
Chapter 1

1 The beginning746 of the gospel2098 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 the Son5207 of God;2316

2 As it is written1125 in the prophets,4396 Behold,2400 I send649 my messenger32 before4253 your face,4383 which3739 shall prepare2680 your way3598 before1715 you.

3 The voice5456 of one crying994 in the wilderness,2048 Prepare2090 you the way3598 of the Lord,2962 make4160 his paths5147 straight.2117

4 John2491 did baptize907 in the wilderness,2048 and preach2784 the baptism908 of repentance3341 for the remission859 of sins.266

5 And there went1607 out to him all3956 the land5561 of Judaea,2449 and they of Jerusalem,2414 and were all3956 baptized907 of him in the river4215 of Jordan,2446 confessing1843 their sins.266

6 And John2491 was clothed1746 with camel's2574 hair,2359 and with a girdle2223 of a skin1193 about4012 his loins;3751 and he did eat2068 locusts200 and wild66 honey;3192

7 And preached,2784 saying,3004 There comes2064 one mightier2478 than I after3694 me, the lace2438 of whose3739 shoes5266 I am1510 not worthy2425 to stoop2955 down and unloose.3089

8 I indeed3303 have baptized907 you with water:5204 but he shall baptize907 you with the Holy40 Ghost.4151

9 And it came1096 to pass in those1565 days,2250 that Jesus2424 came2064 from Nazareth3478 of Galilee,1056 and was baptized907 of John2491 in Jordan.2446

10 And straightway2112 coming305 up out of the water,5204 he saw1492 the heavens3772 opened,4977 and the Spirit4151 like5616 a dove4058 descending2597 on him:

11 And there came1096 a voice5456 from heaven,3772 saying, You are1488 my beloved27 Son,5207 in whom3739 I am well2106 pleased.2106

12 And immediately2117 the spirit4151 drives1544 him into1519 the wilderness.2048

13 And he was there1563 in the wilderness2048 forty5062 days,2250 tempted3985 of Satan;4567 and was with the wild2342 beasts;2342 and the angels32 ministered1247 to him.

14 Now1161 after3326 that John2491 was put3860 in prison,3860 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 Galilee,1056 preaching2784 the gospel2098 of the kingdom932 of God,2316

15 And saying,3004 The time2540 is fulfilled,4137 and the kingdom932 of God2316 is at1448 hand:1448 repent3340 you, and believe4100 1722 the gospel.2098

16 Now as he walked4043 by the sea2281 of Galilee,1056 he saw1492 Simon4613 and Andrew406 his brother80 casting906 a net293 into1722 the sea:2281 for they were fishers.231

17 And Jesus2424 said2036 to them, Come1205 you after3694 me, and I will make4160 you to become1096 fishers231 of men.444

18 And straightway2112 they forsook863 their nets,1350 and followed190 him.

19 And when he had gone4260 a little3641 farther4260 there,1564 he saw1492 James2385 the son of Zebedee,2199 and John2491 his brother,80 who846 also2532 were in the ship4143 mending2675 their nets.1350

20 And straightway2112 he called2564 them: and they left863 their father3962 Zebedee2199 in the ship4143 with the hired3411 servants,3411 and went565 after3694 him.

21 And they went1531 into1519 Capernaum;2584 and straightway2112 on the sabbath4521 day he entered1525 into1519 the synagogue,4864 and taught.1321

22 And they were astonished1605 at1909 his doctrine:1322 for he taught2258 1321 them as one that had2192 authority,1849 and not as the scribes.1122

23 And there was in their synagogue4864 a man444 with an unclean169 spirit;4151 and he cried349 out,

24 Saying,3004 Let1439 us alone;1439 what5101 have we to do with you, you Jesus2424 of Nazareth?3478 are you come2064 to destroy622 us? I know1492 you who5101 you are,1488 the Holy40 One of God.2316

25 And Jesus2424 rebuked2008 him, saying,3004 Hold5392 your peace,5392 and come1831 out of him.

26 And when the unclean169 spirit4151 had torn4682 him, and cried2896 with a loud3173 voice,5456 he came1831 out of him.

27 And they were all3956 amazed,2284 so5620 that they questioned4802 among4314 themselves,848 saying,3004 What5101 thing is this?3778 what5101 new2537 doctrine1322 is this?5124 for with authority1849 commands2004 he even2532 the unclean169 spirits,4151 and they do obey5219 him.

