2 Samuel

Chapter 21

1 Then there was1961 a famine7458 in the days3117 of David1732 three7969 years,8141 year8141 after310 year;8141 and David1732 inquired1245 6440 of the LORD.3068 And the LORD3068 answered,559 It is for413 Saul,7586 and for413 his bloody1818 house,1004 because5921 834 he slew4191 853 the Gibeonites.1393

2 And the king4428 called7121 the Gibeonites,1393 and said559 unto413 them; (now the Gibeonites1393 were not3808 of the children4480 1121 of Israel,3478 but3588 518 of the remnant4480 3499 of the Amorites;567 and the children1121 of Israel3478 had sworn7650 unto them: and Saul7586 sought1245 to slay5221 them in his zeal7065 to the children1121 of Israel3478 and Judah.)3063

3 Wherefore David1732 said559 unto413 the Gibeonites,1393 What4100 shall I do6213 for you? and wherewith4100 shall I make the atonement,3722 that ye may bless1288 853 the inheritance5159 of the LORD?3068

4 And the Gibeonites1393 said559 unto him, We will have no369 silver3701 nor gold2091 of5973 Saul,7586 nor of5973 his house;1004 neither369 for us shalt thou kill4191 any man376 in Israel.3478 And he said,559 What4100 ye859 shall say,559 that will I do6213 for you.

5 And they answered559 413 the king,4428 The man376 that834 consumed3615 us, and that834 devised1819 against us that we should be destroyed8045 from remaining4480 3320 in any3605 of the coasts1366 of Israel,3478

6 Let seven7651 men376 of his sons4480 1121 be delivered5414 unto us, and we will hang3363 them up unto the LORD3068 in Gibeah1390 of Saul,7586 whom the LORD3068 did choose.972 And the king4428 said,559 I589 will give5414 them.

7 But the king4428 spared2550 5921 Mephibosheth,4648 the son1121 of Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Saul,7586 because5921 of the LORD's3068 oath7621 that834 was between996 them, between996 David1732 and Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Saul.7586

8 But the king4428 took3947 853 the two8147 sons1121 of Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah,345 whom834 she bore3205 unto Saul,7586 853 Armoni764 and Mephibosheth;4648 and the five2568 sons1121 of Michal4324 the daughter1323 of Saul,7586 whom834 she brought up3205 for Adriel5741 the son1121 of Barzillai1271 the Meholathite: 4259

9 And he delivered5414 them into the hands3027 of the Gibeonites,1393 and they hanged3363 them in the hill2022 before6440 the LORD:3068 and they fell5307 all seven7651 together,3162 and were put to death4191 in the days3117 of harvest,7105 in the first7223 days, in the beginning8462 of barley8184 harvest.7105

10 And Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah345 took3947 853 sackcloth,8242 and spread5186 it for her upon413 the rock,6697 from the beginning4480 8462 of harvest7105 until5704 water4325 dropped5413 upon5921 them out of4480 heaven,8064 and suffered5414 neither3808 the birds5775 of the air8064 to rest5117 on5921 them by day,3119 nor the beasts2416 of the field7704 by night.3915

11 And it was told5046 David1732 853 what834 Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah,345 the concubine6370 of Saul,7586 had done.6213

12 And David1732 went1980 and took3947 853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and the bones6106 of Jonathan3083 his son1121 from4480 854 the men1167 of Jabesh-gilead,3003 1568 which834 had stolen1589 them from the street4480 7339 of Beth-shan,1052 where834 8033 the Philistines6430 had hanged8511 them, when3117 the Philistines6430 had slain5221 853 Saul7586 in Gilboa: 1533

13 And he brought up5927 from thence4480 8033 853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and the bones6106 of Jonathan3083 his son;1121 and they gathered622 853 the bones6106 of them that were hanged.3363

14 And853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and Jonathan3083 his son1121 buried6912 they in the country776 of Benjamin1144 in Zelah,6762 in the sepulcher6913 of Kish7027 his father:1 and they performed6213 all3605 that834 the king4428 commanded.6680 And after that310 3651 God430 was entreated6279 for the land.776

