

1 拉班衆子相議曰、我父所有者、而雅各奪之、因致巨富。雅各聞之、

2 亦見拉班待己不如疇昔。

3 耶和華命雅各曰、當歸父家、返故族、我必祐爾。

4 雅各招拉結、利亞至於田、造羣畜所、

5 語之曰、我見爾父待我、不如疇昔、然吾父之上帝祐我。

6 我竭力事爾父、爾所素知。

7 爾父乃欺我、十易我値、頻欲害我、而上帝不容。

8 若云、班點者爲我値、而羣畜咸生斑點。若云、斑圈者爲我値、而羣羊皆有斑圈。

9 是耶和華將爾父所畜悉賜於我。

10 遇牝牡相誘之際、我於夢中、見牡羊乘其牝者、皆圈點斑駁。

11 上帝之使者見夢呼我曰、雅各。我曰、在此、

12 曰、試觀衆牡羊、乘其牝者、無非圈點斑駁、蓋拉班之待爾、我已監之。我乃伯特利之上帝、

13 昔爾在伯特利以膏沃柱、指我以許願。今當起離斯土、歸故族、

14 拉結

15 利亞曰、父旣鬻我、侵食我値、以我爲外人、我於父家、豈尚有嗣業乎。

16 我父貨財、爲上帝所奪、皆屬於我、與我子、今上帝諭爾者、一切遵行。〇

17 雅各起、使妻子乘駝。

18 攜所有者、與在巴坦亞蘭所獲之牲畜、歸於迦南、見父以撒、

19 拉班往剪羊毛、所藏偶像、拉結竊焉。

20 雅各欺亞蘭人拉班、不以其奔告之。

21 挈凡所有、渡河向基列山而遁。

22 越三日、人以其事告拉班、

23 乃率戚族追之、七日至基列山始及焉。

24 是夜、上帝見夢、諭亞蘭人拉班曰、爾與雅各、勿以惡言相加、爾其慎之。〇

25 雅各張幕於基列山、拉班追之、旣及、亦與戚族、張幕於是。

26 拉班謂雅各曰、爾何欺我、攜我二女、與行劫奪者無異。

27 何爲竊遁、曷不告我、俾我鼓琴、播鼗謳歌、忻然送汝。

28 奚不容我與子女接吻、爾之所爲、不智孰甚。

29 我力能害爾、惟前夕爾父之上帝諭我曰、愼勿以惡言加於雅各。

30 夫爾雖戀慕父家、欲歸甚急、奚竊我上帝像乎。

31 雅各曰、我意謂爾必強留爾女、故懼耳。

32 至於爾上帝像、爾見有竊之者、可置於死地、物有屬爾者、爾可自辨、爾自取之、我懠戚族爲證。蓋雅各不知拉結竊偶像焉。

33 拉班遂進雅各幕、及利亞幕、二女婢之幕、皆無迹可尋、後出利亞幕、入拉結幕。

34 拉結以偶像置於駝鞍下、而坐其上。拉班徧索不獲。

35 拉結謂父曰、天癸適至、不得起迎、吾主勿怒。拉班遍索偶像、終不得見。〇

36 雅各怒斥之、曰、我何罪愆、乃相追太迫。

37 今爾遍索吾物屬於爾家者、未獲其一、獲則置之我儕戚族前、俾析中於爾我間、

38 二十年我偕爾處、爾綿羊山羊之牝、未有殰其胎者、爾畜之牡綿羊、我不食。

39 死於野獸者、我不歸爾、我補之、晝夜所盜、爾惟我是問。

40 我晝則冒暑、夜則受冷、寢寐俱廢。

41 如此我居爾家、歷二十年、役事於爾者、爲爾二女十四年、爲爾牲畜六年、爾乃易我値、至於十次。

42 使吾祖亞伯拉罕之上帝、吾父以撒所畏之上帝、不祐我、汝必棄我、絕無所得、惟上帝監我操作辛勤、故前夕責爾。〇

43 拉班曰、斯女卽我女、斯子卽我子、斯畜卽我畜、凡所見者、無非屬於我、今與吾女及其所生之者、將何爲乎。

44 莫若爾我結盟爲憑。

45 雅各遂取石立柱、

46 亦謂戚族曰、爾可積石、乃羣取石、積累爲岡、共食於其上。

47 拉班名之曰、亦甲撒哈土大、雅各名之曰迦列、

48 拉班曰、爾我問以此岡爲憑、故亦名曰迦列、

49 又名密士巴、蓋曰、爾我相暌隔時、耶和華爲眷佑。

50 爾若負吾女、別有所娶、人雖不知、而上帝監之。

51 拉班謂雅各曰、可觀此岡、爾我間所立之柱。

52 此岡此柱可爲憑、我不越此岡害爾、爾亦不越此岡害我。

53 願亞伯拉罕之上帝、拿鶴之上帝、及其祖之上帝、折中於爾我間。雅各惟指其父以撒所畏之上帝而誓。

54 雅各在山獻祭、設席招其戚族、使共食餅、後宿於山。

55 拉班夙興、接吻子女、祝嘏而返。


Chapter 31

1 And he heard8085 the words1697 of Laban's3837 sons,1121 saying,559 Jacob3290 has taken3947 away all3605 that was our father's;1 and of that which834 was our father's1 has he gotten6213 all3605 this glory.3519

2 And Jacob3290 beheld7200 the countenance6440 of Laban,3837 and, behold,2009 it was not toward him as before.8543

3 And the LORD3068 said559 to Jacob,3290 Return7725 to the land776 of your fathers,1 and to your kindred;4138 and I will be with you.