28 And immediately2117 his fame189 spread1831 abroad1831 throughout1519 all3650 the region4066 round4066 about4066 Galilee.1056

29 And immediately,2112 when they were come1831 out of the synagogue,4864 they entered2064 into1519 the house3614 of Simon4613 and Andrew,406 with James2385 and John.2491

30 But Simon's4613 wife's3994 mother3994 lay2621 sick4445 of a fever,4445 and immediately2112 they tell3004 him of her.

31 And he came4334 and took2902 her by the hand,5495 and lifted1453 her up; and immediately2112 the fever4446 left863 her, and she ministered1247 to them.

32 And at even,3798 1096 when3753 the sun2246 did set,1416 they brought5342 to him all3956 that were diseased,2560 2192 and them that were possessed1139 with devils.1139

33 And all3650 the city4172 was gathered1996 together1996 at4314 the door.2374

34 And he healed2323 many4183 that were sick2192 2560 of divers4164 diseases,3554 and cast1544 out many4183 devils;1140 and suffered863 not the devils1140 to speak,2980 because3754 they knew1492 him.

35 And in the morning,4404 rising450 up a great3029 while before1773 day,1773 he went1831 out, and departed565 into1519 a solitary2048 place,5117 and there1563 prayed.4336

36 And Simon4613 and they that were with him followed2614 after2614 him.

37 And when they had found2147 him, they said3004 to him, All3956 men seek2212 for you.

38 And he said3004 to them, Let us go71 into1519 the next2192 towns,2969 that I may preach2784 there1563 also:2546 for therefore1519 5124 came1831 I forth.1831

39 And he preached2784 in their synagogues4864 throughout1519 all3650 Galilee,1056 and cast1544 out devils.1140

40 And there came2064 a leper3015 to him, beseeching3870 him, and kneeling1120 down to him, and saying3004 to him, If1437 you will,2309 you can1410 make2511 me clean.2511

41 And Jesus,2424 moved4697 with compassion,4697 put1614 forth1614 his hand,5495 and touched680 him, and said3004 to him, I will;2309 be you clean.2511

42 And as soon as he had spoken,2036 immediately2112 the leprosy3014 departed565 from him, and he was cleansed.2511

43 And he straightly charged1690 him, and immediately2112 sent1544 him away;1544

44 And said3004 to him, See3708 you say2036 nothing3367 to any3367 man:3367 but go5217 your way, show1166 yourself4572 to the priest,2409 and offer4374 for your cleansing2512 those things which3739 Moses3475 commanded,4367 for a testimony3142 to them.

45 But he went1831 out, and began756 to publish2784 it much,4183 and to blaze1310 abroad1310 the matter,3056 so5620 that Jesus2424 could1410 no3371 more3371 openly5320 enter1525 into1519 the city,4172 but was without1854 in desert2048 places:5117 and they came2064 to him from every3836 quarter.3836



