
Chapter 5

1 BUT a certain man called An-a-ni'as, to gether with his wife named Shapphi'ra, sold his field.

2 And he took some of the price and hid it, and his wife also knew of it, and he brought some of the money and placed it at the disposal of the apostles.

3 And Simon Peter said to him, An-a-ni'as, why has Satan so filled your heart that you should lie to the Holy Spirit and hide part of the money of the price of the field?

4 Was it not your own before you sold it? And after it was sold, had you not the sole authority over its price? What made you think to do this thing? You have not only lied to men but to God.

5 And when An-a-ni'as heard these words, he fell down and died; and great fear came upon all of those who heard these things.

6 The younger men among them arose, and moved his body aside. Then they took him out and buried him.

7 Three hours later his wife also came in, not knowing what had happened.

8 Simon Peter said to her, Tell me if you sold the field for this price? She said, Yea, for this price.

9 Then Simon Peter said to her, Because you have been partners to tempt the Spirit of the LORD, behold the feet of the men who have buried your husband are at the door, and they shall carry you out also.

10 And in that very hour she fell down at their feet and died, and the young men came in and found her dead, and they picked her up and carried her away and buried her by the side of her husband.

11 And great fear came upon all the congregation and upon all who heard what had happened.

12 Many miracles and signs were wrought among the people by the apostles, and they were all gathered together in the portico * of Solomon.

13 And of the unbelievers, no one dared to interfere with them, but the people held them in respect.

14 And the number of those who believed in the LORD was greatly increased by multitudes, both of men and women.

15 They even brought out the sick into the streets and laid them on bed quilts so that when Simon Peter should happen to pass by, his shadow might fall upon them.

16 Many came to them from other cities around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and mentally afflicted, and they were all healed.

17 Then the high priest was filled with jealousy and all of those who were with him, for they were adherents to the teachings of the Sad'du-cees,

18 So they laid hold on the apostles and arrested them and bound them in prison.

19 But during the night, the angel of the LORD opened the door of the prison and brought them forth and said to them,

20 Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all these words of life.

21 Accordingly they went out early in morning and entered into the temple and taught the people. But the high priest and those who were with him called their associates and the elders of Israel, and sent to the prison to bring the apostles.

22 And when those who were sent by them, went, and did not find them in the prison, they returned,

23 Saying, We found the prison carefully locked and also the guards standing at the doors; and we opened them but found no man there.

24 When the high priest and the leaders of the temple heard these words, they were astonished at them and they were reasoning how it could happen,

25 When a man came and en_lbp_informed them, Behold! The men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people.

26 Then the leaders went with the soldiers to bring them, not by force, for they were afraid that the people might stone them.

27 And when they had brought them, they made them stand before the whole council, and the high priest proceeded,

28 Saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach any man in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine; and intend to bring the blood of this man upon us.

29 Then Simon Peter with the rest of the apostles answered and said to them, We must obey God rather than men.

30 The God of our fathers has raised up Jesus whom you murdered when you crucified him on the cross.

31 This very one God has appointed a Prince and a Saviour, and has lifted him up by his right hand so that he may grant repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.

32 And we are the witnesses of these words; so is also the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who believe in him.

33 When they heard these words, they were enraged and thought to murder the apostles.

34 Then one of the Phar'i-sees whose name was Ga-ma'li-el, a teacher of the law and honored by all the people, rose up and ordered them to take the apostles outside for a little while;

35 Then he said to them, Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves, and find out what is the best for you to do about these men.

36 For before these days, rose up Theu'das, boasting himself to be a great man; and about four hundred men followed him: he was slain; and those who followed him were scattered and nothing came of them.

37 After him rose up Judas, the Gal-i-le'an, in the days when people were registering for the head tax, and he misled many people into following him. He died; and all of those who followed him were dispersed.

38 So now I tell you, Keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this thought and this work is of men, it will fail and pass away.

