
Chapter 10

1 AND he departed from thence, and came to the border of Judaea, at the crossing of the Jordan; and a great many people went to him there, and he taught them again, as he was accustomed to do.

2 And the Pharisees came up to him, tempting him and asking, Is it lawful for a man to desert his wife?

3 He said to them, What did Moses command you?

4 They said, Moses gave us permission to write a letter of separation, and then to divorce.

5 Jesus answered and said to them, It was because of the hardness of your heart, that he wrote for you this particular law.

6 But from the very beginning God made them male and female.

7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and follow his wife.

8 And both shall be one flesh; henceforth they are not two, but one flesh.

9 What therefore God has joined, let no man separate.

10 And his disciples again asked him about this in the house.

11 And he said to them, Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery.

12 And if a woman divorces her husband, and marries another, she commits adultery.

13 And they brought little boys to him, that he might touch them; but his disciples rebuked those who brought them.

14 But when Jesus saw it, he was displeased, and he said to them, Allow the little boys to come to me, and do not forbid them; for the kingdom of God is for such as these.

15 Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little boy shall not enter it.

16 Then he took them in his arms, and put his hand on them, and blessed them.

17 While he was on the way, a man came ran up and fell on his knees and he asked him, saying, O good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit life eternal?

18 Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? There is no one who is good, except the one God.

19 You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not murder, Do not bear false witness, Do not oppress, Honor your father and mother.

20 But he answered and said to him, Teacher, all of these I have obeyed from my boyhood.

21 Then Jesus looked at him and loved him, and he said to him, You lack one thing; go, sell everything you have, and give it to the poor, and you shall have a treasure in heaven; and take up your cross and follow me.

22 But he felt sad because of this saying, and he went away depressed; for he had great wealth.

23 Then Jesus looked at his disciples and said to them, How hard it is for those who have wealth, to enter into the kingdom of God!

24 But the disciples were surprised at his words. And Jesus answered again and said to them, My sons, how hard it is for those who trust in their wealth, to enter into the kingdom of God!

25 It is easier for a rope to enter through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

26 But they were the more surprised, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

27 Jesus looked at them, and said to them, With men this is impossible, but not with God; for everything is possible with God.

28 Then Peter began to say, Behold, we have left everything and followed you.

29 Jesus answered and said, Truly I say to you, There is no man who leaves houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, for my sake and for the sake of my gospel,

30 Who shall not receive now, in this time, an hundredfold, houses, and brothers and sisters, and maidservants, and children, and fields, and other worldly pursuits, and in the world to come life everlasting.

31 Many who are first shall be last, and the last first.

32 While they were going up on their way to Jerusalem, Jesus was ahead of them; and they were amazed; and they followed him with fear. And he took his twelve aside, and began to tell them what was surely to happen to him.

33 Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be delivered to the high priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and deliver him to the Gentiles.

34 And they will mock him, and scourge him, and spit in his face, and kill him; and on the third day he will rise up.

35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, Teacher, we wish you would do for us whatever we ask.

36 He said to them, What do you wish me to do for you?

37 They said to him, Grant us to sit, one at your right and one at your left, in your glory.

38 He said to them, You do not know what you are asking; can you drink the cup which I drink? and be baptized with the baptism with which I am to be baptized?

39 They said to him, We can. Jesus said to them, The cup which I shall drink, you will drink too; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized too;

40 But to sit at my right and at my left, that is not mine to give; except to those for whom it is prepared.

41 When the ten heard it, they began to murmur at James and John.

42 Jesus called them and said to them, You know that those who consider themselves princes of the people, are their owners too; and their officials rule over them.

43 Let not this be so among you; but he who wishes to be great among you, let him be a minister to you.

44 And anyone of you who wishes to be first, let him be a servant of every man.

45 For also the Son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life as a salvation for the sake of many.

46 And they came to Jericho; and when Jesus went out of Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, a blind man, Timaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging.

47 When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry aloud and say, O son of David, have mercy on me.

48 And many rebuked him to keep quiet, but he cried out the more, saying, O son of David, have mercy on me.

49 Then Jesus stopped and commanded to call him. So they called the blind man, and said to him, Have courage, rise; he is calling you.

