
Psalm 107

1 O give thanks3034 unto the LORD,3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2 Let the redeemed1350 of the LORD3068 say559 so, whom834 he hath redeemed1350 from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy;6862

3 And gathered6908 them out of the lands,4480 776 from the east,4480 4217 and from the west,4480 4628 from the north,4480 6828 and from the south.4480 3220

4 They wandered8582 in the wilderness4057 in a solitary3452 way;1870 they found4672 no3808 city5892 to dwell4186 in.

5 Hungry7457 and1571 thirsty,6771 their soul5315 fainted5848 in them.

6 Then they cried6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he delivered5337 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

7 And he led them forth1869 by the right3477 way,1870 that they might go1980 to413 a city5892 of habitation.4186

8 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

9 For3588 he satisfieth7646 the longing8264 soul,5315 and filleth4390 the hungry7457 soul5315 with goodness.2896

10 Such as sit3427 in darkness2822 and in the shadow of death,6757 being bound615 in affliction6040 and iron;1270

11 Because3588 they rebelled against4784 the words561 of God,410 and contemned5006 the counsel6098 of the most High: 5945

12 Therefore he brought down3665 their heart3820 with labor;5999 they fell down,3782 and there was none369 to help.5826

13 Then they cried2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saved3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

14 He brought them out3318 of darkness4480 2822 and the shadow of death,6757 and broke5423 their bands4147 in sunder.

15 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

16 For3588 he hath broken7665 the gates1817 of brass,5178 and cut1438 the bars1280 of iron1270 in sunder.

17 Fools191 because4480 1870 of their transgression,6588 and because of their iniquities,4480 5771 are afflicted.6031

18 Their soul5315 abhorreth8581 all manner3605 of meat;400 and they draw near5060 unto5704 the gates8179 of death.4194

19 Then they cry2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saveth3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

20 He sent7971 his word,1697 and healed7495 them, and delivered4422 them from their destructions.4480 7825

21 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

22 And let them sacrifice2076 the sacrifices2077 of thanksgiving,8426 and declare5608 his works4639 with rejoicing.7440

23 They that go down3381 to the sea3220 in ships,591 that do6213 business4399 in great7227 waters;4325

24 These1992 see7200 the works4639 of the LORD,3068 and his wonders6381 in the deep.4688

25 For he commandeth,559 and raiseth5975 the stormy5591 wind,7307 which lifteth up7311 the waves1530 thereof.

26 They mount up5927 to the heaven,8064 they go down3381 again to the depths:8415 their soul5315 is melted4127 because of trouble.7451

27 They reel to and fro,2287 and stagger5128 like a drunken man,7910 and are at their wits' end.3605 2451 1104

28 Then they cry6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he bringeth them out3318 of their distresses.4480 4691

29 He maketh6965 the storm5591 a calm,1827 so that the waves1530 thereof are still.2814

30 Then are they glad8055 because3588 they be quiet;8367 so he bringeth5148 them unto413 their desired2656 haven.4231

31 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

32 Let them exalt7311 him also in the congregation6951 of the people,5971 and praise1984 him in the assembly4186 of the elders.2205

33 He turneth7760 rivers5104 into a wilderness,4057 and the watersprings4325 4161 into dry ground;6774

34 A fruitful6529 land776 into barrenness,4420 for the wickedness4480 7451 of them that dwell3427 therein.

35 He turneth7760 the wilderness4057 into a standing98 water,4325 and dry6723 ground776 into watersprings.4161 4325

36 And there8033 he maketh the hungry to dwell,3427 7457 that they may prepare3559 a city5892 for habitation;4186

37 And sow2232 the fields,7704 and plant5193 vineyards,3754 which may yield6213 fruits6529 of increase.8393

38 He blesseth1288 them also, so that they are multiplied7235 greatly;3966 and suffereth not3808 their cattle929 to decrease.4591

39 Again, they are minished4591 and brought low7817 through oppression,4480 6115 affliction,7451 and sorrow.3015

40 He poureth8210 contempt937 upon5921 princes,5081 and causeth them to wander8582 in the wilderness,8414 where there is no3808 way.1870

41 Yet setteth he the poor on high7682 34 from affliction,4480 6040 and maketh7760 him families4940 like a flock.6629

42 The righteous3477 shall see7200 it, and rejoice:8055 and all3605 iniquity5766 shall stop7092 her mouth.6310

43 Whoso4310 is wise,2450 and will observe8104 these428 things, even they shall understand995 the lovingkindness2617 of the LORD.3068


Псалом 107

1 Песнь.7892 Псалом4210 Давида.1732

2 Готово3559 сердце3820 мое, Боже;430 буду7891 петь7891 и воспевать2167 во славе3519 моей.

