
Chapter 5

1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.



1 匹夫匹婦號呼、怨其同宗猶大人、

2 或曰、我已頻鬻子女、易穀養生。

3 或曰、饑饉旣甚、我已質田園宅第於人以糴穀。

4 或曰、我之田園、已質於人、得金以納稅。

5 我及我子、與同宗何異、奚以我之子女、爲人服役、我有數女爲人所玷、欲拯無能、我之田園、爲人所據。

6 民出怨言若此、我聞之甚怒、

7 中心籌畫、責諸伯世職、曰、爾貸同宗金、權子母、果何爲乎、我集會衆、

8 告之曰、我之同宗、猶大人、鬻於異邦、我盡力贖之、爾乃以同宗爲奇貨乎、衆無詞以對。

9 我又曰、爾所爲不善、尚其寅畏上帝、則敵我之異邦人、誰敢侮予。

10 我與宗人僕從、未嘗誅求於民、或金或穀我弗取、放利之事、爾不可行。

11 爾得同儕田疇、葡萄園、橄欖囿、宅第、又征金穀酒油之利、今悉當反之。

12 衆言必將反之、不敢取利、遵命以行、我使祭司命衆發誓、必踐其言。

13 我則拂去衣上塵、曰、凡勿踐其言、上帝必去之、有如此去、離家室、失產業、使之匱乏。會衆曰、正所願也、遂頌讚耶和華。嗣後民咸從斯言。

14 自亞達泄西王二十年、至三十二年、共十二年、我爲猶大方伯、不食祿、卽吾宗人亦然。

15 舊方伯橫征閭閻、日得餅與酒、金二十兩、僕從亦從而挾制之、我畏上帝、不敢若是。

16 惟日築垣墉、僕從皆然、不事田園。

17 有猶大人及諸伯、百五十人、與來自異邦者、偕我飲食。

18 我日備牛一、肥羊六、雞鶩無數、十日一次備各品之酒、我見民服役繁重、故我雖爲方伯、不食其祿。

19 我旣愛民若此、願上帝垂顧焉。


Chapter 5



1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

1 匹夫匹婦號呼、怨其同宗猶大人、

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

2 或曰、我已頻鬻子女、易穀養生。

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

3 或曰、饑饉旣甚、我已質田園宅第於人以糴穀。

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

4 或曰、我之田園、已質於人、得金以納稅。

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

5 我及我子、與同宗何異、奚以我之子女、爲人服役、我有數女爲人所玷、欲拯無能、我之田園、爲人所據。

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

6 民出怨言若此、我聞之甚怒、

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

7 中心籌畫、責諸伯世職、曰、爾貸同宗金、權子母、果何爲乎、我集會衆、

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

8 告之曰、我之同宗、猶大人、鬻於異邦、我盡力贖之、爾乃以同宗爲奇貨乎、衆無詞以對。

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

9 我又曰、爾所爲不善、尚其寅畏上帝、則敵我之異邦人、誰敢侮予。

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

10 我與宗人僕從、未嘗誅求於民、或金或穀我弗取、放利之事、爾不可行。

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

11 爾得同儕田疇、葡萄園、橄欖囿、宅第、又征金穀酒油之利、今悉當反之。

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

12 衆言必將反之、不敢取利、遵命以行、我使祭司命衆發誓、必踐其言。

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

13 我則拂去衣上塵、曰、凡勿踐其言、上帝必去之、有如此去、離家室、失產業、使之匱乏。會衆曰、正所願也、遂頌讚耶和華。嗣後民咸從斯言。

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

14 自亞達泄西王二十年、至三十二年、共十二年、我爲猶大方伯、不食祿、卽吾宗人亦然。

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

15 舊方伯橫征閭閻、日得餅與酒、金二十兩、僕從亦從而挾制之、我畏上帝、不敢若是。

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

16 惟日築垣墉、僕從皆然、不事田園。

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

17 有猶大人及諸伯、百五十人、與來自異邦者、偕我飲食。

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

18 我日備牛一、肥羊六、雞鶩無數、十日一次備各品之酒、我見民服役繁重、故我雖爲方伯、不食其祿。

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.

19 我旣愛民若此、願上帝垂顧焉。