

1 瑪拿西登基的時候年十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王五十五年。

2 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法耶和華在以色列人面前趕出的異教之民[heathen]那可憎的事。

3 因他[For he]重新建築他父希西家所拆毀的眾高邱[high places],又為眾巴力[Baalim]築壇,作樹叢[groves],且敬拜事奉一切天象[all the host of heaven]

4 他又[Also he]在耶和華的殿宇中築壇─耶和華曾指著這殿說:「我的名必永遠在耶路撒冷。」

5 他在耶和華殿的兩院中為一切天象[all the host of heaven]築壇。

6 並在欣嫩子谷使他的兒女經火,又觀兆,用法術,行邪術,立靈使[familiar spirit]和行巫術的,多行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,惹動他的怒氣,

7 又在神殿內立一個[a]雕刻的[image]。神曾對大衛和他兒子所羅門說:「我在以色列各支派中所選擇的耶路撒冷和這殿,必立我的名直到永遠。

8 我也不再使以色列挪移離開我所賜給他們列祖之地[Neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from out of the land which I have appointed for your fathers]好叫他們謹守遵行我藉摩西所吩咐他們的一切法度、律例、典章[so that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them, according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses]。」

9 瑪拿西引誘猶大和耶路撒冷的居民,以致他們行惡比耶和華在以色列人面前所滅的異教之民[heathen]更甚。

10 耶和華警戒瑪拿西和他的百姓,他們卻是不聽。

11 所以耶和華使亞述王的將帥來攻擊他們,在荊棘中[among the thorns][took]住瑪拿西,用銅鏈鎖住他,帶到巴比倫去。

12 他在急難的時候,就懇求耶和華─他的神,且在他列祖的神面前極其謙卑自己[humbled himself]

13 他祈禱耶和華,耶和華就允准他的祈求,垂聽他的禱告,使他歸回耶路撒冷,仍坐國位。瑪拿西這才知道唯獨耶和華是神。

14 此後,瑪拿西在大衛城外,從谷內基訓西邊直到魚門入口[entering in],建築城牆,環繞俄斐勒,這牆築得甚高;又在猶大各堅固城內設立打仗[of war]的軍長;

15 並除掉外邦人的神像與耶和華殿中的偶像,又將他在耶和華殿的山上和耶路撒冷所築的各壇都拆毀拋在城外;

16 重修耶和華的祭壇,在壇上獻平安祭、感謝祭,吩咐猶大[Judah]事奉耶和華─以色列的神。

17 百姓卻仍在眾高邱[high places]獻祭,只獻給耶和華─他們的神。

18 瑪拿西其餘的事和禱告他神的話,並先見奉耶和華─以色列神的名警戒他的言語,都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

19 他的禱告,與神怎樣應允他,他未謙卑[humbled]以前的罪愆過犯,並在何處建築眾高邱[high places],設立樹叢[groves]和雕刻的[images];都[behold]寫在先見[seers]的書上。

20 瑪拿西與他列祖同睡,葬在自己的宮院裏。他兒子亞們接續他作王。

21 亞們登基的時候年二十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王二年。

22 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法他父瑪拿西所行的,祭祀事奉他父瑪拿西所雕刻的一切[all][images]

23 不在耶和華面前自己謙卑[humbled not himself],像他父瑪拿西謙卑[humbled]一樣[as];這亞們所犯的罪反倒[but]越犯越大。

24 他的臣僕背叛,在宮裏殺了他。

25 但國民殺了那些背叛亞們王的人,立他兒子約西亞接續他作王。

2 Chronicles

Chapter 33

1 Manasseh4519 was twelve8147 6240 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 fifty2572 and five2568 years8141 in Jerusalem: 3389

2 But did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 like unto the abominations8441 of the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had cast out3423 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

3 For he built1129 again7725 853 the high places1116 which834 Hezekiah3169 his father1 had broken down,5422 and he reared up6965 altars4196 for Baalim,1168 and made6213 groves,842 and worshiped7812 all3605 the host6635 of heaven,8064 and served5647 them.

