
Chapter 16

1 And2532 I heard191 a great3173 voice5456 out of1537 the3588 temple3485 saying3004 to the3588 seven2033 angels,32 Go your ways,5217 and2532 pour out1632 the3588 vials5357 of the3588 wrath2372 of God2316 upon1519 the3588 earth.1093

2 And2532 the3588 first4413 went,565 and2532 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 earth;1093 and2532 there fell1096 a noisome2556 and2532 grievous4190 sore1668 upon1519 the3588 men444 which had2192 the3588 mark5480 of the3588 beast,2342 and2532 upon them which worshiped4352 his848 image.1504

3 And2532 the3588 second1208 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1519 the3588 sea;2281 and2532 it became1096 as5613 the blood129 of a dead3498 man: and2532 every3956 living2198 soul5590 died599 in1722 the3588 sea.2281

4 And2532 the3588 third5154 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1519 the3588 rivers4215 and2532 1519 fountains4077 of waters;5204 and2532 they became1096 blood.129

5 And2532 I heard191 the3588 angel32 of the3588 waters5204 say,3004 Thou art1488 righteous,1342 O Lord,2962 which art,5607 and2532 wast,2258 and2532 shalt be,2071 because3754 thou hast judged2919 thus.5023

6 For3754 they have shed1632 the blood129 of saints40 and2532 prophets,4396 and2532 thou hast given1325 them846 blood129 to drink;4095 for1063 they are1526 worthy.514

7 And2532 I heard191 another243 out of1537 the3588 altar2379 say,3004 Even so,3483 Lord2962 God2316 Almighty,3841 true228 and2532 righteous1342 are thy4675 judgments.2920

8 And2532 the3588 fourth5067 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 sun;2246 and2532 power was given1325 unto him846 to scorch2739 men444 with1722 fire.4442

9 And2532 men444 were scorched2739 with great3173 heat,2738 and2532 blasphemed987 the3588 name3686 of God,2316 which hath2192 power1849 over1909 these5025 plagues:4127 and2532 they repented3340 not3756 to give1325 him846 glory.1391

10 And2532 the3588 fifth3991 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 seat2362 of the3588 beast;2342 and2532 his848 kingdom932 was1096 full of darkness;4656 and2532 they gnawed3145 their848 tongues1100 for1537 pain,4192

11 And2532 blasphemed987 the3588 God2316 of heaven3772 because of1537 their848 pains4192 and2532 1537 their848 sores,1668 and2532 repented3340 not3756 of1537 their848 deeds.2041

12 And2532 the3588 sixth1623 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 great3173 river4215 Euphrates;2166 and2532 the3588 water5204 thereof848 was dried up,3583 that2443 the3588 way3598 of the3588 kings935 of575 the east395 2246 might be prepared.2090

13 And2532 I saw1492 three5140 unclean169 spirits4151 like3664 frogs944 come out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 dragon,1404 and2532 out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 beast,2342 and2532 out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 false prophet.5578

14 For1063 they are1526 the spirits4151 of devils,1142 working4160 miracles,4592 which3739 go forth1607 unto1909 the3588 kings935 of the3588 earth1093 and2532 of the3588 whole3650 world,3625 to gather4863 them846 to1519 the3588 battle4171 of that1565 great3173 day2250 of God2316 Almighty.3841

15 Behold,2400 I come2064 as5613 a thief.2812 Blessed3107 is he that watcheth,1127 and2532 keepeth5083 his848 garments,2440 lest3363 he walk4043 naked,1131 and2532 they see991 his848 shame.808

16 And2532 he gathered them together4863 846 into1519 a place5117 called2564 in the Hebrew tongue1447 Armageddon.717

17 And2532 the3588 seventh1442 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 into1519 the3588 air;109 and2532 there came1831 a great3173 voice5456 out of575 the3588 temple3485 of heaven,3772 from575 the3588 throne,2362 saying,3004 It is done.1096

