

1 耶穌往橄欖山去[Jesus went unto the mount of Olives]

2 清早又回到殿裏。眾百姓都到他那裏去,他就坐下,教訓他們。

3 文士和法利賽人帶著一個行淫時被拿的婦人到他面前[unto him]來,叫她站在當中,

4 就對耶穌說:「夫子,這婦人是正行淫之時被拿的。

5 摩西在律法上吩咐我們把這樣的婦人用石頭打死。你說該把她怎麼樣呢?」

6 他們說這話,乃試探耶穌,要得著告他的把柄。耶穌卻彎著腰,用指頭在地上畫字,如同沒有聽見他們的話[as though he heard them not]

7 他們還是不住的問他,耶穌就直起腰來,對他們說:「你們中間誰是沒有罪的,誰就可以先拿石頭打她。」

8 於是又彎著腰,在地上畫字[and wrote on the ground]

9 他們聽見這話,他們的良心使他們自知有罪[being convicted by their own conscience],就從老到少一個一個的都出去了,只剩下耶穌一人,還有那婦人仍然站在當中。

10 耶穌就直起腰來,不見一人,只見那婦人[and saw none but the woman],對她說:「婦人,那些告妳的人[thine accusers]在哪裏呢?沒有人定你的罪麼?」

11 她說:「主啊,沒有。」耶穌說:「我也不定你的罪。去吧,從此不要再犯罪了。」

12 耶穌又對眾人說:「我是世界的光。跟從我的,就不在黑暗裏走,必要得著生命的光。」

13 法利賽人對他說:「你是為自己作見證,你的見證不真。」

14 耶穌說:「我雖然為自己作見證,我的見證還是真的;因我知道我從哪裏來,往哪裏去;你們卻道不出[cannot tell]我從哪裏來,往哪裏去。

15 你們是以肉身[flesh]判斷人,我卻不判斷人。

16 就是判斷人,我的判斷也是真的;因為不是我獨自在這裏,還有差我來的父與我同在。

17 你們的律法上也記著說:『兩個人的見證是真的。』

18 我是為自己作見證,還有差我來的父也是為我作見證。」

19 他們就問他說:「你的父在哪裏?」耶穌回答說:「你們不認識我,也不認識我的父;若是認識我,也就認識我的父。」

20 這些話是耶穌在殿裏的庫房、教訓人時所說的,也沒有人下手拿[laid hands on]他,因為他的時候還沒有到。

21 耶穌又對他們說:「我要去了,你們要找我,並且你們要死在自己[your]罪中;我所去的地方,你們不能到。」

22 猶太人說:「他說:『我所去的地方,你們不能到。』難道他要自盡嗎?」

23 耶穌對他們說:「你們是從下頭來的,我是從上頭來的;你們是屬這世界的,我不是屬這世界的。

24 所以我對你們說,你們要死在罪中;你們若不信我乃是他[I am he],必要死在罪中。」

25 他們就問他說:「你是誰?」耶穌對他們說:「就是我從起初所告訴你們的。

26 我有許多事講論你們,判斷你們;但那差我來的是真的,我在他那裏所聽見的,我就傳給世人。」

27 他們不明白耶穌是指著父說的。

28 所以耶穌說:「你們舉起人子以後,必知道我乃是他[I am he],並且知道我沒有一件事是憑著自己作的;我說這些話乃是照著[my]父所教訓我的。

29 那差我來的是與我同在;[Father]沒有撇下我獨自在這裏,因為我常作他所喜悅的事。」

30 耶穌說這些[these]話的時候,就有許多人信他。

31 耶穌對信他的猶太人說:「你們若恆常持守[continue in]我的道,就真是我的門徒;

32 你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。」

33 他們回答[him]說:「我們是亞伯拉罕的後裔,從來沒有作過誰的奴僕;你怎麼說『你們必得自由』呢?」

34 耶穌回答說:「我實實在在的告訴你們,所有犯罪的就是罪的僕人[servant]