15 Moreover the Philistines6430 had1961 yet war4421 again with854 Israel;3478 and David1732 went down,3381 and his servants5650 with5973 him, and fought against3898 853 the Philistines:6430 and David1732 waxed faint.5774

16 And Ishbibenob,3430 which834 was of the sons3211 of the giant,7498 the weight4948 of whose spear7013 weighed three7969 hundred3967 shekels of brass5178 in weight,4948 he1931 being girded2296 with a new2319 sword, thought559 to have slain5221 853 David.1732

17 But Abishai52 the son1121 of Zeruiah6870 succored5826 him, and smote5221 853 the Philistine,6430 and killed4191 him. Then227 the men376 of David1732 swore7650 unto him, saying,559 Thou shalt go3318 no3808 more5750 out with us to battle,4421 that thou quench3518 not3808 853 the light5216 of Israel.3478

18 And it came to pass1961 after310 this,3651 that there was1961 again5750 a battle4421 with5973 the Philistines6430 at Gob:1359 then227 Sibbechai5444 the Hushathite2843 slew5221 853 Saph,5593 which834 was of the sons3211 of the giant.7498

19 And there was1961 again5750 a battle4421 in Gob1359 with5973 the Philistines,6430 where Elhanan445 the son1121 of Jaare-oregim,3296 a Bethlehemite,1022 slew5221 the brother of853 Goliath1555 the Gittite,1663 the staff6086 of whose spear2595 was like a weaver's707 beam.4500

20 And there was1961 yet5750 a battle4421 in Gath,1661 where was1961 a man376 of great stature,4055 that had on every hand3027 six8337 fingers,676 and on every foot7272 six8337 toes,676 four702 and twenty6242 in number;4557 and he1931 also1571 was born3205 to the giant.7498

21 And when he defied2778 853 Israel,3478 Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Shimea8092 the brother251 of David1732 slew5221 him.

22 These428 853 four702 were born3205 to the giant7498 in Gath,1661 and fell5307 by the hand3027 of David,1732 and by the hand3027 of his servants.5650



1 大衛年間有饑荒,一連三年,大衛就求問耶和華。耶和華說:「這饑荒是因掃羅和他流人血之家殺死基遍人。」

2 王召了基遍人來,向他們說話[king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them];(原來這基遍人不是以色列人,乃是亞摩利人中所剩的;以色列人曾向他們起誓,不殺滅他們,掃羅卻為以色列人和猶大人發熱心,想要殺滅他們。)

3 大衛便對基遍人[Wherefore David said unto the Gibeonites]說:「我當為你們怎樣行呢?可用甚麼贖罪[atonement],使你們為耶和華的產業祝福呢?」

4 基遍人對他[unto him]說:「我們和掃羅與他家的事並不關乎金銀;也不要因我們的緣故在以色列殺一人[kill any man in Israel]。」大衛說:「你們怎樣說,我就為你們怎樣行。」

5 他們對王說:「那從前謀害我們、要滅我們、使我們不得再住以色列境內的人,

6 現在願將他的子孫七人交給我們,我們好在耶和華面前,將他們[hang]在耶和華揀選掃羅的基比亞。」王說:「我必交給你們。」

7 王因為曾與掃羅的兒子約拿單指著耶和華起誓結盟,就愛惜掃羅的孫子、約拿單的兒子米非.波設,不交出來,

8 卻把愛亞的女兒利斯巴給掃羅所生的兩個兒子亞摩尼、米非.波設,和掃羅女兒米甲[Michal]給米何拉人巴西萊兒子亞得列所生的五個兒子,

9 交在基遍人的手裏。基遍人就把他們,在耶和華面前,[hanged]在山上,這七人就一同死亡。被殺的時候正是收割的日子,就是動手割大麥的時候。

10 愛亞的女兒利斯巴用麻布在磐石上搭棚,從動手收割的時候直到天降雨在屍身上的時候,日間不容空中的雀鳥落在屍身上,夜間不讓田野的走獸前來糟踐。

11 有人將掃羅的妃嬪愛亞女兒利斯巴所行的這事告訴大衛。

12 大衛就去,從雅比.基列人那裏將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨搬了來,是因非利士人從前在基利波殺掃羅,將屍身[hanged]在伯.珊的街道[street]上,雅比.基列人把屍身偷了去。