18 And2532 there were1096 voices,5456 and2532 thunders,1027 and2532 lightnings;796 and2532 there was1096 a great3173 earthquake,4578 such as3634 was1096 not3756 since575 3739 men444 were1096 upon1909 the3588 earth,1093 so mighty5082 an earthquake,4578 and so3779 great.3173

19 And2532 the3588 great3173 city4172 was divided1096 into1519 three5140 parts,3313 and2532 the3588 cities4172 of the3588 nations1484 fell:4098 and2532 great3173 Babylon897 came in remembrance3415 before1799 God,2316 to give1325 unto her846 the3588 cup4221 of the3588 wine3631 of the fierceness2372 of his848 wrath.3709

20 And2532 every3956 island3520 fled away,5343 and2532 the mountains3735 were not3756 found.2147

21 And2532 there fell2597 upon1909 men444 a great3173 hail5464 out of1537 heaven,3772 every stone about5613 the weight of a talent:5006 and2532 men444 blasphemed987 God2316 because of1537 the3588 plague4127 of the3588 hail;5464 for3754 the3588 plague4127 thereof848 was2076 exceeding4970 great.3173



1 我聽見有大聲音從殿中出來,向那七個天使說:「你們去,把盛神大怒的[vials]倒在地上。」

2 第一個天使便去,把[vial]倒在地上,就有惡而且毒的瘡生在那些有獸印記、敬拜[worshipped]獸像的人身上。

3 第二個天使把[vial]倒在海[upon],海就變如[became as]死人的血,海中的活物都死了。

4 第三個天使把[vial]倒在江河與眾水的泉源[upon],水就變成血了。

5 我聽見掌管眾水的天使說:「昔在今在永在[shalt be][Lord]啊,你這樣判斷是公義的。

6 [for]他們曾流聖徒與先知的血,現在你給他們血喝;這[for]是他們所該受的。」

7 我又聽見另一個從祭壇出來[another out of the altar]的聲音說:「照樣[Even so],主神─全能者[Almighty],你的判斷義哉。誠哉。」

8 第四個天使把[vial]倒在日頭上,又有權柄賜與日頭[and power was given unto him],叫日頭能用火烤人。

9 人被大熱所烤,就褻瀆那有權掌管這些災的神之名,並不悔改將榮耀歸給神。

10 第五個天使把[vial]倒在獸的座位上,獸的國就滿了黑暗[was full of darkness]。人因疼痛就咬自己的舌頭;

11 又因所受的疼痛,和生的瘡,就褻瀆天上的神,並不悔改所行的。

12 第六個天使把[vial]倒在幼發拉底大河上,河水就乾了,要給東方的眾王[kings of the east]預備道路。

13 我又看見三個污穢的靈,好像青蛙,從龍口、獸口並假先知的口中出來。

14 他們本是鬼魔的靈,施行奇事,出去到地上並全世界的眾王[kings of the earth and of the whole world]那裏,聚集他們[gather them]在神─全能者的大日爭戰[battle]

15 看哪,我來像賊一樣。那警醒、看守衣服、免得赤身而行、叫人見他羞恥的有福了。

16 [he]便叫眾王聚集在一處,希伯來話叫作哈米吉多頓。

17 第七個天使把[vial]倒在空中,就有大聲音從天上[heaven]殿中的寶座上出來,說:「成了。」

18 就有聲音[And there were voice]雷轟[thunders]閃電[lightings]又有[and there was]大地震,自從人在地上[men were upon the earth]以來,沒有這樣利害[mighty]、這樣[great]的地震。

19 那大城裂為三段,列國的城也都倒塌了;神也想起大巴比倫[great Babylon]來,要把那盛自己烈怒的酒杯遞給她。

20 各海島都逃避了,眾山也不見了。

21 又有大雹子從天落在人身上,每一個約重一他連得。為這雹子的災極大,人就褻瀆神。


Chapter 16



1 And2532 I heard191 a great3173 voice5456 out of1537 the3588 temple3485 saying3004 to the3588 seven2033 angels,32 Go your ways,5217 and2532 pour out1632 the3588 vials5357 of the3588 wrath2372 of God2316 upon1519 the3588 earth.1093

