

1 興起,發光;因為你的光已經來到,耶和華的榮耀顯現[risen]照耀你。

2 看哪,黑暗[shall]遮蓋大地,幽暗[shall]遮蓋眾民[people];耶和華卻要起來[arise]照耀你,他的榮耀要在你身上得見[be seen upon thee]

3 外邦人[Gentiles]要來就你的光,君王要來就你顯現[rising]的光輝。

4 你舉目向四方觀看;眾人都聚集來到你這裏;你的眾子從遠方而來;你的眾女在你旁邊受奶[nursed at thy side]

5 那時,你看見就流歸[flow together],你心又驚慌[fear]又寬暢;因為海中[sea]豐盛的貨物必轉來歸你,成群的外邦人[forces of the Gentiles]也必來歸你。

6 成群的駱駝,並米甸和以法的獨峰駝必遮滿你;示巴的眾人都必來到。他們[they]要奉上黃金和香[and incense];又要傳揚[shew forth]耶和華的讚美。

7 基達的羊群都必聚集到你這裏,尼拜約的公綿羊[rams]要供你使用;牠們[they]在我壇上必蒙悅納,我[and]必榮耀我榮耀的殿。

8 這些[these]飛來如雲、又如鴿子向窗戶飛回的是誰呢?

9 海島[isles]必等候我,首先是他施的船隻,將你的眾子連他們的金銀從遠方一同帶來,都[unto]耶和華─你神的名,又[to]以色列的聖者,因為他已經榮耀了你。

10 外邦人的子孫[sons of]必建築你的城牆,他們的王必服事你;我曾在我怒中[in my wrath]擊打你,現今卻施恩憐恤你。

11 因此[Therefore],你的城門必時常開放;晝夜不關;使人把成群的外邦人[the forces of Gentiles]帶來歸你,好使他們的君王也被帶來[and that their kings may be brought]

12 哪一邦哪一國不事奉你,就必滅亡;那些國[those nations]必全然荒廢。

13 黎巴嫩的榮耀,就是松樹、杉樹、黃楊樹,都必一同歸你,為要修飾我聖所之地;我也要使我腳踏之處得榮耀。

14 素來苦待你的,他們[them]的子孫[also]必屈身來就你;藐視你的,都要在你腳下跪拜。他們要稱你為「耶和華的城」,為「以色列聖者的錫安」。

15 你雖然被撇棄被厭惡,甚至無人經過,我卻使你變為永遠的榮華,成為世世代代[many generations]的喜樂。

16 你也必吃外邦人[Gentiles]的奶,又吃君王的奶;你便知道我─耶和華是你的救主,是你的救贖主,雅各的大能者。

17 我要拿金子代替銅,拿銀子代替鐵,拿銅代替木頭,拿鐵代替石頭;並要以和平為你的官長,以公義為你的監督。

18 你地上不再聽見強暴的事,境內不再聽見荒廢[wasting]毀滅的事;你必稱你的牆為「拯救」,稱你的門為「讚美」。

19 日頭不再作你白晝的光;月亮也不再發光照耀你。耶和華卻要作你永遠的光,你神要為你的榮耀。

20 你的日頭不再下落;你的月亮也不退縮;因為耶和華必作你永遠的光。你悲哀的日子也完畢了。

21 你的居民[also]都成為義人;永遠得地為業,是我種的栽子,我手的工作,使我得榮耀。

22 至小的族要加增千倍,微弱的國必成為強盛;我─耶和華要按他的時候[his time]速成這事。


Chapter 60

1 Arise,6965 shine;215 for your light216 is come,935 and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 is risen2224 on you.

2 For, behold,2009 the darkness2822 shall cover3680 the earth,776 and gross6205 darkness6205 the people:3816 but the LORD3068 shall arise2224 on you, and his glory3519 shall be seen7200 on you.

3 And the Gentiles1471 shall come1980 to your light,216 and kings4428 to the brightness5051 of your rising.2225

4 Lift5375 up your eyes5869 round5439 about, and see:7200 all3605 they gather6908 themselves together, they come935 to you: your sons1121 shall come935 from far,7350 and your daughters1323 shall be nursed539 at5921 your side.6654

5 Then227 you shall see,3372 7200 and flow5102 together, and your heart3824 shall fear,6342 and be enlarged;7337 because3588 the abundance1995 of the sea3220 shall be converted2015 to you, the forces2428 of the Gentiles1471 shall come935 to you.