4 And Jacob3290 sent7971 and called7121 Rachel7354 and Leah3812 to the field7704 to his flock,6629

5 And said559 to them, I see7200 your father's1 countenance,6440 that it is not toward me as before;8543 8032 but the God430 of my father1 has been1961 with me.

6 And you know3045 that with all3605 my power3581 I have served5647 your father.1

7 And your father1 has deceived2048 me, and changed2498 my wages4909 ten6235 times;4489 but God430 suffered5414 him not to hurt7489 me.

8 If518 he said559 thus,3541 The speckled5348 shall be your wages;7939 then all3605 the cattle6629 bore3205 speckled:5348 and if518 he said559 thus,3541 The ringstraked6124 shall be your hire;7939 then bore3205 all3605 the cattle6629 ringstraked.6124

9 Thus God430 has taken5337 away the cattle4735 of your father,1 and given5414 them to me.

10 And it came1961 to pass at the time6256 that the cattle6629 conceived,3179 that I lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and saw7200 in a dream,2472 and, behold,2009 the rams6260 which leaped5927 on the cattle6629 were ringstraked,6124 speckled,5348 and spotted.1261

11 And the angel4397 of God430 spoke559 to me in a dream,2472 saying, Jacob:3290 And I said,559 Here2009 am I.

12 And he said,559 Lift5375 up now4994 your eyes,5869 and see,7200 all3605 the rams6260 which leap5927 on the cattle6629 are ringstraked,6124 speckled,5348 and spotted:1261 for I have seen7200 all3605 that Laban3837 does6213 to you.

13 I am the God410 of Bethel,1008 where834 you anointed4886 the pillar,4676 and where834 you vowed5087 a vow5088 to me: now6258 arise,6965 get3318 you out from this2063 land,776 and return7725 to the land776 of your kindred.4138

14 And Rachel7354 and Leah3812 answered6030 and said559 to him, Is there yet5750 any portion2506 or inheritance5159 for us in our father's1 house?1004

15 Are we not counted2803 of him strangers?5237 for he has sold4376 us, and has quite devoured398 also1571 our money.3701

16 For all3605 the riches6239 which834 God430 has taken5337 from our father,1 that is ours, and our children's:1121 now6258 then, whatever3605 834 God430 has said559 to you, do.6213