50 And the blind man threw off his robe, and he got up, and went to Jesus.

51 Jesus said to him, What do you wish me to do for you? The blind man said to him, Master, that I may see.

52 And Jesus said to him, See; your faith has healed you. And immediately he saw, and went on the way.

Das Evangelium nach Markus

Kapitel 10

1 Und2532 er1321 machte sich auf450 und2532 kam2064 von dannen2547 in1519 die Örter3725 des jüdischen Landes2449 jenseit4008 des Jordans2446. Und das Volk3793 ging4848 abermal mit1223 Haufen zu4314 ihm, und wie5613 seine846 Gewohnheit war1486, lehrete er sie abermal.

2 Und2532 die Pharisäer5330 traten zu4334 ihm846 und fragten1905 ihn3985, ob1487 ein Mann435 sich scheiden630 möge1832 von seinem Weibe1135; und versuchten ihn846 damit.

3 Er846 antwortete611 aber1161 und sprach2036: Was5101 hat euch5213 Mose3475 geboten1781?

4 Sie sprachen2036: Mose3475 hat zugelassen2010, einen Scheidebrief975 zu schreiben1125 und1161 sich zu scheiden630.

5 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu4314 ihnen: Um eures Herzens4641 Härtigkeit4641 willen hat er846 euch5216 solch5026 Gebot1785 geschrieben1125.

6 Aber1161 von575 Anfang746 der Kreatur2937 hat4160 sie846 GOtt2316 geschaffen ein Männlein und2532 Fräulein.

7 Darum5127 wird4314 der Mensch444 seinen Vater3962 und2532 Mutter3384 lassen und2532 wird seinem Weibe1135 anhangen4347,

8 und2532 werden sein2071 die zwei1417 ein3391 Fleisch4561. So5620 sind1526 sie nun3765 nicht zwei1417, sondern235 ein3391 Fleisch4561.

9 Was3739 denn3767 GOtt2316 zusammengefüget hat4801, soll der Mensch444 nicht3361 scheiden5563.

10 Und2532 daheim fragten1905 ihn846 abermal seine846 Jünger3101 um1722 dasselbige.

11 Und2532 er846 sprach3004 zu ihnen: Wer1437 sich848 scheidet630 von seinem Weibe1135 und2532 freiet eine andere243, der bricht die Ehe3429 an1909 ihr846.

12 Und2532 so1437 sich848 ein Weib1135 scheidet630 von ihrem Manne435 und2532 freiet einen andern243, die bricht ihre Ehe3429.

13 Und2532 sie846 brachten4374 Kindlein3813 zu ihm, daß2443 er846 sie anrührete. Die Jünger3101 aber1161 fuhren die an680, die sie trugen.

14 Da es aber1161 JEsus2424 sah, ward er846 unwillig23 und2532 sprach2036 zu863 ihnen846: Laßt die Kindlein3813 zu4314 mir3165 kommen2064 und2532 wehret2967 ihnen nicht3361; denn1063 solcher5108 ist2076 das1492 Reich932 Gottes2316.

15 Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, wer das3739 Reich932 Gottes2316 nicht3362 empfänget als5613 ein1525 Kindlein3813, der846 wird1209 nicht3364 hineinkommen1525.

16 Und2532 er846 herzete sie846 und legte5087 die Hände5495 auf1909 sie846 und segnete2127 sie.

17 Und2532 da er hinausgegangen1607 war auf1519 den Weg3598, lief4370 einer1520 vorne vor, kniete1120 vor ihn und2532 fragte1905 ihn: Guter18 Meister1320, was5101 soll ich tun4160, daß2443 ich das ewige166 Leben2222 ererbe2816?

18 Aber1161 JEsus2424 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Was5101 heißest3004 du mich3165 gut18? Niemand3762 ist gut18 denn1508 der1520 einige GOtt2316.

19 Du1492 weißest ja die Gebote1785 wohl: Du sollst3431 nicht3361 ehebrechen3431. Du sollst5407 nicht3361 töten5407. Du sollst2813 nicht3361 stehlen2813. Du sollst nicht3361 falsch Zeugnis5576 reden5576. Du sollst niemand3361 täuschen650. Ehre5091 deinen4675 Vater3962 und2532 Mutter3384.

