
Psalm 106

1 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

2 Who4310 can utter4448 the mighty acts1369 of the LORD?3068 who can show forth8085 all3605 his praise?8416

3 Blessed835 are they that keep8104 judgment,4941 and he that doeth6213 righteousness6666 at all3605 times.6256

4 Remember2142 me, O LORD,3068 with the favor7522 that thou bearest unto thy people:5971 O visit6485 me with thy salvation;3444

5 That I may see7200 the good2896 of thy chosen,972 that I may rejoice8055 in the gladness8057 of thy nation,1471 that I may glory1984 with5973 thine inheritance.5159

6 We have sinned2398 with5973 our fathers,1 we have committed iniquity,5753 we have done wickedly.7561

7 Our fathers1 understood7919 not3808 thy wonders6381 in Egypt;4714 they remembered2142 not3808 853 the multitude7230 of thy mercies;2617 but provoked4784 him at5921 the sea,3220 even at the Red5488 sea.3220

8 Nevertheless he saved3467 them for his name's sake,4616 8034 that he might make853 his mighty power1369 to be known.3045

9 He rebuked1605 the Red5488 sea3220 also, and it was dried up:2717 so he led1980 them through the depths,8415 as through the wilderness.4057

10 And he saved3467 them from the hand4480 3027 of him that hated8130 them, and redeemed1350 them from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy.341

11 And the waters4325 covered3680 their enemies:6862 there was not3808 one259 of4480 them left.3498

12 Then believed539 they his words;1697 they sang7891 his praise.8416

13 They soon4116 forgot7911 his works;4639 they waited2442 not3808 for his counsel: 6098

14 But lusted exceedingly183 8378 in the wilderness,4057 and tempted5254 God410 in the desert.3452

15 And he gave5414 them their request;7596 but sent7971 leanness7332 into their soul.5315

16 They envied7065 Moses4872 also in the camp,4264 and Aaron175 the saint6918 of the LORD.3068

17 The earth776 opened6605 and swallowed up1104 Dathan,1885 and covered3680 5921 the company5712 of Abiram.48

18 And a fire784 was kindled1197 in their company;5712 the flame3852 burned up3857 the wicked.7563

19 They made6213 a calf5695 in Horeb,2722 and worshiped7812 the molten image.4541

20 Thus they changed4171 853 their glory3519 into the similitude8403 of an ox7794 that eateth398 grass.6212

21 They forgot7911 God410 their savior,3467 which had done6213 great things1419 in Egypt;4714

22 Wondrous works6381 in the land776 of Ham,2526 and terrible things3372 by5921 the Red5488 sea.3220

23 Therefore he said559 that he would destroy8045 them, had not3884 Moses4872 his chosen972 stood5975 before6440 him in the breach,6556 to turn away7725 his wrath,2534 lest he should destroy4480 7843 them.

24 Yea, they despised3988 the pleasant2532 land,776 they believed539 not3808 his word: 1697

25 But murmured7279 in their tents,168 and hearkened8085 not3808 unto the voice6963 of the LORD.3068

26 Therefore he lifted up5375 his hand3027 against them, to overthrow5307 them in the wilderness: 4057

27 To overthrow5307 their seed2233 also among the nations,1471 and to scatter2219 them in the lands.776

28 They joined themselves6775 also unto Baalpeor,1187 and ate398 the sacrifices2077 of the dead.4191

29 Thus they provoked him to anger3707 with their inventions:4611 and the plague4046 broke in6555 upon them.

30 Then stood up5975 Phinehas,6372 and executed judgment:6419 and so the plague4046 was stayed.6113

31 And that was counted2803 unto him for righteousness6666 unto all generations1755 1755 forevermore.5704 5769

32 They angered7107 him also at5921 the waters4325 of strife,4808 so that it went ill3415 with Moses4872 for their sakes: 5668

