
Psalm 89

1 Maschil4905 of Ethan387 the Ezrahite.250 I will sing7891 of the mercies2617 of the LORD3068 forever:5769 with my mouth6310 will I make known3045 thy faithfulness530 to all generations.1755 1755

2 For3588 I have said,559 Mercy2617 shall be built up1129 forever:5769 thy faithfulness530 shalt thou establish3559 in the very heavens.8064

3 I have made3772 a covenant1285 with my chosen,972 I have sworn7650 unto David1732 my servant,5650

4 Thy seed2233 will I establish3559 forever,5704 5769 and build up1129 thy throne3678 to all generations.1755 1755 Selah.5542

5 And the heavens8064 shall praise3034 thy wonders,6382 O LORD:3068 thy faithfulness530 also637 in the congregation6951 of the saints.6918

6 For3588 who4310 in the heaven7834 can be compared6186 unto the LORD?3068 who among the sons1121 of the mighty410 can be likened1819 unto the LORD?3068

7 God410 is greatly7227 to be feared6206 in the assembly5475 of the saints,6918 and to be had in reverence3372 of5921 all3605 them that are about5439 him.

8 O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 who4310 is a strong2626 LORD3050 like unto thee?3644 or to thy faithfulness530 round about5439 thee?

9 Thou859 rulest4910 the raging1348 of the sea:3220 when the waves1530 thereof arise,7721 thou859 stillest7623 them.

10 Thou859 hast broken1792 Rahab7294 in pieces, as one that is slain;2491 thou hast scattered6340 thine enemies341 with thy strong5797 arm.2220

11 The heavens8064 are thine, the earth776 also637 is thine: as for the world8398 and the fullness4393 thereof, thou859 hast founded3245 them.

12 The north6828 and the south3225 thou859 hast created1254 them: Tabor8396 and Hermon2768 shall rejoice7442 in thy name.8034

13 Thou hast a mighty1369 arm:2220 strong5810 is thy hand,3027 and high7311 is thy right hand.3225

14 Justice6664 and judgment4941 are the habitation4349 of thy throne:3678 mercy2617 and truth571 shall go6923 before thy face.6440

15 Blessed835 is the people5971 that know3045 the joyful sound:8643 they shall walk,1980 O LORD,3068 in the light216 of thy countenance.6440

16 In thy name8034 shall they rejoice1523 all3605 the day:3117 and in thy righteousness6666 shall they be exalted.7311

17 For3588 thou859 art the glory8597 of their strength:5797 and in thy favor7522 our horn7161 shall be exalted.7311

18 For3588 the LORD3068 is our defense;4043 and the Holy One6918 of Israel3478 is our king.4428

19 Then227 thou spakest1696 in vision2377 to thy holy one,2623 and saidst,559 I have laid7737 help5828 upon5921 one that is mighty;1368 I have exalted7311 one chosen970 out of the people.4480 5971

20 I have found4672 David1732 my servant;5650 with my holy6944 oil8081 have I anointed4886 him:

21 With5973 whom834 my hand3027 shall be established:3559 mine arm2220 also637 shall strengthen553 him.

22 The enemy341 shall not3808 exact5378 upon him; nor3808 the son1121 of wickedness5766 afflict6031 him.

23 And I will beat down3807 his foes6862 before his face,4480 6440 and plague5062 them that hate8130 him.

24 But my faithfulness530 and my mercy2617 shall be with5973 him: and in my name8034 shall his horn7161 be exalted.7311

25 I will set7760 his hand3027 also in the sea,3220 and his right hand3225 in the rivers.5104

26 He1931 shall cry7121 unto me, Thou859 art my father,1 my God,410 and the rock6697 of my salvation.3444

27 Also637 I589 will make5414 him my firstborn,1060 higher5945 than the kings4428 of the earth.776

28 My mercy2617 will I keep8104 for him forevermore,5769 and my covenant1285 shall stand fast539 with him.

29 His seed2233 also will I make7760 to endure forever,5703 and his throne3678 as the days3117 of heaven.8064

30 If518 his children1121 forsake5800 my law,8451 and walk1980 not3808 in my judgments;4941

31 If518 they break2490 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 not3808 my commandments;4687

32 Then will I visit6485 their transgression6588 with the rod,7626 and their iniquity5771 with stripes.5061

33 Nevertheless my lovingkindness2617 will I not3808 utterly take6331 from4480 5973 him, nor3808 suffer my faithfulness to fail.8266 530

