
Psalm 47

1 O CLAP your hands, all people; shout to God with the voice of triumph.

2 For the LORD is most high and reverenced; he is a great King over all the earth.

3 For he has subdued the Gentiles under us, and the nations under our feet.

4 He has chosen us for the inheritance, and for the glory of Jacob whom he loved.

5 God is gone up with glory, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.

6 Sing praises to God; sing praises to our King.

7 For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises unto him.

8 God reigns over the heathen; God sits upon his holy throne.

9 The rulers of the Gentiles have returned to the God of Abraham; for the dominions of the earth belong to God and he is greatly exalted.



1 為可拉後裔而作[for the sons of Korah]的詩,交與伶長。)眾民哪,你們都要拍掌。要用誇勝的聲音向神呼喊。

2 因為耶和華至高者是可畏的;他是治理全地的大君王。

3 他叫眾民[people]服在我們以下,又叫列邦服在我們腳下。

4 他為我們選擇產業,就是他所愛之雅各的榮耀。細拉。

5 神上升,有喊聲相送;耶和華上升,有[trumpet]聲相送。

6 你們要向神歌頌,歌頌。向我們王歌頌,歌頌。

7 因為神是全地的王;你們要用悟性歌頌。

8 神作王治理異教的民[heathen];神坐在他的聖寶座上。

9 眾民[people]的君王聚集,就是[even]亞伯拉罕之神的民。因為世界的盾牌是屬神的;他為至高。


Psalm 47



1 O CLAP your hands, all people; shout to God with the voice of triumph.

1 為可拉後裔而作[for the sons of Korah]的詩,交與伶長。)眾民哪,你們都要拍掌。要用誇勝的聲音向神呼喊。

2 For the LORD is most high and reverenced; he is a great King over all the earth.

2 因為耶和華至高者是可畏的;他是治理全地的大君王。

3 For he has subdued the Gentiles under us, and the nations under our feet.

3 他叫眾民[people]服在我們以下,又叫列邦服在我們腳下。

4 He has chosen us for the inheritance, and for the glory of Jacob whom he loved.

4 他為我們選擇產業,就是他所愛之雅各的榮耀。細拉。

5 God is gone up with glory, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.

5 神上升,有喊聲相送;耶和華上升,有[trumpet]聲相送。

6 Sing praises to God; sing praises to our King.

6 你們要向神歌頌,歌頌。向我們王歌頌,歌頌。

7 For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises unto him.

7 因為神是全地的王;你們要用悟性歌頌。

8 God reigns over the heathen; God sits upon his holy throne.

8 神作王治理異教的民[heathen];神坐在他的聖寶座上。

9 The rulers of the Gentiles have returned to the God of Abraham; for the dominions of the earth belong to God and he is greatly exalted.

9 眾民[people]的君王聚集,就是[even]亞伯拉罕之神的民。因為世界的盾牌是屬神的;他為至高。