
Chapter 9

1 Nevertheless3588 the dimness4155 shall not3808 be such as834 was in her vexation,4164 when6256 at the first7223 he lightly afflicted7043 the land776 of Zebulun2074 and the land776 of Naphtali,5321 and afterward314 did more grievously afflict3513 her by the way1870 of the sea,3220 beyond5676 Jordan,3383 in Galilee1551 of the nations.1471

2 The people5971 that walked1980 in darkness2822 have seen7200 a great1419 light:216 they that dwell3427 in the land776 of the shadow of death,6757 upon5921 them hath the light216 shined.5050

3 Thou hast multiplied7235 the nation,1471 and not3808 increased1431 the joy:8057 they joy8055 before6440 thee according to the joy8057 in harvest,7105 and as834 men rejoice1523 when they divide2505 the spoil.7998

4 For3588 thou hast broken2865 853 the yoke5923 of his burden,5448 and the staff4294 of his shoulder,7926 the rod7626 of his oppressor,5065 as in the day3117 of Midian.4080

5 For3588 every3605 battle5430 of the warrior5431 is with confused noise,7494 and garments8071 rolled1556 in blood;1818 but this shall be1961 with burning8316 and fuel3980 of fire.784

6 For3588 unto us a child3206 is born,3205 unto us a son1121 is given:5414 and the government4951 shall be upon5921 his shoulder:7926 and his name8034 shall be1961 called7121 Wonderful,6382 Counselor,3289 The mighty1368 God,410 The everlasting5703 Father,1 The Prince8269 of Peace.7965

7 Of the increase4766 of his government4951 and peace7965 there shall be no369 end,7093 upon5921 the throne3678 of David,1732 and upon5921 his kingdom,4467 to order3559 it, and to establish5582 it with judgment4941 and with justice6666 from henceforth4480 6258 even forever.5704 5769 The zeal7068 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 will perform6213 this.2063

8 The Lord136 sent7971 a word1697 into Jacob,3290 and it hath lighted5307 upon Israel.3478

9 And all3605 the people5971 shall know,3045 even Ephraim669 and the inhabitant3427 of Samaria,8111 that say559 in the pride1346 and stoutness1433 of heart,3824

10 The bricks3843 are fallen down,5307 but we will build1129 with hewn stones:1496 the sycamores8256 are cut down,1438 but we will change2498 them into cedars.730

11 Therefore the LORD3068 shall set up7682 853 the adversaries6862 of Rezin7526 against5921 him, and join his enemies together;5526 853 341

12 The Syrians758 before,4480 6924 and the Philistines6430 behind;4480 268 and they shall devour398 853 Israel3478 with open3605 mouth.6310 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750

13 For the people5971 turneth7725 not3808 unto5704 him that smiteth5221 them, neither3808 do they seek1875 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

14 Therefore the LORD3068 will cut off3772 from Israel4480 3478 head7218 and tail,2180 branch3712 and rush,100 in one259 day.3117

15 The ancient2205 and honorable,5375 6440 he1931 is the head;7218 and the prophet5030 that teacheth3384 lies,8267 he1931 is the tail.2180

16 For the leaders833 of this2088 people5971 cause them to err;8582 and they that are led833 of them are destroyed.1104

17 Therefore5921 3651 the Lord136 shall have no3808 joy8055 in5921 their young men,970 neither3808 shall have mercy7355 on their fatherless3490 and widows:490 for3588 every one3605 is a hypocrite2611 and an evildoer,7489 and every3605 mouth6310 speaketh1696 folly.5039 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750

18 For3588 wickedness7564 burneth1197 as the fire:784 it shall devour398 the briers8068 and thorns,7898 and shall kindle3341 in the thickets5442 of the forest,3293 and they shall mount up55 like the lifting up1348 of smoke.6227

19 Through the wrath5678 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 is the land776 darkened,6272 and the people5971 shall be1961 as the fuel3980 of the fire:784 no3808 man376 shall spare2550 413 his brother.251

20 And he shall snatch1504 on5921 the right hand,3225 and be hungry;7456 and he shall eat398 on5921 the left hand,8040 and they shall not3808 be satisfied:7646 they shall eat398 every man376 the flesh1320 of his own arm: 2220

21 Manasseh,4519 853 Ephraim;669 and Ephraim,669 853 Manasseh:4519 and they1992 together3162 shall be against5921 Judah.3063 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750



1 幽暗必不像她從前所受的苦[dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation]那時他首先[when at the first he]使西布倫地和拿弗他利地受了小苦[lightly afflicted],末後更曾[did more][by]這沿海的路,約旦河外,列國[nations]的加利利地使她受大苦[grievously afflict her]

2 在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光;住在死蔭之地的人有光照耀他們。

3 你使這國民繁多,卻不加增喜樂[and not increased the joy];他們在你面前歡喜,好像收割的歡喜,[and]像人分擄物那樣的快樂。

4 因為你已經折斷[thou hast broken][his]所負的重軛和肩頭上的杖,並欺壓他之人的棍[rod of his oppressor],好像在米甸的日子一樣。