13 大衛將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨從那裏搬了來,又收殮被[hanged]七人的骸骨,

14 將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨葬在便雅憫的洗拉,在掃羅父親基士的墳墓裏;眾人行了王所吩咐的。此後神垂聽國民所求的。

15 非利士人[again]以色列[Israel]打仗;大衛帶領他的[his]僕人下去,與非利士人接戰。大衛就疲乏了。

16 巨人[giant]的一個兒子以實.比諾要殺大衛;他的銅槍重三百舍客勒,又佩著新刀。

17 但洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩幫助大衛,攻打非利士人,將他殺死。當日,跟隨大衛的人向大衛起誓說:「以後你不可再與我們一同出戰,使你不致熄滅[that thou quench not]以色列的燈。」

18 後來,以色列人在歌伯與非利士人打仗,戶沙人西比該殺了巨人[giant]的一個兒子撒弗。

19 又在歌伯與非利士人打仗,伯.利恆人雅雷.俄珥金的兒子伊勒哈難殺了迦特人歌利亞的兄弟[brother of]。這人的槍桿粗如織布的機軸。

20 又在迦特打仗,那裏有一個身量高大的人,手腳都是六指,共有二十四個指頭;他也是巨人[giant]的兒子。

21 這人向以色列[Israel]罵陣,大衛的哥哥示米亞的兒子約拿單就殺了他。

22 這四個人是迦特巨人[giant]的兒子,都死在大衛和他僕人的手下。

2 Samuel

Chapter 21



1 Then there was1961 a famine7458 in the days3117 of David1732 three7969 years,8141 year8141 after310 year;8141 and David1732 inquired1245 6440 of the LORD.3068 And the LORD3068 answered,559 It is for413 Saul,7586 and for413 his bloody1818 house,1004 because5921 834 he slew4191 853 the Gibeonites.1393

1 大衛年間有饑荒,一連三年,大衛就求問耶和華。耶和華說:「這饑荒是因掃羅和他流人血之家殺死基遍人。」

2 And the king4428 called7121 the Gibeonites,1393 and said559 unto413 them; (now the Gibeonites1393 were not3808 of the children4480 1121 of Israel,3478 but3588 518 of the remnant4480 3499 of the Amorites;567 and the children1121 of Israel3478 had sworn7650 unto them: and Saul7586 sought1245 to slay5221 them in his zeal7065 to the children1121 of Israel3478 and Judah.)3063

2 王召了基遍人來,向他們說話[king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them];(原來這基遍人不是以色列人,乃是亞摩利人中所剩的;以色列人曾向他們起誓,不殺滅他們,掃羅卻為以色列人和猶大人發熱心,想要殺滅他們。)

3 Wherefore David1732 said559 unto413 the Gibeonites,1393 What4100 shall I do6213 for you? and wherewith4100 shall I make the atonement,3722 that ye may bless1288 853 the inheritance5159 of the LORD?3068

3 大衛便對基遍人[Wherefore David said unto the Gibeonites]說:「我當為你們怎樣行呢?可用甚麼贖罪[atonement],使你們為耶和華的產業祝福呢?」

4 And the Gibeonites1393 said559 unto him, We will have no369 silver3701 nor gold2091 of5973 Saul,7586 nor of5973 his house;1004 neither369 for us shalt thou kill4191 any man376 in Israel.3478 And he said,559 What4100 ye859 shall say,559 that will I do6213 for you.