4 Also he built1129 altars4196 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 whereof834 the LORD3068 had said,559 In Jerusalem3389 shall my name8034 be1961 forever.5769

5 And he built1129 altars4196 for all3605 the host6635 of heaven8064 in the two8147 courts2691 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

6 And he1931 caused853 his children1121 to pass5674 through the fire784 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom:2011 also he observed times,6049 and used enchantments,5172 and used witchcraft,3784 and dealt with6213 a familiar spirit,178 and with wizards:3049 he wrought6213 much7235 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 to provoke him to anger.3707

7 And he set7760 853 a carved image,6459 the idol5566 which834 he had made,6213 in the house1004 of God,430 of which834 God430 had said559 to413 David1732 and to413 Solomon8010 his son,1121 In this2088 house,1004 and in Jerusalem,3389 which834 I have chosen977 before all4480 3605 the tribes7626 of Israel,3478 will I put7760 853 my name8034 forever: 5865

8 Neither3808 will I any more3254 remove5493 853 the foot7272 of Israel3478 from out of4480 5921 the land127 which834 I have appointed5975 for your fathers;1 so that7535 518 they will take heed8104 to do6213 853 all3605 that834 I have commanded6680 them, according to the whole3605 law8451 and the statutes2706 and the ordinances4941 by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

9 So Manasseh4519 made853 Judah3063 and the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem3389 to err,8582 and to do6213 worse7451 than4480 the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had destroyed8045 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

10 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to413 Manasseh,4519 and to413 his people:5971 but they would not3808 hearken.7181

11 Wherefore the LORD3068 brought935 upon5921 853 them the captains8269 of the host of6635 the king4428 of Assyria,804 which834 took3920 853 Manasseh4519 among the thorns,2336 and bound631 him with fetters,5178 and carried1980 him to Babylon.894

12 And when he was in affliction,6887 he besought2470 853 the LORD6440 3068 his God,430 and humbled himself3665 greatly3966 before4480 6440 the God430 of his fathers,1

13 And prayed6419 unto413 him: and he was entreated6279 of him, and heard8085 his supplication,8467 and brought him again7725 to Jerusalem3389 into his kingdom.4438 Then Manasseh4519 knew3045 that3588 the LORD3068 he1931 was God.430

14 Now after310 this3651 he built1129 a wall2346 without2435 the city5892 of David,1732 on the west side4628 of Gihon,1521 in the valley,5158 even to the entering in935 at the fish1709 gate8179 and compassed about5437 Ophel,6077 and raised it up a very great height,1361 3966 and put7760 captains8269 of war2428 in all3605 the fenced1219 cities5892 of Judah.3063

15 And he took away5493 853 the strange5236 gods,430 and the idol5566 out of the house4480 1004 of the LORD,3068 and all3605 the altars4196 that834 he had built1129 in the mount2022 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and in Jerusalem,3389 and cast7993 them out of2351 the city.5892

16 And he repaired1129 853 the altar4196 of the LORD,3068 and sacrificed2076 thereon5921 peace8002 offerings2077 and thank offerings,8426 and commanded559 Judah3063 to serve5647 853 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

17 Nevertheless61 the people5971 did sacrifice2076 still5750 in the high places,1116 yet unto the LORD3068 their God430 only.7535

18 Now the rest3499 of the acts of1697 Manasseh,4519 and his prayer8605 unto413 his God,430 and the words1697 of the seers2374 that spoke1696 to413 him in the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 behold,2009 they are written in5921 the book1697 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

19 His prayer8605 also, and how God was entreated6279 of him, and all3605 his sin,2403 and his trespass,4604 and the places4725 wherein834 he built1129 high places,1116 and set up5975 groves842 and graven images,6456 before6440 he was humbled:3665 behold,2009 they are written3789 among5921 the sayings1697 of the seers.2335

20 So Manasseh4519 slept7901 with5973 his fathers,1 and they buried6912 him in his own house:1004 and Amon526 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

21 Amon526 was two8147 and twenty6242 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and reigned4427 two8147 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389

22 But he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 as834 did6213 Manasseh4519 his father:1 for Amon526 sacrificed2076 unto all3605 the carved images6456 which834 Manasseh4519 his father1 had made,6213 and served5647 them;

23 And humbled not himself3808 3665 before4480 6440 the LORD,3068 as Manasseh4519 his father1 had humbled himself;3665 but3588 Amon526 trespassed819 more and more.7235

24 And his servants5650 conspired7194 against5921 him, and slew4191 him in his own house.1004

25 But the people5971 of the land776 slew5221 853 all3605 them that had conspired7194 against5921 king4428 Amon;526 and the people5971 of the land776 made Josiah his son king4427 853 2977 1121 in his stead.8478