39 But if it be of God, you cannot suppress it, lest perchance you find yourself standing in opposition to God.

40 And they listened to him, and they called the apostles, and scourged them, and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

41 The apostles went out from the presence of the council rejoicing that they had been worthy to suffer abuse for the sake of his name.

42 And they did not cease to teach daily in the temple and at home and to preach concerning our LORD Jesus Christ.

Деяния апостолов

Глава 5

1 Некоторый5100 же1161 муж,435 именем3686 Анания,367 с48623588 женою1135 своею846 Сапфирою,4551 продав4453 имение,2933

2 2532 утаил3557 из5753588 цены,5092 с ведома4894 и3588 жены1135 своей,846 а2532 некоторую5100 часть3313 принес5342 и положил5087 к38443588 ногам42283588 Апостолов.652

3 Но1161 Петр4074 сказал:2036 Анания!367 Для чего13023588 ты допустил сатане4567 вложить41373588 в сердце2588 твое4675 мысль солгать557445713588 Духу41513588 Святому40 и2532 утаить3557 из5753588 цены50923588 земли?5564

4 Чем ты владел,3306 не3780 твое4671 ли было,3306 и2532 приобретенное продажею4097 не в17223588 твоей4674 ли власти1849 находилось?5225 Для чего51013754 ты положил508735884229 это5124 в17223588 сердце2588 твоем?4675 Ты солгал5574 не3756 человекам,444 а2353588 Богу.2316

5 Услышав19111613588 сии51283588 слова,3056 Анания367 пал4098 бездыханен;1634 и2532 великий3173 страх5401 объял10961909 всех,3956 слышавших191 это.5023

6 И,1161 встав,450 юноши3501 приготовили4958 его846 к погребению и,2532 вынеся,1627 похоронили.2290

7 10961161 Часа5610 через5613 три5140 после1292 сего пришла1525 и3588 жена1135 его,846 не3361 зная1492 о3588 случившемся.1096

8 3588 Петр4074 же1161 спросил611 ее:846 скажи2036 мне,3427 за столько5118 ли14873588 продали591 вы землю?5564 Она35881161 сказала:2036 да,3483 за столько.5118

9 3588 Но1161 Петр4074 сказал20364314 ей:846 что5101 это3754 согласились4856 вы5213 искусить39853588 Духа4151 Господня?2962 вот,2400 входят42283588 в19093588 двери2374 погребавшие22903588 мужа435 твоего;4675 и2532 тебя4571 вынесут.1627

10 Вдруг39161161 она упала4098 у38443588 ног4228 его846 и2532 испустила дух.1634 И11613588 юноши,3495 войдя,1525 нашли2147 ее846 мертвою3498 и,2532 вынеся,1627 похоронили2290 подле43143588 мужа435 ее.846

11 И2532 великий3173 страх5401 объял10961909 всю36503588 церковь1577 и25321909 всех39563588 слышавших191 это.5023

12 12233588 Руками5495 же11613588 Апостолов652 совершались1096 в17223588 народе2992 многие4183 знамения4592 и2532 чудеса;5059 и2532 все537 единодушно3661 пребывали2258 в17223588 притворе4745 Соломоновом.4672

13 Из3588 посторонних3062 же1161 никто3762 не смел5111 пристать2853 к ним,846 а2353588 народ2992 прославлял3170 их.846

14 Верующих4100 же1161 более и более3123 присоединялось43693588 к Господу,2962 множество4128 мужчин4355037 и2532 женщин,1135

15 так5620 что выносили16273588 больных772 на25963588 улицы4113 и2532 полагали5087 на1909 постелях2825 и2532 кроватях,2895 дабы2443 хотя25793588 тень4639 проходящего2064 Петра4074 осенила1982 кого5100 из них.846

16 Сходились49051161 также3588 в1519 Иерусалим2419 многие4128 из3588 окрестных4038 городов,4172 неся5342 больных772 и2532 нечистыми169 духами41515259 одержимых,3791 которые3748 и исцелялись2323 все.537