35 僕人[servant]不能永遠住在家裏;兒子是永遠住在家裏。

36 所以天父的兒子若叫你們自由,你們就真自由了。

37 我知道你們是亞伯拉罕的子孫,你們卻想要殺我,因為你們心裏容不下我的道。

38 我所說的是在我父那裏看見的;你們所行的是在你們的父那裏看見[seen]的。」

39 他們說:「我們的父就是亞伯拉罕。」耶穌說:「你們若是亞伯拉罕的兒女[children],就必行亞伯拉罕所行的事。

40 我將在神那裏所聽見的真理告訴了你們,現在你們卻想要殺我,這不是亞伯拉罕所行的事。

41 你們是行你們父所行的事。」他們對他[to him]說:「我們不是從淫亂生的;我們只有一位父,就是神。」

42 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「倘若神是你們的父,你們就必愛我;因為我本是出於神,也是從神而來,並不是由著自己來,乃是他差我來。

43 你們為甚麼不明白我的話呢?無非是因你們不能聽我的道。

44 你們是出於你們的父魔鬼,你們父的私慾你們偏要行。他從起初是殺人的,不守真理,因他心裏沒有真理。他說謊是出於自己;因他本來是說謊的,也是說謊之人的父。

45 我將真理告訴你們,你們就因此不信我。

46 你們中間誰能指證我有罪呢?我既然將真理告訴你們,為甚麼不信我呢?

47 出於神的,必聽神的話[God's words];你們不聽,因為你們不是出於神。」

48 猶太人回答說:「我們說你是撒瑪利亞人,並且是鬼魔[devil]附著的,這話豈不正對嗎?」

49 耶穌說:「我不是鬼魔[devil]附著的;我尊敬我的父,你們倒輕慢我。

50 我不求自己的榮耀,有一位為我求榮耀、定是非的。

51 我實實在在的告訴你們,人若遵守我的[saying],就永遠不見死。」

52 猶太人對他說:「現在我們知道你是鬼魔[devil]附著的。亞伯拉罕死了,眾先知也死了,你還說:『人若遵守我的[saying],就永遠不嘗死味。』

53 難道你比我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕還大嗎?他死了,眾先知也死了,你將自己當作甚麼人呢?」

54 耶穌回答說:「我若榮耀自己,我的榮耀就算不得甚麼;榮耀我的乃是我的父,就是你們所說是你們的神。

55 你們未曾認識他;我卻認識他。我若說不認識他,我就是說謊的,像你們一樣;但我認識他,也遵守他的[saying]

56 你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜的仰望我的日子,既看見了就快樂。」

57 猶太人[Then]對他[unto him]說:「你還沒有五十歲,豈見過亞伯拉罕呢?」

58 耶穌說:「我實實在在的告訴你們,還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。」

59 於是他們拿石頭要打他,耶穌卻躲藏,在他們中間經過[going through the midst of them, and so passed by],從殿裏出去了。


Chapter 8

1 Jesus2424 went4198 to the mount3735 of Olives.1636

2 And early3722 in the morning he came3854 again3825 into1519 the temple,2411 and all3956 the people2992 came2064 to him; and he sat2523 down,2523 and taught1321 them.

3 And the scribes1122 and Pharisees5330 brought71 to him a woman1135 taken2638 in adultery;3430 and when they had set2476 her in the middle,3319

4 They say3004 to him, Master,1320 this3778 woman1135 was taken2638 in adultery,3431 in the very1888 act.1888

5 Now1161 Moses3475 in the law3551 commanded1781 us, that such5108 should be stoned:3036 but what5101 say3004 you?

6 This5124 they said,3004 tempting3985 him, that they might have2192 to accuse2723 him. But Jesus2424 stooped2955 down,2736 and with his finger1147 wrote1125 on1519 the ground,1093 as though he heard191 them not.

7 So1161 when5613 they continued1961 asking2065 him, he lifted352 up himself, and said2036 to them, He that is without361 sin361 among you, let him first4413 cast906 a stone3037 at1909 her.

8 And again3825 he stooped2955 down,2736 and wrote1125 on1519 the ground.1093

9 And they which heard191 it, being convicted1651 by their own conscience,4893 went1831 out one1520 by one,1520 beginning756 at575 the oldest,4245 even to the last:2078 and Jesus2424 was left2641 alone,3441 and the woman1135 standing2476 in the middle.3319

10 When Jesus2424 had lifted352 up himself, and saw2300 none3367 but the woman,1135 he said2036 to her, Woman,1135 where4226 are those1565 your4675 accusers?2725 has no3762 man3762 condemned2632 you?