20 Er846 antwortete611 aber1161 und sprach2036 zu ihm: Meister1320, das3956 habe ich alles5023 gehalten5442 von1537 meiner3450 Jugend3503 auf.

21 Und1161 JEsus2424 sah1689 ihn846 an5302 und2532 liebte25 ihn846 und2532 sprach2036 zu1722 ihm846: Eines fehlet dir. Gehe5217 hin, verkaufe4453 alles, was3745 du hast2192, und2532 gib‘s1325 den Armen4434, so wirst du einen1520 Schatz2344 im Himmel3772 haben2192; und2532 komm1204, folge mir3427 nach190 und nimm das Kreuz4716 auf142 dich4671.

22 Er2258 aber1161 ward Unmuts über1909 der Rede3056 und ging565 traurig3076 davon; denn1063 er hatte2192 viele4183 Güter2933.

23 Und2532 JEsus2424 sah um sich4017 und sprach3004 zu seinen Jüngern3101: Wie4459 schwerlich werden2192 die Reichen5536 in1519 das932 Reich Gottes2316 kommen1525!

24 Die Jünger3101 aber1161 entsetzten2284 sich über1909 seine846 Rede3056. Aber1161 JEsus2424 antwortete611 wiederum3825 und sprach3004 zu ihnen: Liebe Kinder5043, wie4459 schwerlich ist‘s2076, daß die, so ihr846 Vertrauen3982 auf1909 Reichtum5536 setzen, ins1519 Reich932 Gottes2316 kommen1525!

25 Es ist2076 leichter2123, daß ein1525 Kamel2574 durch1330 ein Nadelöhr5168 gehe1525, denn1223 daß ein Reicher ins1519 Reich4145 Gottes2316 komme.

26 Sie entsetzten1605 sich aber1161 noch viel mehr4057 und sprachen3004 untereinander4314: Wer5101 kann1410 denn selig4982 werden?

27 JEsus2424 aber1161 sah1689 sie846 an3844 und235 sprach3004: Bei3844 den444 Menschen ist‘s2076 unmöglich102, aber nicht3756 bei3844 GOtt2316; denn1063 alle3956 Dinge sind möglich1415 bei GOtt2316.

28 Da2532 sagte756 Petrus4074 zu ihm846: Siehe2400, wir2249 haben alles3956 verlassen863 und2532 sind dir4671 nachgefolget.

29 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und1161 sprach2036: Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, es ist2076 niemand3762, so3739 er verläßt863 Haus3614 oder2228 Brüder80 oder2228 Schwestern79 oder2228 Vater3962 oder2228 Mutter3384 oder2228 Weib1135 oder2228 Kinder5043 oder2228 Äcker68 um1752 meinetwillen1700 und2532 um des Evangeliums2098 willen,

30 der nicht3362 hundertfältig1542 empfange2983 jetzt3568 in1722 dieser5129 Zeit2540 Häuser3614 und2532 Brüder80 und2532 Schwestern79 und2532 Mütter3384 und2532 Kinder5043 und2532 Äcker68 mit3326 Verfolgungen1375 und2532 in der zukünftigen2064 Welt165 das ewige166 Leben2222.

31 Viele4183 aber1161 werden die Letzten2078 sein2071, die die Ersten4413 sind, und2532 die Ersten4413 sein, die die Letzten2078 sind.

32 Sie846 waren2258 aber1161 auf305 dem Wege3598 und2532 gingen hinauf gen Jerusalem2414. Und2532 JEsus2424 ging4254 vor ihnen; und2532 sie846 entsetzten2284 sich2258, folgeten ihm190 nach1519 und2532 fürchteten sich5399. Und JEsus nahm3880 abermal zu1722 sich die Zwölfe und sagte756 ihnen, was ihm846 widerfahren4819 würde3195:

33 Siehe2400, wir gehen hinauf305 gen Jerusalem2414, und3754 des846 Menschen Sohn wird2532 überantwortet werden3860 den444 Hohenpriestern749 und2532 Schriftgelehrten1122; und2532 sie846 werden ihn verdammen2632 zum1519 Tode2288 und2532 überantworten3860 den Heiden1484.

34 Die846 werden ihn846 verspotten1702 und2532 geißeln3146 und2532 verspeien1716 und2532 töten615; und2532 am dritten5154 Tage2250 wird2532 er846 auferstehen450.