17 4503588 Первосвященник749 же1161 и3588 с4862 ним846 все,3956 принадлежавшие5607 к ереси1393588 саддукейской,4523 исполнились4130 зависти,2205

18 и2532 наложили19113588 руки5495 свои846 на19093588 Апостолов,652 и2532 заключили5087 их846 в1722 народную1219 темницу.5084

19 Но1161 Ангел32 Господень296212233588 ночью3571 отворил4553588 двери23743588 темницы5438 и,5037 выведя1806 их,846 сказал:2036

20 идите4198 и,2532 став2476 в17223588 храме,2411 говорите29803588 народу2992 все39563588 сии5026 слова44873588 жизни.2222

21 Они, выслушав,1911161 вошли152552593588 утром3722 в15193588 храм2411 и2532 учили.1321 Между тем первосвященник749 и2532 которые3588 с4862 ним,846 придя,385411613588 созвали47793588 синедрион4892 и2532 всех39563588 старейшин10873588 из сынов5207 Израилевых2474 и2532 послали649 в15193588 темницу1201 привести71 Апостолов846 .

22 3588 Но1161 служители,5257 придя,3854 не3756 нашли2147 их846 в17223588 темнице5438 и, возвратившись3901161 донесли,518

23 говоря:3004375435883303 темницу1201 мы нашли2147 запертою2808 со1722 всею3956 предосторожностью803 и3588 стражей5441 стоящими18542476 перед42533588 дверями;2374 но,1161 отворив,455 не нашли2147 в ней2080 никого.3762

24 Когда56131161 услышали1913588 эти5128 слова305635885037 первосвященник,2409 начальник47553588 стражи2411 и2532 прочие3588 первосвященники,749 недоумевали,12804012846 что5101 бы302 это5124 значило.1096

25 Пришел3854 же1161 некто5100 и донес518 им,846 говоря:30043754 вот,2400 мужи,435 которых3739 вы заключили5087 в17223588 темницу,54381526 стоят2476 в17223588 храме2411 и2532 учат13213588 народ.2992

26 Тогда51193588 начальник стражи4755 пошел565 со48623588 служителями5257 и привел71 их846 без37563326 принуждения,970 потому что1063 боялись53993588 народа,2992 чтобы2443 не3361 побили их камнями.3034

27 Приведя71 же1161 их,846 поставили2476 в17223588 синедрионе;4892 и2532 спросил1905 их8463588 первосвященник,749 говоря:3004

28 не3756 запретили38523853 ли3361 мы вам5213 накрепко учить1321 о19093588 имени3686 сем?5129 и2532 вот,2400 вы наполнили41373588 Иерусалим24193588 учением1322 вашим5216 и2532 хотите1014 навести1863 на1909 нас22483588 кровь1293588 Того5127 Человека.444

29 3588 Петр4074 же1161 и3588 Апостолы652 в ответ611 сказали:2036 должно1163 повиноваться3980 больше3123 Богу,2316 нежели2228 человекам.444

30 3588 Бог23163588 отцов3962 наших2257 воскресил1453 Иисуса,2424 Которого3739 вы5210 умертвили,1315 повесив2910 на1909 древе.3586

31 Его51263588 возвысил5312 Бог23163588 десницею1188 Своею846 в Начальника747 и2532 Спасителя,4990 дабы дать13253588 Израилю2474 покаяние3341 и2532 прощение859 грехов.266

32 2532 Свидетели3144 Ему846207035884487 в сем5130 мы2249 и35881161 Дух4151 Святый,40 Которого37393588 Бог2316 дал13253588 повинующимся3980 Ему.846

33 1161 Слыша191 это,3588 они разрывались1282 от гнева и2532 умышляли1011 умертвить337 их.846

34 Встав450 же1161 в17223588 синедрионе,4892 некто5100 фарисей,5330 именем3686 Гамалиил,1059 законоучитель,3547 уважаемый5093 всем39563588 народом,2992 приказал27531854 вывести41603588 Апостолов652 на короткое5100 время,1024