11 She said,2036 No3762 man,3762 Lord.2962 And Jesus2424 said2036 to her, Neither3761 do I condemn2632 you: go,4198 and sin264 no3371 more.2001

12 Then3767 spoke2980 Jesus2424 again3825 to them, saying,3004 I am1510 the light5457 of the world:2889 he that follows190 me shall not walk4043 in darkness,4653 but shall have2192 the light5457 of life.2222

13 The Pharisees5330 therefore3767 said2036 to him, You bore3140 record3140 of yourself;4572 your record3141 is not true.227

14 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to them, Though2579 I bear3140 record3140 of myself,1683 yet my record3141 is true:227 for I know1492 from where4159 I came,2064 and where4226 I go;5217 but you cannot3756 1492 tell1492 from where4159 I come,2064 and where4226 I go.5217

15 You judge2919 after2596 the flesh;4561 I judge2919 no3762 man.3762

16 And yet if1437 I judge,2919 my judgment2920 is true:227 for I am1510 not alone,3441 but I and the Father3962 that sent3992 me.

17 It is also2532 written1125 in your5212 law,3551 that the testimony3141 of two1417 men444 is true.227

18 I am1510 one that bear3140 witness3140 of myself,1683 and the Father3962 that sent3992 me bears3140 witness3140 of me.

19 Then3767 said3004 they to him, Where4226 is your Father?3962 Jesus2424 answered,611 You neither3777 know1492 me, nor3777 my Father:3962 if1487 you had known1492 me, you should have2192 known1492 my Father3962 also.2532

20 These5023 words4487 spoke2980 Jesus2424 in the treasury,1049 as he taught1321 in the temple:2411 and no3762 man3762 laid hands4084 on him; for his hour5610 was not yet3768 come.2064

21 Then3767 said2036 Jesus2424 again3825 to them, I go5217 my way, and you shall seek2212 me, and shall die599 in your5216 sins:266 where3699 I go,5217 you cannot3756 1410 come.2064

22 Then3767 said3004 the Jews,2453 Will he kill615 himself?1438 because3754 he said,3004 Where3699 I go,5217 you cannot3756 1410 come.2064

23 And he said2036 to them, You are from beneath;2736 I am1510 from above:507 you are of this5127 world;2889 I am1510 not of this5127 world.2889

24 I said2036 therefore3767 to you, that you shall die599 in your5216 sins:266 for if1437 you believe4100 not that I am1510 he, you shall die599 in your5216 sins.266

25 Then3767 said3004 they to him, Who5101 are1488 you? And Jesus2424 said3004 to them, Even2532 the same3748 that I said2980 to you from the beginning.746

26 I have2192 many4183 things to say2980 and to judge2919 of you: but he that sent3992 me is true;227 and I speak3004 to the world2889 those5023 things which3739 I have2192 heard191 of him.

27 They understood1097 not that he spoke3004 to them of the Father.3962

28 Then5119 said2036 Jesus2424 to them, When3752 you have lifted5312 up the Son5207 of man,444 then3767 shall you know1097 that I am1510 he, and that I do4160 nothing3762 of myself;1683 but as my Father3962 has taught1321 me, I speak2980 these5023 things.

29 And he that sent3992 me is with me: the Father3962 has not left863 me alone;3441 for I do4160 always3842 those3588 things that please701 him.

30 As he spoke2980 these5023 words, many4183 believed4100 on1519 him.

31 Then3767 said3004 Jesus2424 to those3588 Jews2453 which3588 believed4100 on him, If1437 you continue3306 in my word,3056 then are you my disciples3101 indeed;230

32 And you shall know1097 the truth,225 and the truth225 shall make1659 you free.1659

33 They answered611 him, We be Abraham's11 seed,4690 and were never3762 4455 in bondage1398 to any3762 man: how4459 say3004 you, You shall be made1096 free?1658

34 Jesus2424 answered611 them, Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, Whoever3956 3588 commits4160 sin266 is the servant1401 of sin.266

35 And the servant1401 stays3306 not in the house3614 for ever:165 but the Son5207 stays3306 ever.165

36 If1437 the Son5207 therefore3767 shall make1659 you free,1659 you shall be free1658 indeed.3689

37 I know1097 that you are Abraham's11 seed;4690 but you seek2212 to kill615 me, because3754 my word3056 has no3756 place5562 in you.

