
Chapter 21

1 The king's4428 heart3820 is in the hand3027 of the LORD,3068 as the rivers6388 of water:4325 he turneth5186 it whithersoever5921 3605 834 he will.2654

2 Every3605 way1870 of a man376 is right3477 in his own eyes:5869 but the LORD3068 pondereth8505 the hearts.3826

3 To do6213 justice6666 and judgment4941 is more acceptable977 to the LORD3068 than sacrifice.4480 2077

4 A high7312 look,5869 and a proud7342 heart,3820 and the plowing5215 of the wicked,7563 is sin.2403

5 The thoughts4284 of the diligent2742 tend only389 to plenteousness;4195 but of every one3605 that is hasty213 only389 to want.4270

6 The getting6467 of treasures214 by a lying8267 tongue3956 is a vanity1892 tossed to and fro5086 of them that seek1245 death.4194

7 The robbery7701 of the wicked7563 shall destroy1641 them; because3588 they refuse3985 to do6213 judgment.4941

8 The way1870 of man376 is froward2019 and strange:2054 but as for the pure,2134 his work6467 is right.3477

9 It is better2896 to dwell3427 in5921 a corner6438 of the housetop,1406 than with a brawling4079 woman4480 802 in a wide2267 house.1004

10 The soul5315 of the wicked7563 desireth183 evil:7451 his neighbor7453 findeth no3808 favor2603 in his eyes.5869

11 When the scorner3887 is punished,6064 the simple6612 is made wise:2449 and when the wise2450 is instructed,7919 he receiveth3947 knowledge.1847

12 The righteous6662 man wisely considereth7919 the house1004 of the wicked:7563 but God overthroweth5557 the wicked7563 for their wickedness.7451

13 Whoso stoppeth331 his ears241 at the cry4480 2201 of the poor,1800 he also1571 shall cry7121 himself,1931 but shall not3808 be heard.6030

14 A gift4976 in secret5643 pacifieth3711 anger:639 and a reward7810 in the bosom2436 strong5794 wrath.2534

15 It is joy8057 to the just6662 to do6213 judgment:4941 but destruction4288 shall be to the workers6466 of iniquity.205

16 The man120 that wandereth8582 out of the way4480 1870 of understanding7919 shall remain5117 in the congregation6951 of the dead.7496

17 He that loveth157 pleasure8057 shall be a poor4270 man:376 he that loveth157 wine3196 and oil8081 shall not3808 be rich.6238

18 The wicked7563 shall be a ransom3724 for the righteous,6662 and the transgressor898 for8478 the upright.3477

19 It is better2896 to dwell3427 in the wilderness,776 4057 than with a contentious4079 and an angry3708 woman.4480 802

20 There is treasure214 to be desired2530 and oil8081 in the dwelling5116 of the wise;2450 but a foolish3684 man120 spendeth it up.1104

21 He that followeth7291 after righteousness6666 and mercy2617 findeth4672 life,2416 righteousness,6666 and honor.3519

22 A wise2450 man scaleth5927 the city5892 of the mighty,1368 and casteth down3381 the strength5797 of the confidence4009 thereof.

23 Whoso keepeth8104 his mouth6310 and his tongue3956 keepeth8104 his soul5315 from troubles.4480 6869

24 Proud2086 and haughty3093 scorner3887 is his name,8034 who dealeth6213 in proud2087 wrath.5678

25 The desire8378 of the slothful6102 killeth4191 him; for3588 his hands3027 refuse3985 to labor.6213

26 He coveteth183 greedily8378 all3605 the day3117 long: but the righteous6662 giveth5414 and spareth2820 not.3808

27 The sacrifice2077 of the wicked7563 is abomination:8441 how much more,637 3588 when he bringeth935 it with a wicked mind?2154

28 A false3577 witness5707 shall perish:6 but the man376 that heareth8085 speaketh1696 constantly.5331

29 A wicked7563 man376 hardeneth5810 his face:6440 but as for the upright,3477 he1931 directeth995 his way.1870

30 There is no369 wisdom2451 nor369 understanding8394 nor369 counsel6098 against5048 the LORD.3068

31 The horse5483 is prepared3559 against the day3117 of battle:4421 but safety8668 is of the LORD.3068



1 王的心在耶和華手中,好像流水的河道[rivers of water]隨意流轉。

2 人所行的,在自己眼中都看為正;唯有耶和華衡量人心。

3 行仁義公平比獻祭更蒙耶和華悅納。

4 眼高心傲,並惡人耕地,皆為罪惡[An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin]

5 殷勤籌劃的,足致豐裕;行事急躁的,卻都[but of every]缺乏。

6 以說謊之舌求財,乃取死之人反覆的妄行[The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death]