1 我聽見有大聲音從殿中出來,向那七個天使說:「你們去,把盛神大怒的[vials]倒在地上。」

2 And2532 the3588 first4413 went,565 and2532 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 earth;1093 and2532 there fell1096 a noisome2556 and2532 grievous4190 sore1668 upon1519 the3588 men444 which had2192 the3588 mark5480 of the3588 beast,2342 and2532 upon them which worshiped4352 his848 image.1504

2 第一個天使便去,把[vial]倒在地上,就有惡而且毒的瘡生在那些有獸印記、敬拜[worshipped]獸像的人身上。

3 And2532 the3588 second1208 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1519 the3588 sea;2281 and2532 it became1096 as5613 the blood129 of a dead3498 man: and2532 every3956 living2198 soul5590 died599 in1722 the3588 sea.2281

3 第二個天使把[vial]倒在海[upon],海就變如[became as]死人的血,海中的活物都死了。

4 And2532 the3588 third5154 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1519 the3588 rivers4215 and2532 1519 fountains4077 of waters;5204 and2532 they became1096 blood.129

4 第三個天使把[vial]倒在江河與眾水的泉源[upon],水就變成血了。

5 And2532 I heard191 the3588 angel32 of the3588 waters5204 say,3004 Thou art1488 righteous,1342 O Lord,2962 which art,5607 and2532 wast,2258 and2532 shalt be,2071 because3754 thou hast judged2919 thus.5023

5 我聽見掌管眾水的天使說:「昔在今在永在[shalt be][Lord]啊,你這樣判斷是公義的。

6 For3754 they have shed1632 the blood129 of saints40 and2532 prophets,4396 and2532 thou hast given1325 them846 blood129 to drink;4095 for1063 they are1526 worthy.514

6 [for]他們曾流聖徒與先知的血,現在你給他們血喝;這[for]是他們所該受的。」

7 And2532 I heard191 another243 out of1537 the3588 altar2379 say,3004 Even so,3483 Lord2962 God2316 Almighty,3841 true228 and2532 righteous1342 are thy4675 judgments.2920

7 我又聽見另一個從祭壇出來[another out of the altar]的聲音說:「照樣[Even so],主神─全能者[Almighty],你的判斷義哉。誠哉。」

8 And2532 the3588 fourth5067 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 sun;2246 and2532 power was given1325 unto him846 to scorch2739 men444 with1722 fire.4442

8 第四個天使把[vial]倒在日頭上,又有權柄賜與日頭[and power was given unto him],叫日頭能用火烤人。

9 And2532 men444 were scorched2739 with great3173 heat,2738 and2532 blasphemed987 the3588 name3686 of God,2316 which hath2192 power1849 over1909 these5025 plagues:4127 and2532 they repented3340 not3756 to give1325 him846 glory.1391

9 人被大熱所烤,就褻瀆那有權掌管這些災的神之名,並不悔改將榮耀歸給神。

10 And2532 the3588 fifth3991 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 seat2362 of the3588 beast;2342 and2532 his848 kingdom932 was1096 full of darkness;4656 and2532 they gnawed3145 their848 tongues1100 for1537 pain,4192

10 第五個天使把[vial]倒在獸的座位上,獸的國就滿了黑暗[was full of darkness]。人因疼痛就咬自己的舌頭;

11 And2532 blasphemed987 the3588 God2316 of heaven3772 because of1537 their848 pains4192 and2532 1537 their848 sores,1668 and2532 repented3340 not3756 of1537 their848 deeds.2041