33 Because3588 they provoked4784 853 his spirit,7307 so that he spoke unadvisedly981 with his lips.8193

34 They did not3808 destroy8045 853 the nations,5971 concerning whom834 the LORD3068 commanded559 them:

35 But were mingled6148 among the heathen,1471 and learned3925 their works.4639

36 And they served5647 853 their idols:6091 which were1961 a snare4170 unto them.

37 Yea, they sacrificed2076 853 their sons1121 and their daughters1323 unto devils,7700

38 And shed8210 innocent5355 blood,1818 even the blood1818 of their sons1121 and of their daughters,1323 whom834 they sacrificed2076 unto the idols6091 of Canaan:3667 and the land776 was polluted2610 with blood.1818

39 Thus were they defiled2930 with their own works,4639 and went a whoring2181 with their own inventions.4611

40 Therefore was the wrath639 of the LORD3068 kindled2734 against his people,5971 insomuch that he abhorred8581 853 his own inheritance.5159

41 And he gave5414 them into the hand3027 of the heathen;1471 and they that hated8130 them ruled4910 over them.

42 Their enemies341 also oppressed3905 them, and they were brought into subjection3665 under8478 their hand.3027

43 Many7227 times6471 did he deliver5337 them; but they1992 provoked4784 him with their counsel,6098 and were brought low4355 for their iniquity.5771

44 Nevertheless he regarded7200 their affliction,6862 when he heard8085 853 their cry: 7440

45 And he remembered2142 for them his covenant,1285 and repented5162 according to the multitude7230 of his mercies.2617

46 He made5414 them also to be pitied7356 of6440 all3605 those that carried them captives.7617

47 Save3467 us, O LORD3068 our God,430 and gather6908 us from among4480 the heathen,1471 to give thanks3034 unto thy holy6944 name,8034 and to triumph7623 in thy praise.8416

48 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from4480 everlasting5769 to5704 everlasting:5769 and let all3605 the people5971 say,559 Amen.543 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050


Псалом 106

1 Славьте3034 Господа,3068 ибо Он благ,2896 ибо вовек5769 милость2617 Его!

2 Так да скажут559 избавленные1350 Господом,3068 которых избавил1350 Он от руки3027 врага,6862

3 и собрал6908 от стран,776 от востока4217 и запада,4628 от севера6828 и моря.3220

4 Они блуждали8582 в пустыне4057 по безлюдному3452 пути1870 и не находили4672 населенного4186 города;5892

5 терпели голод7457 и жажду,6771 душа5315 их истаевала5848 в них.

6 Но воззвали6817 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он избавил5337 их от бедствий4691 их,

7 и повел1869 их прямым3477 путем,1870 чтобы они шли3212 к населенному4186 городу.5892

8 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих:120

9 ибо Он насытил7646 душу5315 жаждущую8264 и душу5315 алчущую7457 исполнил4390 благами.2896

10 Они сидели3427 во тьме2822 и тени6757 смертной,6757 окованные615 скорбью6040 и железом;1270

11 ибо не покорялись4784 словам561 Божиим410 и небрегли5006 о воле6098 Всевышнего.5945

12 Он смирил3665 сердце3820 их работами;5999 они преткнулись,3782 и не было помогающего.5826

13 Но воззвали2199 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он спас3467 их от бедствий4691 их;

14 вывел3318 их из тьмы2822 и тени6757 смертной,6757 и расторгнул5423 узы4147 их.

15 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих:120

16 ибо Он сокрушил7665 врата1817 медные5178 и вереи1280 железные1270 сломил.1438

17 Безрассудные191 страдали6031 за беззаконные6588 пути1870 свои и за неправды5771 свои;

18 от всякой пищи400 отвращалась8581 душа5315 их, и они приближались5060 ко вратам8179 смерти.4194

19 Но воззвали2199 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он спас3467 их от бедствий4691 их;

20 послал7971 слово1697 Свое и исцелил7495 их, и избавил4422 их от могил7825 их.

21 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих!120

22 Да приносят2076 Ему жертву2077 хвалы8426 и да возвещают5608 о делах4639 Его с пением!7440

23 Отправляющиеся3381 на кораблях3220 в море,591 производящие6213 дела4399 на больших7227 водах,4325

24 видят7200 дела4639 Господа3068 и чудеса6381 Его в пучине:4688

25 Он речет,559 — и восстанет5975 бурный5591 ветер7307 и высоко7311 поднимает7311 волны1530 его:

26 восходят5927 до небес,8064 нисходят3381 до бездны;8415 душа5315 их истаевает4127 в бедствии;7451

27 они кружатся2287 и шатаются,5128 как пьяные,7910 и вся мудрость2451 их исчезает.1104

28 Но воззвали6817 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он вывел3318 их из бедствия4691 их.

