
Chapter 36

1 THEN Elihu added, and said,

2 Bear with me a little, and I will show you; for there are yet words to speak on God's behalf.

3 I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.

4 For truly my words are not deceitful, and my knowledge is blameless with you.

5 Behold, God is mighty, and does not despise him who is pure as milk.

6 He does not preserve the life of the wicked; but gives justice to the poor.

7 He does not withdraw his eyes from the righteous; he sets kings on the throne; yea, they are exalted for ever.

8 And if they be bound in chains, then they go down through destruction to poverty.

9 Then he shows them their works, and their transgression because they have exceeded their power.

10 He opens also their ears to discipline, and commands that they return from iniquity.

11 If they obey and serve him, they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures.

12 But if they do not obey, they shall perish by destruction, and they shall perish without knowledge.

13 But the hypocrites in heart shall be consumed, they shall not cry for help; yet they shall cry angrily when he binds them.

14 They shall die in youth, and their life is snatched by famine.

15 But the meek shall be delivered through his meekness, and he opens their way in time of oppression.

16 Even so he shall deliver you from the mouth of the mocker, and give you rest instead of distress; and he shall prepare a table with rich food.

17 But he shall judge the wicked to the limit: judgment and justice shall take hold on them.

18 He will not threaten you with a raging anger, nor will he cause you to be in need of a great ransom.

19 He shall join you, that he may deliver you; you shall not be distressed by any of those who are mighty in power.

20 He shall deliver you from those who drive you away in the night, and give peoples for your sake, and the nations for your life.

21 Take heed, that you may not return to iniquity: because for this you were tried by poverty.

22 Behold, God is mighty in power: who can teach like him?

23 Who has enjoined him his way? Or who can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?

24 Remember that his works are great, and all men have praised him.

25 All the peoples have seen it, and beheld it from afar.

26 Behold, God is great, and we know him not, the number of his years is unsearchable.

27 For if we should number the pillars of the heaven, and bind the drops of rain by themselves, which the skies do drop in their season;