17 Then Jacob3290 rose6965 up, and set5375 his sons1121 and his wives802 on camels;1581

18 And he carried5090 away all3605 his cattle,4735 and all3605 his goods7399 which834 he had gotten,7408 the cattle4735 of his getting,7075 which834 he had gotten7408 in Padanaram,6307 for to go935 to Isaac3327 his father1 in the land776 of Canaan.3667

19 And Laban3837 went1980 to shear1494 his sheep:6629 and Rachel7354 had stolen1589 the images8655 that were her father's.1

20 And Jacob3290 stole1589 away unawares3820 3824 to Laban3837 the Syrian,761 in that he told5046 him not that he fled.1272

21 So he fled1272 with all3605 that he had; and he rose6965 up, and passed5674 over5674 the river,5104 and set7760 his face6440 toward the mount2022 Gilead.1568

22 And it was told5046 Laban3837 on the third7992 day3117 that Jacob3290 was fled.1272

23 And he took3947 his brothers251 with him, and pursued7291 after310 him seven7651 days' 3117journey;1870 and they overtook1692 him in the mount2022 Gilead.1568

24 And God430 came935 to Laban3837 the Syrian761 in a dream2472 by night,3915 and said559 to him, Take3947 heed8104 that you speak1696 not to Jacob3290 either good2896 or5704 bad.7451

25 Then Laban3837 overtook5381 Jacob.3290 Now Jacob3290 had pitched8628 his tent168 in the mount:2022 and Laban3837 with his brothers251 pitched8628 in the mount2022 of Gilead.1568

26 And Laban3837 said559 to Jacob,3290 What4100 have you done,6213 that you have stolen1589 away unawares3820 3824 to me, and carried5090 away my daughters,1323 as captives7617 taken with the sword?2719

27 Why4100 did you flee1272 away secretly,2244 and steal1589 away from me; and did not tell5046 me, that I might have sent7971 you away with mirth,8057 and with songs,7892 with tabret,8596 and with harp?3658

28 And have not suffered5203 me to kiss5401 my sons1121 and my daughters?1323 you have now6258 done foolishly5528 in so doing.6213

29 It is in the power410 of my hand3027 to do6213 you hurt:7451 but the God430 of your father1 spoke559 to me last night,570 saying,559 Take3947 you heed8104 that you speak1696 not to Jacob3290 either good2896 or5704 bad.7451

30 And now,6258 though you would needs be gone,1980 because3588 you sore longed3700 after your father's1 house,1004 yet why4100 have you stolen1589 my gods?430

31 And Jacob3290 answered6030 and said559 to Laban,3837 Because3588 I was afraid:3372 for I said,559 Peradventure6435 you would take1497 by force1497 your daughters1323 from me.

32 With whomsoever834 you find4672 your gods,430 let him not live:2421 before5048 our brothers251 discern5234 you what4100 is your with me, and take3947 it to you. For Jacob3290 knew3045 not that Rachel7354 had stolen1589 them.

33 And Laban3837 went935 into Jacob's3290 tent,168 and into Leah's3812 tent,168 and into the two8147 maidservants' 519tents;168 but he found4672 them not. Then went3318 he out of Leah's3812 tent,168 and entered935 into Rachel's7354 tent.168

34 Now Rachel7354 had taken3947 the images,8655 and put7760 them in the camel's1581 furniture,3733 and sat3427 on them. And Laban3837 searched4959 all3605 the tent,168 but found4672 them not.

35 And she said559 to her father,1 Let it not displease2734 my lord113 that I cannot3808 3201 rise6965 up before6440 you; for the custom1870 of women802 is on me. And he searched 2664but found4672 not the images.8655

36 And Jacob3290 was wroth,2734 and strived7378 with Laban:3837 and Jacob3290 answered6030 and said559 to Laban,3837 What4100 is my trespass?6588 what4100 is my sin,2403 that you have so hotly1814 pursued1814 after310 me?