29 Он превращает6965 бурю5591 в тишину,1827 и волны1530 умолкают.2814

30 И веселятся,8055 что они утихли,8367 и Он приводит5148 их к желаемой2656 пристани.4231

31 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих!120

32 Да превозносят7311 Его в собрании6951 народном5971 и да славят1984 Его в сонме4186 старейшин!2205

33 Он превращает7760 реки5104 в пустыню4057 и источники4161 вод4325 — в сушу,6774

34 землю776 плодородную6529 — в солончатую,4420 за нечестие7451 живущих3427 на ней.

35 Он превращает7760 пустыню4057 в озеро,984325 и землю7764325 иссохшую6723 — в источники4161 вод;4325

36 и поселяет3427 там алчущих,7457 и они строят3559 город5892 для обитания;4186

37 засевают2232 поля,7704 насаждают5193 виноградники,3754 которые приносят6213 им обильные8393 плоды.6529

38 Он благословляет1288 их, и они весьма3966 размножаются,7235 и скота929 их не умаляет.4591

39 Уменьшились4591 они и упали7817 от угнетения,6115 бедствия7451 и скорби,3015

40 он изливает8210 бесчестие937 на князей5081 и оставляет8582 их блуждать8582 в пустыне,8414 где нет путей.1870

41 Бедного34 же извлекает7682 из бедствия6040 и умножает7760 род4940 его, как стада6629 овец.6629

42 Праведники3477 видят7200 сие и радуются,8055 а всякое нечестие5766 заграждает7092 уста6310 свои.

43 Кто мудр,2450 тот заметит8104 сие и уразумеет995 милость2617 Господа.3068







Psalm 106


Псалом 106

1 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050 O give thanks3034 unto the LORD;3068 for3588 he is good:2896 for3588 his mercy2617 endureth forever.5769

1 Славьте3034 Господа,3068 ибо Он благ,2896 ибо вовек5769 милость2617 Его!

2 Who4310 can utter4448 the mighty acts1369 of the LORD?3068 who can show forth8085 all3605 his praise?8416

2 Так да скажут559 избавленные1350 Господом,3068 которых избавил1350 Он от руки3027 врага,6862

3 Blessed835 are they that keep8104 judgment,4941 and he that doeth6213 righteousness6666 at all3605 times.6256

3 и собрал6908 от стран,776 от востока4217 и запада,4628 от севера6828 и моря.3220

4 Remember2142 me, O LORD,3068 with the favor7522 that thou bearest unto thy people:5971 O visit6485 me with thy salvation;3444

4 Они блуждали8582 в пустыне4057 по безлюдному3452 пути1870 и не находили4672 населенного4186 города;5892

5 That I may see7200 the good2896 of thy chosen,972 that I may rejoice8055 in the gladness8057 of thy nation,1471 that I may glory1984 with5973 thine inheritance.5159

5 терпели голод7457 и жажду,6771 душа5315 их истаевала5848 в них.

6 We have sinned2398 with5973 our fathers,1 we have committed iniquity,5753 we have done wickedly.7561

6 Но воззвали6817 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он избавил5337 их от бедствий4691 их,

7 Our fathers1 understood7919 not3808 thy wonders6381 in Egypt;4714 they remembered2142 not3808 853 the multitude7230 of thy mercies;2617 but provoked4784 him at5921 the sea,3220 even at the Red5488 sea.3220

7 и повел1869 их прямым3477 путем,1870 чтобы они шли3212 к населенному4186 городу.5892

8 Nevertheless he saved3467 them for his name's sake,4616 8034 that he might make853 his mighty power1369 to be known.3045

8 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих:120

9 He rebuked1605 the Red5488 sea3220 also, and it was dried up:2717 so he led1980 them through the depths,8415 as through the wilderness.4057

9 ибо Он насытил7646 душу5315 жаждущую8264 и душу5315 алчущую7457 исполнил4390 благами.2896

