
Psalm 128

1 A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Blessed835 is every one3605 that feareth3373 the LORD;3068 that walketh1980 in his ways.1870

2 For3588 thou shalt eat398 the labor3018 of thine hands:3709 happy835 shalt thou be, and it shall be well2896 with thee.

3 Thy wife802 shall be as a fruitful6509 vine1612 by the sides3411 of thine house:1004 thy children1121 like olive2132 plants8363 round about5439 thy table.7979

4 Behold,2009 that3588 thus3651 shall the man1397 be blessed1288 that feareth3373 the LORD.3068

5 The LORD3068 shall bless1288 thee out of Zion:4480 6726 and thou shalt see7200 the good2898 of Jerusalem3389 all3605 the days3117 of thy life.2416

6 Yea, thou shalt see7200 thy children's1121 children,1121 and peace7965 upon5921 Israel.3478



1 寅畏耶和華、遵從其道者、必蒙綏祉兮、

2 勤勞而得食、獲福而亨通兮、

3 妻處閨房、如葡萄之結果、子繞几席、如橄欖之滿園兮。

4 敬畏耶和華之人、必得福祉、亦若是兮、

5 耶和華居彼郇山、錫爾純嘏、降福於耶路撒冷、俾爾畢生目覩兮、

6 俾爾若子若孫、流傳不絕、願以色列族、綏祉孔多兮。


Psalm 128



1 A Song7892 of degrees.4609 Blessed835 is every one3605 that feareth3373 the LORD;3068 that walketh1980 in his ways.1870

1 寅畏耶和華、遵從其道者、必蒙綏祉兮、

2 For3588 thou shalt eat398 the labor3018 of thine hands:3709 happy835 shalt thou be, and it shall be well2896 with thee.

2 勤勞而得食、獲福而亨通兮、

3 Thy wife802 shall be as a fruitful6509 vine1612 by the sides3411 of thine house:1004 thy children1121 like olive2132 plants8363 round about5439 thy table.7979

3 妻處閨房、如葡萄之結果、子繞几席、如橄欖之滿園兮。

4 Behold,2009 that3588 thus3651 shall the man1397 be blessed1288 that feareth3373 the LORD.3068

4 敬畏耶和華之人、必得福祉、亦若是兮、

5 The LORD3068 shall bless1288 thee out of Zion:4480 6726 and thou shalt see7200 the good2898 of Jerusalem3389 all3605 the days3117 of thy life.2416

5 耶和華居彼郇山、錫爾純嘏、降福於耶路撒冷、俾爾畢生目覩兮、

6 Yea, thou shalt see7200 thy children's1121 children,1121 and peace7965 upon5921 Israel.3478

6 俾爾若子若孫、流傳不絕、願以色列族、綏祉孔多兮。