4 基遍人對他[unto him]說:「我們和掃羅與他家的事並不關乎金銀;也不要因我們的緣故在以色列殺一人[kill any man in Israel]。」大衛說:「你們怎樣說,我就為你們怎樣行。」

5 And they answered559 413 the king,4428 The man376 that834 consumed3615 us, and that834 devised1819 against us that we should be destroyed8045 from remaining4480 3320 in any3605 of the coasts1366 of Israel,3478

5 他們對王說:「那從前謀害我們、要滅我們、使我們不得再住以色列境內的人,

6 Let seven7651 men376 of his sons4480 1121 be delivered5414 unto us, and we will hang3363 them up unto the LORD3068 in Gibeah1390 of Saul,7586 whom the LORD3068 did choose.972 And the king4428 said,559 I589 will give5414 them.

6 現在願將他的子孫七人交給我們,我們好在耶和華面前,將他們[hang]在耶和華揀選掃羅的基比亞。」王說:「我必交給你們。」

7 But the king4428 spared2550 5921 Mephibosheth,4648 the son1121 of Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Saul,7586 because5921 of the LORD's3068 oath7621 that834 was between996 them, between996 David1732 and Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Saul.7586

7 王因為曾與掃羅的兒子約拿單指著耶和華起誓結盟,就愛惜掃羅的孫子、約拿單的兒子米非.波設,不交出來,

8 But the king4428 took3947 853 the two8147 sons1121 of Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah,345 whom834 she bore3205 unto Saul,7586 853 Armoni764 and Mephibosheth;4648 and the five2568 sons1121 of Michal4324 the daughter1323 of Saul,7586 whom834 she brought up3205 for Adriel5741 the son1121 of Barzillai1271 the Meholathite: 4259

8 卻把愛亞的女兒利斯巴給掃羅所生的兩個兒子亞摩尼、米非.波設,和掃羅女兒米甲[Michal]給米何拉人巴西萊兒子亞得列所生的五個兒子,

9 And he delivered5414 them into the hands3027 of the Gibeonites,1393 and they hanged3363 them in the hill2022 before6440 the LORD:3068 and they fell5307 all seven7651 together,3162 and were put to death4191 in the days3117 of harvest,7105 in the first7223 days, in the beginning8462 of barley8184 harvest.7105

9 交在基遍人的手裏。基遍人就把他們,在耶和華面前,[hanged]在山上,這七人就一同死亡。被殺的時候正是收割的日子,就是動手割大麥的時候。

10 And Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah345 took3947 853 sackcloth,8242 and spread5186 it for her upon413 the rock,6697 from the beginning4480 8462 of harvest7105 until5704 water4325 dropped5413 upon5921 them out of4480 heaven,8064 and suffered5414 neither3808 the birds5775 of the air8064 to rest5117 on5921 them by day,3119 nor the beasts2416 of the field7704 by night.3915

10 愛亞的女兒利斯巴用麻布在磐石上搭棚,從動手收割的時候直到天降雨在屍身上的時候,日間不容空中的雀鳥落在屍身上,夜間不讓田野的走獸前來糟踐。

11 And it was told5046 David1732 853 what834 Rizpah7532 the daughter1323 of Aiah,345 the concubine6370 of Saul,7586 had done.6213

11 有人將掃羅的妃嬪愛亞女兒利斯巴所行的這事告訴大衛。

12 And David1732 went1980 and took3947 853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and the bones6106 of Jonathan3083 his son1121 from4480 854 the men1167 of Jabesh-gilead,3003 1568 which834 had stolen1589 them from the street4480 7339 of Beth-shan,1052 where834 8033 the Philistines6430 had hanged8511 them, when3117 the Philistines6430 had slain5221 853 Saul7586 in Gilboa: 1533

12 大衛就去,從雅比.基列人那裏將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨搬了來,是因非利士人從前在基利波殺掃羅,將屍身[hanged]在伯.珊的街道[street]上,雅比.基列人把屍身偷了去。