38 I speak2980 that which3739 I have seen3708 with my Father:3962 and you do4160 that which3739 you have seen3708 with your5216 father.3962

39 They answered611 and said2036 to him, Abraham11 is our father.3962 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, If1487 you were Abraham's11 children,5043 you would do4160 the works2041 of Abraham.11

40 But now3568 you seek2212 to kill615 me, a man444 that has told2980 you the truth,225 which3739 I have heard191 of God:2316 this5124 did4160 not Abraham.11

41 You do4160 the deeds2041 of your5216 father.3962 Then3767 said2036 they to him, We be not born1080 of fornication;4202 we have2192 one1520 Father,3962 even God.2316

42 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, If1487 God2316 were your5216 Father,3962 you would love25 me: for I proceeded1831 forth1831 and came2240 from God;2316 neither3761 came2064 I of myself,1683 but he sent649 me.

43 Why1302 do you not understand1097 my speech?2981 even because3754 you cannot3756 1410 hear191 my word.3056

44 You are of your5216 father3962 the devil,1228 and the lusts1939 of your5216 father3962 you will2309 do.4160 He was a murderer443 from the beginning,746 and stayed2476 not in the truth,225 because3754 there is no3756 truth225 in him. When3752 he speaks2980 a lie,5579 he speaks2980 of his own:2398 for he is a liar,5583 and the father3962 of it.

45 And because3754 I tell3004 you the truth,225 you believe4100 me not.

46 Which5101 of you convinces1651 me of sin?266 And if1487 I say3004 the truth,225 why1302 do you not believe4100 me?

47 He that is of God2316 hears191 God's2316 words:4487 you therefore1223 5124 hear191 them not, because3754 you are not of God.2316

48 Then3767 answered611 the Jews,2453 and said2036 to him, Say3004 we not well2573 that you are1488 a Samaritan,4541 and have2192 a devil?1140

49 Jesus2424 answered,611 I have2192 not a devil;1140 but I honor5091 my Father,3962 and you do dishonor818 me.

50 And I seek2212 not my3450 own glory:1391 there is one that seeks2212 and judges.2919

51 Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, If1437 a man5100 keep5083 my saying,3056 he shall never3364 1519 3588 165 see2334 death.2288

52 Then3767 said2036 the Jews2453 to him, Now3568 we know1492 that you have2192 a devil.1140 Abraham11 is dead,599 and the prophets;4396 and you say,3004 If1437 a man5100 keep my saying, he shall never3364 1519 165 taste1089 of death.2288

53 Are1488 you greater3187 than our father3962 Abraham,11 which3748 is dead?599 and the prophets4396 are dead:599 whom5101 make4160 you yourself?4572

54 Jesus2424 answered,611 If1437 I honor1392 myself,1683 my honor1391 is nothing:3762 it is my Father3962 that honors1392 me; of whom3739 you say,3004 that he is your5216 God:2316

55 Yet you have not known1097 him; but I know1492 him: and if1437 I should say,3004 I know1492 him not, I shall be a liar5583 like3664 to you: but I know1492 him, and keep5083 his saying.3056

56 Your5216 father3962 Abraham11 rejoiced21 to see1492 my day:2250 and he saw1492 it, and was glad.5463

57 Then3767 said2036 the Jews2453 to him, You are2192 not yet2532 fifty4004 years2094 old, and have you seen3708 Abraham?11

58 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, Before4250 Abraham11 was, I am.1510

59 Then3767 took142 they up stones3037 to cast906 at1909 him: but Jesus2424 hid2928 himself, and went1831 out of the temple,2411 going1330 through1223 the middle3319 of them, and so3779 passed3855 by.