37 Whereas3588 you have searched4959 all3605 my stuff,3627 what4100 have you found4672 of all3605 your household1004 stuff?3627 set7760 it here3541 before5048 my brothers251 and your brothers,251 that they may judge3198 between996 us both.8147

38 This2088 twenty6242 years8141 have I been with you; your ewes7353 and your she goats5795 have not cast7921 their young, and the rams352 of your flock6629 have I not eaten.398

39 That which was torn2966 of beasts2966 I brought935 not to you; I bore2398 the loss2398 of it; of my hand3027 did you require1245 it, whether stolen1589 by day,3117 or stolen1589 by night.3915

40 Thus I was; in the day3117 the drought2721 consumed398 me, and the frost7140 by night;3915 and my sleep8142 departed5074 from my eyes.5869

41 Thus2088 have I been twenty6242 years8141 in your house;1004 I served5647 you fourteen702 6240 years8141 for your two8147 daughters,1323 and six8337 years8141 for your cattle:6629 and you have changed2498 my wages4909 ten6235 times.4489

42 Except3884 the God430 of my father,1 the God430 of Abraham,85 and the fear6343 of Isaac,3327 had been1961 with me, surely3588 you had sent7971 me away now6258 empty.7387 God430 has seen7200 my affliction6040 and the labor3018 of my hands,3709 and rebuked3198 you last night.570

43 And Laban3837 answered6030 and said559 to Jacob,3290 These daughters1323 are my daughters,1323 and these children1121 are my children,1121 and these cattle6629 are my cattle,6629 and all3605 that you see7200 is mine: and what4100 can I do6213 this day3117 to these428 my daughters,1323 or176 to their children1121 which834 they have born?3205

44 Now6258 therefore come3212 you, let us make3772 a covenant,1285 I and you; and let it be for a witness5707 between996 me and you.

45 And Jacob3290 took3947 a stone,68 and set7311 it up for a pillar.4676

46 And Jacob3290 said559 to his brothers,251 Gather3950 stones;68 and they took3947 stones,68 and made6213 an heap:1530 and they did eat398 there8033 on the heap.1530

47 And Laban3837 called7121 it Jegarsahadutha:3026 but Jacob3290 called7121 it Galeed.1567

48 And Laban3837 said,559 This2088 heap1530 is a witness5707 between996 me and you this day.3117 Therefore5921 3651 was the name8034 of it called7121 Galeed;1567

49 And Mizpah;4709 for he said,559 The LORD3068 watch6822 between996 me and you, when3588 we are absent5641 one376 from another.7453

50 If518 you shall afflict6031 my daughters,1323 or if518 you shall take3947 other wives802 beside5921 my daughters,1323 no3808 man376 is with us; see,7200 God430 is witness5707 between996 me and you.

51 And Laban3837 said559 to Jacob,3290 Behold2009 this2088 heap,1530 and behold2009 this pillar,4676 which834 I have cast3384 between996 me and you:

52 This2088 heap1530 be witness,5707 and this pillar4676 be witness,5715 that I will not pass5674 over5674 this2088 heap1530 to you, and that you shall not pass5674 over5674 this2063 heap1530 and this2063 pillar4676 to me, for harm.7451

53 The God430 of Abraham,85 and the God430 of Nahor,5152 the God430 of their father,1 judge8199 between996 us. And Jacob3290 swore7650 by the fear6343 of his father1 Isaac.3327

54 Then Jacob3290 offered2076 sacrifice2077 on the mount,2022 and called7121 his brothers251 to eat398 bread:3899 and they did eat398 bread,3899 and tarried3885 all3885 night in the mount.2022

55 And early7925 in the morning1242 Laban3837 rose7925 up, and kissed5401 his sons1121 and his daughters,1323 and blessed1288 them: and Laban3837 departed,3212 and returned7725 to his place.4725