1 上帝子耶穌基督、福音之始也、

2 先知載曰、我造我使、在爾前、備爾道、

3 野有聲、呼云、備主道、直其徑、

4 約翰在野施洗、傳悔改之洗禮、俾得罪赦、

5 舉猶太地、耶路撒冷人出就之、各言己罪、悉在約但河、受洗於約翰、

6 約翰衣駝毛、束皮帶、食則蝗蟲野蜜、

7 其言曰、後我來者、更勝於我、卽屈而解其履帶、亦不堪焉、

8 我以水施洗、而彼將以聖神施洗爾也、〇

9 時耶穌自加利利拿撒勒至約但、受洗于約翰、

10 由水而上、見天開、有聖神如鴿、降臨其上、

11 自天有聲云、爾乃我愛子、吾所喜悅者、〇

12 聖神速耶穌適野、

13 在彼四旬、見試於撒但、與野獸處、天使服事之、〇

14 約翰幽囚後、耶穌至加利利傳上帝國福音、云、

15 期已近矣、上帝國邇矣、宜悔改信福音、〇

16 耶穌游加利利海濱、見西門與兄弟安德烈、施罟於海、蓋漁者也、

17 耶穌曰、從我、將使爾漁人如漁魚焉、

18 遂棄網從之、

19 少進、見西比太子雅各、與兄弟約翰、在舟補網、

20 耶穌招之、遂別殳西比太、及傭人於舟、而從耶穌、〇

21 進迦百農、適安息日、耶穌入會堂教誨、

22 衆奇其訓、以其教人若操權者然、不同士子也、

23 會堂有患邪神者、呼曰、

24 唉、拿撒勒人耶穌、我與爾何與、爾來敗我乎、我知爾爲誰、乃上帝之聖者、

25 耶穌斥之曰、緘口、出、

26 邪神拘攣其人、大聲呼而出、

27 衆異之、相問曰、是何也、何其教之非常耶、蓋彼以權命邪神、而神順之、

28 於是聲名洋溢加利利四方、〇

29 甫出會堂、與雅各約翰、進西門安德烈家、

30 西門妻之母病瘧、偃臥、或以告耶穌、

31 耶穌前執其手、起之、瘧卽退、婦供事焉、〇

32 日暮、有攜負病患鬼者、就耶穌、

33 舉邑集於門、

34 耶穌醫諸病、逐諸鬼、以鬼識己、故不許之言、〇

35 昧爽、耶穌夙興、適野祈禱、

36 西門與同人蹟之、

37 卽遇、曰、衆尋爾、

38 耶穌曰、偕我往附近鄉邑傳道、我來蓋爲是也、

39 於是在加利利四方會堂、傳道逐鬼、〇

40 有癩者、就耶穌、曲跽求曰、爾肯、必能潔我、

41 耶穌憫焉、手按之、曰、我肯、爾可潔、

42 言間、癩卽除、其人潔矣、

43 耶穌嚴戒、遣之曰、

44 慎勿告人、但往示祭司、依摩西命獻禮、以爾得潔爲衆證、

45 其人出、播揚其事、故耶穌不復得昭然入城、爰居於野、四方就之、


Chapter 1



1 The beginning746 of the gospel2098 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 the Son5207 of God;2316

1 上帝子耶穌基督、福音之始也、

2 As it is written1125 in the prophets,4396 Behold,2400 I send649 my messenger32 before4253 your face,4383 which3739 shall prepare2680 your way3598 before1715 you.

2 先知載曰、我造我使、在爾前、備爾道、

3 The voice5456 of one crying994 in the wilderness,2048 Prepare2090 you the way3598 of the Lord,2962 make4160 his paths5147 straight.2117

3 野有聲、呼云、備主道、直其徑、

4 John2491 did baptize907 in the wilderness,2048 and preach2784 the baptism908 of repentance3341 for the remission859 of sins.266

4 約翰在野施洗、傳悔改之洗禮、俾得罪赦、

5 And there went1607 out to him all3956 the land5561 of Judaea,2449 and they of Jerusalem,2414 and were all3956 baptized907 of him in the river4215 of Jordan,2446 confessing1843 their sins.266

5 舉猶太地、耶路撒冷人出就之、各言己罪、悉在約但河、受洗於約翰、

6 And John2491 was clothed1746 with camel's2574 hair,2359 and with a girdle2223 of a skin1193 about4012 his loins;3751 and he did eat2068 locusts200 and wild66 honey;3192

6 約翰衣駝毛、束皮帶、食則蝗蟲野蜜、

7 And preached,2784 saying,3004 There comes2064 one mightier2478 than I after3694 me, the lace2438 of whose3739 shoes5266 I am1510 not worthy2425 to stoop2955 down and unloose.3089

7 其言曰、後我來者、更勝於我、卽屈而解其履帶、亦不堪焉、

8 I indeed3303 have baptized907 you with water:5204 but he shall baptize907 you with the Holy40 Ghost.4151

8 我以水施洗、而彼將以聖神施洗爾也、〇

9 And it came1096 to pass in those1565 days,2250 that Jesus2424 came2064 from Nazareth3478 of Galilee,1056 and was baptized907 of John2491 in Jordan.2446

