
Chapter 23

1 Woe1945 be unto the pastors7462 that destroy6 and scatter6327 853 the sheep6629 of my pasture!4830 saith5002 the LORD.3068

2 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 against5921 the pastors7462 that feed7462 853 my people;5971 Ye859 have scattered6327 853 my flock,6629 and driven them away,5080 and have not3808 visited6485 them: behold,2009 I will visit6485 upon5921 you853 the evil7455 of your doings,4611 saith5002 the LORD.3068

3 And I589 will gather6908 853 the remnant7611 of my flock6629 out of all4480 3605 countries776 whither834 8033 I have driven5080 them, and will bring them again7725 853 to5921 their folds;5116 and they shall be fruitful6509 and increase.7235

4 And I will set up6965 shepherds7462 over5921 them which shall feed7462 them: and they shall fear3372 no3808 more,5750 nor3808 be dismayed,2865 neither3808 shall they be lacking,6485 saith5002 the LORD.3068

5 Behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that I will raise6965 unto David1732 a righteous6662 Branch,6780 and a King4428 shall reign4427 and prosper,7919 and shall execute6213 judgment4941 and justice6666 in the earth.776

6 In his days3117 Judah3063 shall be saved,3467 and Israel3478 shall dwell7931 safely:983 and this2088 is his name8034 whereby834 he shall be called,7121 THE LORD3068 OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.6664

7 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that they shall no3808 more5750 say,559 The LORD3068 liveth,2416 which834 brought up5927 853 the children1121 of Israel3478 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt;4714

8 But,3588 518 The LORD3068 liveth,2416 which834 brought up5927 and which834 led935 853 the seed2233 of the house1004 of Israel3478 out of the north6828 country,4480 776 and from all4480 3605 countries776 whither834 8033 I had driven5080 them; and they shall dwell3427 in5921 their own land.127

9 Mine heart3820 within7130 me is broken7665 because of the prophets;5030 all3605 my bones6106 shake;7363 I am1961 like a drunken7910 man,376 and like a man1397 whom wine3196 hath overcome,5674 because4480 6440 of the LORD,3068 and because4480 6440 of the words1697 of his holiness.6944

10 For3588 the land776 is full4390 of adulterers;5003 for3588 because4480 6440 of swearing423 the land776 mourneth;56 the pleasant places4999 of the wilderness4057 are dried up,3001 and their course4794 is1961 evil,7451 and their force1369 is not3808 right.3651

11 For3588 both1571 prophet5030 and1571 priest3548 are profane;2610 yea,1571 in my house1004 have I found4672 their wickedness,7451 saith5002 the LORD.3068

12 Wherefore3651 their way1870 shall be1961 unto them as slippery2519 ways in the darkness:653 they shall be driven on,1760 and fall5307 therein: for3588 I will bring935 evil7451 upon5921 them, even the year8141 of their visitation,6486 saith5002 the LORD.3068

13 And I have seen7200 folly8604 in the prophets5030 of Samaria;8111 they prophesied5012 in Baal,1168 and caused853 my people5971 853 Israel3478 to err.8582

14 I have seen7200 also in the prophets5030 of Jerusalem3389 a horrible thing:8186 they commit adultery,5003 and walk1980 in lies:8267 they strengthen2388 also the hands3027 of evildoers,7489 that none1115 376 doth return7725 from his wickedness:4480 7451 they are1961 all3605 of them unto me as Sodom,5467 and the inhabitants3427 thereof as Gomorrah.6017

15 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 concerning5921 the prophets;5030 Behold,2009 I will feed398 them with wormwood,3939 and make them drink8248 the water4325 of gall:7219 for3588 from4480 854 the prophets5030 of Jerusalem3389 is profaneness2613 gone forth3318 into all3605 the land.776

16 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Hearken8085 not408 unto5921 the words1697 of the prophets5030 that prophesy5012 unto you: they make you vain:1891 853 they1992 speak1696 a vision2377 of their own heart,3820 and not3808 out of the mouth4480 6310 of the LORD.3068

17 They say still559 559 unto them that despise5006 me, The LORD3068 hath said,1696 Ye shall have1961 peace;7965 and they say559 unto every one3605 that walketh1980 after the imagination8307 of his own heart,3820 No3808 evil7451 shall come935 upon5921 you.