10 And he saved3467 them from the hand4480 3027 of him that hated8130 them, and redeemed1350 them from the hand4480 3027 of the enemy.341

10 Они сидели3427 во тьме2822 и тени6757 смертной,6757 окованные615 скорбью6040 и железом;1270

11 And the waters4325 covered3680 their enemies:6862 there was not3808 one259 of4480 them left.3498

11 ибо не покорялись4784 словам561 Божиим410 и небрегли5006 о воле6098 Всевышнего.5945

12 Then believed539 they his words;1697 they sang7891 his praise.8416

12 Он смирил3665 сердце3820 их работами;5999 они преткнулись,3782 и не было помогающего.5826

13 They soon4116 forgot7911 his works;4639 they waited2442 not3808 for his counsel: 6098

13 Но воззвали2199 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он спас3467 их от бедствий4691 их;

14 But lusted exceedingly183 8378 in the wilderness,4057 and tempted5254 God410 in the desert.3452

14 вывел3318 их из тьмы2822 и тени6757 смертной,6757 и расторгнул5423 узы4147 их.

15 And he gave5414 them their request;7596 but sent7971 leanness7332 into their soul.5315

15 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих:120

16 They envied7065 Moses4872 also in the camp,4264 and Aaron175 the saint6918 of the LORD.3068

16 ибо Он сокрушил7665 врата1817 медные5178 и вереи1280 железные1270 сломил.1438

17 The earth776 opened6605 and swallowed up1104 Dathan,1885 and covered3680 5921 the company5712 of Abiram.48

17 Безрассудные191 страдали6031 за беззаконные6588 пути1870 свои и за неправды5771 свои;

18 And a fire784 was kindled1197 in their company;5712 the flame3852 burned up3857 the wicked.7563

18 от всякой пищи400 отвращалась8581 душа5315 их, и они приближались5060 ко вратам8179 смерти.4194

19 They made6213 a calf5695 in Horeb,2722 and worshiped7812 the molten image.4541

19 Но воззвали2199 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он спас3467 их от бедствий4691 их;

20 Thus they changed4171 853 their glory3519 into the similitude8403 of an ox7794 that eateth398 grass.6212

20 послал7971 слово1697 Свое и исцелил7495 их, и избавил4422 их от могил7825 их.

21 They forgot7911 God410 their savior,3467 which had done6213 great things1419 in Egypt;4714

21 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих!120

22 Wondrous works6381 in the land776 of Ham,2526 and terrible things3372 by5921 the Red5488 sea.3220

22 Да приносят2076 Ему жертву2077 хвалы8426 и да возвещают5608 о делах4639 Его с пением!7440

23 Therefore he said559 that he would destroy8045 them, had not3884 Moses4872 his chosen972 stood5975 before6440 him in the breach,6556 to turn away7725 his wrath,2534 lest he should destroy4480 7843 them.

23 Отправляющиеся3381 на кораблях3220 в море,591 производящие6213 дела4399 на больших7227 водах,4325

24 Yea, they despised3988 the pleasant2532 land,776 they believed539 not3808 his word: 1697

24 видят7200 дела4639 Господа3068 и чудеса6381 Его в пучине:4688

25 But murmured7279 in their tents,168 and hearkened8085 not3808 unto the voice6963 of the LORD.3068

25 Он речет,559 — и восстанет5975 бурный5591 ветер7307 и высоко7311 поднимает7311 волны1530 его:

26 Therefore he lifted up5375 his hand3027 against them, to overthrow5307 them in the wilderness: 4057

26 восходят5927 до небес,8064 нисходят3381 до бездны;8415 душа5315 их истаевает4127 в бедствии;7451

27 To overthrow5307 their seed2233 also among the nations,1471 and to scatter2219 them in the lands.776

27 они кружатся2287 и шатаются,5128 как пьяные,7910 и вся мудрость2451 их исчезает.1104

28 They joined themselves6775 also unto Baalpeor,1187 and ate398 the sacrifices2077 of the dead.4191

28 Но воззвали6817 к Господу3068 в скорби6862 своей, и Он вывел3318 их из бедствия4691 их.

