hate his palaces; therefore I will deliver up the city with all that is in it.

9 如一宅之中,猶留十人,亦必死亡,

9 And it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men in one house that they shall die.

10 親戚取其尸骸,而焚以火,問室中之人,尚有人與爾共處否,若曰否,必曰爾當緘口,勿稱耶和華名,

10 And a man's uncle or one who is near to him shall carry the dead body out of the house; and he shall say to him who is in the house, Is there any one else in the house with you? And he shall say, There is no one, because they have perished; for they did not mention the name of the LORD.

11 蓋耶和華曾言必毀其室家,巨細不分,

11 For, behold, the LORD will go forth and he will smite the great house and cause it to quiver, and the little house will he make desolate.

12 磐巖之上,豈可使馬馳驟,使牛耕耘乎,聽訟之所,當秉公義,惟爾使人茹荼飲酖,

12 Do horses run upon rocks? Or does one plough with horses? For you have turned justice into bitterness, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood;

13 爾以虛浮之事,妄自誇詡,自謂力猛,足以勝人,

13 You who rejoice over nothing, who say, Have we not taken a city by our own strength?

14 我萬有之主耶和華,必使他國勃然興起,爲爾以色列族之敵,自哈末之道,至曠野之河,使爾困苦難堪焉。

14 Therefore, behold, I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel, says the LORD the God of hosts; and they shall drive you away from the entrance of Hamath to the valley of Arabah.