35 а50374314 им846 сказал:2036 мужи435 Израильские!2475 подумайте4337 сами1437 с собою о19093588 людях444 сих,5125 что5101 вам3195 с ними делать.4238

36 Ибо1063 незадолго перед4253 сим513035882250 явился450 Февда,2333 выдавая30041511 себя1438 за кого-то5100 великого, и к нему3739 пристало4347706 около5616 четырехсот5071 человек;435 но он3739 был убит,337 и2532 все,3956 которые3745 слушались3982 его,846 рассеялись1262 и2532 исчезли.109615193762

37 После3326 него5126 во17223588 время22503588 переписи582 явился450 Иуда24553588 Галилеянин1057 и2532 увлек868 за3694 собою846 довольно2425 народа;2992 но2548 он погиб,622 и2532 все,3956 которые3745 слушались3982 его,846 рассыпались.1287

38 И3588 ныне,3568 говорю3004 вам,5213 отстаньте868 от5753588 людей444 сих5130 и2532 оставьте1439 их;846 ибо3754 если14375600 это37783588 предприятие1012 и22283588 это5124 дело2041 — от1537 человеков,444 то оно разрушится,2647

39 а1161 если1487 от1537 Бога,23162076 то вы не3756 можете1410 разрушить2647 его;846 берегитесь, чтобы3379 вам не оказаться2147 и2532 богопротивниками.2314

40 Они послушались39821161 его;846 и,2532 призвав43413588 Апостолов,652 били1194 их и, запретив38533361 им говорить2980 о19093588 имени36863588 Иисуса,24242532 отпустили630 их.846

41 Они35883303 же3767 пошли4198 из57543833588 синедриона,4892 радуясь,5463 что3754 за52283588 имя3686 Господа Иисуса846 удостоились2661 принять бесчестие.818

42 И5037 всякий3956 день2250 в17223588 храме2411 и2532 по2596 домам3624 не3756 переставали3973 учить1321 и2532 благовествовать2097 об Иисусе24243588 Христе.5547


Chapter 5

Деяния апостолов

Глава 5

1 BUT a certain man called An-a-ni'as, to gether with his wife named Shapphi'ra, sold his field.

1 Некоторый5100 же1161 муж,435 именем3686 Анания,367 с48623588 женою1135 своею846 Сапфирою,4551 продав4453 имение,2933

2 And he took some of the price and hid it, and his wife also knew of it, and he brought some of the money and placed it at the disposal of the apostles.

2 2532 утаил3557 из5753588 цены,5092 с ведома4894 и3588 жены1135 своей,846 а2532 некоторую5100 часть3313 принес5342 и положил5087 к38443588 ногам42283588 Апостолов.652

3 And Simon Peter said to him, An-a-ni'as, why has Satan so filled your heart that you should lie to the Holy Spirit and hide part of the money of the price of the field?

3 Но1161 Петр4074 сказал:2036 Анания!367 Для чего13023588 ты допустил сатане4567 вложить41373588 в сердце2588 твое4675 мысль солгать557445713588 Духу41513588 Святому40 и2532 утаить3557 из5753588 цены50923588 земли?5564

4 Was it not your own before you sold it? And after it was sold, had you not the sole authority over its price? What made you think to do this thing? You have not only lied to men but to God.

4 Чем ты владел,3306 не3780 твое4671 ли было,3306 и2532 приобретенное продажею4097 не в17223588 твоей4674 ли власти1849 находилось?5225 Для чего51013754 ты положил508735884229 это5124 в17223588 сердце2588 твоем?4675 Ты солгал5574 не3756 человекам,444 а2353588 Богу.2316

5 And when An-a-ni'as heard these words, he fell down and died; and great fear came upon all of those who heard these things.