5 戰士在每戰[every battle]之間有紛亂的喊聲[is with confused noise],並那滾在血中的衣服;但這[but this]都必作為可燒的,[and]作火柴。

6 因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們;政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為「奇妙[Wonderful]策士[Counsellor]、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」。

7 他的政權與平安必加增無窮,他必在大衛的寶座上,以公平公正[justice]治理他的國[order it],使國堅定[establish],從今直到永遠。大軍之耶和華的熱心必成就這事。

8 主使一言入於雅各家,落於以色列家。

9 這眾百姓,就是以法蓮和撒瑪利亞的居民,都要知道;他們憑驕傲自大的心說:

10 磚牆塌[down]了,我們卻要鑿石頭建築;桑樹砍[down]了,我們卻要換[into]香柏樹。

11 因此,耶和華要立起[set up]利汛的敵人來攻擊[his],並與他的仇敵彼此連合[join his enemies together]

12 [before]有敘利亞人,[behind]有非利士人;他們張口要吞吃以色列。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。

13 這是因百姓[For the people]並不[not]歸向那擊打他們的[him that smiteth them],也[neither]尋求大軍之耶和華。

14 因此,耶和華一日之間必從以色列中剪除頭與尾,棕枝與蘆葦。

15 長老和尊貴人就是頭;以謊言教人的先知就是尾。

16 因為,引導這百姓的使他們走錯了路;被引導的[and][are]敗亡。

17 所以,主必不喜悅他們的少年人,也不憐恤他們無父的,並[fatherless and]寡婦;因為各人都是偽善的[is an hypocrite],是行惡的,並且各人的口都說愚妄的話。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。

18 邪惡像火焚燒;火要吞滅[it shall devour]荊棘和蒺藜,又要[and shall]在稠密的樹林中著起來,它們就必如煙氣上騰[and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke]

19 因大軍之耶和華的烈怒,地都昏暗[darkened],百姓必如[shall be as]火柴;[shall]無人憐愛兄弟[brother]

20 他必[he shall]右邊搶奪,仍受飢餓;左邊吞吃,仍不飽足。各人吃自己膀臂上的肉。

21 瑪拿西吞吃以法蓮、以法蓮吞吃瑪拿西;又一同攻擊猶大。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。


Chapter 9



1 Nevertheless3588 the dimness4155 shall not3808 be such as834 was in her vexation,4164 when6256 at the first7223 he lightly afflicted7043 the land776 of Zebulun2074 and the land776 of Naphtali,5321 and afterward314 did more grievously afflict3513 her by the way1870 of the sea,3220 beyond5676 Jordan,3383 in Galilee1551 of the nations.1471

1 幽暗必不像她從前所受的苦[dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation]那時他首先[when at the first he]使西布倫地和拿弗他利地受了小苦[lightly afflicted],末後更曾[did more][by]這沿海的路,約旦河外,列國[nations]的加利利地使她受大苦[grievously afflict her]

2 The people5971 that walked1980 in darkness2822 have seen7200 a great1419 light:216 they that dwell3427 in the land776 of the shadow of death,6757 upon5921 them hath the light216 shined.5050

2 在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光;住在死蔭之地的人有光照耀他們。

3 Thou hast multiplied7235 the nation,1471 and not3808 increased1431 the joy:8057 they joy8055 before6440 thee according to the joy8057 in harvest,7105 and as834 men rejoice1523 when they divide2505 the spoil.7998

3 你使這國民繁多,卻不加增喜樂[and not increased the joy];他們在你面前歡喜,好像收割的歡喜,[and]像人分擄物那樣的快樂。

4 For3588 thou hast broken2865 853 the yoke5923 of his burden,5448 and the staff4294 of his shoulder,7926 the rod7626 of his oppressor,5065 as in the day3117 of Midian.4080

4 因為你已經折斷[thou hast broken][his]所負的重軛和肩頭上的杖,並欺壓他之人的棍[rod of his oppressor],好像在米甸的日子一樣。

5 For3588 every3605 battle5430 of the warrior5431 is with confused noise,7494 and garments8071 rolled1556 in blood;1818 but this shall be1961 with burning8316 and fuel3980 of fire.784

5 戰士在每戰[every battle]之間有紛亂的喊聲[is with confused noise],並那滾在血中的衣服;但這[but this]都必作為可燒的,[and]作火柴。

6 For3588 unto us a child3206 is born,3205 unto us a son1121 is given:5414 and the government4951 shall be upon5921 his shoulder:7926 and his name8034 shall be1961 called7121 Wonderful,6382 Counselor,3289 The mighty1368 God,410 The everlasting5703 Father,1 The Prince8269 of Peace.7965

6 因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們;政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為「奇妙[Wonderful]策士[Counsellor]、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」。

