
Chapter 16

1 OBSERVE the month of Abib and keep the passover to the LORD your God; because in the month of Abib the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

2 You shall therefore sacrifice the passover to the LORD, of the flock and the herd, at the place where the LORD your God shall choose to set his name.

3 You shall eat no leavened bread with it; but seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, even the bread of affliction; for you came forth out of Egypt in haste; that you may remember the day when you came forth out of Egypt all the days of your life.

4 And there shall no leavened bread be seen with you in all your territory for seven days; neither shall there anything of the meat, which you sacrifice on the evening of the first day, remain all night until the morning.

5 It is unlawful for you to sacrifice the passover within any of your towns which the LORD your God gives you:

6 But at the place where the LORD your God shall choose to set his name, there you shall sacrifice the passover in the evening at the going down of the sun, at the time that you came out of Egypt.

7 And you shall cook it and eat it in the place which the LORD your God shall choose; and you shall turn in the morning and go to your tents.

8 For six days you shall eat unleavened bread; and on the seventh day there shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD your God; you shall do no work therein.

9 You shall count seven weeks to yourselves; begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain.

10 And then you shall keep the feast of weeks to the LORD your God with sufficient of freewill offering of your hand, which you shall set aside as the LORD your God has blessed you;

11 And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite who is within your towns and the sojourner and the fatherless and the widow who is among you, at the place where the LORD your God has chosen to place his name.

12 And you must remember that you were a bondman in Egypt; so you shall observe and do these statutes.

13 You shall observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after you have gathered in from your threshing floor and from your wine press;

14 And you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow who is within your towns.

15 For seven days you shall keep a solemn feast to the LORD your God in the place which the LORD chooses; because the LORD your God shall bless you in all your increase and in all the works of your hand, and you shall rejoice.

16 Three times in a year shall all your memorial gifts be brought before the LORD your God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of the tabernacles; and you shall not appear before the LORD your God empty-handed;

17 But every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.

18 You shall appoint to yourselves judges and scribes in all your cities, which the LORD your God gives you, throughout your tribes; and they shall judge the people with just judgment.

19 You shall not pervert judgment; you shall not be partial, neither take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise men in judgment, and perverts the cause of the innocent.

20 But you must judge your neighbor righteously, that you may live and go in and inherit the land which the LORD your God gives you.

21 You shall not plant for yourselves a grove of any trees near the altar of the LORD your God, which you shall make for yourselves.

22 Neither shall you set up for yourselves any statue, which the LORD your God hates.



1 昔於亞筆月、暮夜之時、爾之上帝耶和華導爾出埃及、故必於是月、守逾越節、奉事爾上帝耶和華。

2 當於其特簡之室、爲人籲名之所、獻逾越祭羔、以及牛羊、奉爾上帝耶和華。

3 屆此節期、毋食酵、歷七日、必食無酵餅、以識艱苦、昔爾出埃及、惟恐不速、故當憶是事、畢生勿忘。

4 七日間、爾之四境、毋存其酵、節之首日薄暮、爾之胙肉、毋留於明晨。

5 爾上帝耶和華所賜之邑、毋得隨在獻其踰越節羔、

6 惟其特簡之室、爲之籲名之所、爾於薄暮、必獻其羔、爾出埃及、於日入之後、故獻斯羔、必於斯時。

7 烹而食之、在爾上帝耶和華特簡之室、明晨可歸己舍。

8 六日間、必食無酵餅、七日必有會、是日爲大、以奉爾上帝耶和華、咸止工作。〇

9 始用鎌刈穀之時、必核七七日、

10 七七日旣過、必守節以奉爾上帝耶和華、旣蒙其錫嘏、惟心所願、獻禮物以供役事、

11 爾上帝耶和華特簡之室、爲人籲名之所、爾與子女僕婢、及主爾家之利未人、曁賓旅孤寡、俱必欣喜懽忭、於爾上帝耶和華前。

12 昔在埃及、爾爲人役、當憶勿忘、宜守此法度。〇

13 穀塲酒醡之所產、旣已斂藏、歷至七日、當守搆廬節、

14 爾與子女僕婢、及主爾家之利未人、賓旅孤寡、俱必欣喜懽忭、

15 歷至七日必守節、奉爾上帝耶和華、於其特簡之室、爾之物產、爾之造作、旣蒙爾上帝耶和華錫嘏、則必欣喜懽忭。

16 爾之丁男、必至上帝耶和華特簡之室、歲凡三次、卽無酵節、七七日節、搆廬節、覲耶和華時、毋徒手而至。

17 旣蒙爾上帝耶和華錫嘏、各隨其力、而供給焉。〇

18 於爾上帝耶和華所賜爾諸邑、各支派中、當立刑官族長、使其秉公鞫民、

19 毋反其正、毋偏視人、毋受賄賂、蓋賂使明者暗、以直爲曲、

20 當循其大公、則可得生、獲爾上帝耶和華所錫之地、

21 爾築壇奉爾上帝耶和華、毋樹木偶於側、

22 毋立像、俱爲爾上帝耶和華所惡。


Chapter 16



1 OBSERVE the month of Abib and keep the passover to the LORD your God; because in the month of Abib the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

1 昔於亞筆月、暮夜之時、爾之上帝耶和華導爾出埃及、故必於是月、守逾越節、奉事爾上帝耶和華。

2 You shall therefore sacrifice the passover to the LORD, of the flock and the herd, at the place where the LORD your God shall choose to set his name.