Chapter 8

1 耶穌往橄欖山去[Jesus went unto the mount of Olives]

1 Jesus2424 went4198 to the mount3735 of Olives.1636

2 清早又回到殿裏。眾百姓都到他那裏去,他就坐下,教訓他們。

2 And early3722 in the morning he came3854 again3825 into1519 the temple,2411 and all3956 the people2992 came2064 to him; and he sat2523 down,2523 and taught1321 them.

3 文士和法利賽人帶著一個行淫時被拿的婦人到他面前[unto him]來,叫她站在當中,

3 And the scribes1122 and Pharisees5330 brought71 to him a woman1135 taken2638 in adultery;3430 and when they had set2476 her in the middle,3319

4 就對耶穌說:「夫子,這婦人是正行淫之時被拿的。

4 They say3004 to him, Master,1320 this3778 woman1135 was taken2638 in adultery,3431 in the very1888 act.1888

5 摩西在律法上吩咐我們把這樣的婦人用石頭打死。你說該把她怎麼樣呢?」

5 Now1161 Moses3475 in the law3551 commanded1781 us, that such5108 should be stoned:3036 but what5101 say3004 you?

6 他們說這話,乃試探耶穌,要得著告他的把柄。耶穌卻彎著腰,用指頭在地上畫字,如同沒有聽見他們的話[as though he heard them not]

6 This5124 they said,3004 tempting3985 him, that they might have2192 to accuse2723 him. But Jesus2424 stooped2955 down,2736 and with his finger1147 wrote1125 on1519 the ground,1093 as though he heard191 them not.

7 他們還是不住的問他,耶穌就直起腰來,對他們說:「你們中間誰是沒有罪的,誰就可以先拿石頭打她。」

7 So1161 when5613 they continued1961 asking2065 him, he lifted352 up himself, and said2036 to them, He that is without361 sin361 among you, let him first4413 cast906 a stone3037 at1909 her.

8 於是又彎著腰,在地上畫字[and wrote on the ground]

8 And again3825 he stooped2955 down,2736 and wrote1125 on1519 the ground.1093

9 他們聽見這話,他們的良心使他們自知有罪[being convicted by their own conscience],就從老到少一個一個的都出去了,只剩下耶穌一人,還有那婦人仍然站在當中。

9 And they which heard191 it, being convicted1651 by their own conscience,4893 went1831 out one1520 by one,1520 beginning756 at575 the oldest,4245 even to the last:2078 and Jesus2424 was left2641 alone,3441 and the woman1135 standing2476 in the middle.3319

10 耶穌就直起腰來,不見一人,只見那婦人[and saw none but the woman],對她說:「婦人,那些告妳的人[thine accusers]在哪裏呢?沒有人定你的罪麼?」

10 When Jesus2424 had lifted352 up himself, and saw2300 none3367 but the woman,1135 he said2036 to her, Woman,1135 where4226 are those1565 your4675 accusers?2725 has no3762 man3762 condemned2632 you?

11 她說:「主啊,沒有。」耶穌說:「我也不定你的罪。去吧,從此不要再犯罪了。」

11 She said,2036 No3762 man,3762 Lord.2962 And Jesus2424 said2036 to her, Neither3761 do I condemn2632 you: go,4198 and sin264 no3371 more.2001

12 耶穌又對眾人說:「我是世界的光。跟從我的,就不在黑暗裏走,必要得著生命的光。」

12 Then3767 spoke2980 Jesus2424 again3825 to them, saying,3004 I am1510 the light5457 of the world:2889 he that follows190 me shall not walk4043 in darkness,4653 but shall have2192 the light5457 of life.2222

13 法利賽人對他說:「你是為自己作見證,你的見證不真。」

13 The Pharisees5330 therefore3767 said2036 to him, You bore3140 record3140 of yourself;4572 your record3141 is not true.227

14 耶穌說:「我雖然為自己作見證,我的見證還是真的;因我知道我從哪裏來,往哪裏去;你們卻道不出[cannot tell]我從哪裏來,往哪裏去。

14 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to them, Though2579 I bear3140 record3140 of myself,1683 yet my record3141 is true:227 for I know1492 from where4159 I came,2064 and where4226 I go;5217 but you cannot3756 1492 tell1492 from where4159 I come,2064 and where4226 I go.5217

15 你們是以肉身[flesh]判斷人,我卻不判斷人。

15 You judge2919 after2596 the flesh;4561 I judge2919 no3762 man.3762

16 就是判斷人,我的判斷也是真的;因為不是我獨自在這裏,還有差我來的父與我同在。

16 And yet if1437 I judge,2919 my judgment2920 is true:227 for I am1510 not alone,3441 but I and the Father3962 that sent3992 me.

