
Chapter 12

1 And2532 there appeared3700 a great3173 wonder4592 in1722 heaven;3772 a woman1135 clothed with4016 the3588 sun,2246 and2532 the3588 moon4582 under5270 her848 feet,4228 and2532 upon1909 her848 head2776 a crown4735 of twelve1427 stars: 792

2 And2532 she being with child2192 1722 1064 cried,2896 travailing in birth,5605 and2532 pained928 to be delivered.5088

3 And2532 there appeared3700 another243 wonder4592 in1722 heaven;3772 and2532 behold2400 a great3173 red4450 dragon,1404 having2192 seven2033 heads2776 and2532 ten1176 horns,2768 and2532 seven2033 crowns1238 upon1909 his848 heads.2776

4 And2532 his848 tail3769 drew4951 the3588 third part5154 of the3588 stars792 of heaven,3772 and2532 did cast906 them846 to1519 the3588 earth:1093 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 stood2476 before1799 the3588 woman1135 which was ready3195 to be delivered,5088 for to2443 devour2719 her848 child5043 as soon as3752 it was born.5088

5 And2532 she brought forth5088 a man730 child,5207 who3739 was3195 to rule4165 all3956 nations1484 with1722 a rod4464 of iron:4603 and2532 her848 child5043 was caught up726 unto4314 God,2316 and2532 to his848 throne.2362

6 And2532 the3588 woman1135 fled5343 into1519 the3588 wilderness,2048 where3699 she hath2192 a place5117 prepared2090 of575 God,2316 that2443 they should feed5142 her846 there1563 a thousand two hundred and threescore5507 1250 1835 days.2250

7 And2532 there was1096 war4171 in1722 heaven:3772 Michael3413 and2532 his848 angels32 fought4170 against2596 the3588 dragon;1404 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 fought4170 and2532 his848 angels,32

8 And2532 prevailed2480 not;3756 neither3777 was their848 place5117 found2147 any more2089 in1722 heaven.3772

9 And2532 the3588 great3173 dragon1404 was cast out,906 that old744 serpent,3789 called2564 the Devil,1228 and2532 Satan,4567 which deceiveth4105 the3588 whole3650 world:3625 he was cast out906 into1519 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 his848 angels32 were cast out906 with3326 him.846

10 And2532 I heard191 a loud3173 voice5456 saying3004 in1722 heaven,3772 Now737 is come1096 salvation,4991 and2532 strength,1411 and2532 the3588 kingdom932 of our2257 God,2316 and2532 the3588 power1849 of his848 Christ:5547 for3754 the3588 accuser2725 of our2257 brethren80 is cast down,2598 which accused2723 them846 before1799 our2257 God2316 day2250 and2532 night.3571

11 And2532 they846 overcame3528 him846 by1223 the3588 blood129 of the3588 Lamb,721 and2532 by1223 the3588 word3056 of their848 testimony;3141 and2532 they loved25 not3756 their848 lives5590 unto891 the death.2288

12 Therefore1223 5124 rejoice,2165 ye heavens,3772 and2532 ye that dwell4637 in1722 them.846 Woe3759 to the3588 inhabitants2730 of the3588 earth1093 and2532 of the3588 sea!2281 for3754 the3588 devil1228 is come down2597 unto4314 you,5209 having2192 great3173 wrath,2372 because he knoweth1492 that3754 he hath2192 but a short3641 time.2540

13 And2532 when3753 the3588 dragon1404 saw1492 that3754 he was cast906 unto1519 the3588 earth,1093 he persecuted1377 the3588 woman1135 which3748 brought forth5088 the3588 man730 child.

14 And2532 to the3588 woman1135 were given1325 two1417 wings4420 of a great3173 eagle,105 that2443 she might fly4072 into1519 the3588 wilderness,2048 into1519 her848 place,5117 where3699 she is nourished5142 for1563 a time,2540 and2532 times,2540 and2532 half2255 a time,2540 from575 the face4383 of the3588 serpent.3789

15 And2532 the3588 serpent3789 cast906 out of1537 his848 mouth4750 water5204 as5613 a flood4215 after3694 the3588 woman,1135 that2443 he might cause4160 her5026 to be carried away of the flood.4216

16 And2532 the3588 earth1093 helped997 the3588 woman,1135 and2532 the3588 earth1093 opened455 her848 mouth,4750 and2532 swallowed up2666 the3588 flood4215 which3739 the3588 dragon1404 cast906 out of1537 his848 mouth.4750

17 And2532 the3588 dragon1404 was wroth3710 with1909 the3588 woman,1135 and2532 went565 to make4160 war4171 with3326 the3588 remnant3062 of her848 seed,4690 which keep5083 the3588 commandments1785 of God,2316 and2532 have2192 the3588 testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ.5547