Chapter 31

1 拉班衆子相議曰、我父所有者、而雅各奪之、因致巨富。雅各聞之、

1 And he heard8085 the words1697 of Laban's3837 sons,1121 saying,559 Jacob3290 has taken3947 away all3605 that was our father's;1 and of that which834 was our father's1 has he gotten6213 all3605 this glory.3519

2 亦見拉班待己不如疇昔。

2 And Jacob3290 beheld7200 the countenance6440 of Laban,3837 and, behold,2009 it was not toward him as before.8543

3 耶和華命雅各曰、當歸父家、返故族、我必祐爾。

3 And the LORD3068 said559 to Jacob,3290 Return7725 to the land776 of your fathers,1 and to your kindred;4138 and I will be with you.

4 雅各招拉結、利亞至於田、造羣畜所、

4 And Jacob3290 sent7971 and called7121 Rachel7354 and Leah3812 to the field7704 to his flock,6629

5 語之曰、我見爾父待我、不如疇昔、然吾父之上帝祐我。

5 And said559 to them, I see7200 your father's1 countenance,6440 that it is not toward me as before;8543 8032 but the God430 of my father1 has been1961 with me.

6 我竭力事爾父、爾所素知。

6 And you know3045 that with all3605 my power3581 I have served5647 your father.1

7 爾父乃欺我、十易我値、頻欲害我、而上帝不容。

7 And your father1 has deceived2048 me, and changed2498 my wages4909 ten6235 times;4489 but God430 suffered5414 him not to hurt7489 me.

8 若云、班點者爲我値、而羣畜咸生斑點。若云、斑圈者爲我値、而羣羊皆有斑圈。

8 If518 he said559 thus,3541 The speckled5348 shall be your wages;7939 then all3605 the cattle6629 bore3205 speckled:5348 and if518 he said559 thus,3541 The ringstraked6124 shall be your hire;7939 then bore3205 all3605 the cattle6629 ringstraked.6124

9 是耶和華將爾父所畜悉賜於我。

9 Thus God430 has taken5337 away the cattle4735 of your father,1 and given5414 them to me.

10 遇牝牡相誘之際、我於夢中、見牡羊乘其牝者、皆圈點斑駁。

10 And it came1961 to pass at the time6256 that the cattle6629 conceived,3179 that I lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and saw7200 in a dream,2472 and, behold,2009 the rams6260 which leaped5927 on the cattle6629 were ringstraked,6124 speckled,5348 and spotted.1261

11 上帝之使者見夢呼我曰、雅各。我曰、在此、

11 And the angel4397 of God430 spoke559 to me in a dream,2472 saying, Jacob:3290 And I said,559 Here2009 am I.

12 曰、試觀衆牡羊、乘其牝者、無非圈點斑駁、蓋拉班之待爾、我已監之。我乃伯特利之上帝、

12 And he said,559 Lift5375 up now4994 your eyes,5869 and see,7200 all3605 the rams6260 which leap5927 on the cattle6629 are ringstraked,6124 speckled,5348 and spotted:1261 for I have seen7200 all3605 that Laban3837 does6213 to you.

13 昔爾在伯特利以膏沃柱、指我以許願。今當起離斯土、歸故族、

13 I am the God410 of Bethel,1008 where834 you anointed4886 the pillar,4676 and where834 you vowed5087 a vow5088 to me: now6258 arise,6965 get3318 you out from this2063 land,776 and return7725 to the land776 of your kindred.4138

14 拉結

14 And Rachel7354 and Leah3812 answered6030 and said559 to him, Is there yet5750 any portion2506 or inheritance5159 for us in our father's1 house?1004

15 利亞曰、父旣鬻我、侵食我値、以我爲外人、我於父家、豈尚有嗣業乎。

15 Are we not counted2803 of him strangers?5237 for he has sold4376 us, and has quite devoured398 also1571 our money.3701