17 你們的律法上也記著說:『兩個人的見證是真的。』

17 It is also2532 written1125 in your5212 law,3551 that the testimony3141 of two1417 men444 is true.227

18 我是為自己作見證,還有差我來的父也是為我作見證。」

18 I am1510 one that bear3140 witness3140 of myself,1683 and the Father3962 that sent3992 me bears3140 witness3140 of me.

19 他們就問他說:「你的父在哪裏?」耶穌回答說:「你們不認識我,也不認識我的父;若是認識我,也就認識我的父。」

19 Then3767 said3004 they to him, Where4226 is your Father?3962 Jesus2424 answered,611 You neither3777 know1492 me, nor3777 my Father:3962 if1487 you had known1492 me, you should have2192 known1492 my Father3962 also.2532

20 這些話是耶穌在殿裏的庫房、教訓人時所說的,也沒有人下手拿[laid hands on]他,因為他的時候還沒有到。

20 These5023 words4487 spoke2980 Jesus2424 in the treasury,1049 as he taught1321 in the temple:2411 and no3762 man3762 laid hands4084 on him; for his hour5610 was not yet3768 come.2064

21 耶穌又對他們說:「我要去了,你們要找我,並且你們要死在自己[your]罪中;我所去的地方,你們不能到。」

21 Then3767 said2036 Jesus2424 again3825 to them, I go5217 my way, and you shall seek2212 me, and shall die599 in your5216 sins:266 where3699 I go,5217 you cannot3756 1410 come.2064

22 猶太人說:「他說:『我所去的地方,你們不能到。』難道他要自盡嗎?」

22 Then3767 said3004 the Jews,2453 Will he kill615 himself?1438 because3754 he said,3004 Where3699 I go,5217 you cannot3756 1410 come.2064

23 耶穌對他們說:「你們是從下頭來的,我是從上頭來的;你們是屬這世界的,我不是屬這世界的。

23 And he said2036 to them, You are from beneath;2736 I am1510 from above:507 you are of this5127 world;2889 I am1510 not of this5127 world.2889

24 所以我對你們說,你們要死在罪中;你們若不信我乃是他[I am he],必要死在罪中。」

24 I said2036 therefore3767 to you, that you shall die599 in your5216 sins:266 for if1437 you believe4100 not that I am1510 he, you shall die599 in your5216 sins.266

25 他們就問他說:「你是誰?」耶穌對他們說:「就是我從起初所告訴你們的。

25 Then3767 said3004 they to him, Who5101 are1488 you? And Jesus2424 said3004 to them, Even2532 the same3748 that I said2980 to you from the beginning.746

26 我有許多事講論你們,判斷你們;但那差我來的是真的,我在他那裏所聽見的,我就傳給世人。」

26 I have2192 many4183 things to say2980 and to judge2919 of you: but he that sent3992 me is true;227 and I speak3004 to the world2889 those5023 things which3739 I have2192 heard191 of him.

27 他們不明白耶穌是指著父說的。

27 They understood1097 not that he spoke3004 to them of the Father.3962

28 所以耶穌說:「你們舉起人子以後,必知道我乃是他[I am he],並且知道我沒有一件事是憑著自己作的;我說這些話乃是照著[my]父所教訓我的。

28 Then5119 said2036 Jesus2424 to them, When3752 you have lifted5312 up the Son5207 of man,444 then3767 shall you know1097 that I am1510 he, and that I do4160 nothing3762 of myself;1683 but as my Father3962 has taught1321 me, I speak2980 these5023 things.