1 天上現出大異象來:有一個婦人身披日頭,腳踏月亮,頭戴十二星的冠冕。

2 她懷了孕,在分娩的陣痛[travailing in birth]中疼痛呼叫。

3 天上又現出另一[another]異象來:[behold]有一條大紅龍,七頭十角;七頭上戴著七個冠冕。

4 牠的尾巴拖拉了[drew]天上星辰的三分之一,摔在地上。龍就站在那預備分娩[ready to be delivered]的婦人面前,為要[for]等孩子一生下來就[as soon as it was born]吞吃她的孩子。

5 婦人生了一個男孩子,是將來用鐵杖轄管[rule]列國的;她的孩子被提到神寶座那裏去了。

6 婦人就逃到曠野,在那裏有神給她預備的地方,使他們要在那裏把她養活[that they should feed her]一千二百六十天。

7 在天上就有了爭戰。米迦勒同他的天使[angels]與龍爭戰,龍也同牠的天使[angels]去爭戰,

8 並沒有得勝,天上[neither]再沒有他們的地方。

9 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑全世界[whole world]的。牠被扔出到地裏去[cast out into the earth],牠的天使[angels]也一同被扔出[cast out]去。

10 我聽見在天上有大聲音說:「我們[our]神的救恩、能力、國度、並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了。因為那在我們神面前晝夜控告我們弟兄的,已經被摔下去了。

11 弟兄勝過牠,是[by]羔羊的血和自己所見證的道。他們雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。

12 所以諸天和住在其中的,你們都快樂罷。只是住在地與海的[inhabiters of the earth and of the sea]有禍了。因為魔鬼知道自己的時候不多,就氣忿忿的下到你們那裏去了。」

13 龍見自己被扔在地[cast unto earth],就逼迫那生男孩子的婦人。

14 於是有大鷹的兩個翅膀賜給婦人,叫她能飛到曠野,[into]自己的地方,躲避那蛇;她在那裏被養活一載二載半載。

15 蛇就在婦人身後,從口中吐出水來,像洪水[flood]一樣,要將婦人沖去。

16 地卻幫助婦人,開口吞了從龍口吐出來的洪水[flood]

17 龍向婦人發怒,去與她其餘的兒女爭戰,這兒女就是那守神誡命,為耶穌基督[Christ]作見證的。


Chapter 12



1 And2532 there appeared3700 a great3173 wonder4592 in1722 heaven;3772 a woman1135 clothed with4016 the3588 sun,2246 and2532 the3588 moon4582 under5270 her848 feet,4228 and2532 upon1909 her848 head2776 a crown4735 of twelve1427 stars: 792

1 天上現出大異象來:有一個婦人身披日頭,腳踏月亮,頭戴十二星的冠冕。

2 And2532 she being with child2192 1722 1064 cried,2896 travailing in birth,5605 and2532 pained928 to be delivered.5088

2 她懷了孕,在分娩的陣痛[travailing in birth]中疼痛呼叫。

3 And2532 there appeared3700 another243 wonder4592 in1722 heaven;3772 and2532 behold2400 a great3173 red4450 dragon,1404 having2192 seven2033 heads2776 and2532 ten1176 horns,2768 and2532 seven2033 crowns1238 upon1909 his848 heads.2776

3 天上又現出另一[another]異象來:[behold]有一條大紅龍,七頭十角;七頭上戴著七個冠冕。

4 And2532 his848 tail3769 drew4951 the3588 third part5154 of the3588 stars792 of heaven,3772 and2532 did cast906 them846 to1519 the3588 earth:1093 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 stood2476 before1799 the3588 woman1135 which was ready3195 to be delivered,5088 for to2443 devour2719 her848 child5043 as soon as3752 it was born.5088

4 牠的尾巴拖拉了[drew]天上星辰的三分之一,摔在地上。龍就站在那預備分娩[ready to be delivered]的婦人面前,為要[for]等孩子一生下來就[as soon as it was born]吞吃她的孩子。

5 And2532 she brought forth5088 a man730 child,5207 who3739 was3195 to rule4165 all3956 nations1484 with1722 a rod4464 of iron:4603 and2532 her848 child5043 was caught up726 unto4314 God,2316 and2532 to his848 throne.2362

5 婦人生了一個男孩子,是將來用鐵杖轄管[rule]列國的;她的孩子被提到神寶座那裏去了。

6 And2532 the3588 woman1135 fled5343 into1519 the3588 wilderness,2048 where3699 she hath2192 a place5117 prepared2090 of575 God,2316 that2443 they should feed5142 her846 there1563 a thousand two hundred and threescore5507 1250 1835 days.2250