16 我父貨財、爲上帝所奪、皆屬於我、與我子、今上帝諭爾者、一切遵行。〇

16 For all3605 the riches6239 which834 God430 has taken5337 from our father,1 that is ours, and our children's:1121 now6258 then, whatever3605 834 God430 has said559 to you, do.6213

17 雅各起、使妻子乘駝。

17 Then Jacob3290 rose6965 up, and set5375 his sons1121 and his wives802 on camels;1581

18 攜所有者、與在巴坦亞蘭所獲之牲畜、歸於迦南、見父以撒、

18 And he carried5090 away all3605 his cattle,4735 and all3605 his goods7399 which834 he had gotten,7408 the cattle4735 of his getting,7075 which834 he had gotten7408 in Padanaram,6307 for to go935 to Isaac3327 his father1 in the land776 of Canaan.3667

19 拉班往剪羊毛、所藏偶像、拉結竊焉。

19 And Laban3837 went1980 to shear1494 his sheep:6629 and Rachel7354 had stolen1589 the images8655 that were her father's.1

20 雅各欺亞蘭人拉班、不以其奔告之。

20 And Jacob3290 stole1589 away unawares3820 3824 to Laban3837 the Syrian,761 in that he told5046 him not that he fled.1272

21 挈凡所有、渡河向基列山而遁。

21 So he fled1272 with all3605 that he had; and he rose6965 up, and passed5674 over5674 the river,5104 and set7760 his face6440 toward the mount2022 Gilead.1568

22 越三日、人以其事告拉班、

22 And it was told5046 Laban3837 on the third7992 day3117 that Jacob3290 was fled.1272

23 乃率戚族追之、七日至基列山始及焉。

23 And he took3947 his brothers251 with him, and pursued7291 after310 him seven7651 days' 3117journey;1870 and they overtook1692 him in the mount2022 Gilead.1568

24 是夜、上帝見夢、諭亞蘭人拉班曰、爾與雅各、勿以惡言相加、爾其慎之。〇

24 And God430 came935 to Laban3837 the Syrian761 in a dream2472 by night,3915 and said559 to him, Take3947 heed8104 that you speak1696 not to Jacob3290 either good2896 or5704 bad.7451

25 雅各張幕於基列山、拉班追之、旣及、亦與戚族、張幕於是。

25 Then Laban3837 overtook5381 Jacob.3290 Now Jacob3290 had pitched8628 his tent168 in the mount:2022 and Laban3837 with his brothers251 pitched8628 in the mount2022 of Gilead.1568

26 拉班謂雅各曰、爾何欺我、攜我二女、與行劫奪者無異。

26 And Laban3837 said559 to Jacob,3290 What4100 have you done,6213 that you have stolen1589 away unawares3820 3824 to me, and carried5090 away my daughters,1323 as captives7617 taken with the sword?2719

27 何爲竊遁、曷不告我、俾我鼓琴、播鼗謳歌、忻然送汝。

27 Why4100 did you flee1272 away secretly,2244 and steal1589 away from me; and did not tell5046 me, that I might have sent7971 you away with mirth,8057 and with songs,7892 with tabret,8596 and with harp?3658

28 奚不容我與子女接吻、爾之所爲、不智孰甚。

28 And have not suffered5203 me to kiss5401 my sons1121 and my daughters?1323 you have now6258 done foolishly5528 in so doing.6213

29 我力能害爾、惟前夕爾父之上帝諭我曰、愼勿以惡言加於雅各。

29 It is in the power410 of my hand3027 to do6213 you hurt:7451 but the God430 of your father1 spoke559 to me last night,570 saying,559 Take3947 you heed8104 that you speak1696 not to Jacob3290 either good2896 or5704 bad.7451

30 夫爾雖戀慕父家、欲歸甚急、奚竊我上帝像乎。

30 And now,6258 though you would needs be gone,1980 because3588 you sore longed3700 after your father's1 house,1004 yet why4100 have you stolen1589 my gods?430

31 雅各曰、我意謂爾必強留爾女、故懼耳。

31 And Jacob3290 answered6030 and said559 to Laban,3837 Because3588 I was afraid:3372 for I said,559 Peradventure6435 you would take1497 by force1497 your daughters1323 from me.