18 For3588 who4310 hath stood5975 in the counsel5475 of the LORD,3068 and hath perceived7200 and heard8085 853 his word?1697 who4310 hath marked7181 his word,1697 and heard8085 it?

19 Behold,2009 a whirlwind5591 of the LORD3068 is gone forth3318 in fury,2534 even a grievous2342 whirlwind:5591 it shall fall grievously2342 upon5921 the head7218 of the wicked.7563

20 The anger639 of the LORD3068 shall not3808 return,7725 until5704 he have executed,6213 and till5704 he have performed6965 the thoughts4209 of his heart:3820 in the latter319 days3117 ye shall consider995 it perfectly.998

21 I have not3808 sent7971 853 these prophets,5030 yet they1992 ran:7323 I have not3808 spoken1696 to413 them, yet they1992 prophesied.5012

22 But if518 they had stood5975 in my counsel,5475 and had caused853 my people5971 to hear8085 my words,1697 then they should have turned7725 them from their evil7451 way,4480 1870 and from the evil4480 7455 of their doings.4611

23 Am I589 a God430 at hand,4480 7138 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and not3808 a God430 afar off?4480 7350

24 Can518 any376 hide himself5641 in secret places4565 that I589 shall not3808 see7200 him? saith5002 the LORD.3068 Do not3808 I589 fill4390 853 heaven8064 and earth?776 saith5002 the LORD.3068

25 I have heard8085 853 what834 the prophets5030 said,559 that prophesy5012 lies8267 in my name,8034 saying,559 I have dreamed,2492 I have dreamed.2492

26 How long5704 4970 shall this be3426 in the heart3820 of the prophets5030 that prophesy5012 lies?8267 yea, they are prophets5030 of the deceit8649 of their own heart;3820

27 Which think2803 to cause853 my people5971 to forget7911 my name8034 by their dreams2472 which834 they tell5608 every man376 to his neighbor,7453 as834 their fathers1 have forgotten7911 853 my name8034 for Baal.1168

28 The prophet5030 that834 854 hath a dream,2472 let him tell5608 a dream;2472 and he that834 854 hath my word,1697 let him speak1696 my word1697 faithfully.571 What4100 is the chaff8401 to854 the wheat?1250 saith5002 the LORD.3068

29 Is not3808 my word1697 like3541 as a fire?784 saith5002 the LORD;3068 and like a hammer6360 that breaketh6327 the rock5553 in pieces?

30 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 I am against5921 the prophets,5030 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that steal1589 my words1697 every one376 from4480 854 his neighbor.7453

31 Behold,2009 I am against5921 the prophets,5030 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that use3947 their tongues,3956 and say,5001 He saith.5002

32 Behold,2009 I am against5921 them that prophesy5012 false8267 dreams,2472 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and do tell5608 them, and cause853 my people5971 to err8582 by their lies,8267 and by their lightness;6350 yet I595 sent7971 them not,3808 nor3808 commanded6680 them: therefore they shall not3808 profit this people at all,3276 3276 5971 2088 saith5002 the LORD.3068

33 And when3588 this2088 people,5971 or176 the prophet,5030 or176 a priest,3548 shall ask7592 thee, saying,559 What4100 is the burden4853 of the LORD?3068 thou shalt then say559 unto413 them,853 What4100 burden?4853 I will even forsake5203 you, saith5002 the LORD.3068

34 And as for the prophet,5030 and the priest,3548 and the people,5971 that834 shall say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD,3068 I will even punish6485 5921 that1931 man376 and his house.1004

35 Thus3541 shall ye say559 every one376 to5921 his neighbor,7453 and every one376 to413 his brother,251 What4100 hath the LORD3068 answered?6030 and, What4100 hath the LORD3068 spoken?1696

36 And the burden4853 of the LORD3068 shall ye mention2142 no3808 more:5750 for3588 every man's376 word1697 shall be1961 his burden;4853 for ye have perverted2015 853 the words1697 of the living2416 God,430 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 our God.430

37 Thus3541 shalt thou say559 to413 the prophet,5030 What4100 hath the LORD3068 answered6030 thee? and, What4100 hath the LORD3068 spoken?1696

38 But since518 ye say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068 therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Because3282 ye say559 853 this2088 word,1697 The burden4853 of the LORD,3068 and I have sent7971 unto413 you, saying,559 Ye shall not3808 say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068

