
Chapter 9

1 AND he said to them, Truly I say to you, that there are men standing here, who shall not taste death, till they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.

2 And six days after, Jesus took Peter, and James, and John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone; and he was transfigured before their eyes.

3 His clothes shone, and became white like snow, in such a manner that men on earth cannot make white.

4 And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

5 And Peter said to him, Teacher, it is better for us to remain here; and let us make three shelters, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

6 For he did not know what he was saying, for they were in fear.

7 And there was a cloud overshadowing them, and a voice out of the cloud said, This is my beloved Son; hear him.

8 And suddenly, when the disciples looked around, they saw no man, except Jesus alone with them.

9 And as they came down from the mountain, he commanded them not to tell any man what they had seen, until the Son of man has risen from the dead.

10 So they kept that saying to themselves, and they wanted to know what ôrisen from the deadö means.

11 And they asked him, saying, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must first come?

12 He said to them, Elijah does come first, to prepare everything; and as it is written concerning the Son of man, that he will suffer much and be rejected.

13 But I say to you, that Elijah has also come, and they did with him whatever they pleased, as it is written of him.

14 And when he came to his disciples, he saw a large crowd with them, and the scribes debating with them.

15 And immediately all the people saw him, and were greatly surprised, and they ran to greet him.

16 And he asked the scribes, What do you debate with them?

17 One of the multitude answered and said, Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a spirit of dumbness.

18 And whenever it seizes him, it troubles him; and he foams, and gnashes his teeth, and gets worn out. And I asked your disciples to cast it out, but they could not.

19 Jesus answered and said to him, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? and how long shall I preach to you? bring him to me.

20 And they brought the boy to Jesus; and when the spirit seized him, it immediately troubled him; and he fell on the ground, gasping and foaming.

21 So Jesus asked his father, How long has he been like this? He said to him, From his childhood.

22 And many times it has thrown him into the fire and into the water to destroy him; but whatever you can do, help me, and have mercy on me.

23 Jesus said to him, If you can believe, everything is possible to him who believes.

24 And immediately the father of the boy cried out weeping, and said, I do believe, help my little belief.

25 When Jesus saw that people were run- ning and gathering to him, he rebuked the unclean spirit, and said to it, O deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him, and do not enter him again.

26 And the epileptic cried out much, and was tortured, and the spirit went out; then the boy became as if dead, so that many could say, He is dead.

27 Then Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up.

28 When Jesus entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could we not cast it out?

29 He said to them, This kind cannot be cast out by anything, except by fasting and prayer.

30 And when they went out from thence, they passed through Galilee; and he did not want any man to know about him.

31 For he taught his disciples, and said to them, The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him; and after he is killed, he will rise on the third day.

32 But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to ask him.

33 And they came to Capernaum; and when they entered the house, he asked them, What were you reasoning among yourselves on the road?

34 But they kept silent, for on the road they had argued with one another, which was the greatest of them.

35 And Jesus sat down, and he called the twelve and said to them, He who wishes to be first, let him be the last of every man, and the minister of every man.

36 And he took a little boy, and made him to stand in the midst; then he took him in his arms, and said to them,

37 Whoever receives a boy like this in my name, he receives me; and he who receives me, does not receive me, but him who has sent me.

38 John said to him, Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name; and we forbade him, because he did not follow us.

39 Jesus said to them, Do not forbid him; for there is no man who performs miracles in my name, who will hastily speak evil of me.

40 Therefore, he who is not against you is for you.

41 For whoever gives you to drink even a cup of water only, because you represent the name of Christ, truly I say to you that his reward shall not be lost.

42 And whoever shall cause one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it were better for him that an ass' mill stone were hanged on his neck and then he were thrown into the sea.

43 If your hand offends you, cut it off; it is much better for you to go through life maimed, than to have two hands and go to Gehenna,

44 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

45 And if your foot offends you, cut it off; it is much better for you to go through life lame, than to have two feet, and fall into Gehenna,

46 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

47 And if your eye offends you, remove it; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than to have two eyes and fall into the Gehenna of fire,

48 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

49 For everything will be salted on fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt.

50 O how good is salt; but if the salt should lose its savor, with what could it be salted? Let there be salt in you, and be in peace with one another.