32 至於爾上帝像、爾見有竊之者、可置於死地、物有屬爾者、爾可自辨、爾自取之、我懠戚族爲證。蓋雅各不知拉結竊偶像焉。

32 With whomsoever834 you find4672 your gods,430 let him not live:2421 before5048 our brothers251 discern5234 you what4100 is your with me, and take3947 it to you. For Jacob3290 knew3045 not that Rachel7354 had stolen1589 them.

33 拉班遂進雅各幕、及利亞幕、二女婢之幕、皆無迹可尋、後出利亞幕、入拉結幕。

33 And Laban3837 went935 into Jacob's3290 tent,168 and into Leah's3812 tent,168 and into the two8147 maidservants' 519tents;168 but he found4672 them not. Then went3318 he out of Leah's3812 tent,168 and entered935 into Rachel's7354 tent.168

34 拉結以偶像置於駝鞍下、而坐其上。拉班徧索不獲。

34 Now Rachel7354 had taken3947 the images,8655 and put7760 them in the camel's1581 furniture,3733 and sat3427 on them. And Laban3837 searched4959 all3605 the tent,168 but found4672 them not.

35 拉結謂父曰、天癸適至、不得起迎、吾主勿怒。拉班遍索偶像、終不得見。〇

35 And she said559 to her father,1 Let it not displease2734 my lord113 that I cannot3808 3201 rise6965 up before6440 you; for the custom1870 of women802 is on me. And he searched 2664but found4672 not the images.8655

36 雅各怒斥之、曰、我何罪愆、乃相追太迫。

36 And Jacob3290 was wroth,2734 and strived7378 with Laban:3837 and Jacob3290 answered6030 and said559 to Laban,3837 What4100 is my trespass?6588 what4100 is my sin,2403 that you have so hotly1814 pursued1814 after310 me?

37 今爾遍索吾物屬於爾家者、未獲其一、獲則置之我儕戚族前、俾析中於爾我間、

37 Whereas3588 you have searched4959 all3605 my stuff,3627 what4100 have you found4672 of all3605 your household1004 stuff?3627 set7760 it here3541 before5048 my brothers251 and your brothers,251 that they may judge3198 between996 us both.8147

38 二十年我偕爾處、爾綿羊山羊之牝、未有殰其胎者、爾畜之牡綿羊、我不食。

38 This2088 twenty6242 years8141 have I been with you; your ewes7353 and your she goats5795 have not cast7921 their young, and the rams352 of your flock6629 have I not eaten.398

39 死於野獸者、我不歸爾、我補之、晝夜所盜、爾惟我是問。

39 That which was torn2966 of beasts2966 I brought935 not to you; I bore2398 the loss2398 of it; of my hand3027 did you require1245 it, whether stolen1589 by day,3117 or stolen1589 by night.3915

40 我晝則冒暑、夜則受冷、寢寐俱廢。

40 Thus I was; in the day3117 the drought2721 consumed398 me, and the frost7140 by night;3915 and my sleep8142 departed5074 from my eyes.5869

41 如此我居爾家、歷二十年、役事於爾者、爲爾二女十四年、爲爾牲畜六年、爾乃易我値、至於十次。

41 Thus2088 have I been twenty6242 years8141 in your house;1004 I served5647 you fourteen702 6240 years8141 for your two8147 daughters,1323 and six8337 years8141 for your cattle:6629 and you have changed2498 my wages4909 ten6235 times.4489