11 又因所受的疼痛,和生的瘡,就褻瀆天上的神,並不悔改所行的。

12 And2532 the3588 sixth1623 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1909 the3588 great3173 river4215 Euphrates;2166 and2532 the3588 water5204 thereof848 was dried up,3583 that2443 the3588 way3598 of the3588 kings935 of575 the east395 2246 might be prepared.2090

12 第六個天使把[vial]倒在幼發拉底大河上,河水就乾了,要給東方的眾王[kings of the east]預備道路。

13 And2532 I saw1492 three5140 unclean169 spirits4151 like3664 frogs944 come out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 dragon,1404 and2532 out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 beast,2342 and2532 out of1537 the3588 mouth4750 of the3588 false prophet.5578

13 我又看見三個污穢的靈,好像青蛙,從龍口、獸口並假先知的口中出來。

14 For1063 they are1526 the spirits4151 of devils,1142 working4160 miracles,4592 which3739 go forth1607 unto1909 the3588 kings935 of the3588 earth1093 and2532 of the3588 whole3650 world,3625 to gather4863 them846 to1519 the3588 battle4171 of that1565 great3173 day2250 of God2316 Almighty.3841

14 他們本是鬼魔的靈,施行奇事,出去到地上並全世界的眾王[kings of the earth and of the whole world]那裏,聚集他們[gather them]在神─全能者的大日爭戰[battle]

15 Behold,2400 I come2064 as5613 a thief.2812 Blessed3107 is he that watcheth,1127 and2532 keepeth5083 his848 garments,2440 lest3363 he walk4043 naked,1131 and2532 they see991 his848 shame.808

15 看哪,我來像賊一樣。那警醒、看守衣服、免得赤身而行、叫人見他羞恥的有福了。

16 And2532 he gathered them together4863 846 into1519 a place5117 called2564 in the Hebrew tongue1447 Armageddon.717

16 [he]便叫眾王聚集在一處,希伯來話叫作哈米吉多頓。

17 And2532 the3588 seventh1442 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 into1519 the3588 air;109 and2532 there came1831 a great3173 voice5456 out of575 the3588 temple3485 of heaven,3772 from575 the3588 throne,2362 saying,3004 It is done.1096

17 第七個天使把[vial]倒在空中,就有大聲音從天上[heaven]殿中的寶座上出來,說:「成了。」

18 And2532 there were1096 voices,5456 and2532 thunders,1027 and2532 lightnings;796 and2532 there was1096 a great3173 earthquake,4578 such as3634 was1096 not3756 since575 3739 men444 were1096 upon1909 the3588 earth,1093 so mighty5082 an earthquake,4578 and so3779 great.3173

18 就有聲音[And there were voice]雷轟[thunders]閃電[lightings]又有[and there was]大地震,自從人在地上[men were upon the earth]以來,沒有這樣利害[mighty]、這樣[great]的地震。

19 And2532 the3588 great3173 city4172 was divided1096 into1519 three5140 parts,3313 and2532 the3588 cities4172 of the3588 nations1484 fell:4098 and2532 great3173 Babylon897 came in remembrance3415 before1799 God,2316 to give1325 unto her846 the3588 cup4221 of the3588 wine3631 of the fierceness2372 of his848 wrath.3709

19 那大城裂為三段,列國的城也都倒塌了;神也想起大巴比倫[great Babylon]來,要把那盛自己烈怒的酒杯遞給她。

20 And2532 every3956 island3520 fled away,5343 and2532 the mountains3735 were not3756 found.2147

20 各海島都逃避了,眾山也不見了。

21 And2532 there fell2597 upon1909 men444 a great3173 hail5464 out of1537 heaven,3772 every stone about5613 the weight of a talent:5006 and2532 men444 blasphemed987 God2316 because of1537 the3588 plague4127 of the3588 hail;5464 for3754 the3588 plague4127 thereof848 was2076 exceeding4970 great.3173

21 又有大雹子從天落在人身上,每一個約重一他連得。為這雹子的災極大,人就褻瀆神。