2 Chronicles

Chapter 33

1 瑪拿西登基的時候年十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王五十五年。

1 Manasseh4519 was twelve8147 6240 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 fifty2572 and five2568 years8141 in Jerusalem: 3389

2 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法耶和華在以色列人面前趕出的異教之民[heathen]那可憎的事。

2 But did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 like unto the abominations8441 of the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had cast out3423 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

3 因他[For he]重新建築他父希西家所拆毀的眾高邱[high places],又為眾巴力[Baalim]築壇,作樹叢[groves],且敬拜事奉一切天象[all the host of heaven]

3 For he built1129 again7725 853 the high places1116 which834 Hezekiah3169 his father1 had broken down,5422 and he reared up6965 altars4196 for Baalim,1168 and made6213 groves,842 and worshiped7812 all3605 the host6635 of heaven,8064 and served5647 them.

4 他又[Also he]在耶和華的殿宇中築壇─耶和華曾指著這殿說:「我的名必永遠在耶路撒冷。」

4 Also he built1129 altars4196 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 whereof834 the LORD3068 had said,559 In Jerusalem3389 shall my name8034 be1961 forever.5769

5 他在耶和華殿的兩院中為一切天象[all the host of heaven]築壇。

5 And he built1129 altars4196 for all3605 the host6635 of heaven8064 in the two8147 courts2691 of the house1004 of the LORD.3068

6 並在欣嫩子谷使他的兒女經火,又觀兆,用法術,行邪術,立靈使[familiar spirit]和行巫術的,多行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,惹動他的怒氣,

6 And he1931 caused853 his children1121 to pass5674 through the fire784 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom:2011 also he observed times,6049 and used enchantments,5172 and used witchcraft,3784 and dealt with6213 a familiar spirit,178 and with wizards:3049 he wrought6213 much7235 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 to provoke him to anger.3707

7 又在神殿內立一個[a]雕刻的[image]。神曾對大衛和他兒子所羅門說:「我在以色列各支派中所選擇的耶路撒冷和這殿,必立我的名直到永遠。

7 And he set7760 853 a carved image,6459 the idol5566 which834 he had made,6213 in the house1004 of God,430 of which834 God430 had said559 to413 David1732 and to413 Solomon8010 his son,1121 In this2088 house,1004 and in Jerusalem,3389 which834 I have chosen977 before all4480 3605 the tribes7626 of Israel,3478 will I put7760 853 my name8034 forever: 5865

8 我也不再使以色列挪移離開我所賜給他們列祖之地[Neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from out of the land which I have appointed for your fathers]好叫他們謹守遵行我藉摩西所吩咐他們的一切法度、律例、典章[so that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them, according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses]。」

8 Neither3808 will I any more3254 remove5493 853 the foot7272 of Israel3478 from out of4480 5921 the land127 which834 I have appointed5975 for your fathers;1 so that7535 518 they will take heed8104 to do6213 853 all3605 that834 I have commanded6680 them, according to the whole3605 law8451 and the statutes2706 and the ordinances4941 by the hand3027 of Moses.4872

9 瑪拿西引誘猶大和耶路撒冷的居民,以致他們行惡比耶和華在以色列人面前所滅的異教之民[heathen]更甚。

9 So Manasseh4519 made853 Judah3063 and the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem3389 to err,8582 and to do6213 worse7451 than4480 the heathen,1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had destroyed8045 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

10 耶和華警戒瑪拿西和他的百姓,他們卻是不聽。

10 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to413 Manasseh,4519 and to413 his people:5971 but they would not3808 hearken.7181

11 所以耶和華使亞述王的將帥來攻擊他們,在荊棘中[among the thorns][took]住瑪拿西,用銅鏈鎖住他,帶到巴比倫去。

11 Wherefore the LORD3068 brought935 upon5921 853 them the captains8269 of the host of6635 the king4428 of Assyria,804 which834 took3920 853 Manasseh4519 among the thorns,2336 and bound631 him with fetters,5178 and carried1980 him to Babylon.894

12 他在急難的時候,就懇求耶和華─他的神,且在他列祖的神面前極其謙卑自己[humbled himself]

12 And when he was in affliction,6887 he besought2470 853 the LORD6440 3068 his God,430 and humbled himself3665 greatly3966 before4480 6440 the God430 of his fathers,1