39 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 I, even I, will utterly forget5382 5382 you, and I will forsake5203 you, and the city5892 that834 I gave5414 you and your fathers,1 and cast you out of4480 5921 my presence: 6440

40 And I will bring5414 an everlasting5769 reproach2781 upon5921 you, and a perpetual5769 shame,3640 which834 shall not3808 be forgotten.7911



1 耶和華曰、民牧害我羣羊、驅之離散、禍必不遠。

2 以色列族之上帝耶和華告牧民者曰、爾曹驅逐我羊、不加眷顧、我必視爾所爲、而降譴責。

3 我所遺之羊、散於列國、我必使之復集、返於故土、使彼蕃息。

4 耶和華曰、必立牧者、以豢養之、則無驚惶、無缺乏。

5 耶和華曰、時日將至、必使仁義者興、長若枝柯、繼大闢爲王、秉公行義、亨通於天下、

6 斯時猶大家獲救、以色列族安居、王之名曰、耶和華大施仁義、以拯我躬。

7 耶和華曰、其期將屆、人發誓之時、不言耶和華救以色列族出於埃及、

8 乃言耶和華救以色列族出於北方、昔則逐於列邦、今則反之故土。〇

9 耶利米以衆先知行惡、中心憂傷、筋骸震動、又得耶和華聖言傳示、有若醉人、迷眩於酒。

10 四境之內、靡不行淫、厥口詛咒、其國有愁慘之象、斯人也、作不善、行非義、郊原牧塲、盡成槁壤。

11 耶和華曰、先知祭司、所行誕妄、在我殿宇、惡蹟已彰、

12 故其途幽暗、滑而難行、我驅逐之、使顛蹶趾、屆期降災。

13 撒馬利亞之先知、託巴力之名、振振有詞、欲使我民以色列族舛錯、維我洞見其愚。

14 耶路撒冷之先知、更堪痛疾、行淫詭譎、俾作惡者流、厥志孔強、不悛厥行、予鑒察之、視若所多馬蛾摩拉之人無異。

15 萬有之主耶和華曰、耶路撒冷先知、導民行惡、殆遍斯土、我使之茹茶飲酖、

16 萬有之主耶和華曰、惟彼先知、擅自而言、不傳我命、彼乃欺爾、爾勿聽從。

17 有人藐視予、彼託我命、言必獲平康、有人縱私欲、彼言必不遇害。

18 其中何人與我神契、諦聽我言、

19 惟我震怒、使風驟起、飄搖震撼、罰彼惡徒、

20 我志未成、則怒不息、時至自知、

21 惟彼先知、我未遣之而自趨、我未命之而自言。

22 如彼與我神相契合、則必播傳我命、使民改其惡行、革其邪心。

23 耶和華又曰、我爲上帝、無間遐邇。

24 人能退藏於密、使我不見乎、我豈不能充乎天地哉。

25 惟彼先知、佯託我名、自言得夢者再、我聞其語。

26 彼偽先知、從心所欲、普傳誕妄、伊於胡底。

27 彼也互述所夢、使民忘予、若厥祖忘我、崇奉巴力、

28 耶和華又曰、如先知有夢、則直曰出之夢、如我有命、則直曰我之命、維糠與麥、何能比儗。

29 如我出命、必若火炎炎、若鎚摧石。

30 耶和華又曰、凡先知竊我言者、我必攻之。

31 又曰、凡先知自述其言、偽託我名者、我必罰之。

32 又曰、凡先知未奉我命、託言有夢、傳之於人、以厥妄誕、使民舛謬、有損於衆者、我必降罰。

33 耶和華曰、如斯民、或先知、或祭司詰爾曰、耶和華有何默示、可譬重任、爾必曰、尚有何詞、比諸重任。惟耶和華棄爾如遺。

34 凡先知祭司庶民、以耶和華默示爲重任、而譏之者、我必降災於其家。

35 爾當問於兄弟鄰里、耶和華有何言答我。

36 爾勿以萬有之主、永生上帝耶和華之言、戲稱重任、若是則爾所言、亦爲重任。

37 爾問先知、當問耶和華、有何默示、誠以告我。

38 我旣命爾、不可以耶和華默示爲重任、如爾以此稱之、

39 則我必遐棄爾、與我所錫爾祖及爾之邑、不復眷顧。

40 使爾含羞抱愧、永世不息、


Chapter 23



1 Woe1945 be unto the pastors7462 that destroy6 and scatter6327 853 the sheep6629 of my pasture!4830 saith5002 the LORD.3068