7 惡人所搶奪的[robbery]必將自己掃除;因他們不肯按公平行事。

8 人的道路乖僻怪異[The way of man is froward and strange];至於純潔[pure]的人,他所[work]的乃是正確[right]

9 寧可住在房頂的角上,不在寬闊的房屋與爭吵的婦人同住。

10 惡人的心樂人受禍;他眼並不喜悅[favour]鄰居。

11 褻慢的人受刑罰,愚蒙的人就得智慧;智慧人受訓誨,便得知識。

12 義人憑智慧[wisely]思想惡人的家;神卻[but God]因惡人的惡[for their wickedness]傾倒惡人[wicked]

13 塞耳不聽窮人呼求[cry]的,他將來也必呼求[also shallcry][but]不蒙聽允[heard]

14 暗中送的禮物挽回怒氣;懷中搋的餽贈[reward]止息暴怒。

15 秉公行義使義人喜樂;唯敗壞必臨到作孽之人[but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity]

16 偏離[wandereth out]通達道路的,必住在死人[dead]的會中。

17 愛宴樂的,必致窮乏;好酒,愛膏油的,必不富足。

18 惡人必作[shall be]義人的贖價,犯法的人[transgressor]代替正直人。

19 寧可住在曠野,不與爭吵使氣的婦人同住。

20 智慧人家中積蓄寶物膏油;愚昧人隨得來[but]花盡[spendeth]

21 追求公義仁慈的,就尋得生命、公義,和尊榮。

22 智慧人爬上勇士的城牆,傾覆他所倚靠的堅壘。

23 謹守口與舌的,就保守自己免受災難。

24 心驕氣傲的人名叫褻慢,都是行事傲怒[who dealeth in proud wrath]

25 懶惰人的心願將他殺害,因為他手不肯作工。

26 有終日貪得無饜的;義人[but]施捨,[and]不吝惜。

27 惡人的祭物是可憎的;何況他存惡意來獻呢?

28 作假見證的必滅亡;唯有細聽[heareth]而言的,其言長存。

29 惡人硬著臉面[hardeneth his face]至於正直人[as for the upright][he][but]指引他的道[directeth his way]

30 沒有智慧、聰明、謀略能以敵擋耶和華[There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD]

31 馬是為打仗之日預備的;安穩[safety]乃在乎耶和華。


Chapter 21



1 The king's4428 heart3820 is in the hand3027 of the LORD,3068 as the rivers6388 of water:4325 he turneth5186 it whithersoever5921 3605 834 he will.2654

1 王的心在耶和華手中,好像流水的河道[rivers of water]隨意流轉。

2 Every3605 way1870 of a man376 is right3477 in his own eyes:5869 but the LORD3068 pondereth8505 the hearts.3826

2 人所行的,在自己眼中都看為正;唯有耶和華衡量人心。

3 To do6213 justice6666 and judgment4941 is more acceptable977 to the LORD3068 than sacrifice.4480 2077

3 行仁義公平比獻祭更蒙耶和華悅納。

4 A high7312 look,5869 and a proud7342 heart,3820 and the plowing5215 of the wicked,7563 is sin.2403

4 眼高心傲,並惡人耕地,皆為罪惡[An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin]

5 The thoughts4284 of the diligent2742 tend only389 to plenteousness;4195 but of every one3605 that is hasty213 only389 to want.4270

5 殷勤籌劃的,足致豐裕;行事急躁的,卻都[but of every]缺乏。

6 The getting6467 of treasures214 by a lying8267 tongue3956 is a vanity1892 tossed to and fro5086 of them that seek1245 death.4194

6 以說謊之舌求財,乃取死之人反覆的妄行[The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death]

7 The robbery7701 of the wicked7563 shall destroy1641 them; because3588 they refuse3985 to do6213 judgment.4941

7 惡人所搶奪的[robbery]必將自己掃除;因他們不肯按公平行事。

8 The way1870 of man376 is froward2019 and strange:2054 but as for the pure,2134 his work6467 is right.3477

8 人的道路乖僻怪異[The way of man is froward and strange];至於純潔[pure]的人,他所[work]的乃是正確[right]

9 It is better2896 to dwell3427 in5921 a corner6438 of the housetop,1406 than with a brawling4079 woman4480 802 in a wide2267 house.1004

9 寧可住在房頂的角上,不在寬闊的房屋與爭吵的婦人同住。

10 The soul5315 of the wicked7563 desireth183 evil:7451 his neighbor7453 findeth no3808 favor2603 in his eyes.5869

10 惡人的心樂人受禍;他眼並不喜悅[favour]鄰居。

11 When the scorner3887 is punished,6064 the simple6612 is made wise:2449 and when the wise2450 is instructed,7919 he receiveth3947 knowledge.1847