1 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、立於此者有人、未死之先、克見上帝國、乘權而臨也、〇

2 越六日、耶穌潛攜彼得雅各約翰至高山、當前變化、

3 其衣燦爛、皎白如雪、世之漂者、不能白之若此、

4 時以利亞摩西現、與耶穌語、

5 彼得謂耶穌曰、夫子、我儕在此善矣、容我建三廬、一爲爾、一爲摩西、一爲以利亞、

6 彼得不自知所謂、門徒甚懼、

7 適雲蓋之、雲間有聲云、此我愛子、爾宜聽之、

8 門徒環視、不見一人、惟耶穌而已、〇

9 下山時、耶穌戒之曰、人子未復生、勿以所見告人、

10 門徒服膺斯語、共議復生何意、

11 問耶穌曰、士子有言、以利亞當先至、何歟、

12 曰、以利亞先至、振興諸事、而人子必備受害、爲人所忽、記已言之、

13 吾語汝、以利亞已至、而人任意以待、如記所言、〇

14 至門徒、所見衆環之、士子與之辯論、

15 衆見耶穌、甚異之、趨前加禮、

16 耶穌問士子曰、爾與之辯論何歟、

17 衆中一人曰、先生、我攜我子就爾、爲神所憑而啞、

18 祟時傾跌、流涎、切齒、枯槁、請爾門徒逐之、而不能也、

19 耶穌曰、噫、不信之世、我偕爾當幾何時、我忍爾當幾何時乎、且攜子就我、

20 遂攜至、一見耶穌神、卽拘攣之、仆地輾轉流涎、

21 耶穌問其父曰、患此幾時矣、曰、自少時、

22 屢投於水火、欲滅吾子、倘爾能爲、則憫而助我、

23 耶穌曰、如爾能信則可、信者無不能也、

24 其父垂淚、呼曰、主、我信、若信未篤、則助余、

25 耶穌見衆趨集、叱邪神曰、使人喑聾之神、我命爾出、勿再入之、

26 神號呼、拘攣之甚、乃出、其子若死然、人謂其已死、

27 耶穌執其手、扶之、遂起、〇

28 入室、門徒竊問曰、吾儕逐之不得、何歟、

29 耶穌曰、藉非祈禱禁食、此族不得出也、〇

30 於是去彼、過加利利不欲人知、

31 示門徒曰、人子將賣與人、見殺、殺後三日復生、

32 門徒未達、而不敢問、〇

33 至迦百農在室、問門徒曰、爾途間私議、何歟、

34 門徒默然、以途間爭長也、

35 耶穌坐、呼十二門徒曰、欲爲先者、當爲衆後、爲衆役也、

36 耶穌取孩提、置於前、且抱之、語門徒曰、

37 凡以我名接如此孩提者、卽接我、接我者、非接我、接遺我者也、〇

38 約翰言於耶穌曰、先生、我儕見一人、不從我、而以爾名逐鬼、故禁之、爲其不從我也、

39 耶穌曰、勿禁之、未有托我名行異能、而忍輕誹我者也、

40 凡不攻我者、則向我者也、

41 凡托我名以一杯水飲爾、因爾爲基督之徒、我誠告爾、彼必不失賞也、〇

42 凡陷信我之小子於罪者、寕以磨石懸其頸、投於海之爲美也、

43 倘爾一手陷爾於罪、則斷之、寕殘缺入於生、勿兩手下地獄不滅之火、

44 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

45 倘爾一足陷爾於罪、則斷之、寕跛入於生、勿兩足下地獄不滅之火、

46 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

47 倘爾一目陷爾於罪、則去之、寕一目進上帝國、勿兩目投地獄之火、

48 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

49 凡人必火以火〔火以火本經作鹽以火〕、祭物必鹽以鹽、

50 鹽善矣、鹽而失其爲鹽、何以復之、爾曹內宜有鹽而相和、可也、


Chapter 9



1 AND he said to them, Truly I say to you, that there are men standing here, who shall not taste death, till they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.