29 那差我來的是與我同在;[Father]沒有撇下我獨自在這裏,因為我常作他所喜悅的事。」

29 And he that sent3992 me is with me: the Father3962 has not left863 me alone;3441 for I do4160 always3842 those3588 things that please701 him.

30 耶穌說這些[these]話的時候,就有許多人信他。

30 As he spoke2980 these5023 words, many4183 believed4100 on1519 him.

31 耶穌對信他的猶太人說:「你們若恆常持守[continue in]我的道,就真是我的門徒;

31 Then3767 said3004 Jesus2424 to those3588 Jews2453 which3588 believed4100 on him, If1437 you continue3306 in my word,3056 then are you my disciples3101 indeed;230

32 你們必曉得真理,真理必叫你們得以自由。」

32 And you shall know1097 the truth,225 and the truth225 shall make1659 you free.1659

33 他們回答[him]說:「我們是亞伯拉罕的後裔,從來沒有作過誰的奴僕;你怎麼說『你們必得自由』呢?」

33 They answered611 him, We be Abraham's11 seed,4690 and were never3762 4455 in bondage1398 to any3762 man: how4459 say3004 you, You shall be made1096 free?1658

34 耶穌回答說:「我實實在在的告訴你們,所有犯罪的就是罪的僕人[servant]

34 Jesus2424 answered611 them, Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, Whoever3956 3588 commits4160 sin266 is the servant1401 of sin.266

35 僕人[servant]不能永遠住在家裏;兒子是永遠住在家裏。

35 And the servant1401 stays3306 not in the house3614 for ever:165 but the Son5207 stays3306 ever.165

36 所以天父的兒子若叫你們自由,你們就真自由了。

36 If1437 the Son5207 therefore3767 shall make1659 you free,1659 you shall be free1658 indeed.3689

37 我知道你們是亞伯拉罕的子孫,你們卻想要殺我,因為你們心裏容不下我的道。

37 I know1097 that you are Abraham's11 seed;4690 but you seek2212 to kill615 me, because3754 my word3056 has no3756 place5562 in you.

38 我所說的是在我父那裏看見的;你們所行的是在你們的父那裏看見[seen]的。」

38 I speak2980 that which3739 I have seen3708 with my Father:3962 and you do4160 that which3739 you have seen3708 with your5216 father.3962

39 他們說:「我們的父就是亞伯拉罕。」耶穌說:「你們若是亞伯拉罕的兒女[children],就必行亞伯拉罕所行的事。

39 They answered611 and said2036 to him, Abraham11 is our father.3962 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, If1487 you were Abraham's11 children,5043 you would do4160 the works2041 of Abraham.11

40 我將在神那裏所聽見的真理告訴了你們,現在你們卻想要殺我,這不是亞伯拉罕所行的事。

40 But now3568 you seek2212 to kill615 me, a man444 that has told2980 you the truth,225 which3739 I have heard191 of God:2316 this5124 did4160 not Abraham.11

41 你們是行你們父所行的事。」他們對他[to him]說:「我們不是從淫亂生的;我們只有一位父,就是神。」

41 You do4160 the deeds2041 of your5216 father.3962 Then3767 said2036 they to him, We be not born1080 of fornication;4202 we have2192 one1520 Father,3962 even God.2316

42 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「倘若神是你們的父,你們就必愛我;因為我本是出於神,也是從神而來,並不是由著自己來,乃是他差我來。

42 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, If1487 God2316 were your5216 Father,3962 you would love25 me: for I proceeded1831 forth1831 and came2240 from God;2316 neither3761 came2064 I of myself,1683 but he sent649 me.

43 你們為甚麼不明白我的話呢?無非是因你們不能聽我的道。

43 Why1302 do you not understand1097 my speech?2981 even because3754 you cannot3756 1410 hear191 my word.3056

44 你們是出於你們的父魔鬼,你們父的私慾你們偏要行。他從起初是殺人的,不守真理,因他心裏沒有真理。他說謊是出於自己;因他本來是說謊的,也是說謊之人的父。

44 You are of your5216 father3962 the devil,1228 and the lusts1939 of your5216 father3962 you will2309 do.4160 He was a murderer443 from the beginning,746 and stayed2476 not in the truth,225 because3754 there is no3756 truth225 in him. When3752 he speaks2980 a lie,5579 he speaks2980 of his own:2398 for he is a liar,5583 and the father3962 of it.