34 My covenant1285 will I not3808 break,2490 nor3808 alter8138 the thing that is gone out4161 of my lips.8193

35 Once259 have I sworn7650 by my holiness6944 that I will not518 lie3576 unto David.1732

36 His seed2233 shall endure1961 forever,5769 and his throne3678 as the sun8121 before5048 me.

37 It shall be established3559 forever5769 as the moon,3394 and as a faithful539 witness5707 in heaven.7834 Selah.5542

38 But thou859 hast cast off2186 and abhorred,3988 thou hast been wroth5674 with5973 thine anointed.4899

39 Thou hast made void5010 the covenant1285 of thy servant:5650 thou hast profaned2490 his crown5145 by casting it to the ground.776

40 Thou hast broken down6555 all3605 his hedges;1448 thou hast brought7760 his strongholds4013 to ruin.4288

41 All3605 that pass by5674 the way1870 spoil8155 him: he is1961 a reproach2781 to his neighbors.7934

42 Thou hast set up7311 the right hand3225 of his adversaries;6862 thou hast made all3605 his enemies341 to rejoice.8055

43 Thou hast also637 turned7725 the edge6697 of his sword,2719 and hast not3808 made him to stand6965 in the battle.4421

44 Thou hast made his glory4480 2892 to cease,7673 and cast4048 his throne3678 down to the ground.776

45 The days3117 of his youth5934 hast thou shortened:7114 thou hast covered5844 5921 him with shame.955 Selah.5542

46 How long,5704 4100 LORD?3068 wilt thou hide thyself5641 forever?5331 shall thy wrath2534 burn1197 like3644 fire?784

47 Remember2142 how4100 short2465 my589 time is: wherefore5921 4100 hast thou made1254 all3605 men1121 120 in vain?7723

48 What4310 man1397 is he that liveth,2421 and shall not3808 see7200 death?4194 shall he deliver4422 his soul5315 from the hand4480 3027 of the grave?7585 Selah.5542

49 Lord,136 where346 are thy former7223 lovingkindnesses,2617 which thou swarest7650 unto David1732 in thy truth?530

50 Remember,2142 Lord,136 the reproach2781 of thy servants;5650 how I do bear5375 in my bosom2436 the reproach of all3605 the mighty7227 people;5971

51 Wherewith834 thine enemies341 have reproached,2778 O LORD;3068 wherewith834 they have reproached2778 the footsteps6119 of thine anointed.4899

52 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 forevermore.5769 Amen,543 and Amen.543