11 褻慢的人受刑罰,愚蒙的人就得智慧;智慧人受訓誨,便得知識。

12 The righteous6662 man wisely considereth7919 the house1004 of the wicked:7563 but God overthroweth5557 the wicked7563 for their wickedness.7451

12 義人憑智慧[wisely]思想惡人的家;神卻[but God]因惡人的惡[for their wickedness]傾倒惡人[wicked]

13 Whoso stoppeth331 his ears241 at the cry4480 2201 of the poor,1800 he also1571 shall cry7121 himself,1931 but shall not3808 be heard.6030

13 塞耳不聽窮人呼求[cry]的,他將來也必呼求[also shallcry][but]不蒙聽允[heard]

14 A gift4976 in secret5643 pacifieth3711 anger:639 and a reward7810 in the bosom2436 strong5794 wrath.2534

14 暗中送的禮物挽回怒氣;懷中搋的餽贈[reward]止息暴怒。

15 It is joy8057 to the just6662 to do6213 judgment:4941 but destruction4288 shall be to the workers6466 of iniquity.205

15 秉公行義使義人喜樂;唯敗壞必臨到作孽之人[but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity]

16 The man120 that wandereth8582 out of the way4480 1870 of understanding7919 shall remain5117 in the congregation6951 of the dead.7496

16 偏離[wandereth out]通達道路的,必住在死人[dead]的會中。

17 He that loveth157 pleasure8057 shall be a poor4270 man:376 he that loveth157 wine3196 and oil8081 shall not3808 be rich.6238

17 愛宴樂的,必致窮乏;好酒,愛膏油的,必不富足。

18 The wicked7563 shall be a ransom3724 for the righteous,6662 and the transgressor898 for8478 the upright.3477

18 惡人必作[shall be]義人的贖價,犯法的人[transgressor]代替正直人。

19 It is better2896 to dwell3427 in the wilderness,776 4057 than with a contentious4079 and an angry3708 woman.4480 802

19 寧可住在曠野,不與爭吵使氣的婦人同住。

20 There is treasure214 to be desired2530 and oil8081 in the dwelling5116 of the wise;2450 but a foolish3684 man120 spendeth it up.1104

20 智慧人家中積蓄寶物膏油;愚昧人隨得來[but]花盡[spendeth]

21 He that followeth7291 after righteousness6666 and mercy2617 findeth4672 life,2416 righteousness,6666 and honor.3519

21 追求公義仁慈的,就尋得生命、公義,和尊榮。

22 A wise2450 man scaleth5927 the city5892 of the mighty,1368 and casteth down3381 the strength5797 of the confidence4009 thereof.

22 智慧人爬上勇士的城牆,傾覆他所倚靠的堅壘。

23 Whoso keepeth8104 his mouth6310 and his tongue3956 keepeth8104 his soul5315 from troubles.4480 6869

23 謹守口與舌的,就保守自己免受災難。

24 Proud2086 and haughty3093 scorner3887 is his name,8034 who dealeth6213 in proud2087 wrath.5678

24 心驕氣傲的人名叫褻慢,都是行事傲怒[who dealeth in proud wrath]

25 The desire8378 of the slothful6102 killeth4191 him; for3588 his hands3027 refuse3985 to labor.6213

25 懶惰人的心願將他殺害,因為他手不肯作工。

26 He coveteth183 greedily8378 all3605 the day3117 long: but the righteous6662 giveth5414 and spareth2820 not.3808

26 有終日貪得無饜的;義人[but]施捨,[and]不吝惜。

27 The sacrifice2077 of the wicked7563 is abomination:8441 how much more,637 3588 when he bringeth935 it with a wicked mind?2154

27 惡人的祭物是可憎的;何況他存惡意來獻呢?

28 A false3577 witness5707 shall perish:6 but the man376 that heareth8085 speaketh1696 constantly.5331

28 作假見證的必滅亡;唯有細聽[heareth]而言的,其言長存。

29 A wicked7563 man376 hardeneth5810 his face:6440 but as for the upright,3477 he1931 directeth995 his way.1870

29 惡人硬著臉面[hardeneth his face]至於正直人[as for the upright][he][but]指引他的道[directeth his way]

30 There is no369 wisdom2451 nor369 understanding8394 nor369 counsel6098 against5048 the LORD.3068

30 沒有智慧、聰明、謀略能以敵擋耶和華[There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD]

31 The horse5483 is prepared3559 against the day3117 of battle:4421 but safety8668 is of the LORD.3068

31 馬是為打仗之日預備的;安穩[safety]乃在乎耶和華。