6 婦人就逃到曠野,在那裏有神給她預備的地方,使他們要在那裏把她養活[that they should feed her]一千二百六十天。

7 And2532 there was1096 war4171 in1722 heaven:3772 Michael3413 and2532 his848 angels32 fought4170 against2596 the3588 dragon;1404 and2532 the3588 dragon1404 fought4170 and2532 his848 angels,32

7 在天上就有了爭戰。米迦勒同他的天使[angels]與龍爭戰,龍也同牠的天使[angels]去爭戰,

8 And2532 prevailed2480 not;3756 neither3777 was their848 place5117 found2147 any more2089 in1722 heaven.3772

8 並沒有得勝,天上[neither]再沒有他們的地方。

9 And2532 the3588 great3173 dragon1404 was cast out,906 that old744 serpent,3789 called2564 the Devil,1228 and2532 Satan,4567 which deceiveth4105 the3588 whole3650 world:3625 he was cast out906 into1519 the3588 earth,1093 and2532 his848 angels32 were cast out906 with3326 him.846

9 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑全世界[whole world]的。牠被扔出到地裏去[cast out into the earth],牠的天使[angels]也一同被扔出[cast out]去。

10 And2532 I heard191 a loud3173 voice5456 saying3004 in1722 heaven,3772 Now737 is come1096 salvation,4991 and2532 strength,1411 and2532 the3588 kingdom932 of our2257 God,2316 and2532 the3588 power1849 of his848 Christ:5547 for3754 the3588 accuser2725 of our2257 brethren80 is cast down,2598 which accused2723 them846 before1799 our2257 God2316 day2250 and2532 night.3571

10 我聽見在天上有大聲音說:「我們[our]神的救恩、能力、國度、並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了。因為那在我們神面前晝夜控告我們弟兄的,已經被摔下去了。

11 And2532 they846 overcame3528 him846 by1223 the3588 blood129 of the3588 Lamb,721 and2532 by1223 the3588 word3056 of their848 testimony;3141 and2532 they loved25 not3756 their848 lives5590 unto891 the death.2288

11 弟兄勝過牠,是[by]羔羊的血和自己所見證的道。他們雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。

12 Therefore1223 5124 rejoice,2165 ye heavens,3772 and2532 ye that dwell4637 in1722 them.846 Woe3759 to the3588 inhabitants2730 of the3588 earth1093 and2532 of the3588 sea!2281 for3754 the3588 devil1228 is come down2597 unto4314 you,5209 having2192 great3173 wrath,2372 because he knoweth1492 that3754 he hath2192 but a short3641 time.2540

12 所以諸天和住在其中的,你們都快樂罷。只是住在地與海的[inhabiters of the earth and of the sea]有禍了。因為魔鬼知道自己的時候不多,就氣忿忿的下到你們那裏去了。」

13 And2532 when3753 the3588 dragon1404 saw1492 that3754 he was cast906 unto1519 the3588 earth,1093 he persecuted1377 the3588 woman1135 which3748 brought forth5088 the3588 man730 child.

13 龍見自己被扔在地[cast unto earth],就逼迫那生男孩子的婦人。

14 And2532 to the3588 woman1135 were given1325 two1417 wings4420 of a great3173 eagle,105 that2443 she might fly4072 into1519 the3588 wilderness,2048 into1519 her848 place,5117 where3699 she is nourished5142 for1563 a time,2540 and2532 times,2540 and2532 half2255 a time,2540 from575 the face4383 of the3588 serpent.3789

14 於是有大鷹的兩個翅膀賜給婦人,叫她能飛到曠野,[into]自己的地方,躲避那蛇;她在那裏被養活一載二載半載。

15 And2532 the3588 serpent3789 cast906 out of1537 his848 mouth4750 water5204 as5613 a flood4215 after3694 the3588 woman,1135 that2443 he might cause4160 her5026 to be carried away of the flood.4216

15 蛇就在婦人身後,從口中吐出水來,像洪水[flood]一樣,要將婦人沖去。

16 And2532 the3588 earth1093 helped997 the3588 woman,1135 and2532 the3588 earth1093 opened455 her848 mouth,4750 and2532 swallowed up2666 the3588 flood4215 which3739 the3588 dragon1404 cast906 out of1537 his848 mouth.4750

16 地卻幫助婦人,開口吞了從龍口吐出來的洪水[flood]

17 And2532 the3588 dragon1404 was wroth3710 with1909 the3588 woman,1135 and2532 went565 to make4160 war4171 with3326 the3588 remnant3062 of her848 seed,4690 which keep5083 the3588 commandments1785 of God,2316 and2532 have2192 the3588 testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ.5547

17 龍向婦人發怒,去與她其餘的兒女爭戰,這兒女就是那守神誡命,為耶穌基督[Christ]作見證的。