1 耶和華兮、溥爾仁慈、余頌美之靡已、爾踐前言、余必述之、傳於後世兮、

2 余則有言、謂彼仁慈、真實無妄、高於霄漢、與天同休兮。

3 維昔上帝、曰、臣僕大闢、余所遴選、與之盟約兮、

4 子孫昌熾、國祚綿長兮、

5 耶和華兮、爾之經綸、天使所揄揚兮、爾之真實選民所頌讚兮、

6 在彼明宮、有能者咸集、孰克與耶和華頡頏兮、

7 上帝兮、有威可畏、敬虔之士、環而拜之兮、

8 萬有之主耶和華、全能之上帝兮、誰得與爾抗衡、惟爾真實無妄、顯於四方兮、

9 海之洪濤、爾所治理、水波澎湃、爾使之不揚兮、

10 爾使喇合糜爛、如遭殺戮、爾展巨能、俾敵離散兮、

11 天地歸爾統轄、寰宇萬物、咸爾所定兮。

12 南極北極、爾所創造、大泊黑門、爲爾奠定而歡呼兮。

13 維爾有巨能、具大力、巍巍無上兮、

14 爾居厥位、以大公爲址、仁慈真實、爾所自有兮、

15 知此爲嘉音、必蒙綏祉、耶和華色相光華、恒昔照之兮、

16 彼爲爾尊榮、歡愉竟晷、彼囚爾仁義、喜樂靡涯兮。

17 我有大力、皆爾轉翼、我角崢嶸、俱爾恩賜兮、

18 以色列族之聖主、耶和華爲我之王、扞衞我兮、

19 昔爾顯厥異象、諭爾愛僕、曰、維彼傑士、余所眷佑、在兆民間、余遴選之、登庸之兮、

20 臣僕大闢、旣爲我得、沐以聖膏兮、

21 余展能力、使之鞏固兮、

22 維彼仇敵、毋許迫索之兮、維彼惡黨、毋許困苦之兮、

23 有敵之者、使之敗北、有憾之者、降以災害兮、

24 必施恩我僕、崢嶸厥角、以踐前言兮、

25 我將使之統轄四海、掌理江河兮、

26 彼將呼余謂父、謂上帝、謂救主兮、

27 我必立之爲冢子、高於天下列王兮、

28 永施仁慈、與彼立約兮、

29 克昌厥後至於恒久、國祚永綏、與天同休兮、

30 如其子孫、違我律例、不從法度、

31 棄我禮儀、不守誡命、

32 則必責其罪、置其愆兮、

33 然我不屯其膏、以踐前言兮、

34 不棄我約、不易我言兮、

35 余也至聖、指己而誓、必不欺大闢兮、

36 必永存厥後、綿長厥祚、

37 如日月之升恒、麗於穹蒼、永爲確證兮。

38 余竊自思、曰、昔爾沐以膏者、今厭棄之、加以震怒兮、

39 昔與立約、而今廢之、所冠之冕、則污衊之兮、

40 撤其藩籬毀其衞所兮、

41 行旅攘奪之、鄰里凌辱之兮、

42 仇敵振興、寇讎悅懌、爾使然兮、

43 爾僕持刃、其鋒頓挫、戰鬬不利兮、

44 尊榮則廢棄兮、國位則隕越兮、

45 其年短折、其體玷辱、咸爾所使兮。

46 耶和華兮、爾遐棄我、震怒奮烈、伊於何底兮、

47 人壽幾何、請爾垂念、爾造世人同歸於盡、寧非徒勞兮、

48 人生斯世、詎能免於死亡、誰克救其生命、不至陰府兮。

49 維主在昔、待大闢以恩、加以盟約、必踐前言、今安在兮、

50 維茲庶民、咸詬誶予、而玷我躬、主其憶念之兮、

51 耶和華兮、爾曾沐我以膏、敵人謗讟予、與謗讟爾無異兮、

52 惟予頌美耶和華、永世靡曁、心所願兮、


Psalm 89



1 Maschil4905 of Ethan387 the Ezrahite.250 I will sing7891 of the mercies2617 of the LORD3068 forever:5769 with my mouth6310 will I make known3045 thy faithfulness530 to all generations.1755 1755

1 耶和華兮、溥爾仁慈、余頌美之靡已、爾踐前言、余必述之、傳於後世兮、

2 For3588 I have said,559 Mercy2617 shall be built up1129 forever:5769 thy faithfulness530 shalt thou establish3559 in the very heavens.8064

2 余則有言、謂彼仁慈、真實無妄、高於霄漢、與天同休兮。

3 I have made3772 a covenant1285 with my chosen,972 I have sworn7650 unto David1732 my servant,5650

3 維昔上帝、曰、臣僕大闢、余所遴選、與之盟約兮、

4 Thy seed2233 will I establish3559 forever,5704 5769 and build up1129 thy throne3678 to all generations.1755 1755 Selah.5542

4 子孫昌熾、國祚綿長兮、

5 And the heavens8064 shall praise3034 thy wonders,6382 O LORD:3068 thy faithfulness530 also637 in the congregation6951 of the saints.6918

5 耶和華兮、爾之經綸、天使所揄揚兮、爾之真實選民所頌讚兮、

6 For3588 who4310 in the heaven7834 can be compared6186 unto the LORD?3068 who among the sons1121 of the mighty410 can be likened1819 unto the LORD?3068

6 在彼明宮、有能者咸集、孰克與耶和華頡頏兮、

7 God410 is greatly7227 to be feared6206 in the assembly5475 of the saints,6918 and to be had in reverence3372 of5921 all3605 them that are about5439 him.

7 上帝兮、有威可畏、敬虔之士、環而拜之兮、

8 O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 who4310 is a strong2626 LORD3050 like unto thee?3644 or to thy faithfulness530 round about5439 thee?