42 使吾祖亞伯拉罕之上帝、吾父以撒所畏之上帝、不祐我、汝必棄我、絕無所得、惟上帝監我操作辛勤、故前夕責爾。〇

42 Except3884 the God430 of my father,1 the God430 of Abraham,85 and the fear6343 of Isaac,3327 had been1961 with me, surely3588 you had sent7971 me away now6258 empty.7387 God430 has seen7200 my affliction6040 and the labor3018 of my hands,3709 and rebuked3198 you last night.570

43 拉班曰、斯女卽我女、斯子卽我子、斯畜卽我畜、凡所見者、無非屬於我、今與吾女及其所生之者、將何爲乎。

43 And Laban3837 answered6030 and said559 to Jacob,3290 These daughters1323 are my daughters,1323 and these children1121 are my children,1121 and these cattle6629 are my cattle,6629 and all3605 that you see7200 is mine: and what4100 can I do6213 this day3117 to these428 my daughters,1323 or176 to their children1121 which834 they have born?3205

44 莫若爾我結盟爲憑。

44 Now6258 therefore come3212 you, let us make3772 a covenant,1285 I and you; and let it be for a witness5707 between996 me and you.

45 雅各遂取石立柱、

45 And Jacob3290 took3947 a stone,68 and set7311 it up for a pillar.4676

46 亦謂戚族曰、爾可積石、乃羣取石、積累爲岡、共食於其上。

46 And Jacob3290 said559 to his brothers,251 Gather3950 stones;68 and they took3947 stones,68 and made6213 an heap:1530 and they did eat398 there8033 on the heap.1530

47 拉班名之曰、亦甲撒哈土大、雅各名之曰迦列、

47 And Laban3837 called7121 it Jegarsahadutha:3026 but Jacob3290 called7121 it Galeed.1567

48 拉班曰、爾我問以此岡爲憑、故亦名曰迦列、

48 And Laban3837 said,559 This2088 heap1530 is a witness5707 between996 me and you this day.3117 Therefore5921 3651 was the name8034 of it called7121 Galeed;1567

49 又名密士巴、蓋曰、爾我相暌隔時、耶和華爲眷佑。

49 And Mizpah;4709 for he said,559 The LORD3068 watch6822 between996 me and you, when3588 we are absent5641 one376 from another.7453

50 爾若負吾女、別有所娶、人雖不知、而上帝監之。

50 If518 you shall afflict6031 my daughters,1323 or if518 you shall take3947 other wives802 beside5921 my daughters,1323 no3808 man376 is with us; see,7200 God430 is witness5707 between996 me and you.

51 拉班謂雅各曰、可觀此岡、爾我間所立之柱。

51 And Laban3837 said559 to Jacob,3290 Behold2009 this2088 heap,1530 and behold2009 this pillar,4676 which834 I have cast3384 between996 me and you:

52 此岡此柱可爲憑、我不越此岡害爾、爾亦不越此岡害我。

52 This2088 heap1530 be witness,5707 and this pillar4676 be witness,5715 that I will not pass5674 over5674 this2088 heap1530 to you, and that you shall not pass5674 over5674 this2063 heap1530 and this2063 pillar4676 to me, for harm.7451

53 願亞伯拉罕之上帝、拿鶴之上帝、及其祖之上帝、折中於爾我間。雅各惟指其父以撒所畏之上帝而誓。

53 The God430 of Abraham,85 and the God430 of Nahor,5152 the God430 of their father,1 judge8199 between996 us. And Jacob3290 swore7650 by the fear6343 of his father1 Isaac.3327

54 雅各在山獻祭、設席招其戚族、使共食餅、後宿於山。

54 Then Jacob3290 offered2076 sacrifice2077 on the mount,2022 and called7121 his brothers251 to eat398 bread:3899 and they did eat398 bread,3899 and tarried3885 all3885 night in the mount.2022

55 拉班夙興、接吻子女、祝嘏而返。

55 And early7925 in the morning1242 Laban3837 rose7925 up, and kissed5401 his sons1121 and his daughters,1323 and blessed1288 them: and Laban3837 departed,3212 and returned7725 to his place.4725