1 耶和華曰、民牧害我羣羊、驅之離散、禍必不遠。

2 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel3478 against5921 the pastors7462 that feed7462 853 my people;5971 Ye859 have scattered6327 853 my flock,6629 and driven them away,5080 and have not3808 visited6485 them: behold,2009 I will visit6485 upon5921 you853 the evil7455 of your doings,4611 saith5002 the LORD.3068

2 以色列族之上帝耶和華告牧民者曰、爾曹驅逐我羊、不加眷顧、我必視爾所爲、而降譴責。

3 And I589 will gather6908 853 the remnant7611 of my flock6629 out of all4480 3605 countries776 whither834 8033 I have driven5080 them, and will bring them again7725 853 to5921 their folds;5116 and they shall be fruitful6509 and increase.7235

3 我所遺之羊、散於列國、我必使之復集、返於故土、使彼蕃息。

4 And I will set up6965 shepherds7462 over5921 them which shall feed7462 them: and they shall fear3372 no3808 more,5750 nor3808 be dismayed,2865 neither3808 shall they be lacking,6485 saith5002 the LORD.3068

4 耶和華曰、必立牧者、以豢養之、則無驚惶、無缺乏。

5 Behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that I will raise6965 unto David1732 a righteous6662 Branch,6780 and a King4428 shall reign4427 and prosper,7919 and shall execute6213 judgment4941 and justice6666 in the earth.776

5 耶和華曰、時日將至、必使仁義者興、長若枝柯、繼大闢爲王、秉公行義、亨通於天下、

6 In his days3117 Judah3063 shall be saved,3467 and Israel3478 shall dwell7931 safely:983 and this2088 is his name8034 whereby834 he shall be called,7121 THE LORD3068 OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.6664

6 斯時猶大家獲救、以色列族安居、王之名曰、耶和華大施仁義、以拯我躬。

7 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that they shall no3808 more5750 say,559 The LORD3068 liveth,2416 which834 brought up5927 853 the children1121 of Israel3478 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt;4714

7 耶和華曰、其期將屆、人發誓之時、不言耶和華救以色列族出於埃及、

8 But,3588 518 The LORD3068 liveth,2416 which834 brought up5927 and which834 led935 853 the seed2233 of the house1004 of Israel3478 out of the north6828 country,4480 776 and from all4480 3605 countries776 whither834 8033 I had driven5080 them; and they shall dwell3427 in5921 their own land.127

8 乃言耶和華救以色列族出於北方、昔則逐於列邦、今則反之故土。〇

9 Mine heart3820 within7130 me is broken7665 because of the prophets;5030 all3605 my bones6106 shake;7363 I am1961 like a drunken7910 man,376 and like a man1397 whom wine3196 hath overcome,5674 because4480 6440 of the LORD,3068 and because4480 6440 of the words1697 of his holiness.6944

9 耶利米以衆先知行惡、中心憂傷、筋骸震動、又得耶和華聖言傳示、有若醉人、迷眩於酒。

10 For3588 the land776 is full4390 of adulterers;5003 for3588 because4480 6440 of swearing423 the land776 mourneth;56 the pleasant places4999 of the wilderness4057 are dried up,3001 and their course4794 is1961 evil,7451 and their force1369 is not3808 right.3651

10 四境之內、靡不行淫、厥口詛咒、其國有愁慘之象、斯人也、作不善、行非義、郊原牧塲、盡成槁壤。

11 For3588 both1571 prophet5030 and1571 priest3548 are profane;2610 yea,1571 in my house1004 have I found4672 their wickedness,7451 saith5002 the LORD.3068

11 耶和華曰、先知祭司、所行誕妄、在我殿宇、惡蹟已彰、

12 Wherefore3651 their way1870 shall be1961 unto them as slippery2519 ways in the darkness:653 they shall be driven on,1760 and fall5307 therein: for3588 I will bring935 evil7451 upon5921 them, even the year8141 of their visitation,6486 saith5002 the LORD.3068

12 故其途幽暗、滑而難行、我驅逐之、使顛蹶趾、屆期降災。

13 And I have seen7200 folly8604 in the prophets5030 of Samaria;8111 they prophesied5012 in Baal,1168 and caused853 my people5971 853 Israel3478 to err.8582