6 The multitude8229 of camels1581 shall cover3680 you, the dromedaries1070 of Midian4080 and Ephah;5891 all3605 they from Sheba7614 shall come:935 they shall bring5375 gold2091 and incense;3828 and they shall show1319 forth the praises8416 of the LORD.3068

7 All3605 the flocks6629 of Kedar6938 shall be gathered6908 together to you, the rams352 of Nebaioth5032 shall minister8334 to you: they shall come5927 up with acceptance7522 on5921 my altar,4196 and I will glorify6286 the house1004 of my glory.8597

8 Who4310 are these428 that fly5774 as a cloud,5645 and as the doves3123 to their windows?699

9 Surely3588 the isles339 shall wait6960 for me, and the ships591 of Tarshish8659 first,7223 to bring935 your sons1121 from far,7350 their silver3701 and their gold2091 with them, to the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God,430 and to the Holy6918 One of Israel,3478 because3588 he has glorified6286 you.

10 And the sons1121 of strangers5236 shall build1129 up your walls,2346 and their kings4428 shall minister8334 to you: for in my wrath7110 I smote5221 you, but in my favor7522 have I had mercy7355 on you.

11 Therefore your gates8179 shall be open6605 continually;8548 they shall not be shut5462 day3119 nor night;3915 that men may bring935 to you the forces2428 of the Gentiles,1471 and that their kings4428 may be brought.5090

12 For the nation1471 and kingdom4467 that will not serve5647 you shall perish;6 yes, those nations1471 shall be utterly wasted.2717

13 The glory3519 of Lebanon3844 shall come935 to you, the fir1265 tree, the pine8410 tree, and the box8391 together,3162 to beautify6286 the place4725 of my sanctuary;4720 and I will make7760 the place4725 of my feet7272 glorious.3513

14 The sons1121 also of them that afflicted6031 you shall come1980 bending7817 to you; and all3605 they that despised5006 you shall bow7812 themselves down7812 at5921 the soles3709 of your feet;7272 and they shall call7121 you; The city5892 of the LORD,3068 The Zion6726 of the Holy6918 One of Israel.3478

15 Whereas8478 you has been1961 forsaken5800 and hated,8130 so that no369 man went5674 through5674 you, I will make7760 you an eternal5769 excellency,1347 a joy4885 of many generations.1755

16 You shall also suck3243 the milk2461 of the Gentiles,1471 and shall suck3243 the breast7699 of kings:4428 and you shall know3045 that I the LORD3068 am your Savior3467 and your Redeemer,1350 the mighty46 One of Jacob.3290

17 For brass5178 I will bring935 gold,2091 and for iron1270 I will bring935 silver,3701 and for wood6086 brass,5178 and for stones68 iron:1270 I will also make7760 your officers6486 peace,7965 and your exactors5065 righteousness.6666

18 Violence2555 shall no3808 more5750 be heard8085 in your land,776 wasting7701 nor destruction7667 within your borders;1366 but you shall call7121 your walls2346 Salvation,3444 and your gates8179 Praise.8416

19 The sun8121 shall be no3808 more5750 your light216 by day;3119 neither3808 for brightness5051 shall the moon3394 give light216 to you: but the LORD3068 shall be to you an everlasting5769 light,216 and your God430 your glory.8597

20 Your sun8121 shall no3808 more5750 go935 down; neither3808 shall your moon3391 withdraw622 itself: for the LORD3068 shall be your everlasting5769 light,216 and the days3117 of your mourning60 shall be ended.7999

21 Your people5971 also shall be all3605 righteous:6662 they shall inherit3423 the land776 for ever,5769 the branch5342 of my planting,4302 the work4639 of my hands,3027 that I may be glorified.6286

22 A little6996 one shall become1961 a thousand,505 and a small6810 one a strong6099 nation:1471 I the LORD3068 will hasten2363 it in his time.6256