35 Da gingen4365 zu ihm Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491, die Söhne des846 Zebedäus2199, und2532 sprachen3004: Meister1320, wir wollen2309, daß2443 du uns2254 tuest4160, was1437 wir dich bitten154 werden.

36 Er sprach2036 zu ihnen: Was5101 wollt2309, ihr846, daß3165 ich euch5213 tue4160?

37 Sie846 sprachen2036 zu1537 ihm: Gib1325 uns2254, daß2443 wir2532 sitzen2523, einer1520 zu1537 deiner4675 Rechten1188 und1161 einer1520 zu deiner4675 Linken2176, in1722 deiner4675 Herrlichkeit1391.

38 JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu1410 ihnen: Ihr846 wisset nicht3756, was5101 ihr bittet154. Könnt1492 ihr den3739 Kelch4221 trinken4095, den ich1473 trinke4095, und2532 euch taufen907 lassen mit der3739 Taufe908, da ich1473 mit getauft werde907?

39 Sie846 sprachen2036 zu1410 ihm: Ja, wir können es wohl. JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu ihnen: Zwar3303 ihr846 werdet den3739 Kelch4221 trinken4095, den ich1473 trinke4095, und1161 getauft907 werden mit der3739 Taufe908, da2532 ich1473 mit getauft907 werde4095;

40 zu1537 sitzen2523 aber1161 zu1537 meiner3450 Rechten1188 und2532 zu meiner1699 Linken2176, stehet2076 mir3450 nicht3756 zu, euch zu geben1325, sondern235 welchen3739 es bereitet2090 ist.

41 Und2532 da das die191 Zehn1176 höreten, wurden756 sie unwillig23 über4012 Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491.

42 Aber1161 JEsus2424 rief sie846 und2532 sprach3004 zu ihnen846: Ihr846 wisset1492, daß3754 die846 weltlichen1484 Fürsten757 herrschen2634, und die Mächtigen3173 unter ihnen846 haben Gewalt2715.

43 Aber1161 also3779 soll2071 es unter1722 euch5213 nicht3756 sein2071, sondern235 welcher1437 will2309 groß3173 werden1096 unter1722 euch5213, der soll euer5216 Diener1249 sein2071.

44 Und2532 welcher302 unter euch5216 will2309 der Vornehmste4413 werden1096, der soll aller3956 Knecht1401 sein2071.

45 Denn1063 auch2532 des Menschen444 Sohn ist nicht3756 kommen2064, daß er sich848 dienen1247 lasse, sondern235 daß er diene1247 und2532 gebe1325 sein Leben5590 zur Bezahlung3083 für473 viele4183.

46 Und2532 sie kamen2064 gen1519 Jericho2410. Und2532 da er aus1607 Jericho2410 ging, er und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 und2532 ein groß Volk3793, da saß2521 ein Blinder5185, Bartimäus924, des Timäus5090 Sohn, am3844 Wege3598 und bettelte4319.

47 Und2532 da er2076 hörete, daß3754 es JEsus2424 von Nazareth3480 war, fing756 er an zu schreien2896 und2532 zu sagen3004: JEsu2424, du191 Sohn Davids1138, erbarme dich1653 mein3165!

48 Und2532 viele4183 bedräueten ihn, er846 sollte stillschweigen4623. Er aber2443 schrie2896 viel4183 mehr3123: Du Sohn Davids1138, erbarme dich1653 mein3165!

49 Und2532 JEsus2424 stund stille und ließ ihn rufen5455. Und sie2476 riefen5455 den Blinden5185 und sprachen2036 zu ihm846: Sei getrost2293, stehe auf1453! Er846 rufet dich4571.

50 Und1161 er warf sein Kleid2440 von sich577, stund auf450 und kam2064 zu4314 JEsu2424.

51 Und2532 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und sprach3004 zu ihm846: Was5101 willst2309 du, daß2443 ich dir tun4160 soll? Der Blinde5185 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Rabuni, daß ich sehend308 werde.

52 JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu1722 ihm4982: Gehe5217 hin; dein4675 Glaube4102 hat dir4571 geholfen4982. Und2532 alsbald2112 ward er846 sehend und2532 folgte ihm2424 nach190 auf308 dem Wege3598.