13 他祈禱耶和華,耶和華就允准他的祈求,垂聽他的禱告,使他歸回耶路撒冷,仍坐國位。瑪拿西這才知道唯獨耶和華是神。

13 And prayed6419 unto413 him: and he was entreated6279 of him, and heard8085 his supplication,8467 and brought him again7725 to Jerusalem3389 into his kingdom.4438 Then Manasseh4519 knew3045 that3588 the LORD3068 he1931 was God.430

14 此後,瑪拿西在大衛城外,從谷內基訓西邊直到魚門入口[entering in],建築城牆,環繞俄斐勒,這牆築得甚高;又在猶大各堅固城內設立打仗[of war]的軍長;

14 Now after310 this3651 he built1129 a wall2346 without2435 the city5892 of David,1732 on the west side4628 of Gihon,1521 in the valley,5158 even to the entering in935 at the fish1709 gate8179 and compassed about5437 Ophel,6077 and raised it up a very great height,1361 3966 and put7760 captains8269 of war2428 in all3605 the fenced1219 cities5892 of Judah.3063

15 並除掉外邦人的神像與耶和華殿中的偶像,又將他在耶和華殿的山上和耶路撒冷所築的各壇都拆毀拋在城外;

15 And he took away5493 853 the strange5236 gods,430 and the idol5566 out of the house4480 1004 of the LORD,3068 and all3605 the altars4196 that834 he had built1129 in the mount2022 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and in Jerusalem,3389 and cast7993 them out of2351 the city.5892

16 重修耶和華的祭壇,在壇上獻平安祭、感謝祭,吩咐猶大[Judah]事奉耶和華─以色列的神。

16 And he repaired1129 853 the altar4196 of the LORD,3068 and sacrificed2076 thereon5921 peace8002 offerings2077 and thank offerings,8426 and commanded559 Judah3063 to serve5647 853 the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

17 百姓卻仍在眾高邱[high places]獻祭,只獻給耶和華─他們的神。

17 Nevertheless61 the people5971 did sacrifice2076 still5750 in the high places,1116 yet unto the LORD3068 their God430 only.7535

18 瑪拿西其餘的事和禱告他神的話,並先見奉耶和華─以色列神的名警戒他的言語,都[behold]寫在以色列諸王記上。

18 Now the rest3499 of the acts of1697 Manasseh,4519 and his prayer8605 unto413 his God,430 and the words1697 of the seers2374 that spoke1696 to413 him in the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 behold,2009 they are written in5921 the book1697 of the kings4428 of Israel.3478

19 他的禱告,與神怎樣應允他,他未謙卑[humbled]以前的罪愆過犯,並在何處建築眾高邱[high places],設立樹叢[groves]和雕刻的[images];都[behold]寫在先見[seers]的書上。

19 His prayer8605 also, and how God was entreated6279 of him, and all3605 his sin,2403 and his trespass,4604 and the places4725 wherein834 he built1129 high places,1116 and set up5975 groves842 and graven images,6456 before6440 he was humbled:3665 behold,2009 they are written3789 among5921 the sayings1697 of the seers.2335

20 瑪拿西與他列祖同睡,葬在自己的宮院裏。他兒子亞們接續他作王。

20 So Manasseh4519 slept7901 with5973 his fathers,1 and they buried6912 him in his own house:1004 and Amon526 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

21 亞們登基的時候年二十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王二年。

21 Amon526 was two8147 and twenty6242 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and reigned4427 two8147 years8141 in Jerusalem.3389

22 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法他父瑪拿西所行的,祭祀事奉他父瑪拿西所雕刻的一切[all][images]

22 But he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 as834 did6213 Manasseh4519 his father:1 for Amon526 sacrificed2076 unto all3605 the carved images6456 which834 Manasseh4519 his father1 had made,6213 and served5647 them;

23 不在耶和華面前自己謙卑[humbled not himself],像他父瑪拿西謙卑[humbled]一樣[as];這亞們所犯的罪反倒[but]越犯越大。

23 And humbled not himself3808 3665 before4480 6440 the LORD,3068 as Manasseh4519 his father1 had humbled himself;3665 but3588 Amon526 trespassed819 more and more.7235

24 他的臣僕背叛,在宮裏殺了他。

24 And his servants5650 conspired7194 against5921 him, and slew4191 him in his own house.1004

25 但國民殺了那些背叛亞們王的人,立他兒子約西亞接續他作王。

25 But the people5971 of the land776 slew5221 853 all3605 them that had conspired7194 against5921 king4428 Amon;526 and the people5971 of the land776 made Josiah his son king4427 853 2977 1121 in his stead.8478