

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

2 「你要吩咐以色列人說:『獻給我的供物,[and]獻給我作馨香火祭的食物,你們要按日期獻給我』。

3 又要對他們說:你們要獻給耶和華的火祭,就是沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],每日兩隻,作為常獻的燔祭。

4 早晨要獻一隻,黃昏的時候要獻一隻;

5 又用細麵伊法十分之一,並搗成的油一欣四分之一,調和作為素祭。

6 這是西奈山所命定為常獻的燔祭,是獻給耶和華為馨香的火祭。

7 為這一隻綿羊羔[lamb],要同獻奠祭的酒一欣的四分之一。在聖所中,你要將醇酒奉給耶和華為奠祭。

8 晚上,你要獻那一隻綿羊羔[lamb],必照早晨的素祭和同獻的奠祭獻上,作為馨香的火祭,獻給耶和華。」

9 「當安息日,要獻兩隻沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],並用調油的細麵伊法十分之二為素祭,又將同獻的奠祭獻上。

10 這是每安息日獻的燔祭;那常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭在外。」

11 「每月朔,你們要將兩隻公牛犢,一隻公綿羊,七隻沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],獻給耶和華為燔祭。

12 每隻公牛要用調油的細麵伊法十分之三作為素祭;那隻公綿羊[ram]也用調油的細麵伊法十分之二作為素祭;

13 每隻綿羊羔[lamb]要用調油的[flour]伊法十分之一作為素祭和馨香的燔祭,是獻給耶和華的火祭。

14 一隻公牛要奠酒半欣,一隻公綿羊[ram]要奠酒一欣三分之一,一隻綿羊羔[lamb]也奠酒一欣四分之一。這是每月的燔祭,一年之中要月月如此。

15 又要將一隻山羊羔[kid of the goats]為贖罪祭,獻給耶和華;要獻在常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭以外。」

16 「正月十四日是耶和華的逾越節。

17 這月十五日是節期,要吃無酵餅七日。

18 第一天當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。

19 你們倒要將火祭─就是公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的綿羊羔七隻,都要沒有殘疾的,獻給耶和華為燔祭[ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first year: they shall be unto you without blemish]

20 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為一隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公綿羊[ram]要獻伊法十分之二;

21 為那七隻綿羊羔[lamb],每隻要獻伊法十分之一。

22 並獻一隻山羊[goat]作贖罪祭,為你們贖罪。

23 你們獻這些,要在早晨常獻的燔祭以外。

24 一連七日,每日要照這例把馨香火祭的食物獻給耶和華,是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭以外。

25 第七天當有聖會,甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。」

26 「七七節莊稼初熟,你們獻新素祭給耶和華的日子,當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。

27 只要將公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的綿羊羔[lambs]七隻,作為馨香的燔祭獻給耶和華。

28 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為每隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公綿羊[ram]要獻伊法十分之二;

29 為那七隻綿羊羔[lamb],每隻要獻伊法十分之一。

30 並獻一隻山羊羔[kid of the goats]為你們贖罪。

31 這些,你們要獻在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外,都要沒有殘疾的。」


Chapter 28

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 Command6680 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, My offering,7133 and my bread3899 for my sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet5207 smell7381 to me, shall you observe8104 to offer7126 to me in their due season.4150

3 And you shall say559 to them, This2088 is the offering made by fire which834 you shall offer7126 to the LORD;3068 two8147 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot8549 day3117 by day,3117 for a continual8548 burnt5930 offering.

4 The one259 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 in the morning,1242 and the other8145 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 at996 even;6153

5 And a tenth6224 part of an ephah374 of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with the fourth7243 part of an hin1969 of beaten3795 oil.8081

6 It is a continual8548 burnt5930 offering, which was ordained6213 in mount2022 Sinai5514 for a sweet5207 smell,7381 a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.3068

7 And the drink5262 offering thereof shall be the fourth7243 part of an hin1969 for the one259 lamb:3532 in the holy6944 place shall you cause the strong wine7941 to be poured5258 to the LORD3068 for a drink5262 offering.

8 And the other8145 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 at996 even:6153 as the meat offering4503 of the morning,1242 and as the drink5262 offering thereof, you shall offer6213 it, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD.3068

9 And on5921 the sabbath7676 day3117 two8147 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot,8549 and two8147 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 and the drink5262 offering thereof:

10 This is the burnt5930 offering of every sabbath,7676 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

11 And in the beginnings7218 of your months2320 you shall offer7126 a burnt5930 offering to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352 seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot;8549

12 And three7969 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 for one259 bullock;6499 and two8147 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 for one259 ram;352

13 And a several tenth6241 deal of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil8081 for a meat offering4503 to one259 lamb;3532 for a burnt5930 offering of a sweet5207 smell,7381 a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.3068

14 And their drink5262 offerings shall be half2677 an hin1969 of wine3196 to a bullock,6499 and the third7992 part of an hin1969 to a ram,352 and a fourth7243 part of an hin1969 to a lamb:3532 this2063 is the burnt5930 offering of every month2320 throughout the months2320 of the year.8141