3 Воспрянь,5782 псалтирь5035 и гусли!3658 Я встану5782 рано.7837

4 Буду3034 славить3034 Тебя, Господи,3068 между народами;5971 буду2167 воспевать2167 Тебя среди племен,3816

5 ибо превыше1419 небес8064 милость2617 Твоя и до облаков7834 истина571 Твоя.

6 Будь превознесен7311 выше небес,8064 Боже;430 над всею землею776 да будет слава3519 Твоя,

7 дабы избавились2502 возлюбленные3039 Твои: спаси3467 десницею3225 Твоею и услышь6030 меня.

8 Бог430 сказал1696 во святилище6944 Своем: «восторжествую,5937 разделю2505 Сихем7927 и долину6010 Сокхоф5523 размерю;4058

9 Мой Галаад,1568 Мой Манассия,4519 Ефрем669 — крепость4581 главы7218 Моей, Иуда3063 — скипетр2710 Мой,

10 Моав4124 — умывальная7366 чаша5518 Моя, на Едома123 простру7993 сапог5275 Мой, над землею Филистимскою6429 восклицать7321 буду».7321

11 Кто введет2986 меня в укрепленный4013 город?5892 Кто доведет5148 меня до Едома?123

12 Не Ты ли, Боже,430 Который отринул2186 нас и не выходишь,3318 Боже,430 с войсками6635 нашими?

13 Подай3051 нам помощь5833 в тесноте,6862 ибо защита8668 человеческая120 суетна.7723

14 С Богом430 мы окажем6213 силу:2428 Он низложит947 врагов6862 наших.































Psalm 107


Псалом 107

1 O give thanks3034 unto the LORD,3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

1 Песнь.7892 Псалом4210 Давида.1732

2 Let the redeemed1350 of the LORD3068 say559 so, whom834 he hath redeemed1350 from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy;6862

2 Готово3559 сердце3820 мое, Боже;430 буду7891 петь7891 и воспевать2167 во славе3519 моей.

3 And gathered6908 them out of the lands,4480 776 from the east,4480 4217 and from the west,4480 4628 from the north,4480 6828 and from the south.4480 3220

3 Воспрянь,5782 псалтирь5035 и гусли!3658 Я встану5782 рано.7837

4 They wandered8582 in the wilderness4057 in a solitary3452 way;1870 they found4672 no3808 city5892 to dwell4186 in.

4 Буду3034 славить3034 Тебя, Господи,3068 между народами;5971 буду2167 воспевать2167 Тебя среди племен,3816

5 Hungry7457 and1571 thirsty,6771 their soul5315 fainted5848 in them.

5 ибо превыше1419 небес8064 милость2617 Твоя и до облаков7834 истина571 Твоя.

6 Then they cried6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he delivered5337 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

6 Будь превознесен7311 выше небес,8064 Боже;430 над всею землею776 да будет слава3519 Твоя,

7 And he led them forth1869 by the right3477 way,1870 that they might go1980 to413 a city5892 of habitation.4186

7 дабы избавились2502 возлюбленные3039 Твои: спаси3467 десницею3225 Твоею и услышь6030 меня.

8 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120

8 Бог430 сказал1696 во святилище6944 Своем: «восторжествую,5937 разделю2505 Сихем7927 и долину6010 Сокхоф5523 размерю;4058

9 For3588 he satisfieth7646 the longing8264 soul,5315 and filleth4390 the hungry7457 soul5315 with goodness.2896

9 Мой Галаад,1568 Мой Манассия,4519 Ефрем669 — крепость4581 главы7218 Моей, Иуда3063 — скипетр2710 Мой,

10 Such as sit3427 in darkness2822 and in the shadow of death,6757 being bound615 in affliction6040 and iron;1270

10 Моав4124 — умывальная7366 чаша5518 Моя, на Едома123 простру7993 сапог5275 Мой, над землею Филистимскою6429 восклицать7321 буду».7321

11 Because3588 they rebelled against4784 the words561 of God,410 and contemned5006 the counsel6098 of the most High: 5945

11 Кто введет2986 меня в укрепленный4013 город?5892 Кто доведет5148 меня до Едома?123

12 Therefore he brought down3665 their heart3820 with labor;5999 they fell down,3782 and there was none369 to help.5826

12 Не Ты ли, Боже,430 Который отринул2186 нас и не выходишь,3318 Боже,430 с войсками6635 нашими?