8 萬有之主耶和華、全能之上帝兮、誰得與爾抗衡、惟爾真實無妄、顯於四方兮、

9 Thou859 rulest4910 the raging1348 of the sea:3220 when the waves1530 thereof arise,7721 thou859 stillest7623 them.

9 海之洪濤、爾所治理、水波澎湃、爾使之不揚兮、

10 Thou859 hast broken1792 Rahab7294 in pieces, as one that is slain;2491 thou hast scattered6340 thine enemies341 with thy strong5797 arm.2220

10 爾使喇合糜爛、如遭殺戮、爾展巨能、俾敵離散兮、

11 The heavens8064 are thine, the earth776 also637 is thine: as for the world8398 and the fullness4393 thereof, thou859 hast founded3245 them.

11 天地歸爾統轄、寰宇萬物、咸爾所定兮。

12 The north6828 and the south3225 thou859 hast created1254 them: Tabor8396 and Hermon2768 shall rejoice7442 in thy name.8034

12 南極北極、爾所創造、大泊黑門、爲爾奠定而歡呼兮。

13 Thou hast a mighty1369 arm:2220 strong5810 is thy hand,3027 and high7311 is thy right hand.3225

13 維爾有巨能、具大力、巍巍無上兮、

14 Justice6664 and judgment4941 are the habitation4349 of thy throne:3678 mercy2617 and truth571 shall go6923 before thy face.6440

14 爾居厥位、以大公爲址、仁慈真實、爾所自有兮、

15 Blessed835 is the people5971 that know3045 the joyful sound:8643 they shall walk,1980 O LORD,3068 in the light216 of thy countenance.6440

15 知此爲嘉音、必蒙綏祉、耶和華色相光華、恒昔照之兮、

16 In thy name8034 shall they rejoice1523 all3605 the day:3117 and in thy righteousness6666 shall they be exalted.7311

16 彼爲爾尊榮、歡愉竟晷、彼囚爾仁義、喜樂靡涯兮。

17 For3588 thou859 art the glory8597 of their strength:5797 and in thy favor7522 our horn7161 shall be exalted.7311

17 我有大力、皆爾轉翼、我角崢嶸、俱爾恩賜兮、

18 For3588 the LORD3068 is our defense;4043 and the Holy One6918 of Israel3478 is our king.4428

18 以色列族之聖主、耶和華爲我之王、扞衞我兮、

19 Then227 thou spakest1696 in vision2377 to thy holy one,2623 and saidst,559 I have laid7737 help5828 upon5921 one that is mighty;1368 I have exalted7311 one chosen970 out of the people.4480 5971

19 昔爾顯厥異象、諭爾愛僕、曰、維彼傑士、余所眷佑、在兆民間、余遴選之、登庸之兮、

20 I have found4672 David1732 my servant;5650 with my holy6944 oil8081 have I anointed4886 him:

20 臣僕大闢、旣爲我得、沐以聖膏兮、

21 With5973 whom834 my hand3027 shall be established:3559 mine arm2220 also637 shall strengthen553 him.

21 余展能力、使之鞏固兮、

22 The enemy341 shall not3808 exact5378 upon him; nor3808 the son1121 of wickedness5766 afflict6031 him.

22 維彼仇敵、毋許迫索之兮、維彼惡黨、毋許困苦之兮、

23 And I will beat down3807 his foes6862 before his face,4480 6440 and plague5062 them that hate8130 him.

23 有敵之者、使之敗北、有憾之者、降以災害兮、

24 But my faithfulness530 and my mercy2617 shall be with5973 him: and in my name8034 shall his horn7161 be exalted.7311

24 必施恩我僕、崢嶸厥角、以踐前言兮、

25 I will set7760 his hand3027 also in the sea,3220 and his right hand3225 in the rivers.5104

25 我將使之統轄四海、掌理江河兮、

26 He1931 shall cry7121 unto me, Thou859 art my father,1 my God,410 and the rock6697 of my salvation.3444

26 彼將呼余謂父、謂上帝、謂救主兮、

27 Also637 I589 will make5414 him my firstborn,1060 higher5945 than the kings4428 of the earth.776

27 我必立之爲冢子、高於天下列王兮、

28 My mercy2617 will I keep8104 for him forevermore,5769 and my covenant1285 shall stand fast539 with him.

28 永施仁慈、與彼立約兮、

29 His seed2233 also will I make7760 to endure forever,5703 and his throne3678 as the days3117 of heaven.8064

29 克昌厥後至於恒久、國祚永綏、與天同休兮、

30 If518 his children1121 forsake5800 my law,8451 and walk1980 not3808 in my judgments;4941

30 如其子孫、違我律例、不從法度、

31 If518 they break2490 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 not3808 my commandments;4687

31 棄我禮儀、不守誡命、

32 Then will I visit6485 their transgression6588 with the rod,7626 and their iniquity5771 with stripes.5061

32 則必責其罪、置其愆兮、

33 Nevertheless my lovingkindness2617 will I not3808 utterly take6331 from4480 5973 him, nor3808 suffer my faithfulness to fail.8266 530