45 我將真理告訴你們,你們就因此不信我。

45 And because3754 I tell3004 you the truth,225 you believe4100 me not.

46 你們中間誰能指證我有罪呢?我既然將真理告訴你們,為甚麼不信我呢?

46 Which5101 of you convinces1651 me of sin?266 And if1487 I say3004 the truth,225 why1302 do you not believe4100 me?

47 出於神的,必聽神的話[God's words];你們不聽,因為你們不是出於神。」

47 He that is of God2316 hears191 God's2316 words:4487 you therefore1223 5124 hear191 them not, because3754 you are not of God.2316

48 猶太人回答說:「我們說你是撒瑪利亞人,並且是鬼魔[devil]附著的,這話豈不正對嗎?」

48 Then3767 answered611 the Jews,2453 and said2036 to him, Say3004 we not well2573 that you are1488 a Samaritan,4541 and have2192 a devil?1140

49 耶穌說:「我不是鬼魔[devil]附著的;我尊敬我的父,你們倒輕慢我。

49 Jesus2424 answered,611 I have2192 not a devil;1140 but I honor5091 my Father,3962 and you do dishonor818 me.

50 我不求自己的榮耀,有一位為我求榮耀、定是非的。

50 And I seek2212 not my3450 own glory:1391 there is one that seeks2212 and judges.2919

51 我實實在在的告訴你們,人若遵守我的[saying],就永遠不見死。」

51 Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, If1437 a man5100 keep5083 my saying,3056 he shall never3364 1519 3588 165 see2334 death.2288

52 猶太人對他說:「現在我們知道你是鬼魔[devil]附著的。亞伯拉罕死了,眾先知也死了,你還說:『人若遵守我的[saying],就永遠不嘗死味。』

52 Then3767 said2036 the Jews2453 to him, Now3568 we know1492 that you have2192 a devil.1140 Abraham11 is dead,599 and the prophets;4396 and you say,3004 If1437 a man5100 keep my saying, he shall never3364 1519 165 taste1089 of death.2288

53 難道你比我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕還大嗎?他死了,眾先知也死了,你將自己當作甚麼人呢?」

53 Are1488 you greater3187 than our father3962 Abraham,11 which3748 is dead?599 and the prophets4396 are dead:599 whom5101 make4160 you yourself?4572

54 耶穌回答說:「我若榮耀自己,我的榮耀就算不得甚麼;榮耀我的乃是我的父,就是你們所說是你們的神。

54 Jesus2424 answered,611 If1437 I honor1392 myself,1683 my honor1391 is nothing:3762 it is my Father3962 that honors1392 me; of whom3739 you say,3004 that he is your5216 God:2316

55 你們未曾認識他;我卻認識他。我若說不認識他,我就是說謊的,像你們一樣;但我認識他,也遵守他的[saying]

55 Yet you have not known1097 him; but I know1492 him: and if1437 I should say,3004 I know1492 him not, I shall be a liar5583 like3664 to you: but I know1492 him, and keep5083 his saying.3056

56 你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜的仰望我的日子,既看見了就快樂。」

56 Your5216 father3962 Abraham11 rejoiced21 to see1492 my day:2250 and he saw1492 it, and was glad.5463

57 猶太人[Then]對他[unto him]說:「你還沒有五十歲,豈見過亞伯拉罕呢?」

57 Then3767 said2036 the Jews2453 to him, You are2192 not yet2532 fifty4004 years2094 old, and have you seen3708 Abraham?11

58 耶穌說:「我實實在在的告訴你們,還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。」

58 Jesus2424 said2036 to them, Truly,281 truly,281 I say3004 to you, Before4250 Abraham11 was, I am.1510

59 於是他們拿石頭要打他,耶穌卻躲藏,在他們中間經過[going through the midst of them, and so passed by],從殿裏出去了。

59 Then3767 took142 they up stones3037 to cast906 at1909 him: but Jesus2424 hid2928 himself, and went1831 out of the temple,2411 going1330 through1223 the middle3319 of them, and so3779 passed3855 by.