1 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、立於此者有人、未死之先、克見上帝國、乘權而臨也、〇

2 And six days after, Jesus took Peter, and James, and John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone; and he was transfigured before their eyes.

2 越六日、耶穌潛攜彼得雅各約翰至高山、當前變化、

3 His clothes shone, and became white like snow, in such a manner that men on earth cannot make white.

3 其衣燦爛、皎白如雪、世之漂者、不能白之若此、

4 And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

4 時以利亞摩西現、與耶穌語、

5 And Peter said to him, Teacher, it is better for us to remain here; and let us make three shelters, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

5 彼得謂耶穌曰、夫子、我儕在此善矣、容我建三廬、一爲爾、一爲摩西、一爲以利亞、

6 For he did not know what he was saying, for they were in fear.

6 彼得不自知所謂、門徒甚懼、

7 And there was a cloud overshadowing them, and a voice out of the cloud said, This is my beloved Son; hear him.

7 適雲蓋之、雲間有聲云、此我愛子、爾宜聽之、

8 And suddenly, when the disciples looked around, they saw no man, except Jesus alone with them.

8 門徒環視、不見一人、惟耶穌而已、〇

9 And as they came down from the mountain, he commanded them not to tell any man what they had seen, until the Son of man has risen from the dead.

9 下山時、耶穌戒之曰、人子未復生、勿以所見告人、

10 So they kept that saying to themselves, and they wanted to know what ôrisen from the deadö means.

10 門徒服膺斯語、共議復生何意、

11 And they asked him, saying, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must first come?

11 問耶穌曰、士子有言、以利亞當先至、何歟、

12 He said to them, Elijah does come first, to prepare everything; and as it is written concerning the Son of man, that he will suffer much and be rejected.

12 曰、以利亞先至、振興諸事、而人子必備受害、爲人所忽、記已言之、

13 But I say to you, that Elijah has also come, and they did with him whatever they pleased, as it is written of him.

13 吾語汝、以利亞已至、而人任意以待、如記所言、〇

14 And when he came to his disciples, he saw a large crowd with them, and the scribes debating with them.

14 至門徒、所見衆環之、士子與之辯論、

15 And immediately all the people saw him, and were greatly surprised, and they ran to greet him.

15 衆見耶穌、甚異之、趨前加禮、

16 And he asked the scribes, What do you debate with them?

16 耶穌問士子曰、爾與之辯論何歟、

17 One of the multitude answered and said, Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a spirit of dumbness.

17 衆中一人曰、先生、我攜我子就爾、爲神所憑而啞、

18 And whenever it seizes him, it troubles him; and he foams, and gnashes his teeth, and gets worn out. And I asked your disciples to cast it out, but they could not.

18 祟時傾跌、流涎、切齒、枯槁、請爾門徒逐之、而不能也、

19 Jesus answered and said to him, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? and how long shall I preach to you? bring him to me.

19 耶穌曰、噫、不信之世、我偕爾當幾何時、我忍爾當幾何時乎、且攜子就我、

20 And they brought the boy to Jesus; and when the spirit seized him, it immediately troubled him; and he fell on the ground, gasping and foaming.

20 遂攜至、一見耶穌神、卽拘攣之、仆地輾轉流涎、

21 So Jesus asked his father, How long has he been like this? He said to him, From his childhood.

21 耶穌問其父曰、患此幾時矣、曰、自少時、

22 And many times it has thrown him into the fire and into the water to destroy him; but whatever you can do, help me, and have mercy on me.

22 屢投於水火、欲滅吾子、倘爾能爲、則憫而助我、

23 Jesus said to him, If you can believe, everything is possible to him who believes.

23 耶穌曰、如爾能信則可、信者無不能也、

24 And immediately the father of the boy cried out weeping, and said, I do believe, help my little belief.

24 其父垂淚、呼曰、主、我信、若信未篤、則助余、

25 When Jesus saw that people were run- ning and gathering to him, he rebuked the unclean spirit, and said to it, O deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him, and do not enter him again.