13 撒馬利亞之先知、託巴力之名、振振有詞、欲使我民以色列族舛錯、維我洞見其愚。

14 I have seen7200 also in the prophets5030 of Jerusalem3389 a horrible thing:8186 they commit adultery,5003 and walk1980 in lies:8267 they strengthen2388 also the hands3027 of evildoers,7489 that none1115 376 doth return7725 from his wickedness:4480 7451 they are1961 all3605 of them unto me as Sodom,5467 and the inhabitants3427 thereof as Gomorrah.6017

14 耶路撒冷之先知、更堪痛疾、行淫詭譎、俾作惡者流、厥志孔強、不悛厥行、予鑒察之、視若所多馬蛾摩拉之人無異。

15 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts6635 concerning5921 the prophets;5030 Behold,2009 I will feed398 them with wormwood,3939 and make them drink8248 the water4325 of gall:7219 for3588 from4480 854 the prophets5030 of Jerusalem3389 is profaneness2613 gone forth3318 into all3605 the land.776

15 萬有之主耶和華曰、耶路撒冷先知、導民行惡、殆遍斯土、我使之茹茶飲酖、

16 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 Hearken8085 not408 unto5921 the words1697 of the prophets5030 that prophesy5012 unto you: they make you vain:1891 853 they1992 speak1696 a vision2377 of their own heart,3820 and not3808 out of the mouth4480 6310 of the LORD.3068

16 萬有之主耶和華曰、惟彼先知、擅自而言、不傳我命、彼乃欺爾、爾勿聽從。

17 They say still559 559 unto them that despise5006 me, The LORD3068 hath said,1696 Ye shall have1961 peace;7965 and they say559 unto every one3605 that walketh1980 after the imagination8307 of his own heart,3820 No3808 evil7451 shall come935 upon5921 you.

17 有人藐視予、彼託我命、言必獲平康、有人縱私欲、彼言必不遇害。

18 For3588 who4310 hath stood5975 in the counsel5475 of the LORD,3068 and hath perceived7200 and heard8085 853 his word?1697 who4310 hath marked7181 his word,1697 and heard8085 it?

18 其中何人與我神契、諦聽我言、

19 Behold,2009 a whirlwind5591 of the LORD3068 is gone forth3318 in fury,2534 even a grievous2342 whirlwind:5591 it shall fall grievously2342 upon5921 the head7218 of the wicked.7563

19 惟我震怒、使風驟起、飄搖震撼、罰彼惡徒、

20 The anger639 of the LORD3068 shall not3808 return,7725 until5704 he have executed,6213 and till5704 he have performed6965 the thoughts4209 of his heart:3820 in the latter319 days3117 ye shall consider995 it perfectly.998

20 我志未成、則怒不息、時至自知、

21 I have not3808 sent7971 853 these prophets,5030 yet they1992 ran:7323 I have not3808 spoken1696 to413 them, yet they1992 prophesied.5012

21 惟彼先知、我未遣之而自趨、我未命之而自言。

22 But if518 they had stood5975 in my counsel,5475 and had caused853 my people5971 to hear8085 my words,1697 then they should have turned7725 them from their evil7451 way,4480 1870 and from the evil4480 7455 of their doings.4611

22 如彼與我神相契合、則必播傳我命、使民改其惡行、革其邪心。

23 Am I589 a God430 at hand,4480 7138 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and not3808 a God430 afar off?4480 7350

23 耶和華又曰、我爲上帝、無間遐邇。

24 Can518 any376 hide himself5641 in secret places4565 that I589 shall not3808 see7200 him? saith5002 the LORD.3068 Do not3808 I589 fill4390 853 heaven8064 and earth?776 saith5002 the LORD.3068

24 人能退藏於密、使我不見乎、我豈不能充乎天地哉。

25 I have heard8085 853 what834 the prophets5030 said,559 that prophesy5012 lies8267 in my name,8034 saying,559 I have dreamed,2492 I have dreamed.2492

25 惟彼先知、佯託我名、自言得夢者再、我聞其語。

26 How long5704 4970 shall this be3426 in the heart3820 of the prophets5030 that prophesy5012 lies?8267 yea, they are prophets5030 of the deceit8649 of their own heart;3820