9 時耶穌自加利利拿撒勒至約但、受洗于約翰、

10 And straightway2112 coming305 up out of the water,5204 he saw1492 the heavens3772 opened,4977 and the Spirit4151 like5616 a dove4058 descending2597 on him:

10 由水而上、見天開、有聖神如鴿、降臨其上、

11 And there came1096 a voice5456 from heaven,3772 saying, You are1488 my beloved27 Son,5207 in whom3739 I am well2106 pleased.2106

11 自天有聲云、爾乃我愛子、吾所喜悅者、〇

12 And immediately2117 the spirit4151 drives1544 him into1519 the wilderness.2048

12 聖神速耶穌適野、

13 And he was there1563 in the wilderness2048 forty5062 days,2250 tempted3985 of Satan;4567 and was with the wild2342 beasts;2342 and the angels32 ministered1247 to him.

13 在彼四旬、見試於撒但、與野獸處、天使服事之、〇

14 Now1161 after3326 that John2491 was put3860 in prison,3860 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 Galilee,1056 preaching2784 the gospel2098 of the kingdom932 of God,2316

14 約翰幽囚後、耶穌至加利利傳上帝國福音、云、

15 And saying,3004 The time2540 is fulfilled,4137 and the kingdom932 of God2316 is at1448 hand:1448 repent3340 you, and believe4100 1722 the gospel.2098

15 期已近矣、上帝國邇矣、宜悔改信福音、〇

16 Now as he walked4043 by the sea2281 of Galilee,1056 he saw1492 Simon4613 and Andrew406 his brother80 casting906 a net293 into1722 the sea:2281 for they were fishers.231

16 耶穌游加利利海濱、見西門與兄弟安德烈、施罟於海、蓋漁者也、

17 And Jesus2424 said2036 to them, Come1205 you after3694 me, and I will make4160 you to become1096 fishers231 of men.444

17 耶穌曰、從我、將使爾漁人如漁魚焉、

18 And straightway2112 they forsook863 their nets,1350 and followed190 him.

18 遂棄網從之、

19 And when he had gone4260 a little3641 farther4260 there,1564 he saw1492 James2385 the son of Zebedee,2199 and John2491 his brother,80 who846 also2532 were in the ship4143 mending2675 their nets.1350

19 少進、見西比太子雅各、與兄弟約翰、在舟補網、

20 And straightway2112 he called2564 them: and they left863 their father3962 Zebedee2199 in the ship4143 with the hired3411 servants,3411 and went565 after3694 him.

20 耶穌招之、遂別殳西比太、及傭人於舟、而從耶穌、〇

21 And they went1531 into1519 Capernaum;2584 and straightway2112 on the sabbath4521 day he entered1525 into1519 the synagogue,4864 and taught.1321

21 進迦百農、適安息日、耶穌入會堂教誨、

22 And they were astonished1605 at1909 his doctrine:1322 for he taught2258 1321 them as one that had2192 authority,1849 and not as the scribes.1122

22 衆奇其訓、以其教人若操權者然、不同士子也、

23 And there was in their synagogue4864 a man444 with an unclean169 spirit;4151 and he cried349 out,

23 會堂有患邪神者、呼曰、

24 Saying,3004 Let1439 us alone;1439 what5101 have we to do with you, you Jesus2424 of Nazareth?3478 are you come2064 to destroy622 us? I know1492 you who5101 you are,1488 the Holy40 One of God.2316

24 唉、拿撒勒人耶穌、我與爾何與、爾來敗我乎、我知爾爲誰、乃上帝之聖者、

25 And Jesus2424 rebuked2008 him, saying,3004 Hold5392 your peace,5392 and come1831 out of him.

25 耶穌斥之曰、緘口、出、

26 And when the unclean169 spirit4151 had torn4682 him, and cried2896 with a loud3173 voice,5456 he came1831 out of him.

26 邪神拘攣其人、大聲呼而出、

27 And they were all3956 amazed,2284 so5620 that they questioned4802 among4314 themselves,848 saying,3004 What5101 thing is this?3778 what5101 new2537 doctrine1322 is this?5124 for with authority1849 commands2004 he even2532 the unclean169 spirits,4151 and they do obey5219 him.