15 And one259 kid8163 of the goats5795 for a sin2403 offering to the LORD3068 shall be offered,6213 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

16 And in the fourteenth702 6240 day3117 of the first7223 month2320 is the passover6453 of the LORD.3068

17 And in the fifteenth2568 6240 day3117 of this2088 month2320 is the feast:2282 seven7651 days3117 shall unleavened4682 bread be eaten.398

18 In the first7223 day3117 shall be an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3808 manner of servile5656 work4399 therein:

19 But you shall offer7126 a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt5930 offering to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352 and seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year:8141 they shall be to you without8549 blemish:8549

20 And their meat offering4503 shall be of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil:8081 three7969 tenth6241 deals shall you offer6213 for a bullock,6499 and two8147 tenth6241 deals for a ram;352

21 A several tenth6241 deal shall you offer6213 for every lamb,3532 throughout the seven7651 lambs:3532

22 And one259 goat8163 for a sin2403 offering, to make an atonement3722 for you.

23 You shall offer6213 these428 beside905 the burnt5930 offering in the morning,1242 which834 is for a continual8548 burnt5930 offering.

24 After this428 manner you shall offer6213 daily,3117 throughout the seven7651 days,3117 the meat3899 of the sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD:3068 it shall be offered6213 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

25 And on5921 the seventh7637 day3117 you shall have1961 an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3605 3808 servile5656 work.4399

26 Also in the day3117 of the first fruits,1061 when you bring7126 a new2319 meat offering4503 to the LORD,3068 after your weeks7620 be out, you shall have1961 an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3605 3808 servile5656 work:4399

27 But you shall offer7126 the burnt5930 offering for a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 one259 ram,352 seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year;8141

28 And their meat offering4503 of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil,8081 three7969 tenth6241 deals to one259 bullock,6499 two8147 tenth6241 deals to one259 ram,352

29 A several tenth6241 deal to one259 lamb,3532 throughout the seven7651 lambs;3532

30 And one259 kid8163 of the goats,5795 to make an atonement3722 for you.

31 You shall offer6213 them beside905 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering,4503 and his meat offering, (they shall be to you without8549 blemish)8549 and their drink5262 offerings.




Chapter 28

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 「你要吩咐以色列人說:『獻給我的供物,[and]獻給我作馨香火祭的食物,你們要按日期獻給我』。

2 Command6680 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, My offering,7133 and my bread3899 for my sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet5207 smell7381 to me, shall you observe8104 to offer7126 to me in their due season.4150

3 又要對他們說:你們要獻給耶和華的火祭,就是沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],每日兩隻,作為常獻的燔祭。

3 And you shall say559 to them, This2088 is the offering made by fire which834 you shall offer7126 to the LORD;3068 two8147 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot8549 day3117 by day,3117 for a continual8548 burnt5930 offering.

4 早晨要獻一隻,黃昏的時候要獻一隻;

4 The one259 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 in the morning,1242 and the other8145 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 at996 even;6153

5 又用細麵伊法十分之一,並搗成的油一欣四分之一,調和作為素祭。

5 And a tenth6224 part of an ephah374 of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with the fourth7243 part of an hin1969 of beaten3795 oil.8081

6 這是西奈山所命定為常獻的燔祭,是獻給耶和華為馨香的火祭。

6 It is a continual8548 burnt5930 offering, which was ordained6213 in mount2022 Sinai5514 for a sweet5207 smell,7381 a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.3068

7 為這一隻綿羊羔[lamb],要同獻奠祭的酒一欣的四分之一。在聖所中,你要將醇酒奉給耶和華為奠祭。

7 And the drink5262 offering thereof shall be the fourth7243 part of an hin1969 for the one259 lamb:3532 in the holy6944 place shall you cause the strong wine7941 to be poured5258 to the LORD3068 for a drink5262 offering.

8 晚上,你要獻那一隻綿羊羔[lamb],必照早晨的素祭和同獻的奠祭獻上,作為馨香的火祭,獻給耶和華。」

8 And the other8145 lamb3532 shall you offer6213 at996 even:6153 as the meat offering4503 of the morning,1242 and as the drink5262 offering thereof, you shall offer6213 it, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD.3068

9 「當安息日,要獻兩隻沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],並用調油的細麵伊法十分之二為素祭,又將同獻的奠祭獻上。

9 And on5921 the sabbath7676 day3117 two8147 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot,8549 and two8147 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 and the drink5262 offering thereof:

10 這是每安息日獻的燔祭;那常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭在外。」

10 This is the burnt5930 offering of every sabbath,7676 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

11 「每月朔,你們要將兩隻公牛犢,一隻公綿羊,七隻沒有殘疾、一歲的綿羊羔[lambs],獻給耶和華為燔祭。

11 And in the beginnings7218 of your months2320 you shall offer7126 a burnt5930 offering to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352 seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without8549 spot;8549