29 Thus they provoked him to anger3707 with their inventions:4611 and the plague4046 broke in6555 upon them.

29 Он превращает6965 бурю5591 в тишину,1827 и волны1530 умолкают.2814

30 Then stood up5975 Phinehas,6372 and executed judgment:6419 and so the plague4046 was stayed.6113

30 И веселятся,8055 что они утихли,8367 и Он приводит5148 их к желаемой2656 пристани.4231

31 And that was counted2803 unto him for righteousness6666 unto all generations1755 1755 forevermore.5704 5769

31 Да славят3034 Господа3068 за милость2617 Его и за чудные6381 дела6381 Его для сынов1121 человеческих!120

32 They angered7107 him also at5921 the waters4325 of strife,4808 so that it went ill3415 with Moses4872 for their sakes: 5668

32 Да превозносят7311 Его в собрании6951 народном5971 и да славят1984 Его в сонме4186 старейшин!2205

33 Because3588 they provoked4784 853 his spirit,7307 so that he spoke unadvisedly981 with his lips.8193

33 Он превращает7760 реки5104 в пустыню4057 и источники4161 вод4325 — в сушу,6774

34 They did not3808 destroy8045 853 the nations,5971 concerning whom834 the LORD3068 commanded559 them:

34 землю776 плодородную6529 — в солончатую,4420 за нечестие7451 живущих3427 на ней.

35 But were mingled6148 among the heathen,1471 and learned3925 their works.4639

35 Он превращает7760 пустыню4057 в озеро,984325 и землю7764325 иссохшую6723 — в источники4161 вод;4325

36 And they served5647 853 their idols:6091 which were1961 a snare4170 unto them.

36 и поселяет3427 там алчущих,7457 и они строят3559 город5892 для обитания;4186

37 Yea, they sacrificed2076 853 their sons1121 and their daughters1323 unto devils,7700

37 засевают2232 поля,7704 насаждают5193 виноградники,3754 которые приносят6213 им обильные8393 плоды.6529

38 And shed8210 innocent5355 blood,1818 even the blood1818 of their sons1121 and of their daughters,1323 whom834 they sacrificed2076 unto the idols6091 of Canaan:3667 and the land776 was polluted2610 with blood.1818

38 Он благословляет1288 их, и они весьма3966 размножаются,7235 и скота929 их не умаляет.4591

39 Thus were they defiled2930 with their own works,4639 and went a whoring2181 with their own inventions.4611

39 Уменьшились4591 они и упали7817 от угнетения,6115 бедствия7451 и скорби,3015

40 Therefore was the wrath639 of the LORD3068 kindled2734 against his people,5971 insomuch that he abhorred8581 853 his own inheritance.5159

40 он изливает8210 бесчестие937 на князей5081 и оставляет8582 их блуждать8582 в пустыне,8414 где нет путей.1870

41 And he gave5414 them into the hand3027 of the heathen;1471 and they that hated8130 them ruled4910 over them.

41 Бедного34 же извлекает7682 из бедствия6040 и умножает7760 род4940 его, как стада6629 овец.6629

42 Their enemies341 also oppressed3905 them, and they were brought into subjection3665 under8478 their hand.3027

42 Праведники3477 видят7200 сие и радуются,8055 а всякое нечестие5766 заграждает7092 уста6310 свои.

43 Many7227 times6471 did he deliver5337 them; but they1992 provoked4784 him with their counsel,6098 and were brought low4355 for their iniquity.5771

43 Кто мудр,2450 тот заметит8104 сие и уразумеет995 милость2617 Господа.3068

44 Nevertheless he regarded7200 their affliction,6862 when he heard8085 853 their cry: 7440


45 And he remembered2142 for them his covenant,1285 and repented5162 according to the multitude7230 of his mercies.2617


46 He made5414 them also to be pitied7356 of6440 all3605 those that carried them captives.7617


47 Save3467 us, O LORD3068 our God,430 and gather6908 us from among4480 the heathen,1471 to give thanks3034 unto thy holy6944 name,8034 and to triumph7623 in thy praise.8416


48 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 from4480 everlasting5769 to5704 everlasting:5769 and let all3605 the people5971 say,559 Amen.543 Praise1984 ye the LORD.3050