5 Услышав19111613588 сии51283588 слова,3056 Анания367 пал4098 бездыханен;1634 и2532 великий3173 страх5401 объял10961909 всех,3956 слышавших191 это.5023

6 The younger men among them arose, and moved his body aside. Then they took him out and buried him.

6 И,1161 встав,450 юноши3501 приготовили4958 его846 к погребению и,2532 вынеся,1627 похоронили.2290

7 Three hours later his wife also came in, not knowing what had happened.

7 10961161 Часа5610 через5613 три5140 после1292 сего пришла1525 и3588 жена1135 его,846 не3361 зная1492 о3588 случившемся.1096

8 Simon Peter said to her, Tell me if you sold the field for this price? She said, Yea, for this price.

8 3588 Петр4074 же1161 спросил611 ее:846 скажи2036 мне,3427 за столько5118 ли14873588 продали591 вы землю?5564 Она35881161 сказала:2036 да,3483 за столько.5118

9 Then Simon Peter said to her, Because you have been partners to tempt the Spirit of the LORD, behold the feet of the men who have buried your husband are at the door, and they shall carry you out also.

9 3588 Но1161 Петр4074 сказал20364314 ей:846 что5101 это3754 согласились4856 вы5213 искусить39853588 Духа4151 Господня?2962 вот,2400 входят42283588 в19093588 двери2374 погребавшие22903588 мужа435 твоего;4675 и2532 тебя4571 вынесут.1627

10 And in that very hour she fell down at their feet and died, and the young men came in and found her dead, and they picked her up and carried her away and buried her by the side of her husband.

10 Вдруг39161161 она упала4098 у38443588 ног4228 его846 и2532 испустила дух.1634 И11613588 юноши,3495 войдя,1525 нашли2147 ее846 мертвою3498 и,2532 вынеся,1627 похоронили2290 подле43143588 мужа435 ее.846

11 And great fear came upon all the congregation and upon all who heard what had happened.

11 И2532 великий3173 страх5401 объял10961909 всю36503588 церковь1577 и25321909 всех39563588 слышавших191 это.5023

12 Many miracles and signs were wrought among the people by the apostles, and they were all gathered together in the portico * of Solomon.

12 12233588 Руками5495 же11613588 Апостолов652 совершались1096 в17223588 народе2992 многие4183 знамения4592 и2532 чудеса;5059 и2532 все537 единодушно3661 пребывали2258 в17223588 притворе4745 Соломоновом.4672

13 And of the unbelievers, no one dared to interfere with them, but the people held them in respect.

13 Из3588 посторонних3062 же1161 никто3762 не смел5111 пристать2853 к ним,846 а2353588 народ2992 прославлял3170 их.846

14 And the number of those who believed in the LORD was greatly increased by multitudes, both of men and women.

14 Верующих4100 же1161 более и более3123 присоединялось43693588 к Господу,2962 множество4128 мужчин4355037 и2532 женщин,1135

15 They even brought out the sick into the streets and laid them on bed quilts so that when Simon Peter should happen to pass by, his shadow might fall upon them.

15 так5620 что выносили16273588 больных772 на25963588 улицы4113 и2532 полагали5087 на1909 постелях2825 и2532 кроватях,2895 дабы2443 хотя25793588 тень4639 проходящего2064 Петра4074 осенила1982 кого5100 из них.846

16 Many came to them from other cities around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and mentally afflicted, and they were all healed.

16 Сходились49051161 также3588 в1519 Иерусалим2419 многие4128 из3588 окрестных4038 городов,4172 неся5342 больных772 и2532 нечистыми169 духами41515259 одержимых,3791 которые3748 и исцелялись2323 все.537

17 Then the high priest was filled with jealousy and all of those who were with him, for they were adherents to the teachings of the Sad'du-cees,

17 4503588 Первосвященник749 же1161 и3588 с4862 ним846 все,3956 принадлежавшие5607 к ереси1393588 саддукейской,4523 исполнились4130 зависти,2205

18 So they laid hold on the apostles and arrested them and bound them in prison.

18 и2532 наложили19113588 руки5495 свои846 на19093588 Апостолов,652 и2532 заключили5087 их846 в1722 народную1219 темницу.5084

19 But during the night, the angel of the LORD opened the door of the prison and brought them forth and said to them,

19 Но1161 Ангел32 Господень296212233588 ночью3571 отворил4553588 двери23743588 темницы5438 и,5037 выведя1806 их,846 сказал:2036

20 Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all these words of life.