Chapter 10

Das Evangelium nach Markus

Kapitel 10

1 AND he departed from thence, and came to the border of Judaea, at the crossing of the Jordan; and a great many people went to him there, and he taught them again, as he was accustomed to do.

1 Und2532 er1321 machte sich auf450 und2532 kam2064 von dannen2547 in1519 die Örter3725 des jüdischen Landes2449 jenseit4008 des Jordans2446. Und das Volk3793 ging4848 abermal mit1223 Haufen zu4314 ihm, und wie5613 seine846 Gewohnheit war1486, lehrete er sie abermal.

2 And the Pharisees came up to him, tempting him and asking, Is it lawful for a man to desert his wife?

2 Und2532 die Pharisäer5330 traten zu4334 ihm846 und fragten1905 ihn3985, ob1487 ein Mann435 sich scheiden630 möge1832 von seinem Weibe1135; und versuchten ihn846 damit.

3 He said to them, What did Moses command you?

3 Er846 antwortete611 aber1161 und sprach2036: Was5101 hat euch5213 Mose3475 geboten1781?

4 They said, Moses gave us permission to write a letter of separation, and then to divorce.

4 Sie sprachen2036: Mose3475 hat zugelassen2010, einen Scheidebrief975 zu schreiben1125 und1161 sich zu scheiden630.

5 Jesus answered and said to them, It was because of the hardness of your heart, that he wrote for you this particular law.

5 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu4314 ihnen: Um eures Herzens4641 Härtigkeit4641 willen hat er846 euch5216 solch5026 Gebot1785 geschrieben1125.

6 But from the very beginning God made them male and female.

6 Aber1161 von575 Anfang746 der Kreatur2937 hat4160 sie846 GOtt2316 geschaffen ein Männlein und2532 Fräulein.

7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and follow his wife.

7 Darum5127 wird4314 der Mensch444 seinen Vater3962 und2532 Mutter3384 lassen und2532 wird seinem Weibe1135 anhangen4347,

8 And both shall be one flesh; henceforth they are not two, but one flesh.

8 und2532 werden sein2071 die zwei1417 ein3391 Fleisch4561. So5620 sind1526 sie nun3765 nicht zwei1417, sondern235 ein3391 Fleisch4561.

9 What therefore God has joined, let no man separate.

9 Was3739 denn3767 GOtt2316 zusammengefüget hat4801, soll der Mensch444 nicht3361 scheiden5563.

10 And his disciples again asked him about this in the house.

10 Und2532 daheim fragten1905 ihn846 abermal seine846 Jünger3101 um1722 dasselbige.

11 And he said to them, Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery.

11 Und2532 er846 sprach3004 zu ihnen: Wer1437 sich848 scheidet630 von seinem Weibe1135 und2532 freiet eine andere243, der bricht die Ehe3429 an1909 ihr846.

12 And if a woman divorces her husband, and marries another, she commits adultery.

12 Und2532 so1437 sich848 ein Weib1135 scheidet630 von ihrem Manne435 und2532 freiet einen andern243, die bricht ihre Ehe3429.

13 And they brought little boys to him, that he might touch them; but his disciples rebuked those who brought them.

13 Und2532 sie846 brachten4374 Kindlein3813 zu ihm, daß2443 er846 sie anrührete. Die Jünger3101 aber1161 fuhren die an680, die sie trugen.

14 But when Jesus saw it, he was displeased, and he said to them, Allow the little boys to come to me, and do not forbid them; for the kingdom of God is for such as these.

14 Da es aber1161 JEsus2424 sah, ward er846 unwillig23 und2532 sprach2036 zu863 ihnen846: Laßt die Kindlein3813 zu4314 mir3165 kommen2064 und2532 wehret2967 ihnen nicht3361; denn1063 solcher5108 ist2076 das1492 Reich932 Gottes2316.

15 Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little boy shall not enter it.

15 Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, wer das3739 Reich932 Gottes2316 nicht3362 empfänget als5613 ein1525 Kindlein3813, der846 wird1209 nicht3364 hineinkommen1525.

16 Then he took them in his arms, and put his hand on them, and blessed them.

16 Und2532 er846 herzete sie846 und legte5087 die Hände5495 auf1909 sie846 und segnete2127 sie.

17 While he was on the way, a man came ran up and fell on his knees and he asked him, saying, O good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit life eternal?