33 然我不屯其膏、以踐前言兮、

34 My covenant1285 will I not3808 break,2490 nor3808 alter8138 the thing that is gone out4161 of my lips.8193

34 不棄我約、不易我言兮、

35 Once259 have I sworn7650 by my holiness6944 that I will not518 lie3576 unto David.1732

35 余也至聖、指己而誓、必不欺大闢兮、

36 His seed2233 shall endure1961 forever,5769 and his throne3678 as the sun8121 before5048 me.

36 必永存厥後、綿長厥祚、

37 It shall be established3559 forever5769 as the moon,3394 and as a faithful539 witness5707 in heaven.7834 Selah.5542

37 如日月之升恒、麗於穹蒼、永爲確證兮。

38 But thou859 hast cast off2186 and abhorred,3988 thou hast been wroth5674 with5973 thine anointed.4899

38 余竊自思、曰、昔爾沐以膏者、今厭棄之、加以震怒兮、

39 Thou hast made void5010 the covenant1285 of thy servant:5650 thou hast profaned2490 his crown5145 by casting it to the ground.776

39 昔與立約、而今廢之、所冠之冕、則污衊之兮、

40 Thou hast broken down6555 all3605 his hedges;1448 thou hast brought7760 his strongholds4013 to ruin.4288

40 撤其藩籬毀其衞所兮、

41 All3605 that pass by5674 the way1870 spoil8155 him: he is1961 a reproach2781 to his neighbors.7934

41 行旅攘奪之、鄰里凌辱之兮、

42 Thou hast set up7311 the right hand3225 of his adversaries;6862 thou hast made all3605 his enemies341 to rejoice.8055

42 仇敵振興、寇讎悅懌、爾使然兮、

43 Thou hast also637 turned7725 the edge6697 of his sword,2719 and hast not3808 made him to stand6965 in the battle.4421

43 爾僕持刃、其鋒頓挫、戰鬬不利兮、

44 Thou hast made his glory4480 2892 to cease,7673 and cast4048 his throne3678 down to the ground.776

44 尊榮則廢棄兮、國位則隕越兮、

45 The days3117 of his youth5934 hast thou shortened:7114 thou hast covered5844 5921 him with shame.955 Selah.5542

45 其年短折、其體玷辱、咸爾所使兮。

46 How long,5704 4100 LORD?3068 wilt thou hide thyself5641 forever?5331 shall thy wrath2534 burn1197 like3644 fire?784

46 耶和華兮、爾遐棄我、震怒奮烈、伊於何底兮、

47 Remember2142 how4100 short2465 my589 time is: wherefore5921 4100 hast thou made1254 all3605 men1121 120 in vain?7723

47 人壽幾何、請爾垂念、爾造世人同歸於盡、寧非徒勞兮、

48 What4310 man1397 is he that liveth,2421 and shall not3808 see7200 death?4194 shall he deliver4422 his soul5315 from the hand4480 3027 of the grave?7585 Selah.5542

48 人生斯世、詎能免於死亡、誰克救其生命、不至陰府兮。

49 Lord,136 where346 are thy former7223 lovingkindnesses,2617 which thou swarest7650 unto David1732 in thy truth?530

49 維主在昔、待大闢以恩、加以盟約、必踐前言、今安在兮、

50 Remember,2142 Lord,136 the reproach2781 of thy servants;5650 how I do bear5375 in my bosom2436 the reproach of all3605 the mighty7227 people;5971

50 維茲庶民、咸詬誶予、而玷我躬、主其憶念之兮、

51 Wherewith834 thine enemies341 have reproached,2778 O LORD;3068 wherewith834 they have reproached2778 the footsteps6119 of thine anointed.4899

51 耶和華兮、爾曾沐我以膏、敵人謗讟予、與謗讟爾無異兮、

52 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 forevermore.5769 Amen,543 and Amen.543

52 惟予頌美耶和華、永世靡曁、心所願兮、