Chapter 60

1 興起,發光;因為你的光已經來到,耶和華的榮耀顯現[risen]照耀你。

1 Arise,6965 shine;215 for your light216 is come,935 and the glory3519 of the LORD3068 is risen2224 on you.

2 看哪,黑暗[shall]遮蓋大地,幽暗[shall]遮蓋眾民[people];耶和華卻要起來[arise]照耀你,他的榮耀要在你身上得見[be seen upon thee]

2 For, behold,2009 the darkness2822 shall cover3680 the earth,776 and gross6205 darkness6205 the people:3816 but the LORD3068 shall arise2224 on you, and his glory3519 shall be seen7200 on you.

3 外邦人[Gentiles]要來就你的光,君王要來就你顯現[rising]的光輝。

3 And the Gentiles1471 shall come1980 to your light,216 and kings4428 to the brightness5051 of your rising.2225

4 你舉目向四方觀看;眾人都聚集來到你這裏;你的眾子從遠方而來;你的眾女在你旁邊受奶[nursed at thy side]

4 Lift5375 up your eyes5869 round5439 about, and see:7200 all3605 they gather6908 themselves together, they come935 to you: your sons1121 shall come935 from far,7350 and your daughters1323 shall be nursed539 at5921 your side.6654

5 那時,你看見就流歸[flow together],你心又驚慌[fear]又寬暢;因為海中[sea]豐盛的貨物必轉來歸你,成群的外邦人[forces of the Gentiles]也必來歸你。

5 Then227 you shall see,3372 7200 and flow5102 together, and your heart3824 shall fear,6342 and be enlarged;7337 because3588 the abundance1995 of the sea3220 shall be converted2015 to you, the forces2428 of the Gentiles1471 shall come935 to you.

6 成群的駱駝,並米甸和以法的獨峰駝必遮滿你;示巴的眾人都必來到。他們[they]要奉上黃金和香[and incense];又要傳揚[shew forth]耶和華的讚美。

6 The multitude8229 of camels1581 shall cover3680 you, the dromedaries1070 of Midian4080 and Ephah;5891 all3605 they from Sheba7614 shall come:935 they shall bring5375 gold2091 and incense;3828 and they shall show1319 forth the praises8416 of the LORD.3068

7 基達的羊群都必聚集到你這裏,尼拜約的公綿羊[rams]要供你使用;牠們[they]在我壇上必蒙悅納,我[and]必榮耀我榮耀的殿。

7 All3605 the flocks6629 of Kedar6938 shall be gathered6908 together to you, the rams352 of Nebaioth5032 shall minister8334 to you: they shall come5927 up with acceptance7522 on5921 my altar,4196 and I will glorify6286 the house1004 of my glory.8597

8 這些[these]飛來如雲、又如鴿子向窗戶飛回的是誰呢?

8 Who4310 are these428 that fly5774 as a cloud,5645 and as the doves3123 to their windows?699

9 海島[isles]必等候我,首先是他施的船隻,將你的眾子連他們的金銀從遠方一同帶來,都[unto]耶和華─你神的名,又[to]以色列的聖者,因為他已經榮耀了你。

9 Surely3588 the isles339 shall wait6960 for me, and the ships591 of Tarshish8659 first,7223 to bring935 your sons1121 from far,7350 their silver3701 and their gold2091 with them, to the name8034 of the LORD3068 your God,430 and to the Holy6918 One of Israel,3478 because3588 he has glorified6286 you.

10 外邦人的子孫[sons of]必建築你的城牆,他們的王必服事你;我曾在我怒中[in my wrath]擊打你,現今卻施恩憐恤你。

10 And the sons1121 of strangers5236 shall build1129 up your walls,2346 and their kings4428 shall minister8334 to you: for in my wrath7110 I smote5221 you, but in my favor7522 have I had mercy7355 on you.