25 耶穌見衆趨集、叱邪神曰、使人喑聾之神、我命爾出、勿再入之、

26 And the epileptic cried out much, and was tortured, and the spirit went out; then the boy became as if dead, so that many could say, He is dead.

26 神號呼、拘攣之甚、乃出、其子若死然、人謂其已死、

27 Then Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up.

27 耶穌執其手、扶之、遂起、〇

28 When Jesus entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could we not cast it out?

28 入室、門徒竊問曰、吾儕逐之不得、何歟、

29 He said to them, This kind cannot be cast out by anything, except by fasting and prayer.

29 耶穌曰、藉非祈禱禁食、此族不得出也、〇

30 And when they went out from thence, they passed through Galilee; and he did not want any man to know about him.

30 於是去彼、過加利利不欲人知、

31 For he taught his disciples, and said to them, The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him; and after he is killed, he will rise on the third day.

31 示門徒曰、人子將賣與人、見殺、殺後三日復生、

32 But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to ask him.

32 門徒未達、而不敢問、〇

33 And they came to Capernaum; and when they entered the house, he asked them, What were you reasoning among yourselves on the road?

33 至迦百農在室、問門徒曰、爾途間私議、何歟、

34 But they kept silent, for on the road they had argued with one another, which was the greatest of them.

34 門徒默然、以途間爭長也、

35 And Jesus sat down, and he called the twelve and said to them, He who wishes to be first, let him be the last of every man, and the minister of every man.

35 耶穌坐、呼十二門徒曰、欲爲先者、當爲衆後、爲衆役也、

36 And he took a little boy, and made him to stand in the midst; then he took him in his arms, and said to them,

36 耶穌取孩提、置於前、且抱之、語門徒曰、

37 Whoever receives a boy like this in my name, he receives me; and he who receives me, does not receive me, but him who has sent me.

37 凡以我名接如此孩提者、卽接我、接我者、非接我、接遺我者也、〇

38 John said to him, Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name; and we forbade him, because he did not follow us.

38 約翰言於耶穌曰、先生、我儕見一人、不從我、而以爾名逐鬼、故禁之、爲其不從我也、

39 Jesus said to them, Do not forbid him; for there is no man who performs miracles in my name, who will hastily speak evil of me.

39 耶穌曰、勿禁之、未有托我名行異能、而忍輕誹我者也、

40 Therefore, he who is not against you is for you.

40 凡不攻我者、則向我者也、

41 For whoever gives you to drink even a cup of water only, because you represent the name of Christ, truly I say to you that his reward shall not be lost.

41 凡托我名以一杯水飲爾、因爾爲基督之徒、我誠告爾、彼必不失賞也、〇

42 And whoever shall cause one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it were better for him that an ass' mill stone were hanged on his neck and then he were thrown into the sea.

42 凡陷信我之小子於罪者、寕以磨石懸其頸、投於海之爲美也、

43 If your hand offends you, cut it off; it is much better for you to go through life maimed, than to have two hands and go to Gehenna,

43 倘爾一手陷爾於罪、則斷之、寕殘缺入於生、勿兩手下地獄不滅之火、

44 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

44 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

45 And if your foot offends you, cut it off; it is much better for you to go through life lame, than to have two feet, and fall into Gehenna,

45 倘爾一足陷爾於罪、則斷之、寕跛入於生、勿兩足下地獄不滅之火、

46 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

46 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

47 And if your eye offends you, remove it; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than to have two eyes and fall into the Gehenna of fire,

47 倘爾一目陷爾於罪、則去之、寕一目進上帝國、勿兩目投地獄之火、

48 Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not quench.

48 在彼蟲不死、火不滅、

49 For everything will be salted on fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt.

49 凡人必火以火〔火以火本經作鹽以火〕、祭物必鹽以鹽、

50 O how good is salt; but if the salt should lose its savor, with what could it be salted? Let there be salt in you, and be in peace with one another.

50 鹽善矣、鹽而失其爲鹽、何以復之、爾曹內宜有鹽而相和、可也、