27 衆異之、相問曰、是何也、何其教之非常耶、蓋彼以權命邪神、而神順之、

28 And immediately2117 his fame189 spread1831 abroad1831 throughout1519 all3650 the region4066 round4066 about4066 Galilee.1056

28 於是聲名洋溢加利利四方、〇

29 And immediately,2112 when they were come1831 out of the synagogue,4864 they entered2064 into1519 the house3614 of Simon4613 and Andrew,406 with James2385 and John.2491

29 甫出會堂、與雅各約翰、進西門安德烈家、

30 But Simon's4613 wife's3994 mother3994 lay2621 sick4445 of a fever,4445 and immediately2112 they tell3004 him of her.

30 西門妻之母病瘧、偃臥、或以告耶穌、

31 And he came4334 and took2902 her by the hand,5495 and lifted1453 her up; and immediately2112 the fever4446 left863 her, and she ministered1247 to them.

31 耶穌前執其手、起之、瘧卽退、婦供事焉、〇

32 And at even,3798 1096 when3753 the sun2246 did set,1416 they brought5342 to him all3956 that were diseased,2560 2192 and them that were possessed1139 with devils.1139

32 日暮、有攜負病患鬼者、就耶穌、

33 And all3650 the city4172 was gathered1996 together1996 at4314 the door.2374

33 舉邑集於門、

34 And he healed2323 many4183 that were sick2192 2560 of divers4164 diseases,3554 and cast1544 out many4183 devils;1140 and suffered863 not the devils1140 to speak,2980 because3754 they knew1492 him.

34 耶穌醫諸病、逐諸鬼、以鬼識己、故不許之言、〇

35 And in the morning,4404 rising450 up a great3029 while before1773 day,1773 he went1831 out, and departed565 into1519 a solitary2048 place,5117 and there1563 prayed.4336

35 昧爽、耶穌夙興、適野祈禱、

36 And Simon4613 and they that were with him followed2614 after2614 him.

36 西門與同人蹟之、

37 And when they had found2147 him, they said3004 to him, All3956 men seek2212 for you.

37 卽遇、曰、衆尋爾、

38 And he said3004 to them, Let us go71 into1519 the next2192 towns,2969 that I may preach2784 there1563 also:2546 for therefore1519 5124 came1831 I forth.1831

38 耶穌曰、偕我往附近鄉邑傳道、我來蓋爲是也、

39 And he preached2784 in their synagogues4864 throughout1519 all3650 Galilee,1056 and cast1544 out devils.1140

39 於是在加利利四方會堂、傳道逐鬼、〇

40 And there came2064 a leper3015 to him, beseeching3870 him, and kneeling1120 down to him, and saying3004 to him, If1437 you will,2309 you can1410 make2511 me clean.2511

40 有癩者、就耶穌、曲跽求曰、爾肯、必能潔我、

41 And Jesus,2424 moved4697 with compassion,4697 put1614 forth1614 his hand,5495 and touched680 him, and said3004 to him, I will;2309 be you clean.2511

41 耶穌憫焉、手按之、曰、我肯、爾可潔、

42 And as soon as he had spoken,2036 immediately2112 the leprosy3014 departed565 from him, and he was cleansed.2511

42 言間、癩卽除、其人潔矣、

43 And he straightly charged1690 him, and immediately2112 sent1544 him away;1544

43 耶穌嚴戒、遣之曰、

44 And said3004 to him, See3708 you say2036 nothing3367 to any3367 man:3367 but go5217 your way, show1166 yourself4572 to the priest,2409 and offer4374 for your cleansing2512 those things which3739 Moses3475 commanded,4367 for a testimony3142 to them.

44 慎勿告人、但往示祭司、依摩西命獻禮、以爾得潔爲衆證、

45 But he went1831 out, and began756 to publish2784 it much,4183 and to blaze1310 abroad1310 the matter,3056 so5620 that Jesus2424 could1410 no3371 more3371 openly5320 enter1525 into1519 the city,4172 but was without1854 in desert2048 places:5117 and they came2064 to him from every3836 quarter.3836

45 其人出、播揚其事、故耶穌不復得昭然入城、爰居於野、四方就之、