11 因此[Therefore],你的城門必時常開放;晝夜不關;使人把成群的外邦人[the forces of Gentiles]帶來歸你,好使他們的君王也被帶來[and that their kings may be brought]

11 Therefore your gates8179 shall be open6605 continually;8548 they shall not be shut5462 day3119 nor night;3915 that men may bring935 to you the forces2428 of the Gentiles,1471 and that their kings4428 may be brought.5090

12 哪一邦哪一國不事奉你,就必滅亡;那些國[those nations]必全然荒廢。

12 For the nation1471 and kingdom4467 that will not serve5647 you shall perish;6 yes, those nations1471 shall be utterly wasted.2717

13 黎巴嫩的榮耀,就是松樹、杉樹、黃楊樹,都必一同歸你,為要修飾我聖所之地;我也要使我腳踏之處得榮耀。

13 The glory3519 of Lebanon3844 shall come935 to you, the fir1265 tree, the pine8410 tree, and the box8391 together,3162 to beautify6286 the place4725 of my sanctuary;4720 and I will make7760 the place4725 of my feet7272 glorious.3513

14 素來苦待你的,他們[them]的子孫[also]必屈身來就你;藐視你的,都要在你腳下跪拜。他們要稱你為「耶和華的城」,為「以色列聖者的錫安」。

14 The sons1121 also of them that afflicted6031 you shall come1980 bending7817 to you; and all3605 they that despised5006 you shall bow7812 themselves down7812 at5921 the soles3709 of your feet;7272 and they shall call7121 you; The city5892 of the LORD,3068 The Zion6726 of the Holy6918 One of Israel.3478

15 你雖然被撇棄被厭惡,甚至無人經過,我卻使你變為永遠的榮華,成為世世代代[many generations]的喜樂。

15 Whereas8478 you has been1961 forsaken5800 and hated,8130 so that no369 man went5674 through5674 you, I will make7760 you an eternal5769 excellency,1347 a joy4885 of many generations.1755

16 你也必吃外邦人[Gentiles]的奶,又吃君王的奶;你便知道我─耶和華是你的救主,是你的救贖主,雅各的大能者。

16 You shall also suck3243 the milk2461 of the Gentiles,1471 and shall suck3243 the breast7699 of kings:4428 and you shall know3045 that I the LORD3068 am your Savior3467 and your Redeemer,1350 the mighty46 One of Jacob.3290

17 我要拿金子代替銅,拿銀子代替鐵,拿銅代替木頭,拿鐵代替石頭;並要以和平為你的官長,以公義為你的監督。

17 For brass5178 I will bring935 gold,2091 and for iron1270 I will bring935 silver,3701 and for wood6086 brass,5178 and for stones68 iron:1270 I will also make7760 your officers6486 peace,7965 and your exactors5065 righteousness.6666

18 你地上不再聽見強暴的事,境內不再聽見荒廢[wasting]毀滅的事;你必稱你的牆為「拯救」,稱你的門為「讚美」。

18 Violence2555 shall no3808 more5750 be heard8085 in your land,776 wasting7701 nor destruction7667 within your borders;1366 but you shall call7121 your walls2346 Salvation,3444 and your gates8179 Praise.8416

19 日頭不再作你白晝的光;月亮也不再發光照耀你。耶和華卻要作你永遠的光,你神要為你的榮耀。

19 The sun8121 shall be no3808 more5750 your light216 by day;3119 neither3808 for brightness5051 shall the moon3394 give light216 to you: but the LORD3068 shall be to you an everlasting5769 light,216 and your God430 your glory.8597

20 你的日頭不再下落;你的月亮也不退縮;因為耶和華必作你永遠的光。你悲哀的日子也完畢了。

20 Your sun8121 shall no3808 more5750 go935 down; neither3808 shall your moon3391 withdraw622 itself: for the LORD3068 shall be your everlasting5769 light,216 and the days3117 of your mourning60 shall be ended.7999

21 你的居民[also]都成為義人;永遠得地為業,是我種的栽子,我手的工作,使我得榮耀。

21 Your people5971 also shall be all3605 righteous:6662 they shall inherit3423 the land776 for ever,5769 the branch5342 of my planting,4302 the work4639 of my hands,3027 that I may be glorified.6286

22 至小的族要加增千倍,微弱的國必成為強盛;我─耶和華要按他的時候[his time]速成這事。

22 A little6996 one shall become1961 a thousand,505 and a small6810 one a strong6099 nation:1471 I the LORD3068 will hasten2363 it in his time.6256