17 Und2532 da er hinausgegangen1607 war auf1519 den Weg3598, lief4370 einer1520 vorne vor, kniete1120 vor ihn und2532 fragte1905 ihn: Guter18 Meister1320, was5101 soll ich tun4160, daß2443 ich das ewige166 Leben2222 ererbe2816?

18 Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? There is no one who is good, except the one God.

18 Aber1161 JEsus2424 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Was5101 heißest3004 du mich3165 gut18? Niemand3762 ist gut18 denn1508 der1520 einige GOtt2316.

19 You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not murder, Do not bear false witness, Do not oppress, Honor your father and mother.

19 Du1492 weißest ja die Gebote1785 wohl: Du sollst3431 nicht3361 ehebrechen3431. Du sollst5407 nicht3361 töten5407. Du sollst2813 nicht3361 stehlen2813. Du sollst nicht3361 falsch Zeugnis5576 reden5576. Du sollst niemand3361 täuschen650. Ehre5091 deinen4675 Vater3962 und2532 Mutter3384.

20 But he answered and said to him, Teacher, all of these I have obeyed from my boyhood.

20 Er846 antwortete611 aber1161 und sprach2036 zu ihm: Meister1320, das3956 habe ich alles5023 gehalten5442 von1537 meiner3450 Jugend3503 auf.

21 Then Jesus looked at him and loved him, and he said to him, You lack one thing; go, sell everything you have, and give it to the poor, and you shall have a treasure in heaven; and take up your cross and follow me.

21 Und1161 JEsus2424 sah1689 ihn846 an5302 und2532 liebte25 ihn846 und2532 sprach2036 zu1722 ihm846: Eines fehlet dir. Gehe5217 hin, verkaufe4453 alles, was3745 du hast2192, und2532 gib‘s1325 den Armen4434, so wirst du einen1520 Schatz2344 im Himmel3772 haben2192; und2532 komm1204, folge mir3427 nach190 und nimm das Kreuz4716 auf142 dich4671.

22 But he felt sad because of this saying, and he went away depressed; for he had great wealth.

22 Er2258 aber1161 ward Unmuts über1909 der Rede3056 und ging565 traurig3076 davon; denn1063 er hatte2192 viele4183 Güter2933.

23 Then Jesus looked at his disciples and said to them, How hard it is for those who have wealth, to enter into the kingdom of God!

23 Und2532 JEsus2424 sah um sich4017 und sprach3004 zu seinen Jüngern3101: Wie4459 schwerlich werden2192 die Reichen5536 in1519 das932 Reich Gottes2316 kommen1525!

24 But the disciples were surprised at his words. And Jesus answered again and said to them, My sons, how hard it is for those who trust in their wealth, to enter into the kingdom of God!

24 Die Jünger3101 aber1161 entsetzten2284 sich über1909 seine846 Rede3056. Aber1161 JEsus2424 antwortete611 wiederum3825 und sprach3004 zu ihnen: Liebe Kinder5043, wie4459 schwerlich ist‘s2076, daß die, so ihr846 Vertrauen3982 auf1909 Reichtum5536 setzen, ins1519 Reich932 Gottes2316 kommen1525!

25 It is easier for a rope to enter through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 Es ist2076 leichter2123, daß ein1525 Kamel2574 durch1330 ein Nadelöhr5168 gehe1525, denn1223 daß ein Reicher ins1519 Reich4145 Gottes2316 komme.

26 But they were the more surprised, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?

26 Sie entsetzten1605 sich aber1161 noch viel mehr4057 und sprachen3004 untereinander4314: Wer5101 kann1410 denn selig4982 werden?

27 Jesus looked at them, and said to them, With men this is impossible, but not with God; for everything is possible with God.

27 JEsus2424 aber1161 sah1689 sie846 an3844 und235 sprach3004: Bei3844 den444 Menschen ist‘s2076 unmöglich102, aber nicht3756 bei3844 GOtt2316; denn1063 alle3956 Dinge sind möglich1415 bei GOtt2316.

28 Then Peter began to say, Behold, we have left everything and followed you.

28 Da2532 sagte756 Petrus4074 zu ihm846: Siehe2400, wir2249 haben alles3956 verlassen863 und2532 sind dir4671 nachgefolget.