2 當於其特簡之室、爲人籲名之所、獻逾越祭羔、以及牛羊、奉爾上帝耶和華。

3 You shall eat no leavened bread with it; but seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, even the bread of affliction; for you came forth out of Egypt in haste; that you may remember the day when you came forth out of Egypt all the days of your life.

3 屆此節期、毋食酵、歷七日、必食無酵餅、以識艱苦、昔爾出埃及、惟恐不速、故當憶是事、畢生勿忘。

4 And there shall no leavened bread be seen with you in all your territory for seven days; neither shall there anything of the meat, which you sacrifice on the evening of the first day, remain all night until the morning.

4 七日間、爾之四境、毋存其酵、節之首日薄暮、爾之胙肉、毋留於明晨。

5 It is unlawful for you to sacrifice the passover within any of your towns which the LORD your God gives you:

5 爾上帝耶和華所賜之邑、毋得隨在獻其踰越節羔、

6 But at the place where the LORD your God shall choose to set his name, there you shall sacrifice the passover in the evening at the going down of the sun, at the time that you came out of Egypt.

6 惟其特簡之室、爲之籲名之所、爾於薄暮、必獻其羔、爾出埃及、於日入之後、故獻斯羔、必於斯時。

7 And you shall cook it and eat it in the place which the LORD your God shall choose; and you shall turn in the morning and go to your tents.

7 烹而食之、在爾上帝耶和華特簡之室、明晨可歸己舍。

8 For six days you shall eat unleavened bread; and on the seventh day there shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD your God; you shall do no work therein.

8 六日間、必食無酵餅、七日必有會、是日爲大、以奉爾上帝耶和華、咸止工作。〇

9 You shall count seven weeks to yourselves; begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain.

9 始用鎌刈穀之時、必核七七日、

10 And then you shall keep the feast of weeks to the LORD your God with sufficient of freewill offering of your hand, which you shall set aside as the LORD your God has blessed you;

10 七七日旣過、必守節以奉爾上帝耶和華、旣蒙其錫嘏、惟心所願、獻禮物以供役事、

11 And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite who is within your towns and the sojourner and the fatherless and the widow who is among you, at the place where the LORD your God has chosen to place his name.

11 爾上帝耶和華特簡之室、爲人籲名之所、爾與子女僕婢、及主爾家之利未人、曁賓旅孤寡、俱必欣喜懽忭、於爾上帝耶和華前。

12 And you must remember that you were a bondman in Egypt; so you shall observe and do these statutes.

12 昔在埃及、爾爲人役、當憶勿忘、宜守此法度。〇

13 You shall observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after you have gathered in from your threshing floor and from your wine press;

13 穀塲酒醡之所產、旣已斂藏、歷至七日、當守搆廬節、

14 And you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow who is within your towns.

14 爾與子女僕婢、及主爾家之利未人、賓旅孤寡、俱必欣喜懽忭、

15 For seven days you shall keep a solemn feast to the LORD your God in the place which the LORD chooses; because the LORD your God shall bless you in all your increase and in all the works of your hand, and you shall rejoice.

15 歷至七日必守節、奉爾上帝耶和華、於其特簡之室、爾之物產、爾之造作、旣蒙爾上帝耶和華錫嘏、則必欣喜懽忭。

16 Three times in a year shall all your memorial gifts be brought before the LORD your God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of the tabernacles; and you shall not appear before the LORD your God empty-handed;

16 爾之丁男、必至上帝耶和華特簡之室、歲凡三次、卽無酵節、七七日節、搆廬節、覲耶和華時、毋徒手而至。

17 But every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.

17 旣蒙爾上帝耶和華錫嘏、各隨其力、而供給焉。〇

18 You shall appoint to yourselves judges and scribes in all your cities, which the LORD your God gives you, throughout your tribes; and they shall judge the people with just judgment.

18 於爾上帝耶和華所賜爾諸邑、各支派中、當立刑官族長、使其秉公鞫民、

19 You shall not pervert judgment; you shall not be partial, neither take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise men in judgment, and perverts the cause of the innocent.

19 毋反其正、毋偏視人、毋受賄賂、蓋賂使明者暗、以直爲曲、

20 But you must judge your neighbor righteously, that you may live and go in and inherit the land which the LORD your God gives you.

20 當循其大公、則可得生、獲爾上帝耶和華所錫之地、

21 You shall not plant for yourselves a grove of any trees near the altar of the LORD your God, which you shall make for yourselves.

21 爾築壇奉爾上帝耶和華、毋樹木偶於側、

22 Neither shall you set up for yourselves any statue, which the LORD your God hates.

22 毋立像、俱爲爾上帝耶和華所惡。