7 Of the increase4766 of his government4951 and peace7965 there shall be no369 end,7093 upon5921 the throne3678 of David,1732 and upon5921 his kingdom,4467 to order3559 it, and to establish5582 it with judgment4941 and with justice6666 from henceforth4480 6258 even forever.5704 5769 The zeal7068 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 will perform6213 this.2063

7 他的政權與平安必加增無窮,他必在大衛的寶座上,以公平公正[justice]治理他的國[order it],使國堅定[establish],從今直到永遠。大軍之耶和華的熱心必成就這事。

8 The Lord136 sent7971 a word1697 into Jacob,3290 and it hath lighted5307 upon Israel.3478

8 主使一言入於雅各家,落於以色列家。

9 And all3605 the people5971 shall know,3045 even Ephraim669 and the inhabitant3427 of Samaria,8111 that say559 in the pride1346 and stoutness1433 of heart,3824

9 這眾百姓,就是以法蓮和撒瑪利亞的居民,都要知道;他們憑驕傲自大的心說:

10 The bricks3843 are fallen down,5307 but we will build1129 with hewn stones:1496 the sycamores8256 are cut down,1438 but we will change2498 them into cedars.730

10 磚牆塌[down]了,我們卻要鑿石頭建築;桑樹砍[down]了,我們卻要換[into]香柏樹。

11 Therefore the LORD3068 shall set up7682 853 the adversaries6862 of Rezin7526 against5921 him, and join his enemies together;5526 853 341

11 因此,耶和華要立起[set up]利汛的敵人來攻擊[his],並與他的仇敵彼此連合[join his enemies together]

12 The Syrians758 before,4480 6924 and the Philistines6430 behind;4480 268 and they shall devour398 853 Israel3478 with open3605 mouth.6310 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750

12 [before]有敘利亞人,[behind]有非利士人;他們張口要吞吃以色列。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。

13 For the people5971 turneth7725 not3808 unto5704 him that smiteth5221 them, neither3808 do they seek1875 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

13 這是因百姓[For the people]並不[not]歸向那擊打他們的[him that smiteth them],也[neither]尋求大軍之耶和華。

14 Therefore the LORD3068 will cut off3772 from Israel4480 3478 head7218 and tail,2180 branch3712 and rush,100 in one259 day.3117

14 因此,耶和華一日之間必從以色列中剪除頭與尾,棕枝與蘆葦。

15 The ancient2205 and honorable,5375 6440 he1931 is the head;7218 and the prophet5030 that teacheth3384 lies,8267 he1931 is the tail.2180

15 長老和尊貴人就是頭;以謊言教人的先知就是尾。

16 For the leaders833 of this2088 people5971 cause them to err;8582 and they that are led833 of them are destroyed.1104

16 因為,引導這百姓的使他們走錯了路;被引導的[and][are]敗亡。

17 Therefore5921 3651 the Lord136 shall have no3808 joy8055 in5921 their young men,970 neither3808 shall have mercy7355 on their fatherless3490 and widows:490 for3588 every one3605 is a hypocrite2611 and an evildoer,7489 and every3605 mouth6310 speaketh1696 folly.5039 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750

17 所以,主必不喜悅他們的少年人,也不憐恤他們無父的,並[fatherless and]寡婦;因為各人都是偽善的[is an hypocrite],是行惡的,並且各人的口都說愚妄的話。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。

18 For3588 wickedness7564 burneth1197 as the fire:784 it shall devour398 the briers8068 and thorns,7898 and shall kindle3341 in the thickets5442 of the forest,3293 and they shall mount up55 like the lifting up1348 of smoke.6227

18 邪惡像火焚燒;火要吞滅[it shall devour]荊棘和蒺藜,又要[and shall]在稠密的樹林中著起來,它們就必如煙氣上騰[and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke]

19 Through the wrath5678 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 is the land776 darkened,6272 and the people5971 shall be1961 as the fuel3980 of the fire:784 no3808 man376 shall spare2550 413 his brother.251

19 因大軍之耶和華的烈怒,地都昏暗[darkened],百姓必如[shall be as]火柴;[shall]無人憐愛兄弟[brother]

20 And he shall snatch1504 on5921 the right hand,3225 and be hungry;7456 and he shall eat398 on5921 the left hand,8040 and they shall not3808 be satisfied:7646 they shall eat398 every man376 the flesh1320 of his own arm: 2220

20 他必[he shall]右邊搶奪,仍受飢餓;左邊吞吃,仍不飽足。各人吃自己膀臂上的肉。

21 Manasseh,4519 853 Ephraim;669 and Ephraim,669 853 Manasseh:4519 and they1992 together3162 shall be against5921 Judah.3063 For all3605 this2063 his anger639 is not3808 turned away,7725 but his hand3027 is stretched out5186 still.5750

21 瑪拿西吞吃以法蓮、以法蓮吞吃瑪拿西;又一同攻擊猶大。既有這一切事[For all this],耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。