
Chapter 7

1 MY son, keep my words and hide my commandments within you.

2 Keep my commandments and live, and my law as the pupil of your eye.

3 Bind them about your neck; write them upon the tablets of your heart.

4 Say to wisdom, You are my sister; and to understanding, You are my counselor

5 That they may keep you from the strange woman, from the stranger that flatters with her words.

6 For from the window of her house and from the balcony she looked out,

7 And she beheld young men, she spied among the youths, and those who lacked understanding,

8 Passing through the street near the corner of her house,

9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night;

10 And, behold, there came out a woman with the attire of a harlot to meet one of them, a woman who fluttered the hearts of young men.

11 She is rebellious and gluttonous; her feet do not abide in her house;

12 But she roams around outside, now in the streets, and now lying in wait at the corners.

13 So she caught him and kissed him, and, with an impudent face, said to him,

14 This day I have paid my vows, I have peace offerings with me;

15 Therefore I came out to meet you, for I have been waiting to see you, and now I have found you.

16 I have made my bed upon a carpet; I have covered it with fine linen of Egypt.

17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning; let us embrace each other with passion.

19 For my husband is not at home, he has gone on a long journey:

20 He has taken a bag of money with him, and it will be a long time before he comes home.

21 With much fair speech she misled him, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

22 He went after her as a little child, as an ox that goes to the slaughter, and as a dog to be muzzled;

23 And as a stag whose liver is pierced with an arrow, as a bird hastens to the snare, and does not know that he goes to his death.

24 Now therefore, O my children, hearken to me, and attend to the words of my mouth.

25 Let not your heart incline to her ways, do not go astray in her paths.

26 For she has cast down many wounded; yea, many mighty men have been slain by her.

27 The ways to her house are the ways to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.



1 爾小子、宜恪守我言、服膺我命。

2 守道若守眸子、則可得生。

3 以我箴言、繫之於手、銘之於心。

4 智慧聰明、拳拳服膺、若愛姊妹、若懷戚屬。

5 爾如是、則不誘於淫婦、不聽其諂諛。

6 我昔在家、倚窗而望、由櫺而觀、

7 則見羣少年、懵然無知、中有少者、更乏智慧、

8 逍遙於市、詣淫婦之室。

9 斯時夕陽已下、夜將至矣。

10 有婦相迎、炫妝若妓、巧其心思、

11 終日嘻嗃、所懷忤逆、遨遊鄰里

12 或哉街衢、隨在匿迹以誘人。

13 婦攜少者、與之接吻、毫無媿色、曰、

14 我今日償願、家有祭品、

15 特出相訪、幸而遇子。

16 我之床幃、枲布爲衾、文彩斑斕、來自埃及。

17 我床以沒藥、蘆薈、桂香釁之。

18 爾與我來、相愛相戀、至於詰朝。

19 我夫遠游、

20 手執金囊、必至望日而歸。

21 婦婉言以誘之、媚詞以惑之。

22 少年率爾相從、如牛犢就死地、如罪人受刑罰。

23 如禽鳥罹網羅、迨刃入腎腸、乃知生命之亡。

24 爾小子宜聽我言、

25 心勿邪僻、勿從其途。

26 維彼淫婦、傷人孔多、殺人亦不少。

27 凡進其室、必就死地、陷於陰府。


Chapter 7



1 MY son, keep my words and hide my commandments within you.

1 爾小子、宜恪守我言、服膺我命。

2 Keep my commandments and live, and my law as the pupil of your eye.

2 守道若守眸子、則可得生。

3 Bind them about your neck; write them upon the tablets of your heart.

3 以我箴言、繫之於手、銘之於心。

4 Say to wisdom, You are my sister; and to understanding, You are my counselor

4 智慧聰明、拳拳服膺、若愛姊妹、若懷戚屬。

5 That they may keep you from the strange woman, from the stranger that flatters with her words.

5 爾如是、則不誘於淫婦、不聽其諂諛。

6 For from the window of her house and from the balcony she looked out,

6 我昔在家、倚窗而望、由櫺而觀、

7 And she beheld young men, she spied among the youths, and those who lacked understanding,

7 則見羣少年、懵然無知、中有少者、更乏智慧、

8 Passing through the street near the corner of her house,

8 逍遙於市、詣淫婦之室。

9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night;

9 斯時夕陽已下、夜將至矣。

10 And, behold, there came out a woman with the attire of a harlot to meet one of them, a woman who fluttered the hearts of young men.

10 有婦相迎、炫妝若妓、巧其心思、

11 She is rebellious and gluttonous; her feet do not abide in her house;

11 終日嘻嗃、所懷忤逆、遨遊鄰里

12 But she roams around outside, now in the streets, and now lying in wait at the corners.

12 或哉街衢、隨在匿迹以誘人。

13 So she caught him and kissed him, and, with an impudent face, said to him,

13 婦攜少者、與之接吻、毫無媿色、曰、

14 This day I have paid my vows, I have peace offerings with me;

14 我今日償願、家有祭品、

15 Therefore I came out to meet you, for I have been waiting to see you, and now I have found you.

15 特出相訪、幸而遇子。

16 I have made my bed upon a carpet; I have covered it with fine linen of Egypt.

16 我之床幃、枲布爲衾、文彩斑斕、來自埃及。

17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

17 我床以沒藥、蘆薈、桂香釁之。

18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning; let us embrace each other with passion.

18 爾與我來、相愛相戀、至於詰朝。

19 For my husband is not at home, he has gone on a long journey:

19 我夫遠游、

20 He has taken a bag of money with him, and it will be a long time before he comes home.

20 手執金囊、必至望日而歸。

21 With much fair speech she misled him, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

21 婦婉言以誘之、媚詞以惑之。

22 He went after her as a little child, as an ox that goes to the slaughter, and as a dog to be muzzled;

22 少年率爾相從、如牛犢就死地、如罪人受刑罰。

23 And as a stag whose liver is pierced with an arrow, as a bird hastens to the snare, and does not know that he goes to his death.

23 如禽鳥罹網羅、迨刃入腎腸、乃知生命之亡。

24 Now therefore, O my children, hearken to me, and attend to the words of my mouth.

24 爾小子宜聽我言、

25 Let not your heart incline to her ways, do not go astray in her paths.

25 心勿邪僻、勿從其途。

26 For she has cast down many wounded; yea, many mighty men have been slain by her.

26 維彼淫婦、傷人孔多、殺人亦不少。

27 The ways to her house are the ways to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.

27 凡進其室、必就死地、陷於陰府。