29 Jesus answered and said, Truly I say to you, There is no man who leaves houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, for my sake and for the sake of my gospel,

29 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und1161 sprach2036: Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, es ist2076 niemand3762, so3739 er verläßt863 Haus3614 oder2228 Brüder80 oder2228 Schwestern79 oder2228 Vater3962 oder2228 Mutter3384 oder2228 Weib1135 oder2228 Kinder5043 oder2228 Äcker68 um1752 meinetwillen1700 und2532 um des Evangeliums2098 willen,

30 Who shall not receive now, in this time, an hundredfold, houses, and brothers and sisters, and maidservants, and children, and fields, and other worldly pursuits, and in the world to come life everlasting.

30 der nicht3362 hundertfältig1542 empfange2983 jetzt3568 in1722 dieser5129 Zeit2540 Häuser3614 und2532 Brüder80 und2532 Schwestern79 und2532 Mütter3384 und2532 Kinder5043 und2532 Äcker68 mit3326 Verfolgungen1375 und2532 in der zukünftigen2064 Welt165 das ewige166 Leben2222.

31 Many who are first shall be last, and the last first.

31 Viele4183 aber1161 werden die Letzten2078 sein2071, die die Ersten4413 sind, und2532 die Ersten4413 sein, die die Letzten2078 sind.

32 While they were going up on their way to Jerusalem, Jesus was ahead of them; and they were amazed; and they followed him with fear. And he took his twelve aside, and began to tell them what was surely to happen to him.

32 Sie846 waren2258 aber1161 auf305 dem Wege3598 und2532 gingen hinauf gen Jerusalem2414. Und2532 JEsus2424 ging4254 vor ihnen; und2532 sie846 entsetzten2284 sich2258, folgeten ihm190 nach1519 und2532 fürchteten sich5399. Und JEsus nahm3880 abermal zu1722 sich die Zwölfe und sagte756 ihnen, was ihm846 widerfahren4819 würde3195:

33 Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be delivered to the high priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and deliver him to the Gentiles.

33 Siehe2400, wir gehen hinauf305 gen Jerusalem2414, und3754 des846 Menschen Sohn wird2532 überantwortet werden3860 den444 Hohenpriestern749 und2532 Schriftgelehrten1122; und2532 sie846 werden ihn verdammen2632 zum1519 Tode2288 und2532 überantworten3860 den Heiden1484.

34 And they will mock him, and scourge him, and spit in his face, and kill him; and on the third day he will rise up.

34 Die846 werden ihn846 verspotten1702 und2532 geißeln3146 und2532 verspeien1716 und2532 töten615; und2532 am dritten5154 Tage2250 wird2532 er846 auferstehen450.

35 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, Teacher, we wish you would do for us whatever we ask.

35 Da gingen4365 zu ihm Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491, die Söhne des846 Zebedäus2199, und2532 sprachen3004: Meister1320, wir wollen2309, daß2443 du uns2254 tuest4160, was1437 wir dich bitten154 werden.

36 He said to them, What do you wish me to do for you?

36 Er sprach2036 zu ihnen: Was5101 wollt2309, ihr846, daß3165 ich euch5213 tue4160?

37 They said to him, Grant us to sit, one at your right and one at your left, in your glory.

37 Sie846 sprachen2036 zu1537 ihm: Gib1325 uns2254, daß2443 wir2532 sitzen2523, einer1520 zu1537 deiner4675 Rechten1188 und1161 einer1520 zu deiner4675 Linken2176, in1722 deiner4675 Herrlichkeit1391.

38 He said to them, You do not know what you are asking; can you drink the cup which I drink? and be baptized with the baptism with which I am to be baptized?

38 JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu1410 ihnen: Ihr846 wisset nicht3756, was5101 ihr bittet154. Könnt1492 ihr den3739 Kelch4221 trinken4095, den ich1473 trinke4095, und2532 euch taufen907 lassen mit der3739 Taufe908, da ich1473 mit getauft werde907?

