
Psalm 2

1 Why4100 do the heathen1471 rage,7283 and the people3816 imagine1897 a vain thing?7385

2 The kings4428 of the earth776 set themselves,3320 and the rulers7336 take counsel3245 together,3162 against5921 the LORD,3068 and against5921 his anointed,4899 saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder,5423 853 4147 and cast away7993 their cords5688 from4480 us.

4 He that sitteth3427 in the heavens8064 shall laugh:7832 the Lord136 shall have them in derision.3932

5 Then227 shall he speak1696 unto413 them in his wrath,639 and vex926 them in his sore displeasure.2740

6 Yet have I589 set5258 my king4428 upon5921 my holy6944 hill2022 of Zion.6726

7 I will declare5608 413 the decree:2706 the LORD3068 hath said559 unto413 me, Thou859 art my Son;1121 this day3117 have I589 begotten3205 thee.

8 Ask7592 of4480 me, and I shall give5414 thee the heathen1471 for thine inheritance,5159 and the uttermost parts657 of the earth776 for thy possession.272

9 Thou shalt break7489 them with a rod7626 of iron;1270 thou shalt dash them in pieces5310 like a potter's3335 vessel.3627

10 Be wise7919 now6258 therefore, O ye kings:4428 be instructed,3256 ye judges8199 of the earth.776

11 Serve5647 853 the LORD3068 with fear,3374 and rejoice1523 with trembling.7461

12 Kiss5401 the Son,1248 lest6435 he be angry,599 and ye perish6 from the way,1870 when3588 his wrath639 is kindled1197 but a little.4592 Blessed835 are all3605 they that put their trust2620 in him.



1 異教的民[heathen]為甚麼爭鬧?眾民為甚麼謀算虛妄的事?

2 世上的君王一齊起來,臣宰一同商議,要敵擋耶和華並他的受膏者,[saying]

3 我們[us]要掙開他們的捆綁,脫去他們的繩索。

4 那坐在諸天[in the heavens]的必發笑;主必嗤笑他們。

5 那時,他要在怒中責備他們,在烈怒中驚嚇他們,

6 說:我已經立我的君在錫安─我的聖山上了。

7 受膏者說:我要傳聖旨。耶和華曾對我說:你是我的兒子,我今日生你。

8 你求我,我就將異教之民[heathen]賜你為基業,將地極賜你為田產。

9 你必用鐵杖打破他們;你必將他們如同陶匠[potter’s]的瓦器摔碎。

10 現在,你們君王[O],應當省悟。你們世上的審判官該受管教。

11 當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而快樂。

12 當以嘴親子,恐怕他發怒,在他的怒氣稍微發作的時候[when his wrath is kindled but a little],你們便[from]道上滅亡。凡投靠他的,都是有福的。


Psalm 2



1 Why4100 do the heathen1471 rage,7283 and the people3816 imagine1897 a vain thing?7385

1 異教的民[heathen]為甚麼爭鬧?眾民為甚麼謀算虛妄的事?

2 The kings4428 of the earth776 set themselves,3320 and the rulers7336 take counsel3245 together,3162 against5921 the LORD,3068 and against5921 his anointed,4899 saying,

2 世上的君王一齊起來,臣宰一同商議,要敵擋耶和華並他的受膏者,[saying]

3 Let us break their bands asunder,5423 853 4147 and cast away7993 their cords5688 from4480 us.

3 我們[us]要掙開他們的捆綁,脫去他們的繩索。

4 He that sitteth3427 in the heavens8064 shall laugh:7832 the Lord136 shall have them in derision.3932

4 那坐在諸天[in the heavens]的必發笑;主必嗤笑他們。

5 Then227 shall he speak1696 unto413 them in his wrath,639 and vex926 them in his sore displeasure.2740

5 那時,他要在怒中責備他們,在烈怒中驚嚇他們,

6 Yet have I589 set5258 my king4428 upon5921 my holy6944 hill2022 of Zion.6726

6 說:我已經立我的君在錫安─我的聖山上了。

7 I will declare5608 413 the decree:2706 the LORD3068 hath said559 unto413 me, Thou859 art my Son;1121 this day3117 have I589 begotten3205 thee.

7 受膏者說:我要傳聖旨。耶和華曾對我說:你是我的兒子,我今日生你。

8 Ask7592 of4480 me, and I shall give5414 thee the heathen1471 for thine inheritance,5159 and the uttermost parts657 of the earth776 for thy possession.272

8 你求我,我就將異教之民[heathen]賜你為基業,將地極賜你為田產。

9 Thou shalt break7489 them with a rod7626 of iron;1270 thou shalt dash them in pieces5310 like a potter's3335 vessel.3627

9 你必用鐵杖打破他們;你必將他們如同陶匠[potter’s]的瓦器摔碎。

10 Be wise7919 now6258 therefore, O ye kings:4428 be instructed,3256 ye judges8199 of the earth.776

10 現在,你們君王[O],應當省悟。你們世上的審判官該受管教。

11 Serve5647 853 the LORD3068 with fear,3374 and rejoice1523 with trembling.7461

11 當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而快樂。

12 Kiss5401 the Son,1248 lest6435 he be angry,599 and ye perish6 from the way,1870 when3588 his wrath639 is kindled1197 but a little.4592 Blessed835 are all3605 they that put their trust2620 in him.

12 當以嘴親子,恐怕他發怒,在他的怒氣稍微發作的時候[when his wrath is kindled but a little],你們便[from]道上滅亡。凡投靠他的,都是有福的。