12 每隻公牛要用調油的細麵伊法十分之三作為素祭;那隻公綿羊[ram]也用調油的細麵伊法十分之二作為素祭;

12 And three7969 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 for one259 bullock;6499 and two8147 tenth6241 deals of flour5560 for a meat offering,4503 mingled1101 with oil,8081 for one259 ram;352

13 每隻綿羊羔[lamb]要用調油的[flour]伊法十分之一作為素祭和馨香的燔祭,是獻給耶和華的火祭。

13 And a several tenth6241 deal of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil8081 for a meat offering4503 to one259 lamb;3532 for a burnt5930 offering of a sweet5207 smell,7381 a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.3068

14 一隻公牛要奠酒半欣,一隻公綿羊[ram]要奠酒一欣三分之一,一隻綿羊羔[lamb]也奠酒一欣四分之一。這是每月的燔祭,一年之中要月月如此。

14 And their drink5262 offerings shall be half2677 an hin1969 of wine3196 to a bullock,6499 and the third7992 part of an hin1969 to a ram,352 and a fourth7243 part of an hin1969 to a lamb:3532 this2063 is the burnt5930 offering of every month2320 throughout the months2320 of the year.8141

15 又要將一隻山羊羔[kid of the goats]為贖罪祭,獻給耶和華;要獻在常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭以外。」

15 And one259 kid8163 of the goats5795 for a sin2403 offering to the LORD3068 shall be offered,6213 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

16 「正月十四日是耶和華的逾越節。

16 And in the fourteenth702 6240 day3117 of the first7223 month2320 is the passover6453 of the LORD.3068

17 這月十五日是節期,要吃無酵餅七日。

17 And in the fifteenth2568 6240 day3117 of this2088 month2320 is the feast:2282 seven7651 days3117 shall unleavened4682 bread be eaten.398

18 第一天當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。

18 In the first7223 day3117 shall be an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3808 manner of servile5656 work4399 therein:

19 你們倒要將火祭─就是公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的綿羊羔七隻,都要沒有殘疾的,獻給耶和華為燔祭[ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of the first year: they shall be unto you without blemish]

19 But you shall offer7126 a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt5930 offering to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352 and seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year:8141 they shall be to you without8549 blemish:8549

20 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為一隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公綿羊[ram]要獻伊法十分之二;

20 And their meat offering4503 shall be of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil:8081 three7969 tenth6241 deals shall you offer6213 for a bullock,6499 and two8147 tenth6241 deals for a ram;352

21 為那七隻綿羊羔[lamb],每隻要獻伊法十分之一。

21 A several tenth6241 deal shall you offer6213 for every lamb,3532 throughout the seven7651 lambs:3532

22 並獻一隻山羊[goat]作贖罪祭,為你們贖罪。

22 And one259 goat8163 for a sin2403 offering, to make an atonement3722 for you.

23 你們獻這些,要在早晨常獻的燔祭以外。

23 You shall offer6213 these428 beside905 the burnt5930 offering in the morning,1242 which834 is for a continual8548 burnt5930 offering.

24 一連七日,每日要照這例把馨香火祭的食物獻給耶和華,是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭以外。

24 After this428 manner you shall offer6213 daily,3117 throughout the seven7651 days,3117 the meat3899 of the sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD:3068 it shall be offered6213 beside5921 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering, and his drink5262 offering.

25 第七天當有聖會,甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。」

25 And on5921 the seventh7637 day3117 you shall have1961 an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3605 3808 servile5656 work.4399

26 「七七節莊稼初熟,你們獻新素祭給耶和華的日子,當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可作。

26 Also in the day3117 of the first fruits,1061 when you bring7126 a new2319 meat offering4503 to the LORD,3068 after your weeks7620 be out, you shall have1961 an holy6944 convocation;4744 you shall do6213 no3605 3808 servile5656 work:4399

27 只要將公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的綿羊羔[lambs]七隻,作為馨香的燔祭獻給耶和華。

27 But you shall offer7126 the burnt5930 offering for a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD;3068 two8147 young1121 1241 bullocks,6499 one259 ram,352 seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year;8141

28 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為每隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公綿羊[ram]要獻伊法十分之二;

28 And their meat offering4503 of flour5560 mingled1101 with oil,8081 three7969 tenth6241 deals to one259 bullock,6499 two8147 tenth6241 deals to one259 ram,352

29 為那七隻綿羊羔[lamb],每隻要獻伊法十分之一。

29 A several tenth6241 deal to one259 lamb,3532 throughout the seven7651 lambs;3532

30 並獻一隻山羊羔[kid of the goats]為你們贖罪。

30 And one259 kid8163 of the goats,5795 to make an atonement3722 for you.

31 這些,你們要獻在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外,都要沒有殘疾的。」

31 You shall offer6213 them beside905 the continual8548 burnt5930 offering,4503 and his meat offering, (they shall be to you without8549 blemish)8549 and their drink5262 offerings.