13 And he brought up5927 from thence4480 8033 853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and the bones6106 of Jonathan3083 his son;1121 and they gathered622 853 the bones6106 of them that were hanged.3363

13 大衛將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨從那裏搬了來,又收殮被[hanged]七人的骸骨,

14 And853 the bones6106 of Saul7586 and Jonathan3083 his son1121 buried6912 they in the country776 of Benjamin1144 in Zelah,6762 in the sepulcher6913 of Kish7027 his father:1 and they performed6213 all3605 that834 the king4428 commanded.6680 And after that310 3651 God430 was entreated6279 for the land.776

14 將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨葬在便雅憫的洗拉,在掃羅父親基士的墳墓裏;眾人行了王所吩咐的。此後神垂聽國民所求的。

15 Moreover the Philistines6430 had1961 yet war4421 again with854 Israel;3478 and David1732 went down,3381 and his servants5650 with5973 him, and fought against3898 853 the Philistines:6430 and David1732 waxed faint.5774

15 非利士人[again]以色列[Israel]打仗;大衛帶領他的[his]僕人下去,與非利士人接戰。大衛就疲乏了。

16 And Ishbibenob,3430 which834 was of the sons3211 of the giant,7498 the weight4948 of whose spear7013 weighed three7969 hundred3967 shekels of brass5178 in weight,4948 he1931 being girded2296 with a new2319 sword, thought559 to have slain5221 853 David.1732

16 巨人[giant]的一個兒子以實.比諾要殺大衛;他的銅槍重三百舍客勒,又佩著新刀。

17 But Abishai52 the son1121 of Zeruiah6870 succored5826 him, and smote5221 853 the Philistine,6430 and killed4191 him. Then227 the men376 of David1732 swore7650 unto him, saying,559 Thou shalt go3318 no3808 more5750 out with us to battle,4421 that thou quench3518 not3808 853 the light5216 of Israel.3478

17 但洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩幫助大衛,攻打非利士人,將他殺死。當日,跟隨大衛的人向大衛起誓說:「以後你不可再與我們一同出戰,使你不致熄滅[that thou quench not]以色列的燈。」

18 And it came to pass1961 after310 this,3651 that there was1961 again5750 a battle4421 with5973 the Philistines6430 at Gob:1359 then227 Sibbechai5444 the Hushathite2843 slew5221 853 Saph,5593 which834 was of the sons3211 of the giant.7498

18 後來,以色列人在歌伯與非利士人打仗,戶沙人西比該殺了巨人[giant]的一個兒子撒弗。

19 And there was1961 again5750 a battle4421 in Gob1359 with5973 the Philistines,6430 where Elhanan445 the son1121 of Jaare-oregim,3296 a Bethlehemite,1022 slew5221 the brother of853 Goliath1555 the Gittite,1663 the staff6086 of whose spear2595 was like a weaver's707 beam.4500

19 又在歌伯與非利士人打仗,伯.利恆人雅雷.俄珥金的兒子伊勒哈難殺了迦特人歌利亞的兄弟[brother of]。這人的槍桿粗如織布的機軸。

20 And there was1961 yet5750 a battle4421 in Gath,1661 where was1961 a man376 of great stature,4055 that had on every hand3027 six8337 fingers,676 and on every foot7272 six8337 toes,676 four702 and twenty6242 in number;4557 and he1931 also1571 was born3205 to the giant.7498

20 又在迦特打仗,那裏有一個身量高大的人,手腳都是六指,共有二十四個指頭;他也是巨人[giant]的兒子。

21 And when he defied2778 853 Israel,3478 Jonathan3083 the son1121 of Shimea8092 the brother251 of David1732 slew5221 him.

21 這人向以色列[Israel]罵陣,大衛的哥哥示米亞的兒子約拿單就殺了他。

22 These428 853 four702 were born3205 to the giant7498 in Gath,1661 and fell5307 by the hand3027 of David,1732 and by the hand3027 of his servants.5650

22 這四個人是迦特巨人[giant]的兒子,都死在大衛和他僕人的手下。