
Chapter 2

1 WOE to those who devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! They rise up early every morning and practice what they have devised; then they lift up their hands toward God to pray.

2 They covet fields and houses, and seize them by force; they oppress a man, taking away from him his possessions and his inheritance.

3 Therefore thus says the LORD God: Behold, against this people do I devise a disaster from which you shall not lift up your necks, neither shall you walk haughtily; for this is an evil time.

4 In that day shall one take up a proverb against you, and lament with a wailing melody, and say, The robber has plundered us; the portion of my people he has divided with a measuring line; there is none to restore our fields with the measuring line.

5 Therefore you shall have none that shall measure by the measuring line and divide by casting the lots in the congregation of the LORD.

6 Shed not tears, and weep not over these things,

7 That the shame which is spoken against the house of Jacob may not overtake you; for the spirit of the LORD is angry at these devices; behold, my words are good to him who walked uprightly.

8 My people stood up like a thief against his own peace; you strip the skin from the poor that they may lose their hope; you invite war.

9 The women of my people you have driven out from their pleasant houses; from their children you have taken away the glory for ever.

10 Arise and go away; for this is no place for your rest, because the pollution will bring destruction, and the destruction will be grievous.

11 When a man walks in the spirit of falsehood and deception, overwhelmed with wine and drunkenness, he does so because of the anguish of this people.

12 I will surely gather you, O Jacob, all of you; I will surely bring you together, O remnant of Israel; I will keep them like sheep when they are in danger, like a flock in the midst of their fold, which are protected from thieves.

13 The pathbreaker is come up before them; they have made a breach and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it; and their king shall pass before them, and the LORD at the head of them.