26 彼偽先知、從心所欲、普傳誕妄、伊於胡底。

27 Which think2803 to cause853 my people5971 to forget7911 my name8034 by their dreams2472 which834 they tell5608 every man376 to his neighbor,7453 as834 their fathers1 have forgotten7911 853 my name8034 for Baal.1168

27 彼也互述所夢、使民忘予、若厥祖忘我、崇奉巴力、

28 The prophet5030 that834 854 hath a dream,2472 let him tell5608 a dream;2472 and he that834 854 hath my word,1697 let him speak1696 my word1697 faithfully.571 What4100 is the chaff8401 to854 the wheat?1250 saith5002 the LORD.3068

28 耶和華又曰、如先知有夢、則直曰出之夢、如我有命、則直曰我之命、維糠與麥、何能比儗。

29 Is not3808 my word1697 like3541 as a fire?784 saith5002 the LORD;3068 and like a hammer6360 that breaketh6327 the rock5553 in pieces?

29 如我出命、必若火炎炎、若鎚摧石。

30 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 I am against5921 the prophets,5030 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that steal1589 my words1697 every one376 from4480 854 his neighbor.7453

30 耶和華又曰、凡先知竊我言者、我必攻之。

31 Behold,2009 I am against5921 the prophets,5030 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that use3947 their tongues,3956 and say,5001 He saith.5002

31 又曰、凡先知自述其言、偽託我名者、我必罰之。

32 Behold,2009 I am against5921 them that prophesy5012 false8267 dreams,2472 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and do tell5608 them, and cause853 my people5971 to err8582 by their lies,8267 and by their lightness;6350 yet I595 sent7971 them not,3808 nor3808 commanded6680 them: therefore they shall not3808 profit this people at all,3276 3276 5971 2088 saith5002 the LORD.3068

32 又曰、凡先知未奉我命、託言有夢、傳之於人、以厥妄誕、使民舛謬、有損於衆者、我必降罰。

33 And when3588 this2088 people,5971 or176 the prophet,5030 or176 a priest,3548 shall ask7592 thee, saying,559 What4100 is the burden4853 of the LORD?3068 thou shalt then say559 unto413 them,853 What4100 burden?4853 I will even forsake5203 you, saith5002 the LORD.3068

33 耶和華曰、如斯民、或先知、或祭司詰爾曰、耶和華有何默示、可譬重任、爾必曰、尚有何詞、比諸重任。惟耶和華棄爾如遺。

34 And as for the prophet,5030 and the priest,3548 and the people,5971 that834 shall say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD,3068 I will even punish6485 5921 that1931 man376 and his house.1004

34 凡先知祭司庶民、以耶和華默示爲重任、而譏之者、我必降災於其家。

35 Thus3541 shall ye say559 every one376 to5921 his neighbor,7453 and every one376 to413 his brother,251 What4100 hath the LORD3068 answered?6030 and, What4100 hath the LORD3068 spoken?1696

35 爾當問於兄弟鄰里、耶和華有何言答我。

36 And the burden4853 of the LORD3068 shall ye mention2142 no3808 more:5750 for3588 every man's376 word1697 shall be1961 his burden;4853 for ye have perverted2015 853 the words1697 of the living2416 God,430 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 our God.430

36 爾勿以萬有之主、永生上帝耶和華之言、戲稱重任、若是則爾所言、亦爲重任。

37 Thus3541 shalt thou say559 to413 the prophet,5030 What4100 hath the LORD3068 answered6030 thee? and, What4100 hath the LORD3068 spoken?1696

37 爾問先知、當問耶和華、有何默示、誠以告我。

38 But since518 ye say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068 therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Because3282 ye say559 853 this2088 word,1697 The burden4853 of the LORD,3068 and I have sent7971 unto413 you, saying,559 Ye shall not3808 say,559 The burden4853 of the LORD;3068

38 我旣命爾、不可以耶和華默示爲重任、如爾以此稱之、

39 Therefore,3651 behold,2009 I, even I, will utterly forget5382 5382 you, and I will forsake5203 you, and the city5892 that834 I gave5414 you and your fathers,1 and cast you out of4480 5921 my presence: 6440

39 則我必遐棄爾、與我所錫爾祖及爾之邑、不復眷顧。

40 And I will bring5414 an everlasting5769 reproach2781 upon5921 you, and a perpetual5769 shame,3640 which834 shall not3808 be forgotten.7911

40 使爾含羞抱愧、永世不息、