

1 謁葛人拿翁以尼尼微之事、得之默示者、筆之於書、曰、

2 耶和華乃上帝、有不敬者、斷不容之、不敬之人、耶和華必以爲敵、憤怒奮發、加以重罰、屢怒不已。

3 耶和華能力甚大、雖不遽怒、然恒於惡者、不蒙赦宥、耶和華涖臨、若颶風狂飚之驟起、視雲若足下之塵、

4 一叱咤而海水涸、汲道絕矣、巴山加密已荒蕪矣、利巴嫩之榮華、倏然凋謝矣、

5 在彼之前、岡嶺震動、山巒頓失、大地墳起、世人殞亡、

6 厥怒奮發、若山巔出火、孰能自立、厥氣憤烈、若磐巖崩裂、孰能得生、

7 耶和華無不善、凡賴之者、蒙其眷顧、患難之日、得其護衛、

8 凡敵之者必遭昏暗、若爲洪水所淹、淪胥以亡、

9 爾謀不軌、違逆耶和華、亦奚以爲、彼一擊爾、必致於死、毋庸再擊、

10 敵沉湎於酒、若荊棘叢雜、乾燥易焚。

11 尼尼微謀士、惟惡是作、專行不軌、悖逆耶和華、

12 耶和華曰、敵雖衆多、安然無恙、亦必殲滅、歸於烏有、惟爾小民、昔遭患難、必不遇害、

13 我必折爾軛、解爾結、

14 耶和華有命、告爾尼尼微王云、爾祚不長、爾上帝之殿、木偶金像、毀之殆盡、爾誠卑鄙、必於斯殞亡、

15 報諸嘉音、傳諸和平者、陟彼山岡、猶大族中、守爾節期、輸爾所願、蓋惡人滅亡、不復侵爾土地。


Chapter 1

1 THE wound of Nineveh, which is in the book of the visions of Nahum the Alkoshite.

2 God is zealous, and the LORD is avenging; the LORD is avenging and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves wrath for his enemies.

3 The LORD is slow to anger great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked; the LORD'S way is in the whirlwind and in the tempest, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

4 He rebukes the sea and makes it dry, and dries up all the rivers; Mathnin and Carmel languish, and the flower of Lebanon withers.

5 The mountains quake before him and the hills break loose; the earth trembles at his presence, yea, the world and all that dwell therein.

6 Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure in the fierceness of his wrath? His fury burns like fire, and the mountains melt at his presence.

7 The LORD is good, a great help in the day of trouble; and he knows those who trust in him.

8 But with a rushing flood he will make an utter end of the place of his adversaries, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

9 What do you imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end; affliction shall not rise up the second time.

10 Because from the lowest among them up to their rulers they are rebellious, they stagger in their drunkenness; they have eaten and are filled with dry rubbish.

11 Out of you shall come forth one who imagines evil against the LORD and gives wicked counsel.

12 Thus says the LORD: Against the watersheds of many waters, they have run down and vanished; though I have humbled you, I will humble you no more.

13 For now I will break his yoke from off you, and will burst your bonds asunder.

14 And the LORD will give a commandment concerning you: Your name shall no more be propagated from the house of your god; I will destroy the graven images and the molten images; I will make your grave hastily.

15 Behold upon the mountains, the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publishes peace! O Judah, keep your solemn feasts and perform your vows; the wicked shall no longer transgress against you, for he is utterly destroyed.




Chapter 1

1 謁葛人拿翁以尼尼微之事、得之默示者、筆之於書、曰、

1 THE wound of Nineveh, which is in the book of the visions of Nahum the Alkoshite.

2 耶和華乃上帝、有不敬者、斷不容之、不敬之人、耶和華必以爲敵、憤怒奮發、加以重罰、屢怒不已。

2 God is zealous, and the LORD is avenging; the LORD is avenging and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves wrath for his enemies.

3 耶和華能力甚大、雖不遽怒、然恒於惡者、不蒙赦宥、耶和華涖臨、若颶風狂飚之驟起、視雲若足下之塵、

3 The LORD is slow to anger great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked; the LORD'S way is in the whirlwind and in the tempest, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

4 一叱咤而海水涸、汲道絕矣、巴山加密已荒蕪矣、利巴嫩之榮華、倏然凋謝矣、

4 He rebukes the sea and makes it dry, and dries up all the rivers; Mathnin and Carmel languish, and the flower of Lebanon withers.

5 在彼之前、岡嶺震動、山巒頓失、大地墳起、世人殞亡、

5 The mountains quake before him and the hills break loose; the earth trembles at his presence, yea, the world and all that dwell therein.

6 厥怒奮發、若山巔出火、孰能自立、厥氣憤烈、若磐巖崩裂、孰能得生、

6 Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure in the fierceness of his wrath? His fury burns like fire, and the mountains melt at his presence.

7 耶和華無不善、凡賴之者、蒙其眷顧、患難之日、得其護衛、

7 The LORD is good, a great help in the day of trouble; and he knows those who trust in him.

8 凡敵之者必遭昏暗、若爲洪水所淹、淪胥以亡、

8 But with a rushing flood he will make an utter end of the place of his adversaries, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

9 爾謀不軌、違逆耶和華、亦奚以爲、彼一擊爾、必致於死、毋庸再擊、

9 What do you imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end; affliction shall not rise up the second time.

10 敵沉湎於酒、若荊棘叢雜、乾燥易焚。

10 Because from the lowest among them up to their rulers they are rebellious, they stagger in their drunkenness; they have eaten and are filled with dry rubbish.

11 尼尼微謀士、惟惡是作、專行不軌、悖逆耶和華、

11 Out of you shall come forth one who imagines evil against the LORD and gives wicked counsel.

12 耶和華曰、敵雖衆多、安然無恙、亦必殲滅、歸於烏有、惟爾小民、昔遭患難、必不遇害、

12 Thus says the LORD: Against the watersheds of many waters, they have run down and vanished; though I have humbled you, I will humble you no more.

13 我必折爾軛、解爾結、

13 For now I will break his yoke from off you, and will burst your bonds asunder.

14 耶和華有命、告爾尼尼微王云、爾祚不長、爾上帝之殿、木偶金像、毀之殆盡、爾誠卑鄙、必於斯殞亡、

14 And the LORD will give a commandment concerning you: Your name shall no more be propagated from the house of your god; I will destroy the graven images and the molten images; I will make your grave hastily.

15 報諸嘉音、傳諸和平者、陟彼山岡、猶大族中、守爾節期、輸爾所願、蓋惡人滅亡、不復侵爾土地。

15 Behold upon the mountains, the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publishes peace! O Judah, keep your solemn feasts and perform your vows; the wicked shall no longer transgress against you, for he is utterly destroyed.