20 идите4198 и,2532 став2476 в17223588 храме,2411 говорите29803588 народу2992 все39563588 сии5026 слова44873588 жизни.2222

21 Accordingly they went out early in morning and entered into the temple and taught the people. But the high priest and those who were with him called their associates and the elders of Israel, and sent to the prison to bring the apostles.

21 Они, выслушав,1911161 вошли152552593588 утром3722 в15193588 храм2411 и2532 учили.1321 Между тем первосвященник749 и2532 которые3588 с4862 ним,846 придя,385411613588 созвали47793588 синедрион4892 и2532 всех39563588 старейшин10873588 из сынов5207 Израилевых2474 и2532 послали649 в15193588 темницу1201 привести71 Апостолов846 .

22 And when those who were sent by them, went, and did not find them in the prison, they returned,

22 3588 Но1161 служители,5257 придя,3854 не3756 нашли2147 их846 в17223588 темнице5438 и, возвратившись3901161 донесли,518

23 Saying, We found the prison carefully locked and also the guards standing at the doors; and we opened them but found no man there.

23 говоря:3004375435883303 темницу1201 мы нашли2147 запертою2808 со1722 всею3956 предосторожностью803 и3588 стражей5441 стоящими18542476 перед42533588 дверями;2374 но,1161 отворив,455 не нашли2147 в ней2080 никого.3762

24 When the high priest and the leaders of the temple heard these words, they were astonished at them and they were reasoning how it could happen,

24 Когда56131161 услышали1913588 эти5128 слова305635885037 первосвященник,2409 начальник47553588 стражи2411 и2532 прочие3588 первосвященники,749 недоумевали,12804012846 что5101 бы302 это5124 значило.1096

25 When a man came and en_lbp_informed them, Behold! The men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people.

25 Пришел3854 же1161 некто5100 и донес518 им,846 говоря:30043754 вот,2400 мужи,435 которых3739 вы заключили5087 в17223588 темницу,54381526 стоят2476 в17223588 храме2411 и2532 учат13213588 народ.2992

26 Then the leaders went with the soldiers to bring them, not by force, for they were afraid that the people might stone them.

26 Тогда51193588 начальник стражи4755 пошел565 со48623588 служителями5257 и привел71 их846 без37563326 принуждения,970 потому что1063 боялись53993588 народа,2992 чтобы2443 не3361 побили их камнями.3034

27 And when they had brought them, they made them stand before the whole council, and the high priest proceeded,

27 Приведя71 же1161 их,846 поставили2476 в17223588 синедрионе;4892 и2532 спросил1905 их8463588 первосвященник,749 говоря:3004

28 Saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach any man in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine; and intend to bring the blood of this man upon us.

28 не3756 запретили38523853 ли3361 мы вам5213 накрепко учить1321 о19093588 имени3686 сем?5129 и2532 вот,2400 вы наполнили41373588 Иерусалим24193588 учением1322 вашим5216 и2532 хотите1014 навести1863 на1909 нас22483588 кровь1293588 Того5127 Человека.444

29 Then Simon Peter with the rest of the apostles answered and said to them, We must obey God rather than men.

29 3588 Петр4074 же1161 и3588 Апостолы652 в ответ611 сказали:2036 должно1163 повиноваться3980 больше3123 Богу,2316 нежели2228 человекам.444

30 The God of our fathers has raised up Jesus whom you murdered when you crucified him on the cross.

30 3588 Бог23163588 отцов3962 наших2257 воскресил1453 Иисуса,2424 Которого3739 вы5210 умертвили,1315 повесив2910 на1909 древе.3586

31 This very one God has appointed a Prince and a Saviour, and has lifted him up by his right hand so that he may grant repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.