28 And which the clouds pour down upon men, and cause them to be exceedingly glad;

29 Who can understand these things, or the spreading of the clouds out of the greatness of his tabernacle?

30 Behold, he spreads his light upon it, and covers the bottom of the sea.

31 For by these he judges the people; and he gives food to many.

32 He covers the light with the clouds, and then it shines upon them again that they may greet it.

33 He shows his possessions to his friends, and to the wicked also.



1 以利戶又曰、

2 爾其少忍片時、子猶有言、以明上帝之事。

3 我钩深探奧、歸義於造我之主、

4 口不出虛誕、言不尚浮誇。

5 上帝無所不能、無所不知、不藐視人、

6 爲惡者短其年、困苦者伸其寃、

7 眷顧善人、尊其位、與王同列。

8 其繫以縲絏、加以患難者、

9 欲指其過失、責其驕泰、

10 使受訓誨、改惡遷善、

11 如其聽從、則日享平康、終身受福。

12 如其違逆、則亡於刃、不明道而死。

13 頑梗之人、積愆干怒、無祈禱之心、上帝罰其罪。

14 與孌童同科、少年短折。

15 貧乏者流、主必拯救、在患難之中、言提其耳、指示以道。

16 由是觀之、主必率爾、出於危迫之地、導爾至安閒之所、在彼無所困苦、臚陳於几筵者、備極豐腆矣。

17 如爾黨惡、厥罪貫盈、罰必及之。

18 上帝震怒、恐加刑譴、雖多金不能贖、

19 卽富有金銀財貨、主不以爲意。

20 勿樂死亡、歸於陰府、

21 爾遭患難、屢出惡言、後當謹恪、

22 上帝無不能、其善誘非人可及。

23 獨斷獨行、誰能議之哉。

24 上帝所爲、億兆見之、遠近仰之、

25 爾當頌美焉。

26 上帝至大、難以悉知、其壽無疆、不可計數。

27 以一勺之水、興雲致雨、

28 空中霡霂、常沾常足、

29 天雲羅布、雷聲震轟、烏乎測之、

30 電閃穹蒼、覆幬海底、

31 或誅殛惡民、或廣生百穀、

32 或以雷電、任意震擊、

33 爲善者庇其身、作惡者降以殃。


Chapter 36



1 THEN Elihu added, and said,

1 以利戶又曰、

2 Bear with me a little, and I will show you; for there are yet words to speak on God's behalf.

2 爾其少忍片時、子猶有言、以明上帝之事。

3 I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.

3 我钩深探奧、歸義於造我之主、

4 For truly my words are not deceitful, and my knowledge is blameless with you.

4 口不出虛誕、言不尚浮誇。

5 Behold, God is mighty, and does not despise him who is pure as milk.

5 上帝無所不能、無所不知、不藐視人、

6 He does not preserve the life of the wicked; but gives justice to the poor.

6 爲惡者短其年、困苦者伸其寃、

7 He does not withdraw his eyes from the righteous; he sets kings on the throne; yea, they are exalted for ever.

7 眷顧善人、尊其位、與王同列。

8 And if they be bound in chains, then they go down through destruction to poverty.

8 其繫以縲絏、加以患難者、

9 Then he shows them their works, and their transgression because they have exceeded their power.

9 欲指其過失、責其驕泰、

10 He opens also their ears to discipline, and commands that they return from iniquity.

10 使受訓誨、改惡遷善、

11 If they obey and serve him, they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures.

11 如其聽從、則日享平康、終身受福。

12 But if they do not obey, they shall perish by destruction, and they shall perish without knowledge.

12 如其違逆、則亡於刃、不明道而死。

13 But the hypocrites in heart shall be consumed, they shall not cry for help; yet they shall cry angrily when he binds them.

13 頑梗之人、積愆干怒、無祈禱之心、上帝罰其罪。

14 They shall die in youth, and their life is snatched by famine.

14 與孌童同科、少年短折。

15 But the meek shall be delivered through his meekness, and he opens their way in time of oppression.

15 貧乏者流、主必拯救、在患難之中、言提其耳、指示以道。

16 Even so he shall deliver you from the mouth of the mocker, and give you rest instead of distress; and he shall prepare a table with rich food.

16 由是觀之、主必率爾、出於危迫之地、導爾至安閒之所、在彼無所困苦、臚陳於几筵者、備極豐腆矣。

17 But he shall judge the wicked to the limit: judgment and justice shall take hold on them.

17 如爾黨惡、厥罪貫盈、罰必及之。

18 He will not threaten you with a raging anger, nor will he cause you to be in need of a great ransom.

18 上帝震怒、恐加刑譴、雖多金不能贖、

19 He shall join you, that he may deliver you; you shall not be distressed by any of those who are mighty in power.

19 卽富有金銀財貨、主不以爲意。

20 He shall deliver you from those who drive you away in the night, and give peoples for your sake, and the nations for your life.

20 勿樂死亡、歸於陰府、

21 Take heed, that you may not return to iniquity: because for this you were tried by poverty.

21 爾遭患難、屢出惡言、後當謹恪、

22 Behold, God is mighty in power: who can teach like him?

22 上帝無不能、其善誘非人可及。

23 Who has enjoined him his way? Or who can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?

23 獨斷獨行、誰能議之哉。

24 Remember that his works are great, and all men have praised him.

24 上帝所爲、億兆見之、遠近仰之、

25 All the peoples have seen it, and beheld it from afar.

25 爾當頌美焉。

26 Behold, God is great, and we know him not, the number of his years is unsearchable.

26 上帝至大、難以悉知、其壽無疆、不可計數。

27 For if we should number the pillars of the heaven, and bind the drops of rain by themselves, which the skies do drop in their season;

27 以一勺之水、興雲致雨、

28 And which the clouds pour down upon men, and cause them to be exceedingly glad;

28 空中霡霂、常沾常足、

29 Who can understand these things, or the spreading of the clouds out of the greatness of his tabernacle?

29 天雲羅布、雷聲震轟、烏乎測之、

30 Behold, he spreads his light upon it, and covers the bottom of the sea.

30 電閃穹蒼、覆幬海底、

31 For by these he judges the people; and he gives food to many.

31 或誅殛惡民、或廣生百穀、

32 He covers the light with the clouds, and then it shines upon them again that they may greet it.

32 或以雷電、任意震擊、

33 He shows his possessions to his friends, and to the wicked also.

33 爲善者庇其身、作惡者降以殃。