39 They said to him, We can. Jesus said to them, The cup which I shall drink, you will drink too; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized too;

39 Sie846 sprachen2036 zu1410 ihm: Ja, wir können es wohl. JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu ihnen: Zwar3303 ihr846 werdet den3739 Kelch4221 trinken4095, den ich1473 trinke4095, und1161 getauft907 werden mit der3739 Taufe908, da2532 ich1473 mit getauft907 werde4095;

40 But to sit at my right and at my left, that is not mine to give; except to those for whom it is prepared.

40 zu1537 sitzen2523 aber1161 zu1537 meiner3450 Rechten1188 und2532 zu meiner1699 Linken2176, stehet2076 mir3450 nicht3756 zu, euch zu geben1325, sondern235 welchen3739 es bereitet2090 ist.

41 When the ten heard it, they began to murmur at James and John.

41 Und2532 da das die191 Zehn1176 höreten, wurden756 sie unwillig23 über4012 Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491.

42 Jesus called them and said to them, You know that those who consider themselves princes of the people, are their owners too; and their officials rule over them.

42 Aber1161 JEsus2424 rief sie846 und2532 sprach3004 zu ihnen846: Ihr846 wisset1492, daß3754 die846 weltlichen1484 Fürsten757 herrschen2634, und die Mächtigen3173 unter ihnen846 haben Gewalt2715.

43 Let not this be so among you; but he who wishes to be great among you, let him be a minister to you.

43 Aber1161 also3779 soll2071 es unter1722 euch5213 nicht3756 sein2071, sondern235 welcher1437 will2309 groß3173 werden1096 unter1722 euch5213, der soll euer5216 Diener1249 sein2071.

44 And anyone of you who wishes to be first, let him be a servant of every man.

44 Und2532 welcher302 unter euch5216 will2309 der Vornehmste4413 werden1096, der soll aller3956 Knecht1401 sein2071.

45 For also the Son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life as a salvation for the sake of many.

45 Denn1063 auch2532 des Menschen444 Sohn ist nicht3756 kommen2064, daß er sich848 dienen1247 lasse, sondern235 daß er diene1247 und2532 gebe1325 sein Leben5590 zur Bezahlung3083 für473 viele4183.

46 And they came to Jericho; and when Jesus went out of Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, a blind man, Timaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging.

46 Und2532 sie kamen2064 gen1519 Jericho2410. Und2532 da er aus1607 Jericho2410 ging, er und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 und2532 ein groß Volk3793, da saß2521 ein Blinder5185, Bartimäus924, des Timäus5090 Sohn, am3844 Wege3598 und bettelte4319.

47 When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry aloud and say, O son of David, have mercy on me.

47 Und2532 da er2076 hörete, daß3754 es JEsus2424 von Nazareth3480 war, fing756 er an zu schreien2896 und2532 zu sagen3004: JEsu2424, du191 Sohn Davids1138, erbarme dich1653 mein3165!

48 And many rebuked him to keep quiet, but he cried out the more, saying, O son of David, have mercy on me.

48 Und2532 viele4183 bedräueten ihn, er846 sollte stillschweigen4623. Er aber2443 schrie2896 viel4183 mehr3123: Du Sohn Davids1138, erbarme dich1653 mein3165!

49 Then Jesus stopped and commanded to call him. So they called the blind man, and said to him, Have courage, rise; he is calling you.

49 Und2532 JEsus2424 stund stille und ließ ihn rufen5455. Und sie2476 riefen5455 den Blinden5185 und sprachen2036 zu ihm846: Sei getrost2293, stehe auf1453! Er846 rufet dich4571.

50 And the blind man threw off his robe, and he got up, and went to Jesus.

50 Und1161 er warf sein Kleid2440 von sich577, stund auf450 und kam2064 zu4314 JEsu2424.

51 Jesus said to him, What do you wish me to do for you? The blind man said to him, Master, that I may see.

51 Und2532 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und sprach3004 zu ihm846: Was5101 willst2309 du, daß2443 ich dir tun4160 soll? Der Blinde5185 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Rabuni, daß ich sehend308 werde.

52 And Jesus said to him, See; your faith has healed you. And immediately he saw, and went on the way.

52 JEsus2424 aber1161 sprach2036 zu1722 ihm4982: Gehe5217 hin; dein4675 Glaube4102 hat dir4571 geholfen4982. Und2532 alsbald2112 ward er846 sehend und2532 folgte ihm2424 nach190 auf308 dem Wege3598.