31 Его51263588 возвысил5312 Бог23163588 десницею1188 Своею846 в Начальника747 и2532 Спасителя,4990 дабы дать13253588 Израилю2474 покаяние3341 и2532 прощение859 грехов.266

32 And we are the witnesses of these words; so is also the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who believe in him.

32 2532 Свидетели3144 Ему846207035884487 в сем5130 мы2249 и35881161 Дух4151 Святый,40 Которого37393588 Бог2316 дал13253588 повинующимся3980 Ему.846

33 When they heard these words, they were enraged and thought to murder the apostles.

33 1161 Слыша191 это,3588 они разрывались1282 от гнева и2532 умышляли1011 умертвить337 их.846

34 Then one of the Phar'i-sees whose name was Ga-ma'li-el, a teacher of the law and honored by all the people, rose up and ordered them to take the apostles outside for a little while;

34 Встав450 же1161 в17223588 синедрионе,4892 некто5100 фарисей,5330 именем3686 Гамалиил,1059 законоучитель,3547 уважаемый5093 всем39563588 народом,2992 приказал27531854 вывести41603588 Апостолов652 на короткое5100 время,1024

35 Then he said to them, Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves, and find out what is the best for you to do about these men.

35 а50374314 им846 сказал:2036 мужи435 Израильские!2475 подумайте4337 сами1437 с собою о19093588 людях444 сих,5125 что5101 вам3195 с ними делать.4238

36 For before these days, rose up Theu'das, boasting himself to be a great man; and about four hundred men followed him: he was slain; and those who followed him were scattered and nothing came of them.

36 Ибо1063 незадолго перед4253 сим513035882250 явился450 Февда,2333 выдавая30041511 себя1438 за кого-то5100 великого, и к нему3739 пристало4347706 около5616 четырехсот5071 человек;435 но он3739 был убит,337 и2532 все,3956 которые3745 слушались3982 его,846 рассеялись1262 и2532 исчезли.109615193762

37 After him rose up Judas, the Gal-i-le'an, in the days when people were registering for the head tax, and he misled many people into following him. He died; and all of those who followed him were dispersed.

37 После3326 него5126 во17223588 время22503588 переписи582 явился450 Иуда24553588 Галилеянин1057 и2532 увлек868 за3694 собою846 довольно2425 народа;2992 но2548 он погиб,622 и2532 все,3956 которые3745 слушались3982 его,846 рассыпались.1287

38 So now I tell you, Keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this thought and this work is of men, it will fail and pass away.

38 И3588 ныне,3568 говорю3004 вам,5213 отстаньте868 от5753588 людей444 сих5130 и2532 оставьте1439 их;846 ибо3754 если14375600 это37783588 предприятие1012 и22283588 это5124 дело2041 — от1537 человеков,444 то оно разрушится,2647

39 But if it be of God, you cannot suppress it, lest perchance you find yourself standing in opposition to God.

39 а1161 если1487 от1537 Бога,23162076 то вы не3756 можете1410 разрушить2647 его;846 берегитесь, чтобы3379 вам не оказаться2147 и2532 богопротивниками.2314

40 And they listened to him, and they called the apostles, and scourged them, and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

40 Они послушались39821161 его;846 и,2532 призвав43413588 Апостолов,652 били1194 их и, запретив38533361 им говорить2980 о19093588 имени36863588 Иисуса,24242532 отпустили630 их.846

41 The apostles went out from the presence of the council rejoicing that they had been worthy to suffer abuse for the sake of his name.

41 Они35883303 же3767 пошли4198 из57543833588 синедриона,4892 радуясь,5463 что3754 за52283588 имя3686 Господа Иисуса846 удостоились2661 принять бесчестие.818

42 And they did not cease to teach daily in the temple and at home and to preach concerning our LORD Jesus Christ.

42 И5037 всякий3956 день2250 в17223588 храме2411 и2532 по2596 домам3624 не3756 переставали3973 учить1321 и2532 благовествовать2097 об Иисусе24243588 Христе.5547