13 Then they cried2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saved3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691

13 Подай3051 нам помощь5833 в тесноте,6862 ибо защита8668 человеческая120 суетна.7723

14 He brought them out3318 of darkness4480 2822 and the shadow of death,6757 and broke5423 their bands4147 in sunder.

14 С Богом430 мы окажем6213 силу:2428 Он низложит947 врагов6862 наших.

15 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120


16 For3588 he hath broken7665 the gates1817 of brass,5178 and cut1438 the bars1280 of iron1270 in sunder.


17 Fools191 because4480 1870 of their transgression,6588 and because of their iniquities,4480 5771 are afflicted.6031


18 Their soul5315 abhorreth8581 all manner3605 of meat;400 and they draw near5060 unto5704 the gates8179 of death.4194


19 Then they cry2199 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he saveth3467 them out of their distresses.4480 4691


20 He sent7971 his word,1697 and healed7495 them, and delivered4422 them from their destructions.4480 7825


21 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120


22 And let them sacrifice2076 the sacrifices2077 of thanksgiving,8426 and declare5608 his works4639 with rejoicing.7440


23 They that go down3381 to the sea3220 in ships,591 that do6213 business4399 in great7227 waters;4325


24 These1992 see7200 the works4639 of the LORD,3068 and his wonders6381 in the deep.4688


25 For he commandeth,559 and raiseth5975 the stormy5591 wind,7307 which lifteth up7311 the waves1530 thereof.


26 They mount up5927 to the heaven,8064 they go down3381 again to the depths:8415 their soul5315 is melted4127 because of trouble.7451


27 They reel to and fro,2287 and stagger5128 like a drunken man,7910 and are at their wits' end.3605 2451 1104


28 Then they cry6817 unto413 the LORD3068 in their trouble,6862 and he bringeth them out3318 of their distresses.4480 4691


29 He maketh6965 the storm5591 a calm,1827 so that the waves1530 thereof are still.2814


30 Then are they glad8055 because3588 they be quiet;8367 so he bringeth5148 them unto413 their desired2656 haven.4231


31 Oh that men would praise3034 the LORD3068 for his goodness,2617 and for his wonderful works6381 to the children1121 of men!120


32 Let them exalt7311 him also in the congregation6951 of the people,5971 and praise1984 him in the assembly4186 of the elders.2205


33 He turneth7760 rivers5104 into a wilderness,4057 and the watersprings4325 4161 into dry ground;6774


34 A fruitful6529 land776 into barrenness,4420 for the wickedness4480 7451 of them that dwell3427 therein.


35 He turneth7760 the wilderness4057 into a standing98 water,4325 and dry6723 ground776 into watersprings.4161 4325


36 And there8033 he maketh the hungry to dwell,3427 7457 that they may prepare3559 a city5892 for habitation;4186


37 And sow2232 the fields,7704 and plant5193 vineyards,3754 which may yield6213 fruits6529 of increase.8393


38 He blesseth1288 them also, so that they are multiplied7235 greatly;3966 and suffereth not3808 their cattle929 to decrease.4591


39 Again, they are minished4591 and brought low7817 through oppression,4480 6115 affliction,7451 and sorrow.3015


40 He poureth8210 contempt937 upon5921 princes,5081 and causeth them to wander8582 in the wilderness,8414 where there is no3808 way.1870


41 Yet setteth he the poor on high7682 34 from affliction,4480 6040 and maketh7760 him families4940 like a flock.6629


42 The righteous3477 shall see7200 it, and rejoice:8055 and all3605 iniquity5766 shall stop7092 her mouth.6310


43 Whoso4310 is wise,2450 and will observe8104 these428 things, even they shall understand995 the lovingkindness2617 of the LORD.3068